prelude-to-meisterzinger - тристан на тирштрассе
тристан на тирштрассе

he/him, 23 y.o. english is not my first language. a student in psychology, an inspired history lover. sometimes i draw and write but most importantly i shitpost 

30 posts

Prelude-to-meisterzinger - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago

The 'toxic Italian matriarch named Livia in a prestige TV series' cinematic universe

The 'toxic Italian Matriarch Named Livia In A Prestige TV Series' Cinematic Universe
The 'toxic Italian Matriarch Named Livia In A Prestige TV Series' Cinematic Universe
10 months ago
Just Got The Sopranos Secret Ending

just got the sopranos secret ending

10 months ago
Hello The Corleones. From Fridays Stream:P
Hello The Corleones. From Fridays Stream:P

hello the corleones. from fridays stream:P

10 months ago
The Sopranos, David Cage / The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker / The Godfather II, Francis Ford Coppola
The Sopranos, David Cage / The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker / The Godfather II, Francis Ford Coppola
The Sopranos, David Cage / The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker / The Godfather II, Francis Ford Coppola

The Sopranos, David Cage / The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker / The Godfather II, Francis Ford Coppola

1 year ago
My Italian Mother On The Day Of Her Wedding
My Italian Mother On The Day Of Her Wedding

my italian mother on the day of her wedding

1 year ago

“I’m mercurial, sometimes I want greatness, sometimes just its shadow.”

Roberto Bolaño, from “Prose from Autumn in Gerona,” The Unknown University, trans. Laura Healy (New Directions, 2013)

1 year ago

i believe in hooded eyelids supremacy

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1 year ago

i was born a beast, which is a danger to oneself; this is why i have to put it to sleep along with wild flowers under the dusty snow of medicine. however, sometimes i wonder: what if i can feel the true taste of life in the spring, when the beast and the wild flowers are awakened; when my teeth are white and bare and tearing tissues; when my scream echoes up a staircase; when jealousy turns me into a witch with pale face, locks sticking to the wet forehead, and eyes sharper than a dagger? what if the salt of my tears is the taste of life's blood?

my mind is a highland nunnery, and, like in every nunnery, there's a devil hiding in between the bell ringings. in the morning the air smells painfully clear on the edge of a cliff.

the mountain peaks should always be covered with snow to prevent this primal insanity from descending and making me drunk on the taste of it.

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1 year ago
prelude-to-meisterzinger - тристан на тирштрассе
1 year ago
1 year ago

tfw you come across some content (usually a piece of fanfiction) which makes you remember you wanna wear silk ties and sense life deeply, and you start shaking with long-forgotten passion for being fierce and true and vulnerable and dramatic like you're intoxicated with the perfect fantasy you learnt to abandon, and you wanna grab someone hard enough to leave bruises on their skin and let summer flow through you along with coffee and fresh cigarettes, but there's nobody and you're just a lonely quirky man forever imprisoned inside your mind and then you start listening to slow iamx songs

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1 year ago

how to tell i skipped my medicine last night: my eyes get watery very easily. what a beautiful sunrise, i'm gonna cry. this academic text is so well-written /sobbs/. there's jeanne of arc on the bookcover about jeanne of arc, lemme just /bursts into tears/

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1 year ago

welcome to my kafkaesque house. have a seat in this empty room without furniture. take a bite of these rotten apples. have a glance at this looped photo of a never-changing interior

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1 year ago
I'm A Huge Fan Of The New Ari Aster Film. As A Person Currently Dealing With Separation, I Find It Very

i'm a huge fan of the new ari aster film. as a person currently dealing with separation, i find it very relatable although rather pessimistic.

Beau is adorable and deserves to be cherished 😔 just take this boi away from his toxic mother & let him be safe...

(i gave him a plushie)

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1 year ago
1 year ago
So I Wrote A Drabble About A Caesar/vercingetorix Dynamic And Decided To Draw Some Illustrations. I Got
So I Wrote A Drabble About A Caesar/vercingetorix Dynamic And Decided To Draw Some Illustrations. I Got

so i wrote a drabble about a caesar/vercingetorix dynamic and decided to draw some illustrations. i got inspiration from my favorite representation of julius caesar in Uli Edel's 2002 movie with Jeremy Sisto

Sisto's acting is perfect, he conveys so much with his eyes alone and his gaze transforms along with character's transformation. also i adore his little wrinkles and skin texture, which starts showing in Gaul, indicating his age and experience

also i admire vercingetorix who is shown as a very brave, valorous, and humble man. the famous scene of his capitulation is heartbreaking. he makes himself so vulnerable in front of caesar to ask mercy for his people 😭

endlessly fascinated. i think i'll be drawing caesar some more

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1 year ago

why is it always either 'daddy issues' or 'mommy issues'. why can't it be both. like... lots of issues

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1 year ago

i'm a wild furious intense electric maniacal beast (i'm caffeinated)

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1 year ago
1 year ago

i'm sick of 'psychologists' on tiktok implying that people pleasers are manipulators using social acceptance to get high on dopamine. why am i supposed to feel guilty for growing up in an unpredictable environment & being constantly tired bc of hypervigilance & feeling like i have to be nice to stay safe which is lowkey stockholm syndrome. such a slut for dopamine

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1 year ago

tropes that irritate me in tv series. you're free to disagree but

Tropes That Irritate Me In Tv Series. You're Free To Disagree But
Tropes That Irritate Me In Tv Series. You're Free To Disagree But
Tropes That Irritate Me In Tv Series. You're Free To Disagree But

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2 years ago
I Created A Meme About How Edward Tolman Broke Up With Physics After Reading William James' "principles

i created a meme about how edward tolman broke up with physics after reading william james' "principles of psychology"

i took einstein's image from that photo of him standing next to edward's brother (richard tolman who actually became a physicist) and looking hilariously confused

unfortunately our professor was in a rush and kinda shamed me for the delay i made to let everyone appreciate the meme

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