Dana Scully - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Scully,war Of The Coprophages (s3e12)
Scully,war Of The Coprophages (s3e12)
Scully,war Of The Coprophages (s3e12)
Scully,war Of The Coprophages (s3e12)
Scully,war Of The Coprophages (s3e12)

scully, “war of the coprophages” (s3e12)

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Fox Mulders Office From The X-Files (1993-2002)

Fox Mulder’s office from The X-Files (1993-2002)

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6 months ago
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.
Nothing To See Here, Just Scully Rescuing Yet Again Her Damsel In Distress.

Nothing to see here, just Scully rescuing yet again her damsel in distress.

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1 year ago
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only
Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional Girls Dana Scully Nothing Happens In Contradiction To Nature, Only

Fangirl Challenge: [1/5] Fictional girls → Dana Scully ↳ “Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it.”

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5 months ago
Big Thief - The Only Place
Big Thief - The Only Place
Big Thief - The Only Place
Big Thief - The Only Place

Big Thief - The Only Place

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Rewatching X- Files and once again obsessing over Mulder and Scully! I love their relationship so much!! Just rewatched season 5 episode 4: Detour, and the scene where Scully sings for Mulder is so great

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1 year ago
Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)
Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)
Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)
Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)
Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)

Fox Mulder Flirting Tactics 101 (tweet)

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1 year ago
aushina - AA's Analysis Page


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1 year ago
THE X FILES : Paper Hearts (4.10)
THE X FILES : Paper Hearts (4.10)
THE X FILES : Paper Hearts (4.10)

THE X FILES :  Paper Hearts (4.10)

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1 year ago
Have I Mentioned Recently That I Love The X Files
Have I Mentioned Recently That I Love The X Files
Have I Mentioned Recently That I Love The X Files

have i mentioned recently that i love the x files

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8 months ago

my favorite scully and mulder moments from s2

when they aren’t supposed to talk to each other anymore in the first episode because the x files were disbanded, so they came up with a code to know when to meet up

(and mulder at first is very annoyed that she wants to risk being seen with him because she’s deeply concerned about how distant he’s acting… “so what did you want?” “to see if you’re alright”. him trying to grapple with being cared for vs her trying to figure out why he won’t let her in. yeah.)

((and she runs her fingers through his hair at this covert meeting, after he confesses he’s lost all faith))

when she finds him, in the same episode, passed out on the floor of a random puerto rican jungle compound, and he grabs her by the shoulders, saying he saw the same aliens that took his sister

another covert meeting in episode 2, after moody mulder thinks he was moved to a case just to keep him busy: “is this seat taken?” she asks. “no, but I should warn you I am experiencing violent impulses” “well, i’m armed, so I’ll take my chances”

(and right after, when he said he wants to leave the FBI, but working with her is his only reason to stay)

“i’d consider it more than a professional loss if you decided to leave” <- sobbing. for ten thousand years.

episode 3, when she flew 300 miles in the middle of the night to draw his blood. couldn’t anyone else have done that? no. it needed to be Her.

(there’s another, very brief scene towards the end of episode 3, where she peeks over his shoulder and the height difference is incredible)

scully stopping her class because she gets a call from him, then flying up to New York to do an autopsy for him. and when they see each other they both smile SO big it’s adorable, even as she is holding a human stomach. krychek seems confused. he wouldn't understand, would he?

and then flying in AGAIN to try and help mulder during his hostage negotiation with duane barry in episode 5, getting furious when she is told to “calm down” while he is in danger

when she finally wakes up from her coma in episode 8- how she yells at her mom for calling him “fox”, how he brings her a VHS tape of superbowl highlights and she deadpans “i knew there was a reason to live”

(and he finally gives her necklace back- but then he leaves, despite wanting nothing more than to stay by her side, to let her be with family)

in episode 9, when they are finally back together, mulder tries to get her to stay home from this investigation to keep her safe, because he's terrified of her getting hurt again: “scully, i don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go”, he says, but she’s too stubborn to be stopped, and he realizes it’s an impossible fight

(later, they engage in an intense scientific argument over the existence of silicon based life forms, and it feels deeply charged)

another reassurance in episode 9 that she is okay despite what she has gone through: “i’m back and I’m not going anywhere” (shoulder grab!!!!) “i'm counting on you” (lingering eye contact!!!!)

when he returns from his mission to find scully handcuffed, having just saved herself with some quick thinking, and she has to comfort HIM at the sight of her in distress: “i'm okay, i’m okay”, she repeats, while he gently grabs her face, and seems to ignore everything she is saying to ask if she’s alright

(and the month long quarantine that ensued, which we saw none of, but the fact that it happened at all is lovely to me)

sharing an umbrella in episode 10!!!!! it’s really the simple things in life you know!!!

going out on a rib date… he wipes the sauce off of her face, then goes into explaining how a new spirit can take over a body

when mulder’s sense of injustice is going off that episode, so he leaves the restaurant to defend a kid being bullied, and when scully follows the mean kid taunts him by saying “why don’t you run along with the little wife?” and neither of them react (except for a few moments later when he’s staring intently at her, and it looks like he is considering the possibility)

