Papa Bruno Au - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I love @space-ghost-with-the-most au so much I had to draw fanart

Have papa Bruno with baby's Camilo and Mirabel

Yes I blasted dear theodosia while drawing this

I Love @space-ghost-with-the-most Au So Much I Had To Draw Fanart
I Love @space-ghost-with-the-most Au So Much I Had To Draw Fanart

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3 years ago

"I associatethem with the sound of falling sand"

Dolores listening to her cousins sing about themselves

More fanart of @space-ghost-with-the-most au cause I love it so much

"I Associatethem With The Sound Of Falling Sand"

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3 years ago

I got an idea from this

I don’t know why, but I think it would be absolutely funny if Camilo, Mirabel and Bruno live in San Costa Roja, that somehow when Isabela, A

Low key don't like these drawings much but eh it's fiiiiine

I Got An Idea From This
I Got An Idea From This
I Got An Idea From This

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

“What are you going to name her?” his sister Julieta asks him softly, the corners of her eyes crinkling in concern as she lays a hand on his arm. For a moment, his daughter quiets to stare up at him. There’s only one name that will fit her, that describes what she is to him. “Mirabel,” Bruno croaks. “Mirabel.”

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1 year ago

I'm finding surprising the popularity of 'Bruno is Mirabel's papa AU'

It's actually makes his actions way less sympathetic. Leaving your niece who has her parents is one thing. Leave your daughter all alone after probably the most traumatic experience in her life is another. Especially considering that most of 'Papa Bruno' AUs have Bruno as a single parent. So he just leaves her as an orphan. And five years old is enough to know that your tíos aren't your parents. Just what would Mirabel think if her dad dissapeared after she didn't get a gift?

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3 years ago

Encanto au 

based of off @renrenlady and their papa Bruno au and this post 

Mirabel madrigal is the daughter of the cursed prophet and this lead to her childhood before her door ceremony to be a little rough. shes not hurt in any way but she dose hear people talk bad about her papa. 

on her fifth birthday the door doesn't turn to ash, instead it turns to gold dust and cause the house to light up as casita leads her to alma’s door witch is glowing even more. once the small five year old touches the door it changes. 

this lead to the little girl and the family's relishing that shes the next candle barer. ( their is more to that ) 

alma dear alma freaks out because she didn't choose her. she didn't want a child to take care of the candle much less Bruno's child. how could she be good for the encanto ? this leads to her asking bruno about it and to see how this change  affects the magic. taints it. how shes connected to the magic. so he leaves but not before saying good buy to his daughter and leaving her a good buy note with a vision plate. its the plate related to his wife and how they meet. this leads to the five year old growing up knowing who her dad is and unfortunately being semi raised by her tia’s. being the next head of house hold leads to her learning how to be the best version of herself and semi ignored by her abuela. not because she hated but because she looks to much like bruno. 

cue mira’s younger years learning how to do everything under the sun she could to be a good leader and her listing to the village. 

when Antonio comes mira is ready and willing to help her tia/mama. due to mira relying on both her tia’s she sees her cousins as her siblings. 

instead of running into the room and screaming about the magic she asks her siblings/ cousins if they noticed anything. this lead to a sibling adventure on saving the magic. on this adventure the each slowly lose thier powers or already lose said powers and are trying to get it back. 

they only get it back after opining up and talking about their trauma and coming to a understanding and making a support system amongst themselves. this is due to their miracle being reinvigorated by a healthier family bond until they are back in castia’s main halls and the cracks return. 

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