These Drawings Also Probably Gave Me Gray Hair - Tumblr Posts
I’ve always considered doing vore art. I’ve always WANTED to draw vore art. So many characters with so little vore content that I’d love to both draw and write for them. I mean that’s why I stopped lurking and actually joined: to make vore content nobody else was. Not to mention my Wattpad covers could use some good looks.
But then I remember that what I consider the best drawing I did during my drawing class still isn’t up to the standard of art I would consume. I get told it’s good but I don’t believe them. I’m shocked I passed. I’d look at the art of my peers and I’ve legitimately almost cried.
So this is why my Wattpad covers are bad photoshops and I only write rather than doing both: because I’m usually actually okay with my writing, but in no way have I ever been proud of my drawings.
Anyway, Wilds Kratts vore fic in progress, don’t expect to see more art from me anytime soon. Bye!