The Rookie Season 6 - Tumblr Posts
Agreed! I think they’ll find a way through this. But it’s still so painful.
This is ONLY temporarily!!
Well that was… interesting. The writers had more of a dramatic flair than I was expecting.
I’m convinced they get back together based on statements from Alexi Hawley and interviews that Melisssa and Eric have done.
For now.
I just need to find a fluffy fanfic to dive into and forget what just happened.
I don’t think I can write tonight. I just need to crawl into bed and read some fluff.
And forget.
For now.
But I still say that Lucy helps Tim figure things out and he GROVELS and they get back together. I can’t listen to other theories right now.
There are three painful weeks to think more about this starting in the morning.
One thing I'm noticing in some of the fandom reactions to this breakup and the aftermath is that the characters have been put on a pedestal and are being judged against some pretty unrealistic standards. They get raked over the coals for every single mistake. I've seen it with both characters but recently I've seen it the most with Tim.
Don't get me wrong, in no way am I condoning his current behavior. He's made multiple mistakes and he's broken Lucy's trust and her heart. He absolutely needs to be held accountable for all of these things and he owes her an apology and that adult conversation and a whole lot more if they're gonna be able to be together again.
But what he's doing right now, his imperfect actions as he navigates this period of his life... it's very human. This is a man who is at rock bottom, and when you're drowning in the weight of your own trauma like he is, you often don't have the strength to see beyond that and understand how your actions are impacting the people around you. He's not being cruel (which, by the way, implies intentionality to one's actions) by breaking up with her or denying her that conversation. He's drowning.
He truly can't see that she's *not* better off without him. He can't see how much he's hurt her, and that he continues to hurt her with his actions. I don't even think he could answer her questions right now about why he did what he did, because he doesn't fully understand it himself. He can't see anything beyond his own lack of self-worth. Right now, expecting him to be able to fully comprehend what he's done and why is completely unrealistic.
Now, does this excuse his behavior? Absolutely not. But it does explain it.
And the thing that's bothering me the most is the posts saying Tim doesn't deserve Lucy's forgiveness. This is a man who has completely fallen apart but is finally taking the first steps toward healing. Shouldn't he be given a chance at redemption before being written off as unforgivable? And shouldn't Lucy be the one to decide whether to forgive him?
Again, I'm not defending his actions. He has a lot of work to do on himself and he has a lot of work to do to gain back Lucy's trust. It's not going to be easy. But to say he doesn't deserve forgiveness without even giving him a chance? That's pretty harsh. He doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life being defined by his worst moments. No one does.
This was so sweet. But also broke my heart a little bit more.

Happy Birthday

What does this shake of his head mean to you?
Is he regretting all of his choices and reeling with the aftermath of them?
Is is disappointed that Lucy didn’t follow Kojo around the corner as he secretly hoped she would?
Is he coming to grips with the fact that he can’t come any closer and still respect her boundaries? That he’s actually understanding how much he’s lost?
I’ve watched this scene many times now, and I’ve flipped my opinion just as many times. Perhaps it’s a combination of all of them. But he’s clearly dealing with his emotions here. You can almost watch the walls he’s building around them go up.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Everyone prepare your clown makeup 🤭
With the finale right around the corner, what are your wildest predictions for the episode? Feel free to clown as much as you want.
And if you could have one scene in the finale, anything you want with any of the characters, what would it be?
Clown around, huh? Hmmm...
Okay, my most ridiculous but plausible suggestion for the Big Bad Boss is Nyla. She would make an amazing criminal mastermind. I know it isn't her, but I could even see her rocking super heroine style full body spandex well. A super, super villain. Am I right?
Slightly more realistically, the Big Bad could be Bautista's wife. She plays the fashionista by day and is a criminal mastermind by night. But her husband has no idea that she's doing any of it.
Le Fiera and Abril and Rosalind were all great villains, but they're all dead, so I guess those aren't good options.
It would be a fun twist if Ray was also working for the Big Bad or was the Big Bad Boss. Ooooo.... Or Greer who started all the dominoes in motion for Tim's fall/breakup/emotional implosion and then skipped town with no consequences. What if Greer was the Big Bad? Hmmm...
Not clowning - I think Elijah is most likely, but I want it to be Primm. And I want him to be caught and for everything he's done to be critically analyzed, including the detective's examinations.
I'd like to see Celina screw up (like she's been doing all along), and for there to be actual big consequences. She needs a push to start following the guidelines/protocols better, and Nolan needs to see he's not that good of a TO.
I'm looking forward to the Tim/Lucy action scene that we've seen snippets of so far. I hope it leads to an open, honest conversation about their feelings. I don't think they should be totally back together yet, but I'd like some actual conversations and honesty and forward progress.
Well, I've got 6 hours and 15 minutes to go until it airs at my house. Decent chance none of the things I mentioned above will happen. But it's fun to guess.
I am definitely not the one in charge around here.
What are your thoughts????
Happy watching!
Snakes. Tim bradford

