Thievery Corporation - Tumblr Posts

This makes me think... so the public school system in Australia actually intends to make people hate learning and therefore go get a low paying job and stay in poverty and therefore submissive to the upper class... Also, by this logic our government system is designed to keep the poor in poverty, keep them in shitty jobs or not having one at all, beating them down either way, ruining their self esteem, driving people to literally unalive themselves (see: centrelink robodebt, it was a real thing a couple years ago and had a lot of casualties), drive up the prices of housing and food to the point people are living on the actual streets while the rich get richer and more tax exemptions, systematically breaking down the average person until they're completely submissive, and if you want to have a chance of escaping this cycle and go to uni for something you can make money off, you'll likely be in debt to the government for the rest of your life and you're at their mercy because they could turn around and demand that money back at any moment or even create more debt just like the robodebt hell that Aussies went through a while back. This society is designed to benefit the rich, keep down the poor, keep the poor uneducated and hating the very thing that'll get them out of it (learning), stop them from thinking about just how hard they're getting fucked by the system, while the rich slowly siphon every cent of funding from things that belong to the public such as the NDIS, public hospitals, and public schools into subsidies and benefits for the already rich, the greedy fuckers that keep demanding more for no other reason than that they just *want it*. Also, the public mental health system is designed to break down down mentally ill people until they can't take it anymore and either give up or unalive themselves, breaking them down with medications that don't work and drug them up to their eyeballs to keep them placated and obedient to the system. The psych wards are designed to be violent, awful places, leading people to either spend what little they have on private health insurance (hence the minor subsidies that make it slightly more affordable), but even then they're not much better most of the time and are still designed to break down the mentally ill because they're "unstable" and are probably the most likely to lead a riot against the system and therefore need to be controlled the most. Meanwhile, politics and ideologies are mostly distractions that are meant to keep us fighting with each-other, to stop us from uniting against the system and tearing it down once and for all and making one that actually benefits the general public and not the greedy rich motherfuckers that pay to train themselves and their offspring to more easily fuck the rest of us over. That's one hell of a theory, dude.

This Is So On The Nose

this is so on the nose

[ID: post by The Garantine quoting the start of a wikipedia article

Very tired of hearing about what the intentions are. If a system constantly produces a different outcome than the one it is "intended" for then it's perfectly reasonable to assume the actual intention is the outcome it continues to produce.

beginning of quoted article below reads as follows:

The purpose of a system is what it does

The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID) is a systems thinking heuristic coined by Stafford Beer, who observed that there is "no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do." The term is widely used by systems theorists, and is generally invoked to counter the notion that the purpose of a system can be read from the intentions of those who design, operate, or promote it. When a system's side effects or unintended consequences reveal that its behavior is poorly understood, then the POSIWID perspective can balance political understandings of system behavior with a more straightforwardly descriptive view.

ID ends]

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5 months ago

Thievery Corporation - Sweet Tides [Official Music Video]

love LouLou ♥ ♥

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