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New Fic Incoming - I'll Come Running - R.C.
"We all know there's only one person in this world that can control Rafe Cameron."
Coming soon!
A playlist that heavily inspired my upcoming Rafe Cameron fanfic!
Most of these songs will be featured in the chapters, however, some of them are honorable mentions and simply there for ✨vibes✨
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 70
Rafe couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation the two siblings were having. What started as genuinely trying to make sure everyone was settled in turned into calculating his breaths and trying not to creek the wood floor to give away his whereabouts.
"And he's not gonna want you be anything else other than that."
The words cut Rafe deep, but what twisted the knife was the fact that Jessie didn't refute it. He only heard an undoubtedly awkward hush come over the two siblings. Without even seeing his wife, he knew exactly what she was doing. She was looking down at the floor with her lips sewn together trying not to say what she really thinks.
Rafe knows what she thinks.
JJ was right, though. Rafe didn't want Jessie to be anything else other than herself... but what he needed her to be... well, that was a different story. The same went for Rafe, what he wanted to be was not the same as what he needed to be. Rafe wanted to be the present father that wasn't so damn wrapped up in work all the time. But he needed to be the business man his father created him to be. He needed to be the breadwinner for the family. He needed to give his girls the best life had to offer, as he felt like anything less was a disservice to them. Not to mention, anything less is something he didn't grow up to be proud of. The Cameron's were always the best in their class, no matter what that looked like. If he was going to carry out the life he was destined for, he was gonna do it right.
Rafe didn't want to be addicted to cocaine, yet he needed a hit now more than ever due to the sudden feeling of inadequacy he felt once again. It was a feeling that was becoming familiar to Rafe all over again. He'd like to think that the past week of a stalemate between him and his brooding wife would have helped him kick the habit, but it only sucked him in more, soon enough he found himself using the same amount as he did before Jessie left. The memory scared him more than he could explain... yet he couldn't stop. Rafe felt worse about the using this time around. This time around it felt like he was cheating on Jessie, as she still had no clue he had fallen into bad habits. Yet the cocaine suddenly became more tantalizing, more seductive. The drug now was doing better at making him happy than Jessie was. The thought killed him, but ironically, the only thing that could convince Rafe to stop thinking about the disappointment would be to hit a line. So that's exactly what he did. Christmas wasn't supposed to be like this... his life wasn't supposed to be like this. But suddenly he couldn't see any other way he could smile for the pictures and get through this day knowing what his wife thought of him behind closed doors.
Rafe creeped over into his office just a few doors down and managed to form a neat white line. The same white line managed to block out Jessie's long hair, perfect lips, and curves every time. Once he recovered from the high, he decided to sneak back out as if nothing had happened, even though he would feel the effects of his rendezvous for hours.
"What're we doing?" Rafe asked as he walked back into the kitchen. Of course, the question was rhetorical, as he could clearly see what was going on.
"Making gingerbread houses." Jessie replied as she set the icing down and looked over at her husband.
"Daddyyyy" Charley squealed.
"Yes, darling?"
"Mommy and me and you have to make one togetherrrrr."
Why the toddler insisted on all three of them making a gingerbread house together? Nobody really knew, but Rafe didn't dare deny his child's wishes.
"Alright, sweetheart. What can I do to help?"
"Well you can help me hold the house in place while I glue it together." Jessie stated, to which Rafe obliged. He took notice of how everyone had paired off... he raised his eyebrows at the flirting coming from JJ and Kiara... that was a new development. Or maybe it wasn't, and he just hadn't looked up long enough to notice. He also noticed that Sarah and John B had their own gingerbread house to make... leaving Pope all alone.
"Hey Charley." Rafe spoke up, to which his daughter turned her attention up to him.
"Uncle Pope is all alone, why don't you go help him make his house, yeah?"
Charley looked in between her father and Pope, who was now smiling from ear to ear at the thought of not being the seventh wheel.
"I could really use your help, Charley!" He exclaimed. Everyone could tell the toddler was seriously considering the offer. She looked back up at her father with determination behind her eyes and a point of her finger.
"Okay... but you have to help mommy!" Charley demanded as she pointed at her father with narrowed eyes. The threat somehow worked, and yet Rafe couldn't help but giggle. She was just like her mother. Everyone else snickered at the very same realization. Rafe simply held his hand to his chest and the other in the air, taking the threat rather seriously.
"I promise." He replied. Charley folded her arms and nodded her head and marched over to her uncle Pope. The two extra wheels ended up winning the contest for best gingerbread house...
- - -
"Alright, everyone! Gather around! We're all gonna open one gift!" Jessie yelled throughout the house as everyone made their way in the living room, getting comfortable on the couches and some sitting on the floor closer to the tree. Of course, the ones sitting closer to the tree were Charley and JJ, both for the same reason... pure excitement.
"Alright, Char Char..." JJ rubbed his hands together in angst as he leaned down to his niece. "So the way this works is we all get one present tonight, and then we'll open the rest in the morning. Got it?"
"Got it!" The toddler exclaimed, who was now bouncing up and down, clearly unable to contain her joy.
Rafe sauntered into the living room with a bottle of champagne and glasses, setting them down carefully and walking over to his wife with a smile. He wrapped an arm around her and she did the same. Show time.
"Alright, so I know you guys all came here with your gifts for each other... but Jessie and I wanted to do something a little different this year."
The pogues looked up intently waiting for his next words.
"Since this is our first Christmas together as a family... and Jessie and I's first Christmas... ever... we wanted to just give each of you guys a present from us for tonight."
"So each of you have a present underneath the tree, so go find it!" Jessie exclaimed. The couple watched as their friends dug through the presents, looking for the one that belonged to them, and ripping them open with fury. Despite this being Jessie and Rafe's first Christmas together... they could both agree on one thing: a free for all was necessary when it came to gift opening. They both hated the idea of everyone opening their gifts one at a time. Nobody in that room had the patience for that. Especially not their three year old.
A slough of oohs and ahs filled the room as everyone gawked at their presents, JJ got a new hat and a pack of beer, John B got a hat rack (since his hats were always thrown everywhere), Kie got a turtle themed skateboard, Sarah got some new sneakers she had been wanting, Pope got a new book he has also been eyeing, and Charley got a new treasure chest for her toys, one that was much more colorful than the one she had in her room currently.
"Mommy, look!" The toddler screamed as she pointed to her new toy and peddled her feet up and down. Her parents both smiled as her father went to go open the champagne.
"I see it, baby! How cool!" Jessie replied as if she hadn't seen it already.
"And guess what Charley?" Sarah spoke up as she crawled over to her niece with a mischievous smile. "Santa's gonna bring you more tomorrow morning!"
Charley erupted in cheers and applause as she ran around the living room, which caused everyone to laugh.
"I wanna go put toys in it nooooow!" She begged as she ran back over to her treasure chest.
"Well then let's get to it!" John B responded as he jumped up to grab the box. It was too big for one person to carry, but thankfully, JJ understood the assignment and helped him carry it out. Charley stood underneath it, her arms barely tall enough to touch the bottom of it to try and help. The boys let the box down just slightly so Charley could "carry" it as well. The Pogues all followed the little girl to her room to help her redistribute her toys, which would undoubtedly turn into show and tell.
Jessie and Rafe both laughed as they watched the scene unfold, and after everyone finally made their way out of the living room, Jessie turned back around to see Rafe standing there with two glasses of champagne in his hands. He extended one to his wife. Her smile faded just slightly as she remembered her new vow not to drink since that night at her old apartment when everything broke loose. She still didn't want to mess with any gateway drugs, even alcohol. Rafe picked up on the subtle change of demeanor as he watched his wife eye the drink in her hand.
"You don't have to drink it." He said simply. Jessie darted her eyes back up to her husband, feeling like her secret was out. Rafe just chuckled. "I know you haven't been drinking, Jess. Don't think I haven't picked up on it."
A silence feel between them and Jessie let an awkward laugh escape her lips.
"Do... you have something you want to tell me?" Rafe asked softly, trying not to intrude. But he couldn't ignore the fact that his wife had stopped drinking cold turkey. Whether she realized it or not, Rafe knew her inside and out. She looked up at the man in front of her with furrowed brows, now suddenly really confused.
"Like what...?" She trailed off. Rafe just shrugged and looked around the room, unsure of what to say. He stared at Jessie with an inquisition that gave away exactly what he was looking for. Jessie's mouth dropped open and she choked on the words trying to come out of her mouth.
"O-oh... I'm not pregnant." Jessie assured as she exhaled deeply and shook her head frantically. Rafe let go of the breath he was holding in too followed by a slight laugh.
"Well good... I guess." Rafe tried to joke. He would love to have more kids with Jessie, but he knew now sure as hell wasn't the time. Jessie laughed and looked down at the floor awkwardly, playing with the shaggy carpet underneath her bare feet.
"I just... uh... haven't been drinking since..."
"Since the fight..." Rafe finished the sentence for her, now looking at her with kind eyes and a soft smile. "Yeah... I know." He whispered, now taking his free hand and cupping her face. This is the first genuinely gentle touch Jessie had felt since everything happened. For the past week every touch felt motivated out of lust or manipulation. This time, Jessie knew Rafe had his guard down.
"It's just that... drugs and alcohol was kinda what got us in this mess in the first place and... I just don't wanna give me or you anymore chances to mess this up again."
Jessie had her guard down too, and Rafe could tell by her words. He nodded his head and swallowed the lump in his throat. Not being able to look her in the eyes knowing his secret, he let go of her face, his hand suddenly feeling cold and heavy. He looked down at the ground, only being able to look at her red painted toenails. He nodded his head slowly, managing the strength to look back up.
"Yeah... I know." That's all that he could manage to say. He had to divert the conversation. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath as if to internally recollect himself. Jessie could tell he was ready to move on from the potentially deep conversation, and she wasn't surprised. "So I know you've seen that big ass box wrapped behind the tree." Rafe said with a smile and a nod of his head in that direction.
"How could I not? I know I didn't buy whatever that is." Jessie joked right back, getting back into character like nothing happened.
"It's for you." Rafe replied with a chuckle. Jessie just looked at the long, thin box that came up to her waist in confusion. "Go on... open it." Rafe insisted as he stepped aside.
