They're So Silly - Tumblr Posts
Leo posted a Tiktok! The description says "I've gotten a few of these again, so here's a reminder lol"
The video appears to take place in an apartment, so clearly from sometime before he came to Darkwick. The quality is a little lower too, perhaps filmed on a slightly older phone. The camera follows Leo's socked feet as he walks across the floor, then pans up to Sho's back where he's sorting some ingredients. Leo starts to speak while walking up to him.
"What is it." Sho doesn't even look up.
"What'cha makin'?" That makes Sho look up, eyebrow raised.
"Did you forget what you asked me to--" It takes him a moment to process the way Leo's holding his phone. "What're you doing?"
"I was gonna record you making me lunch for a video!"
"The hell you are." Sho returns to the food, beginning to wash vegetables. "You're not gonna be in here while I'm cooking, we've been over this."
"Aw, c'mon, my kitchen's bigger than the one at your house!"
"Space ain't the problem. Outta my kitchen."
"Uh, this is my apartment?"
"Yeah. And while I'm cooking your meals this is my kitchen. Out." Sho glowers over his shoulder and the camera flips back to Leo pouting, then turning and leaving. Over his shoulder the sight of Sho beginning to prep gets smaller.
"He's so mean. He's not gonna let me do it, guys."
The video cuts into another, a reply to the previous one imposed over the upper left. "Have you tried offering to help?"
"What." A different day, but the same kitchen. A different set of ingredients on the counter, this time with Sho's phone propped up for him to look at. Until the soft sound of Leo's slippered feet on wood becomes tile, alerting him to Leo entering the kitchen, he doesn't even look up from his phone screen, which appears to have Nashville hot chicken on it. "I told you to stay out while I'm cooking, dude."
"But I wanna help!"
"No you don't." Sho doesn't even hesitate or consider the offer. "You never wanna help me. You just wanna film a video."
"No, I'm not filming this time!" Leo insists with a laugh, moving the phone so the camera's no longer pointing at Sho, as though this will be enough to convince him. The view becomes dark, perhaps from Leo covering the camera in some way, so the screen looks darker. "I actually wanna help--"
"You don't wanna help because if I ask you to touch raw chicken you're gonna get grossed out. And if I ask you to touch any kind of herbs or seasoning or spices, you're gonna get annoyed when it gets on you and your hands. And if I ask you to chop or mix something you're gonna complain about how you don't like the sounds. And if I ask you to clean up you're gonna get grossed out. You want me to keep going?"
". . ." Leo whines a little in protest, audibly pouting.
"Chat, he is so mean. . . ." The camera goes front-facing and Leo looks sadly into it, leaving the kitchen while Sho rolls his eyes and goes back to cooking.
The video cuts into yet another, this time in a different location, probably Sho's apartment or family home. "Please try asking Sho-san to let you stream him cooking again." There's additional text near the bottom of the screen from Leo that simply says 'Sho-chan's kind of like a spider, it's scary 🕸️' that disappears along with the reply after just enough time to read it.
". . .I didn't even say anything yet."
"We ain't doing this here." Sho doesn't look up from what he's mixing on the stove. "Don't even start."
Leo doesn't say anything for a moment, panning the camera down from Sho's back to the junction between where the kitchen arch starts and the previous room's floor ends. The tip of his socked foot is in view. He pans back up to Sho, too busy to mind him. Leo tilts his phone so the view is of the floor again and takes a single step just barely into the kitchen--the shot quickly and sharply snaps up to just barely catch Sho turning around and advancing on Leo in annoyance. Leo starts to backpedal, laughing. "I'm not! I'm not!! I'm not!!!"
"C'mere." Sho, given Leo isn't actually trying to retreat, catches up quickly, and reaches out for Leo, pulling him and the camera shot closer. Then, based on Leo's little cry of alarm and the view lifting, Sho appears to have picked Leo up.
"You can watch. . .," he begins, walking them, view from just overhead showing Sho using only one arm to carry his little friend. He only walks a short distance before depositing Leo, from the soft sound of his body hitting the surface, onto a nearby couch. "From over here. Got it?"
Leo continues to laugh, but probably nods. Sho sighs, the corner of his mouth twitching as he tries not to laugh with him.
"Good. Sit." With that, Sho walks back into the kitchen, the camera following his back.
One last cut in to another reply. "I NEED another POV of Sho carrying us and telling us to sit--I mean! Please try and get Sho-sama to let you in the kitchen one more time!! Please!!!"
"Sho~." Leo whines, sounding a little tired. The camera looks into another, different kitchen, smaller than the first one, although still likely in an apartment.
"What~." Sho imitates Leo's tone, though it's unclear if he's mocking it. He cooks, seemingly unaware of the camera on him, although it's hard to see what he's doing with the camera pointed at his back.
"I want a juice~." Sho sighs and steps away from where he's cooking, exposing what's likely the beginnings of some sort of salad. He opens the fridge and squats down to look through what's in there, then grabs something and holds up a bottle of lemonade behind him. "Yeah, that's good!" Sho closes the fridge and sits the bottle in front of Leo, just within frame of the camera. He frowns, and Leo takes the bottle closer to himself and out of frame. "Thanks, Sho~"
"Stop trying to record me cooking."
"But I'm not even in the kitchen. . . ." He follows Sho as he rounds the counter. "I just wanna watch, Sho. . .can you open this for me?"
Sho stops in front of Leo, looking down at him and the camera with an unamused expression. He reaches over and opens the bottle, removing the protective seal, and putting it aside. Before Leo can properly coo his thanks in his sleepy, pathetic voice, Sho reaches an arm out towards him. He starts to laugh, jumping up out of the stool and backing away quickly. "Wait, wait, wait--"
He gasps and laughs as Sho runs at him with a grin and snatches him up, once again with one arm, still holding his lemonade as he begins to carry him away from the counter. Leo whines and laughs, not resisting being carried and only protesting the potential spill of his drink. Finally, Leo is dropped onto a couch a ways away from the kitchen area. "You can watch from here. Stay away from my kitchen."
Leo laughs. "Can I have my drink, though? I'm thirsty, you jerk."
Sho offers it to him, then pulls it away before he can take it. "Hey. Hey. Listen to me."
Sho puts the bottle behind him, then pushes his hand against Leo's chest, his other hand resting somewhere past Leo and the camera, probably the back of the couch. The camera view moves backwards with Leo being shoved, but Sho leans in close regardless, camera tilted back to still see most of his face as he glowers down at Leo. "Stay. Okay?"
Leo lets out a giggly 'mmhm' and reaches a hand out for the lemonade. Sho sucks his teeth and gives it to him. "Good."
The camera stays on for a bit and Sho glares down at Leo for a few more seconds before returning to the kitchen.
. . .understandably, the comments are full of suggestions that he simply keep trying, wondering what else Sho would do to get him to stop, and people questioning the nature of Sho and Leo's relationship(as well as others insisting they're not together and professing to Leo's single status or that they believe him to be in a relationship with others--other content creators, other friends he's had on stream, Romeo, and of course the Inspector.)
"So noisy." Leo says to himself while watching the rising engagment with some amusement. "These are reposts. . .you guys are so basic. . . ."