(bursting into her motel room) “scully? you’re not gonna believe this” <- he said the line!!!! (and she could believe it, because she had figured it out on her own)

exchanging theories on murders and repression of memories: “i seem to recall you having some pretty extreme hunches”, she says, and he replies “i never have”. they both smile in the quiet of driving along a small town road.

when mulder narrowly escapes having his throat slit, and after scully nearly shot the woman holding him hostage, she runs to him and carefully cradles his head while he’s still on the floor…. oh the tenderness. i actually might fall apart.

thinking they will have free time on their trip to Minnesota in episode 13, he bought them tickets to a football game <3 and they didn’t get to go but it was SUCH a nice thought

mulder noticing that scully is in extreme distress while looking at the victims of the killings in episode 13,  but trying to give her space to admit that she is terrified; “scully, if you’re having trouble with this case, I want you to tell me” “I’m not having trouble”, she lies, and he answers “i just don’t want you to think you have to hide anything from me” oughhh.... </3

and when the killer who terrified her so awfully kidnaps her, and mulder arrives to find her, she insists that she’s okay despite shaking like a leaf, until he lifts her chin up. only then does she start sobbing into his chest, while he mumbles “it’s alright, it’s alright” to her. ohhh, the vulnerability hits hard here, especially because she had just said she didn’t want him to feel like he had to protect her! as if there was ever going to be any other option; he is the protector and he will protect what he loves, it’s all he knows

taking the little kid they meet at the refugee camp in episode 15 to get lunch, because one thing these two are gonna do is get any youth they encounter some food. and mulder gives him money for extra fries because he WILL spoil any random child.

she cuts her hand on a thorny branch left in their car, and when mulder says “let me see that”, she replies that it is nothing, trying to deny him any chance to be concerned. then when she starts feeling very ill, she keeps telling him its fine, because for some reason the doctor cannot doctor herself.

(he goes off to get the bad guy, and she is in the car hallucinating. when she finally breaks free from the clutches of evil, he’s lying on the ground, having been… like, psychically stabbed? and still. his first question when he sees her is. “you’re okay?” aughhhhhhhhh)

that time mulder was actively dying of alien poison in episode 17, so she barged in and started yelling at the doctor to get his shit together, because she knew what to do and he didn’t. and she manages to save him.

mulder agreeing to trade who he thought was his sister for scully in a hostage deal, then saying he couldn’t have told her it was his sister because he knew scully would never have let him go through with it... the terrible pain of knowing somebody so well, you know they'd endanger themselves for you...

after scully saves his life by figuring out how to treat his alien poison, she stays by his bed and gently strokes his hair. and when he opens his eyes, she was holding his arm. she smiles and says “thanks for ditching me”, to which he replies that he found his faith again (<3)

seasick mulder fumbling for words in episode 19, while she tries to see if he's feeling any better: “you’re lucky you inherited your father’s legs” “what?” “his SEA legs” (scully laughs while he is in ocean-induced misery)

when they take shifts watching the suspicious guy on the boat that makes you old, his alarm goes off to indicate his shift was over. he goes to wake scully up and switch off, she mumbles something about having just fallen asleep, and he offers to give her a little bit longer to rest. so sweet.

exchanging magic tricks while investigating the sideshow performers in florida in episode 20- her making it look like the cricket came from behind his ear, him pretending to make the nail suddenly appear

“we’re exhuming your potato” “may i ask why?” (she goes into a convincing explanation on searching for evidence, he ruins it by interrupting to say “we found out you used to be a dog-faced boy”)

episode 21: “see, this is a helium balloon, and the one thing i did learn in kindergarten is that when you let them go, they float up, up, and away” “did you learn about wind in kindergarten?” (she is funny and she doesn’t get enough credit for that!)

and episode 24: iI just came up with a sick theory, mulder” “ooh, I’m listening”

mulder brushing her hair back, asking if she is okay after nearly getting decapitated

and who can forget episode 25, the season finale, when mulder is collapsing into her arms, delirious with fever and covered in his father’s blood; she lays him down in her bed, placing a cold compress on his forehead. “we’ve got to find out who killed my father” “right now you need to rest. it’s okay” what if i started yelling

him waking up after she had to put him in a coma for damage control: “you shot me >:(” “yes, i did” (patiently explains how she saved his life about 3 times in 72 hours, including by shooting him)

him thanking her for taking care of him; her asking him to find out what the files he's determined to understand say about her disappearance

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3 years ago

This is such a sweet Scully and Mulder story!

Cookies and Milk

msr | s6 | words: 1,100

“Come in, Mulder,” she walked into her bedroom without giving him a second look. “Take off your shoes, I don’t want mud all over.”

Her heels were kicked off the moment she stepped into the door. Mulder followed her into her apartment quietly; it had been a depressing and upsetting case to no end, and when they’d finally closed it, Skinner forced them to both take a day off.

Mulder hated mandatory day-offs. He recalled growing agitated on any federal holidays when he was a teenager, for school had become a refuge to him. He never minded being labelled as a geek who liked school. Of course he liked school, he was good at sports, got straight A’s, had a few friends he chatted and ate lunch with. What’s not to like, really?

