This Has Been In My Head For So Long - Tumblr Posts
Had this idea in my head for awhile
I love this au so much
Song My heart of stone from six the musical

*Me and my parent issues.*
The life as Wolfstar’s kid would include:
Sirius giving you star/moon hair clips
Remus making you hot chocolates
Sirius playing fetch w/you as Padfoot when you’re bored or upset.
Hearing bedtime stories from when they were at Hogwarts
Getting to go to Hogwarts once a year with Remus until you’re old enough to actually frequent the school
Staying at Uncle Prongs’ and Uncle Reggie’s place for a sleep over with Harry
Being the smartest kid EVERYWHERE
Have a deep connection with space for some reason, *cough* Regs fault *cough* what? Huh? Who said that?
Being a caffeine addicted at the age of fifteen
Born to be the artist, raised to be the muse (but in the best way possible)
Being adored and respected by your parents (they are the best I swear)
“That’s Professor Lupin’s kid”
Being the sassies child that has ever roamed the earth
Believing 100% in astrology because Sirius said so
Learning French before English and then Spanish (Harry’s influence)
Stealing the invisibility cloak with Harry and Luna and using it to sneak around and steal sweets
Reading books on magical creatures and becoming hyper-fixated on one of them (bonus points is it’s a werewolf) (no seriously they are actually so cool)
Having IMMACULATE style
A misunderstood genius (Regulus words)
Having Sirius looks, Remus’s brains, James’s personality and Regulus’s sass.
Being a David Bowie and Queen stan
Poet to your very core
Biggest ego in the planet (you have Sirius as a father and James and Marlene as your aunt/uncle. Everyone is doomed)
Sweetest soul, but god forbid anyone angers you
Arctic Monkeys coded
This is all I have (for now)
J.M with goth reader hc's
Warnings: Reader is female, suggestive content (its JJ, come on-), witchcraft, pogues macking on each other
Tropes: Sunshinexgrumpy, opposites attract, poguexpogue,
Bree rants: I really want to write this as a whole oneshot, so if you like these head-cannons, please give me some feedback on if you want more oneshots with goth reader. ALSO, read-a-thon is tomorrow, so go check it out, its pinned! I do also take requests, but if you do request something, please be patient, I have a busy life and I am a new writer. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGOT IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!!! Thank you! I love you and make good choices kiddo.
(still dont know how to make aesthetic boarder things.)
JJ! Meeting goth reader at a beach party. Only noticing her because she stood out. The only one wearing a black dress that went to her ankles, dark hair with specs of purple in it, holding a red solo cup filled with some non-alcoholic drink. The rest wearing short dresses or bikini's.
JJ! Noticing how reader groans and rolls her eyes at the music playing.
JJ! Nudging John B, pointing at goth reader, telling him how he thinks you're cool.
JJ! Then telling Sarah to get her man to stop being a dick. Goth reader wouldn't have a clue about this.
JJ! Walking to goth reader, getting shy and nervous as she reapplies her black lipstick.
JJ! Basically recreating the scene in Scott Pilgrim Vs the world where he first meets Ramona. "So, do you like parties?" JJ says, ending his sentence with a shaky breath. Goth reader sighs and simply says a deadpanned no. JJ quickly says me too, despite loving them. Goth reader gives them an awkward smile, not knowing what to do with this golden retriever of a man beside her. JJ slowly and embarrassingly leaves.
JJ! Who comes back to the pogues telling them what happened, letting them make fun of him.
JJ! Who sees goth reader come back to him because her friend told her she needs to socialize. JJ who is ecstatic, while goth reader is awkwardly waving.
JJ! Who rapidly takes goth reader away from his friends before they can embarrass him
JJ! who talks to you and slowly you get out of your shell. Telling him how you hate parties, and hate the music, eventually telling him you liked rock music, as if it wasn't obvious.
JJ! Who tells goth reader he has to go to the bathroom. When in a reality he's forcing the DJ to play the music you like so he can dance with you.
JJ! Who comes back and acts surprised when Metallica, All American Rejects, System of down, My chemical romance, and so on plays.
JJ! Who gets you to dance and has the best night of his life with goth reader.
JJ! Who gets goth readers number at the end of the night, setting up a date with you.
JJ! Who takes goth reader to an old creepy bookstore and buys all the books she looks at with a small amount of money in his pocket. And at the end, they watch the sunset while having a picnic.
JJ! Who falls in love with goth reader after a week of dating because she's the opposite of him. He says, "Its boring when people are like me, the conversations are as bland as John B's cooking." When deep down its because she brings balance to his life.
JJ! Who makes goth reader sleepover at the chateau because he sleeps better when she's there.
JJ! Who lets goth reader do all the witchy stuff to him. Whatever makes his doll happy right?
JJ! Who lets goth reader sage his dick because "too many girls with negative energy have been on it."
JJ! Who lets goth reader put crystals and incense all over the chateau.
JJ! Who is so so so in love with goth reader and loves their differences.
JJ! Who brags to John B about goth reader, because she's into freaky things during bed. (She asked him to put healing wax on her back and he took it as sex.)