Jessie showed clear hesitation on her face but slowly began walking over to the present, carefully setting down her champagne she still hadn't taken a sip of. She carefully slid the box across rhetorical floor just enough to get it out from behind the massive tree. She looked at Rafe, who silently implored her to go on. She ripped open the beautiful dark green paper and revealed a box with bright colors printed on the front of it. She gasped, and couldn't help but kick her head back in laughter, joy now spread across her face as she looked at her sneaky sneaky husband.
"It's a TV... for the living room... so we can all watch our shows together." Rafe explained softly. What seemed like such an impersonal gift to outsiders was just what Jessie needed to see the human side of Rafe again. She could tell he had put thought into this one. She scoffed and shook her head as she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You are unbelievable." She stated with a laugh as they swayed back and forth.
"Yeah, well... I figured we could give up the museum look anyways..." He joked back as he leaned down to kiss Jessie passionately. Through laughs, Jessie deepened the kiss, now bringing her hands to his face. Rafe smiled into the kiss as he realized what she was doing. He wrapped his arms tighter around her body, trying not to let her escape as he kissed her harder and began backing her up towards their room.
"I bet Charley's keeping them busy with her toys... we have a while." Rafe whispered in between kisses as he continued to walk his wife back. Despite clearly enjoying it, Jessie shook her head and moved her hands towards Rafe's chest to push him back.
"Uh uh." Jessie replied with a cheeky grin. "Just our luck they'll be out any minute wondering where we are." She said as she pulled away from his tight grip, sending him into a fit of groans. Jessie just giggled and walked back towards the living room, passing it and going towards her daughter's room.
"And fix your pants." Jessie hinted as she pointed down towards her husband's crotch.
"Well if you didn't make us all wear paper thin pajama pants we wouldn't have this problem now would we?"
Jessie just laughed and shook her head as he made her way to Charley's room to see her new set up.
The rest of the night was spent eating homemade cookies and watching Christmas movies. Jessie and Rafe managed to put Charley to bed, albeit it was extra difficult to get her to settle in given that her favorite people were still awake and Santa was coming. Eventually the Pogues turned into their rooms as well, leaving the couple to finally be able to set out the rest of the gifts for everyone. Of course, before they could even get one gift out, Jessie shushed her husband, as she heard the creak of a door and tiny little footsteps coming down the hall. She looked at Rafe with a smirk as she turned around to reveal none other than their daughter. Rafe watched as his wife stuck her hands on her hips with sass and gave his child a knowing look as she cocked her head.
"And what are you doing up, missy?" Jessie asked, already knowing the answer. She began to round the corner of the couch to get closer to her daughter. Charley of course had a shy smile on her face as she rocked back and forth. God, Rafe couldn't take the cuteness. Suddenly he thought maybe one more hour of staying awake with her wouldn't be so bad?
"I don't knoooooow." Charley replied as she retreated her face behind her hands.
"Yeah right," Jessie bantered. "You know you're not supposed to be up!" She said with feigned aggravation as she picked her daughter up and set her on her hip. Charley giggled, knowing her mother was just playing alone, and rested her head comfortably on Jessie's shoulder. Charley looked over at her father with her big doe eyes.
"You know I can't help you out of this one, princess." Rafe answered his daughter's silent plea as he stuck his hands in his pockets and shook his head. Charley looked up at her mother.
"I can't sleeeeeeep... Will you sing to me?"
"Of course I can, baby."
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 71
One thing Rafe never forgot about was Jessie's angelic voice. After all, her singing was what drew him in in the first place... how could he not remember that beautiful voice singing freely at the Island Club that fateful night? Rafe seemed to think his wife didn't sing enough. He always wished she was one of those girls that sang mindlessly throughout the house as she cooked or cleaned or one of those girls that sang ballads in the shower... but she wasn't. Jessie seemed to like to keep that party trick reserved most of the time, Rafe figured mostly due to fear of putting herself out there in that way. As bold as Jessie was, Rafe could never figure out why this was the thing she was hesitant to bring to light. She always seemed to need a good reason to sing, such as having too much alcohol or her sweet toddler asking her to do so. Rafe was grateful his daughter got to hear her mother's voice from time to time. He couldn't get the sweet picture out of his head. He loved how the bond between the two. Although he wanted to give the girls their privacy, he couldn't help but want to hear his wife sing just one more time.
Rafe crept down the hall, waiting mere moments for his wife to get settled into the white rocker in the corner of their daughter's bedroom. He didn't dare peek around the corner for too long, for fear that his wife would see him and suddenly get stage fright. From what he managed to see, it appeared that Jessie was now settled in the rocker with only her side profile visible. He noticed how she had Charley perfectly swaddled in the blanket of her choice, laying comfortably in her lap as she started rocking back and forth.
"You comfortable, baby?" Jessie asked as she finished tucking the blanket underneath the little girl. Charley nodded in silent response as she nuzzled in closer to her mother's side.
"What do you want me to sing this time?"
This time. She had been singing to Charley for god knows how long. The thought made Rafe's heart flutter. He teared up at the idea that Jessie might have sang to his child many a night. God how he wished he could've been there.
"Rainbow!" The toddler exclaimed, to which Jessie chuckled and nodded in understanding.
"When It rains, it pours, but you didn't even notice. It ain't raining anymore, it's hard to breathe when all you know is..."
There's that voice. The voice that Rafe had only heard in his mind for the past four years. The voice he heard in his dreams, and even in his every day interactions. It was impossible for him to get away from some days. She sounded like an angel then, and somehow she only got better over time. Years ago she sang like a free spirited girl, this time... she sang like a mother.
"If you could see what I see, you'd be blinded by the colors, yellow, red, orange, and green, and at least a million others."
Rafe rounded the corner, feeling it was safe to stay and watch for just a moment. He couldn't help himself. He watched as his daughter slowly closed her heavy eyes and fell to sleep. He noticed Jessie rocking back and forth as she simply looked at Charley with kind eyes and stroked her cheek with the back of her hand soothingly.
Jessie loved singing to Charley, but this song always had a special meaning for her and the child. It was the first song Jessie sang to her daughter when it was just the two of them alone in an endless New York hospital. It was the song she always sang when she had had a rough day at work or was a little extra home sick. It was the song she sang to Charley when she was robbed of sleep or hurt in anyway. It always seemed to soothe the both of them, sometimes for totally different reasons.
"Oh tie up the boat, take off your coat, and take a look around... everything is alright now."
Jessie always sang those words more to herself than to her daughter, and the song singlehandedly got her through more hard times than anything else could. In the midst of her fight with Rafe, she couldn't help but feel like this song once again met her where she was at in life like it always had managed to do so perfectly.
Despite being stuck out in the same storm again, Jessie sang this song to her daughter, knowing that a rainbow was always shining over the two of them, and no matter what happened, the two of them would always make it through. She had more strength now then ever to keep going with this new life, knowing that at the end of the day it really would all be alright, no matter what her relationship looked like with Rafe, or what her life looked like as a newfound socialite. Had the sky finally opened for Jessie? She wasn't so sure, but she knew that her and Charley would make it.
Rafe now couldn't help but bring himself into full view by the time the song was over, now planting himself on the doorway with his hands in his pockets and tears in his eyes. He wished he could stay right there forever, watching his girls feel safe enough to tune out the outside world and share such an intentional moment.
Jessie stroked her daughter's cheek, knowing that she was now sound asleep. She looked up and breathed a sigh of relief, also expressing a look that showed she felt that moment was grounding for her as well. She needed to sing that song to herself more than anything. Rafe could see that too. Jessie finally swayed the rocker just enough to face closer to the doorway, where she met Rafe's tearful eyes. She pursed her lips and exhaled, showing sympathy to her husband. Rafe was grateful she wasn't upset.
"I'm sorry for eavesdropping." Rafe choked out with a slight smile. Jessie just laughed slightly and shook her head.
"It's okay."
"You sounded beautiful."
Jessie was never able to take that particular compliment well, and even though Rafe knew his girl inside and out, he had never managed to figure why she was so guarded about her singing. Jessie looked down, clearly trying to collect herself, and looked back up with a half smile.
"Thanks." She simply replied. With that, she slowly arose from the rocker and laid their daughter softly in her new big girl bed, carefully tucking her in. Rafe went over to the corner to turn off the lamp and walked his wife out of the room. Once he had closed the door they both stood in the hallway looking at each other with soft expressions. Both of them were tired, physically and mentally, yet they couldn't deny the need for intimate moments like this. Their eyes gave that away, the both of them looking at each other with a love and desire that still burned so bright. The hope behind their soft smiles couldn't be ignored.
"Let's get these presents under the tree and get to bed." Rafe said sweetly as he took his wife's hand to lead her back to the living room.
- - -
JJ felt a sudden heaviness on his shirtless chest the next morning. In his sleep induced coma he couldn't help but think maybe all that smoking finally caught up to him? Wait, no, that was a child... it was Charley. He opened his eyes just enough to see the toddler sitting comfortably on his chest with her head bent down looking intently for any sign of life.
Once Charley saw her uncle's head move just slightly, she poked his cheek softly.
"Uncle JJ..." the child whispered with a sheepish grin. He opened his eyes a little more.
"What?" He groaned, the facade of the happy go lucky uncle clearly fallen when he was woken up. Charley didn't care.
"Time to wake uuuuup..." she cooed, still gently enough so as not to wake up the sleeping Aunt Kie right beside them. JJ tried not to get upset as he realized his niece was simply excited because it was Christmas. He opted to get up and take his niece out of the room.
"Hey Char Char... I've got an idea..." JJ said with a smirk on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows at the toddler on his hip. She smiled wide waiting for his answer.
"How about you go wake up mommy and daddy and I'll wake up everyone else, yeah? But you gotta promise me you will walk straight past the Christmas tree and go only to mommy and daddy's room, okayyyy?"
"Okayyyy..." Charley replied bashfully. JJ wasn't fully convinced the toddler could come through on such a big promise, and the doubt was clear on his face. After all, this was the spawn of Jessie and Rafe... did he really expect her not to get into the presents that would be right in front of her and only her? Yeah, right.
