Dressrosa - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

The fact that transponder snails are apparently also just captive wild snails. Is……..a choice.

Because what even are the logistics of this? Can all snails become transponder snails? How do they change clothes so quickly? Is there a transponder snail accessory store where you can get matching outfits and accessories for your snail like we do with phones? Are they sold or can you catch one wild? Do you need to train it? Just on what airwaves are they opperating. Is there a radius they can only take a call within? Do you have to pay for connection like are the snail 🐌 plans? Do you have to buy all the accessories the snail would need to change into or are they home made? Or does it just do that. Do you have to have a phone dedicated to people you call often so the snail can constinstently stay dressed that way? Because Doffy had hundreds. Are snail phone accessories a billion dollar business?

And finally what are the ethics on breeding snails soley for communication? And how do you even begin to do taht? Who was the first person to look at a snail go; you, 🐌? I have have plans for you. Who was that crazy bastard.

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6 months ago

Why is senor pink actually the man tho? Like dude really abandons the battle mid fight cause his opponent told him there was a fragile old lady that needed some help. I mean ho can I not respect.

And the fact that Franky knew he would go help I mean that's a bro right there. Enemy lies can't stop their brochemistry

Why Is Senor Pink Actually The Man Tho? Like Dude Really Abandons The Battle Mid Fight Cause His Opponent

things would have turned out differnet if this man baby raised doffy alone I know it. 😔✊

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5 months ago

I finished Dungeon Meshi (the anime) what should I subject the for you page and my ability to get any work done at all, to next!

There is a hole in my life and it needs to be filled by good television!

So what if I'm supposed to be watching one piece, dressrosa is hard I what to go to whole cake 😫

honorary 7th options for the first three seasons of supernatural I skipped all those years ago. Put it in the tags begging me to change my media consumption habits and actually watch the beginning of things

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10 months ago

My fav One Piece head canons


My Fav One Piece Head Canons

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8 months ago

what do you mean jennifer saunder's shrek 2 cover of Holding Out for a Hero didn't play over the entirety of dressrosa arc

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6 months ago
I Made A Deal With My Friend That I Would Lower The Amount Of Money He Owed Me If He Gave Me His Bellamy

i made a deal with my friend that i would lower the amount of money he owed me if he gave me his bellamy card. we won. (and i got 11 bucks!)

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5 months ago

i had a dream that took place in dressrosa. it was bellamy, bartolomeo, and luffy standing around and chatting. out of nowhere bellamy starts making silly noises like "bwup bwup bwup" and then the other two start laughing and soon enough, everyone's going "bwup bwup bwup" it was so precious.

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1 year ago

This will be my favorite interpretation of this arc cause the music is so fitting!

what do you mean jennifer saunder's shrek 2 cover of Holding Out for a Hero didn't play over the entirety of dressrosa arc

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1 year ago

I'm on the Dressrosa arc right now and omg Luffy I love you 🤣

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1 year ago

Finally some action!! HAHA!

Finally Some Action!! HAHA!
Finally Some Action!! HAHA!

Also, hehehehehe. Luffy getting super pissed when Law and Zoro get hurt (more so Law then Zoro since he was literally shot)

Finally Some Action!! HAHA!
Finally Some Action!! HAHA!

I'm starting to get why people like Law so much. He is quite physically attractive, dude should seriously keep his hat off more often. Here's some Law being attractive even though he's all blood and almost at deaths door ⬇️

Finally Some Action!! HAHA!
Finally Some Action!! HAHA!

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1 year ago

These two are killing me 🤣

These Two Are Killing Me
These Two Are Killing Me
These Two Are Killing Me

These are the faces of men that are so fucking done 🤣

These Two Are Killing Me
These Two Are Killing Me

The following incident ⬇️

These Two Are Killing Me
These Two Are Killing Me
These Two Are Killing Me

Luffy protecting his new boyfriend

These Two Are Killing Me

him and his new boyfriend fighting like a true couple

These Two Are Killing Me

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