There Will Be Blood - Tumblr Posts

there will be blood? yeah i sure hope there is…
Do not know if this is for the 'There Will be Blood' Tumblr users or the 'Frankenstein' tumblr users...

either way I quite enjoy being a dressed up gentleman!


Bottom half of the short comic(?)

Me again:

I need to squeeze him

put those baby lamb eyes away boy
there will be watermarks

Hi there will be blood gang, I read Oil! Over the summer and had lots of thoughts if anyone ever wants to hear them.
Comic abt Paul Sunday/Watkins’ death, and his & Eli’s strained relationship

going back to my roots…
eli sunday *explodes into confetti*

A very personal oil birthday gift for my friend @niconiisan . Happy birthday to her sweet ass:)
Everything about them and this picture is absolutely so perfect.

i hate "there will be blood" with all my heart, but eli............. lovely character. i was enjoying every single scene with him. except of ending. fuck daniel

i mmmmm so sane i mmmmm so normal
my brain every time i practise the lymphatic massage