The Xfiles - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Fox Mulder, Season 1: I only care about the x files and finding the truth

Fox Mulder, Season 2: Scully is the most important thing in my life, I love her- I cherish her. She’s a goddess.

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3 years ago
THE X-FILES 6.03 Triangle [in/sp.]
THE X-FILES 6.03 Triangle [in/sp.]
THE X-FILES 6.03 Triangle [in/sp.]

THE X-FILES — 6.03 Triangle [in/sp.]

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3 years ago

me: i love the x files , romance show from the 90s :)

person: i thought the x files was about aliens and-

me: i love the x files , romance show from the 90s :)

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3 years ago

The best part about the X-Files is Scully telling Mulder there isn’t a case here, and then continues to go off to another state with him and solves a whole case.

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3 years ago
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.
David Presenting Gillian With Her Award20 Years Apart.

David presenting Gillian with her award…20 years apart.

1997 SAG Awards // 2017 Webby Awards

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3 years ago
Okay So I Had This Vivid Dream
Okay So I Had This Vivid Dream
Okay So I Had This Vivid Dream

Okay so I had this vivid dream…

David Duchovny was explaining in a behind-the-scenes video that there was this thing in season 1 called The Scully Bomb where as a last resort, Mulder would throw Scully at a suspect and quote, “hope for the best.” Fox made them cut all scenes where this happened though, and then Gillian Anderson cut in saying, “If you see any scenes where my hair is out of place for no reason, that’d be because of David throwing me.”

I want to believe this actually happened

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3 years ago
Surprising A Grand Total Of ZERO People, My First Foray Into Pixel Art Is X Files Themed
Surprising A Grand Total Of ZERO People, My First Foray Into Pixel Art Is X Files Themed

surprising a grand total of ZERO people, my first foray into pixel art is x files themed 🤪

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2 years ago
S3 Rewatch - Fic Recs

S3 Rewatch - Fic Recs

Need something to distract you between calls from your partner who’s off hunting killer cockroaches with someone else - someone named Bambi?? I often assume, unless it’s clearly indicated otherwise, that fics are set in season 3, so I’m actually surprised I don’t have more fic from this era bookmarked. It’s the quintessential partnership era for me, and it’s fun both to live in that, and to see what might be the catalyst for their relationship to change:

This House Is Burning by Tesla - three part casefile about the fallout of an undercover assignment tracking a serial killer

We’re Married Now by Skinfull- undercover married casefile goodness, NSFW

Baseball Metaphors by @leiascully - fake dating, an all time fave, NSFW

12 Rites of Passage / 12 Degrees of Separation by Anne Haynes - not set during season 3, but a really interesting mytharc story written during the very early seasons

The Magician Series by Suzanne Bickerstaffe and Jennifer Lyon - fantasy AU, Mulder and Scully travel to another universe. One of the first fics I remember reading as a young X-phile.

Option 3 by Khyber - Halloween stakeout, NSFW. "Ish Hallowee' nigh', you're 'itting there 'ressed like 'Hadonna," Mulder chomped down on the candy muffling his speech, "we're going out to talk to a woman who claims she can control ghosts, and you're talking to me about professionalism?"

The Longest Way Around Is The Shortest Way Home by Apostrophic - a lovely little fic about Scully moving apartments within her building

Gold and Silver by @dreamingofscully - Scully does something spontaneous to honor her sister’s memory.

Fortune Cookie by Minuete - Mulder and Scully discuss a potential X-file case over Chinese takeout. Queequeg just wants Mulder’s food.

Like Mother, Like Son and Birthday Dinner with Boy Mulder by @lotzzoforangezoutside - a birthday dinner for Mrs Scully

Love and Bearclaws by @edierone - a verbal slip reveals a deeper truth, so sweet

Episode-related fics:

Things That Can Never Be by @scullysexual - mid-Paper Clip missing scene

Extension Line by @wtfmulder - post Paper Clip hurt/comfort, NSFW

Resolute by @agirlcallednarelle - post Paper Clip, Scully and her mother grieve together

Lovers by @kittenscully - post Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose, they discuss tarot

No Place for an Entomologist by @agirlcallednarelle - post War of the Coprophages, Scully wonders why she involved herself in the case and they banter about Bambi

Kinda’ I Want To by ScarletteStarlett - post War of the Coprophages, NSFW

When Stars Align by Katherinexx1 - mid-Syzygy sex and the aftermath, NSFW

Horned Beasts by @danascully77 - mid-Syzygy sex, NSFW

The Chocolate Sound by @somekindofseizure - post-Syzygy kiss

The Game by Megan Reilly - post Syzygy Mulder and Scully play a little game

Cosmic Interferences by @baronessblixen - post-Syzygy banter

Listening to Mountains Grow by cucumber spy - Pusher aftermath (On Gossamer so if link doesn’t work you can search for it there.)

Holding Back by @mangokiwitropicalswirl - post Pusher angst

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1 year ago

Sometimes you gotta wonder how Mulder was allowed out in the field before Scully. I imagine him working cases alone would be like:

Mulder: “Yes sir I can confirm aliens landed in your wheat field and killed all 8 of your cows, but the good news is you’re still here and the aliens aren’t so I wouldn’t worry too much. Of course being you didn’t keep any evidence because those men in black…wait, did you keep any evidence??!?!”

Mulder: “No ma’am the sergeant has it wrong, your son wasn’t abducted by a human, the obvious culprit is Bigfoot. No other explanation with a footprint that big out in your yard. I mean come on…look at it!”

Mulder: “Okay Skinner I know how my report sounds, but before you start yelling, I swear on my life it’s 100 percent true.”

Skinner: “…”

“You said a tree creature tried to drag you into the woods with its branch like arms, Mulder…”

Mulder: “…”

“Huh…well now that I hear it out loud…do you think it may have not been trying to kill me but show me something important?”

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1 year ago

People complaining about how how apparently msr isn’t relevant but keeps getting all these votes are just so funny to me because the X files fandom is very alive for a 30 year old show. Maybe it doesn’t have as many fics in ao3 compared to others but that’s because it predates ao3.

Every day gifs are being posted, fics are coming out, art and fancams/edits are being posted on every social media site. Hell I’ve even been involved in drama on Twitter so I feel like that’s a signifier than the fandom is still relevant and alive

The x files fandom is very alive, you just have to know where to look.

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1 year ago
Miss Scully,,,
Miss Scully,,,

miss scully,,, <3

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1 year ago

AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - FINALS

AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - FINALS
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - FINALS

This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.

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