Remember - Tumblr Posts
at some point, I wanna make a short list of resources frequently used by dlsite games, because a lot of people assume there's more of a baseline quality gap between "eastern" and "western" rpgmaker games than there actually is, and a lot of that comes down to the JP rpgmaker community having established avenues through which to acquire cheap royalty-free assets that specifically match the vibes of rpgs lol
How do you make an image into something that looks pixelated? Like for backgrounds and things
I draw it with pixels at a low resolution
EXCITING NEWS: As of today, all the Yukikaze novels (including Aggressors) have been uploaded and can be downloaded from this site (WARNING: site contains inappropriate advertisements) in Japanese.
Though this may not serve fans who cannot read the language, it is nonetheless a step forward that these novels can now be easily accessed if you live overseas.
Good Luck, Yukikaze
Unbroken Arrow
Thank you so much for making me aware of the DA2 full dialogue mod!! I've always hated not knowing what's going to come out of Hawke's mouth lmao. Are there any other mods you'd recommend for any of the DA games?
Hi anon sorry for taking so long to answer this!! I don't really play DAI on PC because my poor baby computer can't take it but listing the mods I use for the other games below the cut:
Origins mods:
ZevranASAP – Most important mod in all of Dragon Age. Get Zevran right out of leaving Lothering instead of having to complete one of the treaty quests first
Lady Aeducan the Non-Warden – Second most important mod in all of Dragon Age. For my GirlAeducan havers. If you’re playing other origins, references to Endrin’s middle child/Bhelen’s sibling will be female or gender-neutral. Also replaces the corpse implied to be Brosca’s in Jarvia’s hideout with a skeleton
Morrigan Restoration Patch – Restores cut Morrigan content
Extra Dog Slot – Important!! Take your dog with you without using up a companion slot
Skip the Fade – Loved the Fade the first two times I played, was over it by the third. Skip the maze stuff and go straight to your companions’ nightmares (you still get the increased skill points)
Grey Wardens of Ferelden – Replaces Wardens’ armor with the Grey Warden armor we see in the other games (and allows you to purchase Grey Warden armor and weapons at Soldier’s Peak and Vigil’s Keep)
Isabela by Fialka – Isabela appearance more consistent with DA2. Frankly she still looks pretty pasty in my game but I think it might be the lighting I have. Either way she’s closer to the Izzy we know and love :)
Dwarves are Not Mages – Replaces the mage robes some of the dwarven nobles wear for SOME REASON with noble clothing
Bug fixes:
(A bit less sexy but this game is so janky I'm morally obligated to list these)
ZevRing – Fixes glitches with Zevran romance and gives you a ring you can actually equip
ZDF – Fixes various dialogue glitches
Jowan’s Intention Fix – Fixes glitch that prevents an encounter with Jowan from triggering. Haven’t played with this one yet bc I just found out about this glitch in my last playthrough, I never told him to leave before (sorry king)
Silverite Mines – Fixes glitch that prevents you from reentering the Silverite Mines in Awakening
Sigrun’s Roguish Past and Law and Order Fix – Fixes infamous (and much accursed by me) glitch that stops Sigrun’s personal quest from triggering if you’ve started Law and Order
Joining Ritual Fix – Fixes glitch where the final Awakening companions’ Joining won’t trigger
DA2 mods:
Full Dialogue Interface – As you know, replaces the infamous dialogue wheel with a more Origins-esque dialogue interface
Female Hawke Movement Animation Tweak – F!Hawke’s walk is replaced with M!Hawke’s instead of that cartoon sexy lady shit. Can also give M!Hawke F!Hawke’s walk for shits and giggles.
Kidnappalooza – Makes it so your love interest (if not in the party) will be kidnapped in Best Served Cold instead of your sibling. Absolutely critical mod for girls who love drama and romantic rescue missions (me). If Kidnappalooza has 100 users then I am one of those users. If Kidnappalooza has one user then I am that user. If Kidnappalooza has no users then I have finally stopped playing DA2.