Keep reading

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10 months ago

A crack-y fic prompt but I want to read it so bad! I'd write it myself if I thought I could do it justice. Who knows maybe I'll try?? Anywho, let's get to it!

The Addams Family in a Modern Family AU

A Crack-y Fic Prompt But I Want To Read It So Bad! I'd Write It Myself If I Thought I Could Do It Justice.

What I mean is the Addams family in modern times, being followed and documented by a camera crew

Y'know, like the Modern Family...

Obviously cousin It, Margaret, Fester can all be the extended family but maybe you can even make Addams OCs or crossovers if you can pull it off

Like making a character from another fandom an Addams. Such as, Dazai or the Akutagawas (BSD), pffft– Alastor or Lucifer and Charlie (Hazbin Hotel), Phil (Modern Family), Raven (Teen Titans), Mulder (X-Files), Aizawa (MHA), omg Kevin and Linda (SPN), or all of the above lmao

If you can do it go for it!

Also with the extended crossover family their own immediate family, partners, or even friends can be included. I.e. Chuuya for Dazai, Phil's family, the Teen Titans, Scully for Mulder, or Mic and/or Shinsou for Aizawa

Anywho, imagine interviews of Wednesday Addams. I feel like at the beginning she'd just stare at the camera man in silence. I could also see her strapping Pugsley into the electric chair in another lol

The camera is always cutting off bc Gomez and Morticia keep going at it

There's like a cooking segment with Grandma. The camera crew exclusively eat fast food after that tho Wednesday and Fester would probably find ways to poison it

I think Margaret would be the most normal in interviews and Pugsley might be a close second Idk

Gomez would sword fight his interviewer

Gardening segment with Morticia

In interviews Lurch would just stare at the camera before abruptly getting up to do his job

In interviews Thing would do sign language and rapidly if he was upset

Oh, have something about 'Eat The Rich' they would be so excited to be on the chopping block and devastated if they were excluded

Just like Modern Family they film at multiple locations and/or residences

The camera crew are fearing for their lives but at the end of it they are like honorary Addams. They also become used to and almost immune to their antics by the end of it all

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5 months ago

Like I said in a recent post I have been reading lots of humans are deathworlders, humans are space orcs, and humans are space Australians but for MHA. However, I had an idea for Stranger Things!

Like I Said In A Recent Post I Have Been Reading Lots Of Humans Are Deathworlders, Humans Are Space Orcs,

The Party and Co. (mostly) Are Human Space Orcs

PLEASE look at my other post that's similar to this that has some tips and reminders for writing fics like this!!! ↓↓↓

Humans are Space Orcs, Deathworlders, Space Australians, MHA Edition
I've been reading lots of humans are space orcs, humans are space Australians, humans are deathworlders fics but ofc the MHA edition. So, he

Maybe not deathworlders or maybe Eleven and those from the upside down are also from a deathworld?

Yes, Eleven, the other numbered children, and those of the upside down are the aliens!

Eleven was abducted by humans– how the turn tables– Why does One/Vecna hate her tho???

This also means Will was abducted by aliens.

Anyway, Steve Harrington is so perfect for this trope or whatever– he is the ultimate choice imo lmao

The government I feel would be exactly how it is in the show.

Eleven could look like a human or be a shapeshifter. Idk I think people would be more likely to help her if she looked or appeared human.

Eddie can join earlier on (Robin too) and I feel like he would so be a conspiracy theorist and so would Dustin.

Omg the Russians– it'd be like the space race!

I don't have anything else rn but if I do I will put it after this lol

What if the upside down aliens did experimentation on Eddie (kinda like Will but not really) and brings him back to life???

Imagine them ever going to space, they would traumatize so many aliens lmao

Omg Argyle would have always believed aliens are real and he's really bummed that this is the kind of experience (close encounter lol) he has with them.

Joyce would be fucking up the aliens just as much as Steve. The moms are killing it, slay those aliens lmao

Maybe the government not only was trying to like make the numbered children into super soldiers but like indoctrinating them to act like humans, abide by human customs only, believe in what they do, etc (just generally horrible things)

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1 year ago

I've had one of those days

My Waterbed Sprung A Leak And Shorted Out My Alarm Clock. My Cell Phone Got Wet And Crapped Out On Me
My Waterbed Sprung A Leak And Shorted Out My Alarm Clock. My Cell Phone Got Wet And Crapped Out On Me
My Waterbed Sprung A Leak And Shorted Out My Alarm Clock. My Cell Phone Got Wet And Crapped Out On Me
My Waterbed Sprung A Leak And Shorted Out My Alarm Clock. My Cell Phone Got Wet And Crapped Out On Me
My Waterbed Sprung A Leak And Shorted Out My Alarm Clock. My Cell Phone Got Wet And Crapped Out On Me

My waterbed sprung a leak and shorted out my alarm clock. My cell phone got wet and crapped out on me and the check I wrote my landlord to cover the damages is going to bounce if I don't deposit my pay. You ever have one of those days, Scully?

THE X FILES GIF MEME [1/20] EPISODES Monday (6.14)

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