"Iiiiii will just walk you over there." He replied. "Cover your eyes!" He pointed with determination, to which the child obliged.
"I may have to cover my eyes too." JJ said with disgust as he walked closer to his sister's room, not knowing what in the world he would walk into. It wouldn't be the first time he walked into more than he bargained for with those two. Thankfully, Charley still had her eyes closed as well as he opened the door with one eye hesitantly opened. They were sleeping. Thank god. With that, JJ let the little girl down on the ground and silently motioned for her to go in there and do what she does best: disrupt their sleep. He closed the door and went back to do the same to the pogues. Any other day they'd be pissed that they were woken up so early, but the truth is, they all knew they wanted to wake up with Charley to open gifts with her... like a real family.
Charley's footsteps could be heard paddling against the carpet, and pretty soon Rafe felt a slight dip in the bed at his feet as he realized his daughter was trying to get up on the bed. When she realized the bed was too tall for her to get up on by herself, she went to the very end and used the cushioned seat to get a step up. Little did the toddler know her dad had put that there for that very reason. He felt her crawl in between him and Jessie, but she didn't lay down of course. She was too excited. He knew she would be. The next step was no surprise. Even though Rafe had his eyes closed, he knew exactly what his little girl was doing: eyeing him like a hawk, waiting for any sign of stirring, any quickened breath, any twitch of an eyelid, literally anything. She wouldn't find it this time, despite her father being wide awake unbeknownst to her.
The toddler stuck her tongue out and furrowed her brows, clearly thinking about her next move. She slowly leaned into her father, ready with her little finger to poke at his face like she always did. Right as her hand was mere inches from her father's face, she heard a voice that startled her.
"We're gonna have to work on your sneaking around, kid." The low raspy voice of her father finally muttered, now with one eye open and a smirk on his face. Charley jumped at the sudden noise and retreated backwards with her hands to her chest, hoping her father wouldn't have caught on to what she was planning on doing before he so abruptly woke up. She giggled at the man in front of her and buried her head in the crook of his neck looking for a hug. Rafe of course wrapped his arms lazily around his daughter and sat up in the bed with a groan. He set the girl comfortably on his lap.
"Merry Christmas, Charlotte." Rafe whispered with a kind smile and a kiss to her forehead.
"Merry Christmas, daddyyy." Charley replied with a slight lisp. The words were enough to draw Jessie out of her sleep as well, and the father and daughter both darted their eyes over to the woman of the hour stirring awake with an exaggerated stretch. She rolled over to see one of her favorite sights: her daughter fixed safely in her father's strong arms with a smile on both of their faces as they looked at her expectantly.
"Merry Christmas, mama." Rafe whispered to Jessie as he leaned in and locked eyes on her lips. She caught his drift and she cupped his face with a smile. The nickname always made her heart flutter.
"Merry Christmas." She replied softly as she kissed him deeply. By now Charley was up out of her daddy's lap and jumping on the bed.
"It's Christmas, mommy!" She exclaimed as she kept bouncing through excitement. Despite the couple only trying to deepen the kiss, the constant moving of the bed was making it very difficult.
"Mommy!" Charley protested once again, this time much louder and now with a fierceness to her tone. The toddler crawled towards her parents, clearly trying to get their attention. It worked.
"What?" Jessie sighed with a playful smile on her face, showing fake annoyance. At least Charley saw that it was fake. Rafe could tell it wasn't. But he was just as distracted, needing Jessie arguably more than she needed him in that moment, especially considering they never finished what was started last night after their little gift exchange. Rafe continued to pepper soft but intentional kisses along Jessie's jawline and down her neck, knowing that always got her.
"It's time to open presents! Daddy! Get off mommy!" Charley said in her broken English.
"Yeah, daddy..." A different but familiar feminine voice billowed through the door. It was none other than Sarah, with her arms folded, hip cocked, and eyebrow raised. "Get off mommy." She responded playfully. Her brother turned his head, now with actual annoyance written on his face, his hands still managing to find more of his wife's body by the minute. Jessie just snickered at the exchange between the siblings.
"Daddy's about to open his present." Rafe snapped right back at his sister, which earned a disgusted look from Sarah and a swift slap from his wife.
"You're ridiculous!" Jessie laughed as she got out of bed, earning a groan from her husband. She picked up Charley and took her to the living room, but not before stopping at the door with her sister in law.
"We'll be waiting." Sarah said obnoxiously.
"Yeah, well, you're gonna have to give me a minute." Rafe said nonchalantly as he rested his head on the headboard, clearly in no rush to get out from under the covers. Both Jessie and Sarah knew why.
"Oh god." Sarah scoffed as she rolled her eyes and walked the rest of the way out of the room to meet the Pogues by the tree. Jessie once again couldn't help but laugh. Rafe was too easily flustered sometimes.
"Hey Jessie, wait here?" Rafe asked before she could close the door.
"Rafe, I'm not-"
"That's not what I meant... I meant, I have something for you out in the living room but I don't want you to see it without me."
Jessie hesitated, feeling like this might definitely be a trap to get her back in bed, but she could tell he had a new plea on his face, a sincere one. So, she handed the toddler off to Sarah and waited for Rafe.
Once Rafe got out of bed and put his sweatpants on, he took Jessie's hand in his with a smile and led her out to the living room, where all the Pogues awaited. Of course, once again, Charley and JJ were seated perfectly by the tree Indian style waiting patiently. Jessie couldn't hold her focus on them for too long due to the obvious new addition in their living room.
"Oh my gosh! Rafe!" Jessie gasped as she looked at the new sectional couch that replaced the stupid white cashmere one she hated. This one was much darker, and was a soft material that could withstand the whims of a three year old. Jessie laughed at the thought that her husband had put into the gift. Rafe beamed as he saw how excited she got.
"Why're you freaking out, Jess? It's just a couch?" JJ sassed, clearly not impressed and more so confused. The Pogues didn't want to admit it, but they were confused as well. It was just a couch... right?
Oh how wrong they were, much like the tv, this was another step in the right direction. Another chance for Rafe to prove that he was listening to his wife. Another reason for her to believe that she wasn't just some pawn in this game of business, but his partner in life. Jessie's face showed that gratitude. She shook her head in disbelief with a smile on her face as she pulled Rafe in for a passionate kiss. He accepted it by pulling her in by her waist. JJ couldn't help but let out a clear groan of disapproval.
"Get a room!" John B spoke up, now hopping on the bandwagon with his best friend. The couple laughed and looked at their daughter, who looked like she had ants in her pants. Jessie could tell she simply couldn't wait any longer, and the silence was killing the toddler.
"Go on Charley!" Jessie answered her child's silent plea, which resulted in her of course ripping into everything she saw like a tornado.
Jessie and Rafe took a seat on their brand new comfy couch as they watched their new family open all the gifts they deserved. For once in a long time, the two of them felt like they really were going to be alright. Even the magic of Christmas was able to mask the rift between them, at least for one day.
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 72
Rafe looked in the mirror of the master bathroom as he adjusted his black tie against his white collared shirt, making sure it was just as tight and perfectly ironed as his father taught him. The time had finally come for this damn New Year's Eve party that the shareholders— and Jessie— insisted on having. What started out as a small intimate party that would be held in their new upper west side home was now a large event that had to be held in the grand Central Park hall on the first floor of the building. That was mostly thanks to Jessie inviting her overly extended family from the Manhattan Mayhem. That was a whole new argument that carried on the day after Christmas and lasted up until this very moment. Rafe clearly wasn't happy about the arrangement, mainly for fear of mixing too much business with pleasure, but Jessie insisted it would be a good way to mix her world and his.
"Charley!" Rafe heard the thundering voice of his wife through the bedroom as she walked into the bathroom to find her earrings she had left by the sink. There she stood, putting in her gold earrings. She was wearing a white, form fitted, strapless dress with matching silk gloves. Rafe couldn't deny that she looked stunning, but he peeled his eyes away from the girl in the mirror to focus back on himself. Like she had done most of the week, she dismissed him as she fixed her jewelry and put on his favorite perfume. God, she still was playing that game oh so well. She still knew how to break him down. Despite the two still not seeing eye to eye all week, they still didn't need words to say exactly what they were thinking... good or bad.
Suddenly he heard his favorite footsteps running down the hall and into their bedroom, stopping at the bathroom door to look up at her mother, waiting for further instruction.
"Come here, baby, I've gotta fix your hair." Jessie answered as she grabbed the toddler to set her up on the sink, getting the last few curls perfect. In the meantime, Rafe went to go grab his suit jacket, but not before giving a subtle but important reminder to his girls.
"We've gotta be downstairs in five minutes." He simply said as he walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to give his wife more than a glance. He heard Jessie mumble in simple understanding as he walked to his office. Before he could get there he ran smack into a blonde boy who clearly wasn't paying attention as he came out of Charley's room.
"Woah! Dude, sorry." JJ exclaimed with a small chuckle as he bounced off the slightly taller figure, adjusting the cuffs of his white button up and the hem of his black vest. To his behest, he was dressed to the nines as well. All the Pogues were. If they wanted to be apart of a black tie event, they had to be in dress code, and that was nonnegotiable.
"Watch it." Rafe seethed as he shuffled right past his brother in law.
"Easy dude." JJ snapped back, grabbing a firm hold of Rafe's arm to turn him around to face his serious expression. "I was looking for Charley because I heard Jess call for her... do you know where she is?"
"She's in the bathroom with Jessie."
"Ok good..." JJ replied, now having let go of the man in front of him. Rafe took his first trudge forward but was stopped again by the blonde's words. "Rafe... just because Jessie's on edge about this party doesn't mean you have to be. You guys have been walking on eggshells all week... give it up dude..."
Rafe simply rolled his eyes and exhaled, blowing off the suggestion and walking away. But of course, Maybanks always got the last word.
"Rafe..." JJ said once again, causing his brother in law to look back with a locked jaw out of annoyance. "Partying... it's what you and Jess do best..." He finished with a shrug of his shoulders and a sentiment behind his voice that showed he was hoping Rafe would lighten up and let loose. Rafe could tell JJ wanted to see the couple genuinely have fun tonight. But Rafe couldn't help but feel like partying was what him Jessie used to do best. Nowadays, they were anything but carefree. Nowadays there were far more secrets, endless responsibilities... and one special little girl to consider. Still, Rafe blew him off once again and marched to his office.