Anders Awakening Gold Earring – Gives that poor man his earring back after Bioware stole it from him. As if he hasn’t gone through enough
Isabela Curly Hair – Gives Isabela curly hair and optional piercings
Repeatable Romance Scenes – Replay romance cutscenes/animations between Hawke and their LI. Will also play romance animations from other romances with your current LI (meaning you could get an animation from the Hawke/Merrill romance between your Hawke and Anders and visa versa with all the LIs)
DLC away – Puts the DLC items into storage for you because. It’s annoying to do it yourself
Anders Romance Dialogue Overhaul – A few tweaks to the Anders romance. Notably a Friendmance kiss before the final battle and a scene where Anders tells F!Hawke about Karl
Anders Automatic Romance Armors – Gives Anders romance armor as well as a house robe when he’s in your house :)
Ellise Herald MOTA replacers – Replaces that godawful MOTA party outfit with this sexy little black number
Sleeping Cat for Anders – Anders gets a cat. Very important
The Covert Mage – Gives apostates staffs that masquerade as other weapons and puts them in plain clothes instead of being out and about on the streets of Kirkwall in mage robes
KS Hairs for DA2 – More hair options for Hawke :)
Zevran Restoration Project – New face for DA2 Zevran’s ugly ass
Dialogue mini-mods – Various dialogue tweaks to choose from
Bug fixes:
Import Vault fixes – Fixes various bugs from importing DAO saves to DA2, notably ignoring romances and thinking poor Nathaniel died if you left him at the Keep
Epilogue fixes – Fixes some bugs with the Varric and Cassandra cutscene at the end of the game
Zevran Romance Dialogue Fixes – Zevran will remember he’s in a relationship with you and not fuck Isabela as you helplessly watch
Planning to use:
Some mods I haven’t fully used yet but have been meaning to! Started playing with the first one on my current run but thought it was crashing the game so I removed it (then turned out that it wasn’t the problem RIP). These are bigger changes so you should use them on a new game.
Kirkwall Expanded – Adds new quests, shops, crafting opportunties, and more! Also dwarf lady NPCs for my fellow dwarf fans (Note: Since DA2 doesn’t have a force load option, this one’s kind of a bitch to uninstall part way through a playthrough)
Playable Elfs Beta – Haven’t played this one yet but am excited to! Exactly what it says, make Hawke an elf with new elfy meshes for their family
there’s a website where you put in two musicians/artists and it makes a playlist that slowly transitions from one musician’s style of music to the other’s
it’s really fun
Y'all might've found this already, but I figured why not share it here as well?
I just found this post in r/acecombat where user ALDO113A made a google doc transcript of all of Ace Combat Zero, and I figured this would be super handy to also share here :)
(Within the doc, there's also a link to a google drive folder containing transcripts for other ace combat games)
(And I also found a shortcut(?) to a folder titled "Lore entries and resources", and there's a pdf of the 2019 Aces At War inside that folder)
In this link there is definitely not a folder with every Dragon Age eBook, numbered in order of reading plus the two Encyclopedias about the world. Please do not use the link, there are not free books there.
Additional official DA media that’s available for free
(In case there’s something here you’re not aware of, and/or want to scratch the ‘itch’ but aren’t able to buy the books and main comics etc) ◕‿◕
Heroes of Dragon Age - freemium game for Android and iOs devices. Update: No longer available as it was shut down. The game and the characters & items etc which were in it can be read about on the Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age: Origins - comic from Penny Arcade, set around the time of DAO
Dragon Age: Journeys - singleplayer flash game, tie-in to DAO. Final 2 chapters were never released to the public. Update: No longer available from its original source as Flash died in December 2020 (you may still be able to play it now though if you download the official Newgrounds Player)
Dragon Age: The Revelation - comic jointly created by BioWare community artist Irma Ahmed and David Gaider, set during DAO
Dragon Age: Warden’s Fall - webseries from Machinima, set before Awakening
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening - comic from Penny Arcade, set just before Awakening
Varric - short story by Mary Kirby, set before DA2
Fenris - short story by David Gaider, set before DA2
Merrill - short story by Mary Kirby, set before DA2
Isabela - short story by Sheryl Chee, set before DA2
Anders - short story by Jennifer Hepler, set before DA2
Aveline - short story by Lukas Kristjanson, set before DA2
Sebastian - short story by Jennifer Hepler, set before DA2
Dragon Age: Legends - singleplayer flash game, tie-in to DA2. Check the DA wiki page or try this for download info/instructions
Hindsight Belt - In-world lore video surrounding a belt (Hindsight), promotional tie-in to DA2
Dragon Age: Redemption - webseries with Felicia Day, set before MotA
Dragon Age 2 comic - from PennyArcade. Set during DA2
Paying the Ferryman - short story by Joanna Berry, set before DAI
Paper & Steel - short story by Joanna Berry, set before DAI
The Riddle of Truth - short story by Joanna Berry, set before DAI
The Last Court - text-based browser game accessed in the Keep, set before DAI. Update: No longer available as it was deactivated on November 17th 2020. A Google Drive with screenshots of 95%+ of the game can be found here [link updated to new location 06/29/22).