Summary: Tim Bradford and Reader get a call at a reptile store..
Pairings: Tim Bradford x (fem) reader, (Platonic or Romantic)
Warnings: none
a/n: It's set around, season 6ish. not proof read lmao
“7 Adam 19, we have a report of a disturbance on the corner of La Brea and 12th, possible 211.”
“Copy that dispatch, show us in route.” Tim puts the radio back down. Y/N opens her mouth to say something, but quickly closes it, focusing on driving. She purses her lips, glancing over at Tim. A few moments of awkward silence fill the shop.
“Nothing!! Nothing- “
He cuts her off, “You’ve got that look you get when you’re thinking. Spit it out.”
“Isn’t-“ She pauses, turning to look at Tim. “That address is an exotic animal store.”
“So…?” He side eyes Y/N. The car begins to slow as they arrive at the scene.
“A 211 at a store that sells dangerous animals???” Y/N says slowly, looking at Tim as she parks the shop. “I’m just saying, not the place you think would get robbed at 10am on a Tuesday.” She mumbles, shrugging.
They both exit the shop, Tim alerts dispatch that they have arrived on scene.
The store was trashed, you could see that from the outside. The lights were out, and a few windows were smashed. There were a few steps down, if it wasn’t for those, water would probably be flowing down the street.
Tim reaches down for his radio, “Dispatch, this is Sergeant Bradford at the disturbance on LA Brea and 12th, requesting back up,
Y/N leans forward, grabbing Tim’s radio. Without taking it out of his hand, speaking into it. “And animal control.” She looks Tim straight in the eyes. She lets go of his hand, entering the store.
There was an inch of water covering the entire floor. A few dead animals were scattered around, mostly tarantulas whose small containers were knock onto the floor from their shelves, and other insects. Snakes slither across the selves, and frogs happily hop around. Very few animals sit inside their actual enclosures.
A snake slithers across the floor at Tim’s feet. He draws his gun, pointing it at the snake. Y/N spins around, instinctively reaching for her own gun. She frowns at Tim, dropping her arms to her side.
“Put that away.”
“Why would I do that?” He doesn’t look up from the curious snake at his feet, his gun trained on it.” She gives him a warning look.
“What?! That thing could easily kill me. I’m not going to risk my life!!”
His eyes widen as Y/N bends down, picking up the snake. Tim’s eyes widen, he hesitates, but doesn’t follow the snake with the gun. “The hell are you doing?? It could be venomous!”
“It’s a rainbow boa- Boas are nonvenomous dumbass.” Tim frowns, but finally puts his gun away. Y/N safely puts the snake on the counter before walking to the back of the store, looking around with her flash light. After a few seconds she walks back out, radio in hand.
“Dispatch, we’re code 4. Stores empty except for a bunch of snakes and stuff.” She walks over to the racks of cages, looking over all the snakes, just examining the types of snakes and reptiles. “I don’t think they have any venomous snakes out front. They’re all in the back- and not a single smashed cage back there.” Y/N shoots a glare at Tim, feeling his worried gaze shift from her to the backroom door.
“Cmon, let’s just wait outside until animal control shows up. So, you don’t shoot any innocent snakes.
After shift later that evening, Tim went out with Lopez and harper. Something that has become a regular thing for the trio. Just have a beer or two, decompressing after work for a few hours before they get home.
A familiar voice behind Tim speaks “You seriously pulled your gun on a snake??” Tim chokes on his drink, turning to Lucy wide eyed.
“No! Of course not!” The man voice betrays him, as his voice cracks a little. Nyla snickers behind him
“Tim Bradford!” Angela exclaims teasingly. “You’re scared of snakes???” Tim just sighs in annoyance. He’ll never hear the end of this. He glares across the bar. Y/n winks at him, smirking as she takes a sip of her drink. Oh, it’s going to be a long night…
Tim made y/n pay his bar tab, but everyone’s reactions were so worth it.