The wooden door opened with a squeak as he walked in and found his suit jacket lying comfortably on the back of his chair. He quickly put she rest of his ensemble on and reached for his desk drawer. As he opened the drawer he studied the contents of it intentionally... his keys... his wallet... ah, there it was. Rafe reached down to grab the black velvet box that he had stowed away so perfectly until the time was right.
* * *
The truth was, when Rafe had sold Tanneyhill, before he had the house all packed up, he looked through his mother's old stuff once more. He knew exactly where Ward used to keep her belongings. Even though Ward of course loved Rose, he still felt it was only right to hold onto some things that belonged to his first wife. After all, she was the mother of his children. As Rafe rummaged through all of his mom's things he found exactly what he was looking for... her wedding ring. He opened the modest box to find a pristine gold band with a single, perfectly placed, four prong square diamond right in the middle. As he looked at the ring that he hadn't observed in years, he was reminded how much of a simpleton his mom was, much like his wife. Classic, timeless, and of course not a scratch or smudge on the thing.
* * * The day that Jessie walked back into Rafe's life he couldn't get the thought out of his head. Frankly, even before the Bahamas he had always dreamed of one day giving her the ring she deserved. She still had no idea where the first ring came from, but this time he had every intention of telling her from where this one originated. He just knew the timing had to be right... no, it had to be perfect. Despite the disagreements between the two of them, Rafe was confident tonight would be a perfect night for Jessie to receive the gift that he had been so anxious to give her for years. He had high hopes that this would be yet another step in the right direction. He stuck the box securely in his pocket.
As he was about to shut the desk drawer, he couldn't ignore the coke sitting there... calling to him, like it had been for months now. But Rafe was proud of himself, he hadn't used all day. He had hoped to be completely sober minded for the first time in a long time as he looked into Jessie's eyes to give her that ring. He also hoped to be that way considering all the guests he would have to impress. Being strung out, no matter how good he was at hiding, wasn't exactly the ideal state for him to be in at such a high stakes event. He wanted to be alert and ready for whatever was to come, and with known gang members mixing with ruthless business men, who knows what could occur, right?
Still, as the stress of the impending night weighed down on him more with each breath, he couldn't stop staring at the little white bag of cocaine. He narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips, and clinched his fist so tight he could feel his fingernails digging into his palms. He currently had one foot in each camp at the moment, trying to determine if he could make it through this night without at least a little hit.
Rafe grew only more frustrated with himself as he waged the war inside of him. He set his hands on the desk and hung his head and closed his eyes, looking for some relief, but he wouldn't find it considering the tension in his back was impossible to release. He popped up in an instant and smacked himself on the cheek, trying to get himself back in the mental game. He needed to stay focused.
"Come on!" He whispered to only himself as he paced behind his desk. He put his hands on his hips and exhaled as he looked one last time at the coke in front of him. Without one more thought, he snatched the coke in his hand and shoved it straight into the other pocket of his pants and walked out the door. He almost did the motions quick enough to convince himself he never did it at all, but of course, he wasn't that good at fooling himself. He grabbed his keys and his wallet as well, stuffing them into the same pocket.
Rafe slammed the desk drawer shut out of anger and determination, allowing the contents to rattle around aimlessly, still telling himself that he wouldn't use the drugs, but he'd keep them close by just in case. He cleared his throat and wiped his face as he marched out of his office, somehow even more pissed than when he walked in.
He walked down the hallway to see his wife and daughter in beautiful white dresses. He also noticed all the Pogues were dressed handsomely and ready to go. As he laid eyes on them he attempted to calm himself down and keep his composure.
"We ready to go?" Rafe asked as he close his hands together with a half smile. Everyone turned to face him with smiles of their own, each pairing off with one another. Much like during the gingerbread contest, Pope held Charley on his hip and considered her his plus one for the night, seeing as he was the only one without a date. Jessie was secretly hoping to get him a girl tonight.
"Yep!" Jessie replied with enthusiasm. Rafe simply extended his arm, allowing Jessie to wrap hers comfortably through it and walk in step out the front door and down to the grand hall.
- - -
Hours had passed and the party was finally starting to get just a little bit looser, however, not too much, considering this was still very much a game of appearances. Rafe made it very clear this wasn't supposed to turn into the midsummers after party.
However, that didn't stop Sarah Cameron from having a good time.
Jessie walked up to the open bar, where she found the teenager utterly drunk and laying her head down on the high top. She pushed her brows together in concern as she touched her sister in laws back to try and alert her that she was there.
"Sarah? Are you okay?" Jessie asked with concern laced in her voice. Sarah snapped her head up in shock, but quickly head her forehead and tried to regain her focus. Jessie could tell the room was spinning for her. She gripped her shoulders and looked a little closer at her.
"Huh? What, y-yeah, I'm fine." Sarah mumbled as she tried to lay her head back down on the bar in front of her.
"Sarah!" Jessie snapped, just barely over a whisper so as not to alarm anyone. "Where's John B?"
"I think he went to go get me some more wine."
"Sarah..." Jessie said with raised brows with clear worry across her face at how shit faced this girl was. Sarah opened her eyes just a little bit more, waiting for Jessie's next words. "You are at the bar."
Sarah looked around and suddenly was amazed.
"Huh... I guess I am... well then I don't know where John B is." Sarah replied with a slight giggle. But Jessie found the situation anything but funny.
"Sarah! You've gotta sober up! Rafe is going to kill you if you embarrass him or ruin this for anyone!" Jessie demanded, but by the time she finished her sentence Sarah was already out like a light on the table once again. "I'm going to get you some water... don't move." Jessie scoffed, knowing Sarah wouldn't dare to go anywhere. If she did she'd end up on the floor in seconds. She looked frantically around the party, trying to steer clear of her husband and stay on her mission to find some water and maybe even some carbs to get the girl grounded. Unfortunately, she was pulled out of her thoughts by stumbling into a man in front of her.
"Oh!" Jessie cried, trying to stop herself from stumbling back. Luckily, Rafe wrapped his hands around her arms to stop her.
"Woah, there, babe. Watch where you're going." Rafe joked as he held his wife steady with a beaming smile.
"Sorry." She laughed awkwardly. She really wanted to stay on task, but she knew now she couldn't.
"I feel like I haven't seen you all night..." Rafe whispered kindly as he stepped closer to brush some hair out of her face. He brought her chin up for her gaze to meet his. He had a genuine love behind them that she hadn't seen in months. He seemed... more clear headed... than usual. Jessie didn't know what to say, for she was too wrapped up in her husband's beautiful blue eyes. They seemed especially piercing tonight, and this time, not out of an anger or passiveness that was fueled behind them. "Wanna dance?" He asked with a hope in his voice. Jessie hated to cut the moment short, but all she could think about was how Rafe was sure to blow a fuse if he saw his sister splashed out at the bar.
"Uh... w-where's Charley?" Jessie asked, trying to look for any reason to go do something else.
"She's with Pope... remember?" Rafe responded, suddenly with a little confusion as he looked deeper into his wife's eyes.
"Oh, yeah." She replied with a nod of her head and looking down at the floor, feeling like she had been caught. Rafe decided to brush it off.
"So may I have this dance?" Rafe said in a feigned British accent as he cleared his throat and "fixed" his tie. The exaggerated action made Jessie laughed, and she admired the man who now had his hand extended in invitation. She took it with gratitude.
"Of course you may." She replied.
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Author's Note
Please don't kill me. Haha!
I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for reading, voting, and especially for commenting. I have loved seeing you guys feel the same rollercoaster of emotion that I have as I wrote this book.
I know the ending is less than ideal, but I am hoping that you see the beauty in it. This is a book where it is not always crystal clear who the villain is. Both Jessie and Rafe have complicated dynamics and backstories that make them who they are and that make the give and take even more conflicting for the reader, which was exactly what I was going for. I know this type of story is not everyone's favorite, but I am never opposed to a story that is deeper than the "fairy tale" ending that we all would like to see. I hope you guys have read this book and have appreciated the ability for the sometimes grey area in the misunderstood, vulnerable characters like Rafe and Jessie. I, for one, am a sucker for the angst. Haha!
That being said, I am so open to continuing this story (and have quite a few ideas already actually) if that is what you guys want to see. Are you guys happy with Jessie and Rafe being done for good? Do you want to see them still try? Do you want to know how they make their new dynamic work? I would love to know!
Again... thank you guys for reading. I needed to write this more than you guys needed to read it, so thanks for being apart of the therapy session.
Depending on the responses, you may or may not be hearing from me in the near future regarding a sequel... love you guys!
J.M with goth reader hc's
Warnings: Reader is female, suggestive content (its JJ, come on-), witchcraft, pogues macking on each other
Tropes: Sunshinexgrumpy, opposites attract, poguexpogue,
Bree rants: I really want to write this as a whole oneshot, so if you like these head-cannons, please give me some feedback on if you want more oneshots with goth reader. ALSO, read-a-thon is tomorrow, so go check it out, its pinned! I do also take requests, but if you do request something, please be patient, I have a busy life and I am a new writer. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGOT IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!!! Thank you! I love you and make good choices kiddo.
(still dont know how to make aesthetic boarder things.)
JJ! Meeting goth reader at a beach party. Only noticing her because she stood out. The only one wearing a black dress that went to her ankles, dark hair with specs of purple in it, holding a red solo cup filled with some non-alcoholic drink. The rest wearing short dresses or bikini's.
JJ! Noticing how reader groans and rolls her eyes at the music playing.
JJ! Nudging John B, pointing at goth reader, telling him how he thinks you're cool.
JJ! Then telling Sarah to get her man to stop being a dick. Goth reader wouldn't have a clue about this.
JJ! Walking to goth reader, getting shy and nervous as she reapplies her black lipstick.