grill me a cheese…..

Class photos! Based on the episode where they do get their photo taken. I limited it to 16, because I was too lazy to do more, and that felt like the "regulars" of the class, lol. I sorted them alphabetically. Below, an alternate version with regular Kenny, and the individual portraits!

I actually did this version first LOL but I really wanted to make the ass version as well.

I keep wanting to draw everyone properly but it's very time consuming so class portraits will do for now :P
(tagging's gonna be annoying.......)

follow-up to that first post that was initially meant to be in the same post but then it got way too late so i didn't finish it BUT here it is
(+ additional silliness that i decided to add in the meantime:)

Grian: Scar! You gotta be more confident! Mumbo: Yeah! You gotta be yourself! Scar: PICK ONE! I CAN’T DO BOTH!
Scar: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not! Gem: Scar, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday. Scar: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it! Impulse: ...It was a bug. Scar: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not! Gem: ... Impulse: ... Scar: Stop looking at me like that!
Tango: Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication. Scott: It’s my turn to cuddle Jimmy. Tango: FIVE MORE MINUTES DAMMIT!
Scar: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Etho: Joel, probably.
Joel: Jimmy ain’t the problem this year. Lizzie: When are you gonna get it? Jimmy is ALWAYS the problem.
*playing twister* Scar: Right hand red. Etho: *ends up on top of Bdubs* Bdubs: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Scar: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Bdubs, staring upwards: So, Etho broke up with me… haha… Martyn: Why are you looking up? Bdubs: I need to cry, but my foundation was 48 dollars!
Bdubs: I know you love them. Scar: I am not in love with Grian! Bdubs, staring at Scar: I never said who... Scar: *realizes* Scar: Shit. Well, anyways-
Ren: Martyn kissed me! Scar: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Ren: It was unbelievable! Scar: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Etho: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Scar, get the wine and unplug the phone. Ren, does this end well or do we need tissues? Ren: Oh, it ended very well. Scar: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! Etho: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Ren: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it. Etho: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back? Ren: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair. Scar and Etho: Ohhh. *meanwhile* Martyn eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them. Scott: Tongue? Martyn: Yeah. Grian: Cool.
Tango: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Jimmy and I are dating. Jimmy, Martyn, Grian, and Scott: *gasp* Tango: Jimmy, why are you surprised?!