The Final Conversation - short story by David Gaider, set after Halward Pavus’ death, so post-DAI but pre-Trespasser. Technically not official or canon since it was written after DG departed BioWare, but definitely worth a read/including
The Next One - short story by Brianne Battye, linked to Tevinter Nights
Ruins of Reality - short story by John Dombrow, linked to Tevinter Nights
The Wake - short story by Mary Kirby, linked to Tevinter Nights
Minrathous Shadows - short story by Sheryl Chee, linked to Tevinter Nights
Won’t Know When - short story by Brian Battye, linked to Tevinter Nights
The Flame Eternal / The Eternal Flame - short story by Sylvia Feketekuty, linked to Tevinter Nights
As We Fly - short story by Lukas Kristjanson
Batman is great with kids. He's kind, he's gentle, he's patient. But never towards his own.
A tragedy of Bruce being a parent, stopping seeing his kids as kids.
For anyone worried about missing anything in BG3 or replaying the game and wanting to find something they missed there’s a ton of checklists available online and I’m just gonna post the ones I’ve been using for all the acts in case anybody else wants to reference them!

doot doot
Figmentary Feelings - Adam Stanheight / Reader
A/N Another one of Melanie Martinez’s songs, called Haunted, inspired this. Omg, I think I need help with this addiction.
Spirals spun in the walls, the air smelled smokey, the atmosphere was crisp, and the scenery was foggy. You sat in Adam’s apartment dazedly, not fully awake, and tried to solve the crossword puzzle that was displayed on your phone. You had found three words.
It had been a month since you had gotten proper sleep. Tiredness tugged at your eyes, but you kept them open. You didn’t want to sleep, but you were lucky; you couldn’t sleep - not anymore.
Adam Faulkner Stanheight was supposed to come home four weeks ago. The newspapers had announced him dead two weeks ago, but you didn’t want to believe it. Adam’s belongings were still situated in their proper places, it was as if he was still here. There couldn’t have been a way that he wasn’t ALIVE anymore. You refused to believe it.
But alas, four weeks was a long time. Adam still hadn’t come home, something that occurs when a person dies, the evidence couldn’t have been more clear.
You ignored the bright lights flashing in your eyes, or the ringing in your ears, and focused on finding the next word. It was ‘lightbulb,’ and you discovered this after about twenty failed attempts.
You put the phone in your pocket. You had a visitor coming over today. You didn’t know who it was, the landlady only said you had someone coming over. You wondered why the said ‘visitor’ hadn’t given you a heads up on their supposed arrival.
You got to your feet numbly. Immediately you spotted the black couch in the living room, and your heart sank low. You could remember when you would watch horror movies with Adam on Friday nights. You could remember when you would come home and find Adam smoking a cigarette after a shitty day ATTEMPTING to take good pictures of his clients but his camera’s lens had been dusty or misty, making it difficult. This was a common case.
There were also the moments when you would find yourselves laughing and joking with one another on the couch. Sometimes it would lead to tickling, other times it would lead to making-out. The mood decided it.
You turned harshly, hearing Adam’s voice in your ears. You flinched, but you could hear his words so clearly, so… real. You groaned in agony. “I love you.” But your words were met with silence.
You turned around and made for the kitchen, but this was also a bad idea. Adam’s presence was here, too. You could sense him standing by the oven, leaning on it with his back, and gazing at you while you tied an apron around your waist and walked over. There were many times when you would bake together. Adam had never liked cooking or baking but he seemed to have fun when he was with you.
Usually you made pies or cakes, but sometimes you would make dinner together. Those were the best nights. It was always inspired by the thought that you would play a game together. You had plenty of cards and boards in the gaming cabinet, it was more thrilling to cook dinner together first though. It helped to ripen the mood.
Right now you swore you could almost smell a baking pumpkin pie, but you knew that couldn’t be true. The oven was off, and you hadn’t gone to the store in at least two weeks.
You left the kitchen then, hurriedly, and headed for the bedroom. It was dark, and though most of your time spent here was sleeping, you still got a lot of memories. Memories you would have preferred to have left untouched. This was not because they were bad memories. In fact every memory you had with Adam was beautiful, even the bad ones, but that only spelled out the problem. You didn’t want to remember them because they were good, way too fucking good. And you couldn’t stand that.
The first thing that came to your mind was the time when you got locked out of the bedroom. The lights were off, and all you had was the sunlight shining in from the living room window. It was bright enough, but now that you thought of it, why hadn’t you turned on the lights? In the end, you ended up having to take the door off its hinges because you couldn’t find the key. But because neither of you could reach the last hinge on the top, you had to stand on Adam’s shoulders and use the screwdriver to undo it. You had felt really unsteady in that moment. The noise the door made when it fell to the floor was so loud, it was memorable. You shuttered.
You stumbled forward a little as a barrage of more images went through your mind. They were different from the last one. All of them were of Adam sitting patiently for you on the bed. Either he was sitting or laying but in some way or another there was something quite risque about his positioning. You grit your teeth hard, trying not to feel…
Well that was just it. You didn’t want to feel. You were trying not to. The statement was fine as it was, but… what you had been thinking was more like: ‘I don’t want to feel sad anymore.’