JJ! Basically recreating the scene in Scott Pilgrim Vs the world where he first meets Ramona. "So, do you like parties?" JJ says, ending his sentence with a shaky breath. Goth reader sighs and simply says a deadpanned no. JJ quickly says me too, despite loving them. Goth reader gives them an awkward smile, not knowing what to do with this golden retriever of a man beside her. JJ slowly and embarrassingly leaves.
JJ! Who comes back to the pogues telling them what happened, letting them make fun of him.
JJ! Who sees goth reader come back to him because her friend told her she needs to socialize. JJ who is ecstatic, while goth reader is awkwardly waving.
JJ! Who rapidly takes goth reader away from his friends before they can embarrass him
JJ! who talks to you and slowly you get out of your shell. Telling him how you hate parties, and hate the music, eventually telling him you liked rock music, as if it wasn't obvious.
JJ! Who tells goth reader he has to go to the bathroom. When in a reality he's forcing the DJ to play the music you like so he can dance with you.
JJ! Who comes back and acts surprised when Metallica, All American Rejects, System of down, My chemical romance, and so on plays.
JJ! Who gets you to dance and has the best night of his life with goth reader.
JJ! Who gets goth readers number at the end of the night, setting up a date with you.
JJ! Who takes goth reader to an old creepy bookstore and buys all the books she looks at with a small amount of money in his pocket. And at the end, they watch the sunset while having a picnic.
JJ! Who falls in love with goth reader after a week of dating because she's the opposite of him. He says, "Its boring when people are like me, the conversations are as bland as John B's cooking." When deep down its because she brings balance to his life.
JJ! Who makes goth reader sleepover at the chateau because he sleeps better when she's there.
JJ! Who lets goth reader do all the witchy stuff to him. Whatever makes his doll happy right?
JJ! Who lets goth reader sage his dick because "too many girls with negative energy have been on it."
JJ! Who lets goth reader put crystals and incense all over the chateau.
JJ! Who is so so so in love with goth reader and loves their differences.
JJ! Who brags to John B about goth reader, because she's into freaky things during bed. (She asked him to put healing wax on her back and he took it as sex.)
JJ with Latina reader
Warnings: This is very short, suggestive content, reader is angry, and author is using google translate despite being Mexican
Tropes: Moodyxhappy, poguexpogue, angryxsunshine, golden retrieverxchihuahua.
Summary: JJ spills readers cup and she snaps.
Bree speaks: Hi! Thank you for reading, just answering some questions before I continue writing. I do take reqs, but I do have a busy life, so please bare with me. I don't know how to make a taglist, so if you do, please tell me omg. Also, my askbox is always open, and i love answering questions, so before you go, ask me something! <3 Thank you, any tips are helpful! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGET IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!! Thank you again, I love you and make good choices.
Today was supposed to be relaxing.
JJ had already taken you out to the beach, letting you play with the water and find those seashells you loved.
When you and JJ came back to the chateau, you had decided- no demanded you make some birria tacos for dinner.
You were already on edge from finding out JJ was eating moldy bread. But you didn't let that ruin your day... yet.
So JJ sat on the couch with John B and Pope, ranting to them how you had the most perfect ass.
"Have you seen how round it is?" JJ groans and moans quite loudly. John B, who already had a girlfriend was tuning him out, making JJ sound like a white noise in his ear.
Pope simply walks away now.
JJ stands up and starts to walk to you. You were listening to music, swaying your hips to it as you chopped up some tomato for the salsa.
He snakes his arms around your waist giving you a sloppy kiss on your neck.
When you two first started dating, you would push him off and giggle. But its been a year since you both were in the honeymoon phase.
You sigh and let him pepper kisses on your neck, continuing to cook.
Everything seemed perfectly fine, nobody was yelling, John B was finally being quiet, not yapping about Ward.
Pope was doing something outside, nobody ever knew.
Until, JJ goes to kiss you and spills your birria sauce you spent an hour on onto the floor.
You and him look at each other at the same time. You clutch the kitchen towel that was on your shoulder. Narrowing your eyes at him, you take a deep breath and sigh.
He thinks he's off the hook, grabbing your chin and pecking your lips. You smile and slowly push him him away.
Then that's when everything snaps.
"¿Sabes qué, pequeño niño blanco? Estoy tan deprimido con tu pálido trasero." You yell and throw the towel at him.
"Crees que puedes conseguir cualquier cosa, ¿eh? ¡Pues no puedes! ¡Espero que te mueras por tu estúpido culo de comer pan mohoso! Morirías sin mí Maybank." You poke a finger into his chest and roll your eyes.
JJ currently has his hands up in defense. He has a tiny smirk on his face. And you fight the urge to smack him.
JJ knows you want to use physical force, you can't hide your facial expressions very well. And to him, they were quite cute, even if you wanted to murder him.
"Será mejor que borres esa maldita sonrisa de tu cara. Estamos en la cocina, hay cuchillos y no me quieres cerca de los cuchillos, JJ." You frantically run a hand through your hair. By now, Sarah and Kiara have entered the chateau finding you two like this. John B, Kiara, Pope and Sarah have all gathered around watching you basically ripping him a new asshole.
"Ni siquiera dios puede salvarte de mí. Oren para que después de tanto grito no se queme mi birria. Porque si así fuera, puedes despedirte de mi trasero." You deadpan. You wipe your hands on your jean shorts and smile. You wave at the girls, acting as if nothing had happened.
After a few seconds of silence, JJ speaks up.
"Is it a good time to say that turned me on?" JJ mumbles and grins at how you look at him.
"No." Everybody says in unison.
Rafe with autistic reader
Warnings: Suggestive content, innocent reader
Tropes: kookxpogue, sunshinexgrumpy
Summary: Reader is autistic.
Bree rants: Hi! So, I am only mildly autistic, so if I get any of this wrong I am deeply sorry. ALSO, if you're reading this, please help me work tumblr, I don't know how to make a taglist or boarders. Thank you- Also my askbox is always opened, so ask me random questions, I am always bored. Before I forget, I AM ADDING THIS TO ALL POSTS, AND IF I FORGET IT @brokenwingsgalore WILL PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT!!! AND, if you want this to be a full oneshot, please tell me in the comments. I love you and enjoy reading!
Rafe! Who found you at his house in his party crying because everything was too loud.
Rafe! Who was about to yell at you but once he looked down, he felt soft and mushy.
Rafe! Who would continue to stare at you while you cry, not knowing what to do.
Rafe! Who finally speaks up and asks you if you need something. You shake your head no and he does not take that lightly. Instead grabbing you some water and sitting beside you.
Rafe! Who eventually finds out its because of how loud everything was and takes you up to his room. Topper whistles thinking Rafes getting lucky. Rafe tells him to shut up and you sit on his bed.
Rafe! Who would calm you down by dimming the lights and covering your ears. He thought this was childish but you seemed to have been calming down.
Rafe! Who would let go of your ears and ask you if you're okay.
Rafe! Who slowly finds out you suffer autism and your friend had brought you here to, "let loose." He would fight the urge to punch whoever that friend was.
Rafe! Who would yell at anybody who even talked near his room so you wouldn't have to panic anymore.
Rafe! Who would spend all night with you, letting you rant about your current hyperfixation just so you didn't have to pay attention to the loud party beneath you two.
Rafe! Who smiles at your little giggles and hand gestures. He hated when people would talk to him, but with you, everything you said sounded so luring. Even though you were talking about sharks.
Rafe! Who would drive you home and get your number.
Rafe! Who becomes obsessed with you after a week of getting to know you. Doing research on autism just so he could help you out like you helped him that night you met, he would've been fucking some girl he didn't like or smoke weed all night. Instead he found you.
Rafe! Who would ask you to be his girlfriend after two weeks.
Rafe! Who buys you anything you hyperfixate on. Legos? He's buying every set and listening you talk about the lego sets. Sharks? He'd buy you a mountain of plushies. Anything your autism liked for a few months or weeks, he would buy.
Rafe! Who never forced you to come to crowded places with. And if you do, he brings noise cancelling headphones or something for you to fidget with.
Rafe! Who practically almost murders anybody who says your too weird or something about your mental health.
Rafe! Who makes sure you eat all your meals, even if its krafts mac and cheese for the 5th time today.
Rafe! Who lets you sleep with him but gets annoyed when you have to put one of your shark plushies between you two. Though he would never tell you he was annoyed.
Rafe! Who ends up telling Barry random facts about the new movie you're obsessed with because that's all you talk about.
Rafe! Who loves you to death despite everything. He loves you and your hyperfixations. (maybe not the shark plushies though)
Why is Harry Potter lowkey obx but with wizards.
John B- Harry Potter
Hermione- Kiara
Ron- JJ.
Kiara is half kook but shows to be a pogue. Hermione is a muggle but proves to everyone she can fight like a pureblood.
John B does everything for his dad, the treasure? His dad. His will to kill Ward? His dad. The series is about him getting revenge for his father. OH AND HARRY POTTER? THE WHOLE BOOK SERIES WAS LITERALLY ABOUT HIM FIGHTING FOR HIS PARENTS.
Ron may have family (sorry JJ-) but they always choose him last. He’s the funny character and goes along with anything that Harry says. Unless he thinks it’s stupid, which is all the time. THUS, making him JJ.
I don’t have one for Pope since I just woke up and i immediately thought of this. So if you have any more please put them in the comments-
It all started with a cat

Words: 1084
Warnings: Suggestive content, no NSFW! Fluff, cursing
Bree speaks: Hi guys, this is officially my third fanfic! I got a new computer, and I am going to start writing more often. My rules and who I write for is up now too! And if you want me to turn this into a series of fanfics, or if you want me to write more about Silly!Reader and Rafe, go ahead and drop a request! Thank you for reading. MAKE GOOD CHOICES TODAY KIDDO.

“TENTH? HOW THE FUCKING SHT-” Is what Rafe could hear steps away from his room in Tannyhill.
How did he get here? Well it all started with a cat.
Rafe was doing drugs as he normally does on these nights. He was trying to quit, but Topper wouldn’t stop his bickering about how he’s a, “prude,” or that he’s becoming a little bitch.
Topper was going through a bad breakup.
That already passed ten months ago.
Sarah Cameron, kook princess, had broken up with him for pogue prince, John B. You’d think he’d get over it. But no. He was smoking weed acting like he had an extra pair of lungs.