Both sentences were true.
Those weren’t the only things you recalled. You could still see Adam by the dresser as he picked out a dress for you to wear. And you could see him reaching for his camera on the bedside table.
He was staying up all night with you when you couldn’t sleep.
He was holding you tightly as you cried into his shoulder in the dark.
He was stroking your hair after a long, late, night.
He was pushing you to the mattress very dominantly - it wouldn’t have lasted very long though.
He was kissing you.
He was caressing you.
He was making you feel something, you know the kind.
And he was touching you, feeling you.
Your eyes stretched wide at the recollections. You backed away tensely, not even glancing at the master bathroom, and slammed the door closed. You were cursed to feel Adam’s hands and mouth on your body. Desperately, but failingly, you tried to ignore it.
You ran out the door, but it felt wrong. It was like Adam was still inside calling you to come back. And you clasped your hands together tightly. What the hell were you still doing here? You should have left long ago, like your therapist had told you.
You began to make moving plans. Hopefully you would be out of here by next week.
I’m sorry, Adam. I’m leaving you here. But just know that I will always love you. I would never stop. I just… need to get away from here, you thought miserably. It was about time you moved out anyway.
You got into the car and started driving. All you needed was some fresh air, and a long drive with the windows down. This was your escape.
When Adam had been with you he had always insisted on driving. But you hadn’t seen his car since he went missing. You only had yours now.
You connected your phone to the blue-tooth speaker. Your car speakers had died a long time ago, so you had bought a blue-tooth speaker. It worked well enough but it wasn’t like the car speakers, unfortunately.
You shuffled the playlist, and let it play. You didn’t have the energy to care about listening to your favorite songs first; whatever song played, played.
This was one of those times. The first song that played was a song you had forgotten about. It was Melanie Martinez’s song, “Haunted,” and you listened to it intently. Your heartbeat started hammering anxiously once you heard the lyrics again. It made you feel cold on the inside, and a little bit daunted by the real world. You wanted to crawl into your bed and feel nothing ever again.
This song was depressing! You realized it morbidly as the lyrics started.
“I could pull the sheets over my head and never get out of this bed. But what would that do?”
You rounded a corner quickly, but not too sharply.
“I avoid all mirrors ‘cause I’m scared to look into my eyes when I only see you.”
You inhaled painfully.
“It’s like you're always creeping on the walls and in my feelings. All those stories about ghosts are really true.”
You slammed on the brakes suddenly as the light changed red. You didn’t know where you were going.
“I put one foot in front of the other, in front of the other.”
You gazed around. There were people walking with their families on the sidewalks, there were cars with people laughing in them, there were stores with happy customers, there were children waiting at the bus stop together. But your life seemed so excruciatingly low right now, you didn’t even know how to comprehend it.
“Slowly, I turn every corner, turn every corner. Even when you’re nowhere in the room, I’m haunted by you.”
You tried not to relate, but the deeper meaning was too pressuring.
“I light all my candles, light all my candles. The darkness is too hard to handle, too hard to handle.”
You were losing your mind, listening to this. What the fuck, this song hit way too close to home, you needed out of here.
“Sleeping is just something I can’t do. I’m haunted by you.”
You were crying by the time the light turned green.
“I can hear your talking in the distance, your persistence is so cruel. And all your words pull at my feet and I fall back in love with you.”
Your hands trembling, you crashed them against the dashboard, thrashing and searching for the volume. You found it and twisted it violently to the right. The music got louder, and you screamed in shock. You could feel Adam’s arms around you still as you tried to breathe. Honking erupted from behind you, and other drivers started going around. You fumbled with the volume again, after your shock had worn away, and turned it off completely. That was enough for today. Now it was time to go home, and try to get some sleep.
You made a U-Turn at the intersection, and drove home in the silence. Your heart was the only sound you could hear, or even concentrate on. It was so loud you thought everyone could hear it.
Once safely inside the apartment, you grabbed a blanket, and a hot cider, and laid down on the couch. You had made it about a quarter of the way through your cider when you rested your head on the pillow. It was soft and squishy, and perfect. The spirals in your vision disappeared finally, and the atmosphere warmed up. Your mind was getting the sleep it needed at last.
Hopefully in the morning you’d be able to round the corner to the bathroom without getting lost in memory lane. That was something you had yet to accomplish, but right now you had achieved sleeping. Your therapist would be thrilled.
6 year old me listening to Friday by Rebacca Black:

Hello amigos, amigas, y everyone else. It is I Morgana, here to throw some art in the void starting off with some Jumin hannnn from mystic messenger.