Rafe was about to do his line of coke before he saw you. Your friends dragging you to dance. You weren’t drunk, but your favorite song was on. As it blasts through the speakers, Rafe can only hear your laughter and giggles.
Jesus, your laugh was like if the sun and sugar had a baby. So bright and so sweet.
All Rafe wanted was a quick fuck. You were beautiful, but who needs a relationship?
Everyone around him were idiots.
He couldn’t date someone so childish. But doing something else for one night? That was a different story.
Soon enough, your friends were leaving to get drinks while you stayed by and played with a stray cat.
Rafe walked up to you, not caring about Topper's whines. He stood lean and tall. Putting on his, Rafe Cameron, VIP, rich charm. That usually worked.
The cat got scared and ran away. All he heard was a gasp and groan. “You scared him away.” Rafe looks at you, his head tilting. “Excuse me?” His eyes widen, you narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms.
Rafe could not believe his ears. You were mad at him for scaring a cat away?
“Poor little guy was skinny too.” You sigh and shake your head in disappointment. Rafe looks you up and down, confused by your reaction. Any girl on the island would be at his feet kissing them. But you? No, you were mad about a stray cat.
“How can I make it up to you?” Rafe smirks at you, thinking maybe he’s getting somewhere.
Hopefully the bedroom.
“You can go get my cat back.” You whisper sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
It was obvious you didn’t like him as much as he hoped you would. But you wouldn’t guess what happens next.
Yes, you guessed it. He got the cat.
Rafe Cameron wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, even if the challenge was for him to get a cat that scratched him on his face and had a muddy tail.
He was slowly starting to think that this wasn’t just about a challenge.
Rafe comes back, with muddy cargo shorts and blood dripping down his cheek. And a very angry orange cat.
Your eyes widen, you immediately stop talking to your friends running towards him.
“You got my cat.” You murmur, making sure it’s tail doesn’t dirty you. A soft look on your face appears. A look Rafe would kill anyone to see.
“I did.” Rafe huffs, puffing out his chest trying to seem more like a man. Though, getting beat up by a cat isn’t helping very much.
“Thank you.” Rafe smiles softly, a smile only you get now.
“Come on, let's get you cleaned up.” You smile and hold out your hand for him to take, still holding the cat.
He knows he should say no. Men like him don’t have time for relationships. But the way your smiling has him giving away his credit cards and dignity.
Rafe takes your hand and lets you ramble about the cat all day.
He didn’t know that there were so many breeds of cats.
He would never let someone he wanted to sleep with talk this much.
Because you weren’t just a one night stand, you made his night better.
If it wasn’t for you, Rafe would be getting high off whatever drug he could lay his hands on, and having sex with a girl he never would have liked sober. But you were his addiction now, sober or not.
Rafe thanks god he got beat up by that cat everyday.
Even though it started with him thinking it was a wham, bam, thank you ma’am, done deal. He was happy that it ended differently.
“TENTH? HOW THE FUCKING SHT-” Is what Rafe could hear steps away from his room in Tannyhill.
Rafe sighs and leans on his doorway.
“Rafe Jr.” You say to your cat that put you and your beautiful boyfriend together.
“I am going to murder these kids. They didn’t even get the theme! The theme was, “Me irl,” Some kid used the mermaid tail. If they’re actually a mermaid, how are they playing roblox? Huh?! On their shell-phone?” Then after the rambling about a stupid kids game (as Rafe calls it), he hears a gasp. “A shell-phone, Rafe would get a kick out of that.” No he wouldn’t. But for your sake, he’ll laugh when you tell him.
“Baby!” You yell, opening your arms to him. Which he practically runs into.
“Are you playing that dress for less game?” Rafe mumbles as he shoves his face into your chest. You thankfully don’t say anything about him being a pervert.
“Rafe, it's dress to impress and you know this. It's like me saying, "Are you playing little balls with big holes?” You grumble and turn off your ipad that Rafe had bought you after you cried saying everything is laggy.
Rafe hums and nods, acting like he understands. He doesn’t, not one bit.
“I even used the CaseOh code!” You groan. “I tried making myself on dress to impress. Even made Rafe Jr.” You sigh in defeat.
“I bet you did great, princess.” Rafe whispers before kissing you softly. You reciprocate the kiss, running your hands along his abs. Right when Rafe thinks he's going to get lucky, you pull away.
“Have I told you about my shell-phone joke?’
Sometimes he thinks that he’s going soft. He is. But he only says he's happy sometimes because he’s scared of the way you play games. Only you would scream at a game made for children.
But he wouldn’t change it for the world.
So, when somebody asks how he met his future wife, he’ll say, “It all started with a cat.”

words literally can’t describe how much i love this chapter and having a glimpse of rafe being soft with reader really warmed my heart, my favorite part yet
well kept [4] r. cameron
![Well Kept [4] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/becde1188c46dbdf86f0eb4aae724654/62a55953e0878201-58/s500x750/bd9142d8415b023dd1c7d21be733cf1dab9194ad.jpg)
[warnings] dark!ceo!rafe x reader, size difference, billionaire!older!rafe, shy!reader with low self-esteem, reader is a person who stutters, boss x personal assistant, heavy abuse of power, emotional/mental manipulation, DUBCON/NONCON, corporal punishment, little editing, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+
A/N: longest chapter yayyyy :):)
word count: 4.9k
In which Rafe's control pushes you to the brink of ecstasy and beyond.
well kept masterlist
Rafe Cameron could handle his liquor, you learned that quickly. After accompanying him to a few dinner parties and watching him down several shots of whiskey before finishing an entire pitcher of beer, you wondered how he maintained his physique. He never slurred his words or stumbled, he seemed entirely happier when he was drinking, a completely different person.
He’d forced you to drink a cocktail and that quickly made you feel wobbly. The nights were a blur of conversations and you were tethered to reality by the feeling of Rafe’s hand on your lower back. He never introduced you as his assistant to his rich friends. You were just Y/N. “She’s cute, yeah?” He would say to people. Usually your dress was way too short or your cleavage was spilling from your top. Unfortunately, you sipped your drink when you were nervous.
You were exhausted by the end of the night and a little tipsy though you hadn’t dared to drink nearly as much as he did.
“C’mon, I’ll take you home,” He’d said, hand on your waist as he guided you out of the restaurant. Sometimes it made you feel protected. Like Rafe could hurt you, sure, but at least no one else could.
“Should you be driving?” You’d mistakenly asked, words slipping out before you could stop them. He took it as a challenge to his manhood and the look on his face made you regret it.
“I’m fine,” He’d looked at you sharply before he commanded, “Get in the fucking car.”
You didn’t hesitate any longer and let him him help you into the passenger side of his truck. He kept his eyes focused on the road, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel, and you hoped he wasn’t angry, maybe just deep in thought.
When he pulled up to your apartment complex, you fumbled for the door handle, eager to escape the tension. But before you could step out, Rafe’s hand was on your arm.
“I’m coming up,” he stated firmly.
“It’s a weeknight,” you said, trying to find a reason that would convince him otherwise. “My roommates are probably asleep by now.”
He gave you an unimpressed look. “I’ll be quiet,” a hint of his boozed up charm returned to his voice. Reluctantly, you led him upstairs.
When you opened the door, you were surprised to find your roommates, Imani and Angel, still awake, standing in the kitchen with a bottle of wine between them. Their laughter filled the small apartment. Their expressions shifted to complete shock at the sight of Rafe behind you. You smiled, trying to give the impression that all was well, that it was completely normal to be returning to your apartment with your drunk, billionaire boss.
Imani, with her flawless olive complexion and neatly styled curls, scrutinized the scene with furrowed brows. Beside her, Angel stood tall and vibrant, her unruly tight curls escaping their single hair tie, her mouth agape in astonished silence as she stared at you. Both much more beautiful than you, a sad thought crossed your mind, and you worried for a short millisecond that Rafe would realize he’d made a mistake in picking you.
“Hey,” You did you best to sound casual, “Rafe, this is Imani and Angel. Imani, Angel, this is Rafe.”
“Your boss, Rafe?” Imani asked incredulousy, her arms crossing over her faded band tee. “I don’t understand-”
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Cameron,” Angel blurted out, practically bouncing on her bare feet, “Can I offer you a drink? We both had a shitty day so we whipped out the strawberry moscato.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. And thanks, tempting offer but I’m quite satisfied at the moment,” His voice was smooth and effortlessly disarming. He placed a hand on your waist, pulling you into him, and your eyes widened, “I’m just here to make sure Y/N gets a good night’s rest.”
Both Imani and Angel looked at you with a mixture of shock and curiosity. Imani’s eyes, in particular, were sharp and disapproving, clearly questioning how you had kept this from her. Her gaze was heavy with the unspoken question: How could you be involved with Rafe and not have told her?
“Make yourself at home,” Angel said, clearly more excited than angry, and Imani’s intense gaze snapped to her, “I’m about to make popcorn and we’re about to watch a movie if you guys-”
“Angel,” Imani whispered harshly, “Leave them alone.”
“I’m j-j-just gonna, uhm, goodnight, guys,” You took Rafe’s arm and led him away from the tension filled kitchen to the narrow hallway that led to your bedroom. You felt he weight of Imani’s disapproval lingering in the air.
Your small apartment that you shared with two other people was a stark contrast to the luxurious settings you’d been in over the last few weeks. As Rafe’s eyes wandered over your tiny room, the awkwardness of the situation continued to build.
“This is …cozy,” He said after you shut the door. He was already taking off his suit jacket and undoing his cuff links. Was Rafe Cameron really going to spend the night here with you? Maybe he was drunker than you thought. “So this is where you unwind after a long day of dealing with me?”
Was that humor you heard in his voice? Dealing with him. You more than dealt with Rafe Cameron. You practically let him walk you around on a leash.
“Do you feel bad for me yet?” You tried to joke but there was too much animosity in your tone.
He chuckled before starting to undo his belt, “I try not to feel bad for other people. Life’s easier that way. Sides’, this won’t be your life for much longer.”
As he stripped down to his underwear, he started to settle into your bed, the lines between your professional and personal worlds now blurrier than ever.
“I wasn’t expecting t-t-t-t … to have company tonight,” You said, gathering his pile of clothes from your carpet and doing your best to fold them and place them neatly on top of your dresser.
“I’m full of surprises, sweetheart,” He winked as he folded his arms behind his head, and you had to avert your eyes from his statue-esque physique. Broad shoulders, thick arms and chest, and abs that acted like an arrow that pointed down to his … “Plus, I wanted to see where you lived.”
“Now you see I d-d-don’t have sss-space for all my new work outfits,” You started to undress now, realizing there was no way out of this long night except by sleeping. You kicked off your heels, placing them neatly at the bottom of your closet. You put an oversized t-shirt on and used it to cover your body as you slipped off your mini-dress.
“Yeah, I see that now. It’s like a shoebox in here,” You shot him an offended look and he smiled stupidly, “It’s cute.”
“You sss-say that word a lot,” You mumbled before finding a pair of fuzzy socks and taking a seat at the very edge of your bed, bending over to slip them on.
“C’mere,” he patted the spot next to him and you hesitated.
He wouldn’t, you thought, not while your roommates were on the other side of a paper thin wall. But he would, you remember, Rafe Cameron would do that. He already had the gall to walk into your apartment with his hand on your waist despite being the one who paid your salary. He would do it and you’d let him because you had no spine.
“Y/N?” You pinched your eyes shut for a brief moment before you inevitable crawled into the spot next to him. You’d never really laid next to him in bed and it wasn’t what you were expecting. Even on his side, laying down, his presence enveloped you. You felt small like you usually did. He easily pressed himself to you, impossibly strong arms pulling your fronts together.
“You hhh-have to be quiet,” You whispered.
“I’m not the loud one,” He chuckled, warm breath tickling your shoulder and making you shiver. He placed a kiss there, one arm wrapped around your back and pulling you closer while the other tickled over the skin on your bare thigh, “I could fuck you so slow, so gentle, and I’m sure you’d be screaming.”
“No,” You argued though you weren’t sure why.
“No? You think you could stay quiet?” A excruciatingly soft and wet kiss was placed on your collarbone.
Your breath hitched in your throat, “I’m sss-sserious, Rafe.”
“So informal,” He shook his head, the hand that was on your thigh started to peel up your shirt. To your surprise, Rafe ducked inside the fabric of your shirt, beginning to burrow his head into your breast, “My fucking favorite place on your cute, little body.”
He seemed to groan, something animalistic, placing kisses along your skin. His breath tickled your nipples and you tried to pull away. He flips you fully onto your back, pinning you with his weight, his mouth threatening to take one of your nipples into his mouth. You couldn’t take it, “Okay, okay, y-yess,” You rushed out, “I c-couldn’t stay quiet. You’re right.”
You look down to watch him pop his head out from under your shirt, “Yeah?”
“Yes,” You nodded, “I-I admit it. Please.”
“Please stop? Please fuck you quietly?” Rafe teased you, “You’re not adding sir to the end of your sentences so it gets kinda hard to understand–”
“I’m sorry, Sir,” You pleaded with him through your eyes, “Please …fuck me quietly, Sir.”
“That’s better,” He pulled your shirt over your breasts before he completely devoured them.
![Well Kept [4] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/67b68d200f5e51792a084f911c268135/62a55953e0878201-3f/s500x750/1acccea4e90e574830e5b28fa466ed323f1a73b1.png)
The next time Rafe decided to have sex with you was two weeks later, right as he walked into his office. You should’ve known by the outfit he had chosen for you. The white blouse had an air of professionalism, but the plaid, pleated skirt barely reached mid-thigh, making you certain the entire elevator caught a glimpse of your underwear when you dropped your notebook that morning.
It felt like he’d been teasing you up until that point. You'd lost track of how many times he made you orgasm in front of him during those two weeks. He had an insatiable fascination with watching you pleasure yourself, wanting you completely vulnerable, often in compromising positions, with your eyes locked on his the moment it happened. Whether it was on top of his desk, against the office window, or bent over a coffee table, you were starting to grow comfortable with being uncomfortable.
He couldn’t resist touching you, making you grind against him, or rapidly moving his fingers in and out of you until you were shaking. However, he had managed up until that point to not actually fuck you. It was getting to the point you found yourself pouting at him from your desk as you watched him complete his daily meetings.
You didn’t have a chance to get out your usual spiel about his meetings for the day because his briefcase was already on the ground, and his arms were wrapped around your backside as he carried you over to his desk, “Take off your panties,” He commanded after setting you on his desk. He stepped back, fumbling with his belt and zipper, “Now, sweetheart. C’mon.” He said and you realized you clearly weren’t moving fast enough for him.
Your panties weren’t even around your knees before he was lifting up your legs and pulling them off the rest of the way. He parted your legs, immediately dipping his fingers into you, “You’re already wet,” It was just an observance. No smile or smirk or evidence that he was at all pleased with the revelation, “Desperate little girl. You been thinking about me, yeah?”
You stared up at his lips, pink and parted and imagined them on yours, his soft stubble tickling the skin of your mouth. Why wasn’t he kissing you? Everything with him was a ritual. You couldn’t get what you wanted until you felt utterly humiliated and vulnerable. He couldn’t get what he wanted until you had tears in your eyes. You nodded, “Yes.”
“Fucking say it,” He barked and you winced.
“I’ve b-b-been th-thhhinking about you,” You admitted although he already knew it. Your own well being seemed to rely on being obsessed with him. If you wanted any sexual satisfaction, he was the one who brought it. He was the entire reason you had a good income now. He was everything.
“You haven’t touched yourself though, not without my permission?”
You nodded, “Nnn-not without your permission.”
“Cause you need me,” He finally placed his lips on yours and you nodded against them.
“I nnn-need you,” You mewled between kisses as he pressed his crotch into yours. The two of you both tilted back towards his desk, “Please, Sir.”
You had consented, despite not being fully prepared. It didn’t feel like the first or second time. The first time had been overwhelming, your orgasms crashing over you like a storm, while the second time had been so gentle that the pleasure left you feeling like you were vibrating with ecstasy. You wanted him, undeniably, but nothing had prepared you for the intensity of him filling you completely. This was what you had desirel, feeling full, but now you were overwhelmed, as though he was consuming every part of you.
With his hands braced on either side of your head, he looked down at you, his gaze intense and focused. He moved inside you with a relentless, unyielding rhythm, driving into you with an insatiable need.
The room faded away around you. You couldn’t feel yourself breathing nor could you hear the sounds leaving your mind. You just stared back, your face a mix of anguish and pleasure, and accepted your fate. You didn’t fight your orgasm this time, your body moved instinctively, squeezing around him, your hips grinding up for more friction.
When he was close, he pulled out of you. Your energy was already gone, your orgasm having taken almost everything from you, but he moved your body effortlessly. He pulled you off the desk before placing you on your knees in front of you. Your legs folded easily, weakly, “Fuck,” He cursed, pantting, and you watched him take his cock in his own hand.
You reached out to take ahold of him but he pushed your hand away. His hands moved, determined, rhythmic, “Ask me to cum on your face.”
His breaths were heavy, desperate, and he clung to that control that had slipped away when he was inside you.
“Will y-you cum on my face, Sir?”
The question hung in the air, tension thickening, until he was finally gritting his teeth. He broke eye contact only as his orgasm ripped through him. The room filled with his moans and you did your best not overreact to that warm, sticky feeling that was now violating your senses.
“Good girl, look at you,” He said and you squeezed your eyes tightly as it began to drip onto your eyelid.
You breathed deeply, the intensity of the moment deciding to peak, and tears started to spill over. You became a crumpled pile of pleasure, shame and exhaustion. It seemed like the only way to release your emotions. Unexpectedly, you didn’t sit their alone. Rafe was the one to wipe your face with a tissue. He cooed, “Hey, you did good, kid. You’re a good girl,” He whispered sweet nothings to you.
“C-C-Can you hold me?” You asked, voice trembling, so embarrassed that you didn’t meet his eyes. You didn’t want to see how he was feeling or know what he was thinking. It was all too much.
Without a word, Rafe lifted you effortlessly into his arms. His strength was both reassuring and overwhelming as he carried you behind his desk, his body warm and solid against yours. He settled into his chair, drawing you onto his lap with a sense of protective intimacy. For the rest of the morning, he worked with you nestled against him, your face buried into his neck.
![Well Kept [4] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/67b68d200f5e51792a084f911c268135/62a55953e0878201-3f/s500x750/1acccea4e90e574830e5b28fa466ed323f1a73b1.png)
Rafe Cameron’s Appalachian cabin was one of the twelve properties he owned personally. You got to it by passing though a quaint and charming town. Despite the fact that he normally spends only three weekends of the entire year there, all the locals know him.
The four of you; Rafe, you, Eleanor and Topper, made your way down main street which was lined with old-fashioned storefronts. In the middle was the town square which featured an old, courthouse building and a gazebo where you see a few locals gathering. The four of you enjoy a diner meal at the Blue Ridge Breakfast Bar before you walk through a few shops. It almost feels .. normal. You were surprised the three of them were even willing to walk through the antique buildings, let alone find the shops interesting.
You didn’t know people like them even ate at diners or were interested in antique trinkets that cost less then five dollars. It was surreal. In another life, the three of them were normal people, and maybe you and Rafe could have been a normal couple.
You often found yourself glancing at Rafe, marveling at the contrast between his usual, impeccably dressed self and the more relaxed look he wore today. Seeing him in jeans and a baseball cap, casually strolling through the town, was almost disorienting.
It was a similar feeling you got when Rafe suddenly flipped a switch after being cruel to you and decided to comfort you.
Despite the fact that he was technically on vacation, you were still his personal assistant, and yet he hadn’t asked you about anything related to assisting him since he picked you up that morning from your apartment.
You wouldn’t say it to him, partially out of fear that he would deny it, but it felt like he wanted you appear like a couple. Topper and Eleanor undoubtedly new the truth so why was he acting like this? You never held hands like them but his hand would find your knee when you sat next to each other and sometimes he wrapped around your shoulder when you were standing close by.
Sometimes, your body didn’t want to relax around him, and the intimacy brought you anxiety. Soemtimes he was easier to read when he was drunk, or inside of you, or yelling at you. You weren’t familiar with this version of him. But you were stuck with the three of them for the next three nights.
Surrounded by towering pines and the soft hush of nature, the cabin was more of fortress nestled into the natural beauty of the mountains. You followed Rafe across a gravel path towards a large front porch which was framed by sturdy wooden columns. You stared up at large windows that endorned the front of the house, undoubtedly letting in a large amount of natural light, as you walked through the entrance.
The house was a complete reflection of his taste and the extent of his success. As Topper and Rafe left for the bedroom to drop off luggage, you and Eleanor made your way to the kitchen with the bags of groceries you’d acquired from the local mini-mart. Surprisingly, this place didn’t come with it’s own personal chef.
Like with everything else, you followed Eleanor’s lead when it came to cooking that weekend. She encouraged you to get ingredients for a dish you knew you could make on your own and you chose spaghetti despite the idea of feeding billionaire Rafe Cameron your homemade spaghetti making you feel stupid.
“I’ll show you how to arrange a charcuterie board,” She said as she poured you a glass of red wine, “You’ll be the perfect housewife when I’m done with you, Y/N.”
The afternoon actually ended up being fun. You and Eleanor laughed in the kitchen while Rafe and Topper watched a football game in the living room, nursing cans of beer. The wine relaxed you and soon you were giggling over unevenly cut salami and spilled strawberry jam. The two of you ended up eating half the ingredients meant for the board, much to Eleanor’s amusement.
Eleanor loosened up even more, even getting comfortable enough to tell you a story about Topper, “You know, one time back when we lived in Kildare, he tried to make me pancakes for my birthday. From the box, not even from scratch, and he burnt every one. Literally every single one. The kitchen looked like it had been through a tornado. I don’t know how he even managed that.”
You covered your mouth, shaking your head, “It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“He went through the whole box! He had to serve them to me like that. No amount of syrup and whip cream can mask that taste.”
“I didn’t realize we were telling personal stories,” You whipped your head around as you heard Topper’s voice. Your heart raced for a second, worried, but he made his way around the kitchen island and hugged his wife from behind. Rafe was following behind him but made his way over to you. You composed yourself as much as possible.
“I was telling Y/N about how good of a cook you are,” She joked and he playfully tickled her sides and soon they were laughing together.
The two male’s casual demeanors seemed to complement the laid-back energy of the afternoon. You watched Rafe’s lips pull into a smirk as he surveyed your work and your empty glass of wine.
Dinner rolled around a few hours later, a relaxed atmosphere continuing to permeate through the air. You’d set the table in the dining room, the ten-person table sat next to a large window overlooking an expansive lake, and aided Eleanor in preparing her beef stir-fry.
“It’s really good, Eleanor,” You complimented her once all of you were seated and digging into your food.
“Thanks,” She grinned, “You’re a good sous chef, Y/N.”
A smile tugged at your lips, “Not better than me though, right, honey?” Topper asked.
“Of course not, honey,” Eleanor winked at him.
Small talk ensued and despite the fact that Eleanor warned the two men that business talk would bring down the room, they spent a good ten minutes talking about something called “tax increment financing”.
Eleanor interrupted after it became too much, “So, Rafe, are you going to do any more renovations on this place?”
“After they finish the pool next summer, no. Did the home theatre, renovated the master bathroom and expanded the garage this summer. It’ll probably be move-in-ready next year.”
“Oh, are you selling it?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
Rafe’s gaze flickered away, an unusual reaction for him. He usually had a quip or a witty retort ready. “No, I plan to spend more time away from Charlotte after New Year's. I’ll be living here at least five days a week.”
“Oh,” You nodded though you really hadn’t comprehended his words. You looked back down at your plate, and as you took another bite, his words started to set in. It was an inappropriate time to delve further but your mind started to race. He’d never mentioned that he wouldn’t even be living in Charlotte after the next few months. Shouldn’t he have mentioned this by now? “I-I thought …”
“We can talk about it later, Y/N,” Rafe dismissed you, bringing a piece of meat to his mouth, and looking away.
He spoke as if you were annoying him now. Eleanor opened her mouth again to change the subject but you interrupted her, “I-I’m sorry … w-will you still need me then? If I’m in Chhhh-Charlotte and you’re here.”
“Did you hear me the first time, Y/N?” Rafe’s jaw set as he dropped his silverware. The clang made you jump but your mind was spinning. It was a simple question, wasn’t it? Was he stringing you a long? Would you be out of a job next year?
“I-It p-p-p-pertains to me,” You continued, your heart racing as Rafe grimaced, “Can’t y-you just say if I’ll have a job or not?”
“You’ll have a job,” Getting confirmation made your shoulders drop from relief. It was almost worth whatever seed of rage you’d planted within him, “But you’ll relocate with me.”
“What?” You pushed your plate away, leaning back in your chair.
Topper and Eleanor exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the escalating tension. It felt like you’d already poked the bull, you felt like you had to see it through, “I’ll need you to move here. Won’t make sense to juggle from two places.”
“Mmm-my life is i-in Chhh-Charlotte. You n-never said this before,” You tried to keep your voice steady, to express your genuine disappointment despite your frustration.
“It’s not my fault you haven’t caught on, Y/N,” He spoke sharply, “You know how this works. I manage my properties and business. My plans change. You’re a part of that. You’re making it an issue when it’s not. You’re acting like you have a million options.”
“I-I know I don’t–”
You looked at Topper and then Eleanor. Now, the two of them were looking anywhere but the two of you.
“Then act like it.”
“I fucking own you, you don’t even understand that.”
“One more word, Y/N, and I swear to God.”
Your lips parted and your voice started to tremble as you felt the sting of his words, “This is so … shitty,” Perhaps it was the distance, the wood table that sat between you that made you feel so bold.
Rafe’s anger erupted, his face reddening as he slammed his hands on the table. “Boo-fucking-hoo, sweetheart! I’ve given you everything, the clothes on your back, keeping the lights on in your crappy apartment, and you’re still ungrateful?”
Your frustration reached its breaking point. “Fuck you, Rafe!” you shouted, your voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t want it anymore!”
You pushed your chair back abruptly, no goal in mind for where you’d stomp off to but you felt your blood boiling. Was his entire goal to completely ruin your life?
“Y/N!” He called after you and you turned your head to realize how close he was on your tail. Adrenaline surged through you, the thought that you might never have control of your life left you close to completely spiraling. Determined to get away, you picked up your pace, practically running through the million-dollar home, over shiny waxed floors, moonlight shining through tall windows.
He barked your name again and before you could reach the front door, his hand shot out and seized your upper arm. You screamed, his fingers squeezing your flesh so hard that you thought your skin might break. Swinging your body around, your feet lifted off the ground as he through you over his strong shoulder.
Kicking, struggling, screaming and crying, Rafe carried you up a grand staircase, “Please,” You were begging but adrenaline was pumping though him too, making him moved with his own determination. He kicked open door and your head whipped as he stepped inside, slamming it closed. You couldn’t focus on any detail in the room but as he through you onto an expansive bed, you assumed it was the master bedroom. For a moment, you played a game of cat and mouse. You gained your balance, and tried to crawl off the bed. Every direction you went, he moved faster, until you were sitting on your knees in the middle of the bed.
“You need to understand your place,” You watched as he started to loose the brown belt looped into his blue jeans.
You shook your head frantically, “I don’t w-want this.”
“It will be easier if you just apologize,” Rafe let out a breath of air, a weary sigh, his face frustrated, “I promise, I’ll make it easier for you.”
“If I-I …w-will you use the belt?”
“I have to use the belt, sweetheart, you’ve been so bad. Tell you what, if you apologize, I won’t tie you down to the bed. How’s that sound?”
The offer was as chilling as it was manipulative. You shook your head. You couldn’t bring yourself to apologize.
The process of what followed was both brutal and dehumanizing. You were left feeling exposed and vulnerable, your body laid bare and handcuffed to one of the posts of the canopy bed. The sting of the belt on your skin was relentless, each strike leaving a deep, aching mark that quickly turned to a disturbing shade of purple. Your apologies came out in frantic, broken pleas, but they seemed to come too late.
You even managed to ask him to hold you but he didn’t grant your wish that time. He left you to go back downstairs. You slid down to your knees when you couldn’t stand any longer, falling asleep in that position, head resting at a strange angle against the mattress.
When you next awoke, the light of morning was gently filtering through the curtains. Rafe’s arms were wrapped around you, his steady breathing and soft snoring a stark contrast to the harshness of the previous night. His nose pressed into your hair, a reminder of his physical presence.
You cried softly against him, the tears slipping down your cheeks as you clung to him. The sounds were muffled against his chest as you hugged him tighter.
![Well Kept [4] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/67b68d200f5e51792a084f911c268135/62a55953e0878201-3f/s500x750/1acccea4e90e574830e5b28fa466ed323f1a73b1.png)
hope you enjoyed!!
Y’all writing about Rafe fics with a reader who has attitude and the kook trio reader. And ain’t no one gunna point out that this is not reader, you’ve just described Sharpay Evans.

Can I also say that there is also not enough Hawkins content like come on guys we see Drew Starkey as an actual football jock and it’s hardly talked about here? We failing miserably.

well kept [1] r. cameron
![Well Kept [1] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4174d4b84f552dc639a15073c188ab25/1ab6d188227c3fae-ce/s500x750/51e3e608065d7751aed6744ede404de0acd3f81c.jpg)
[warnings] dark!ceo!rafe x reader, size difference, billionaire!older!rafe, shy!reader with low self-esteem, reader is a person who stutters, boss x personal assistant, heavy abuse of power, emotional/mental manipulation, bdsm elements, rafe has control issues, some sugar baby vibes, future NONCON/DUBCON, little editing, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+
A/N: Pls reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 4.8k
In which you interview for a low-level position at Cameron Development, but instead, you unexpectedly find yourself chosen as Rafe Cameron's personal assistant.
rafe cameron masterlist
The sky was dreary. You looked up to see dark and ominous clouds staring down at you. Taking a breath to steady your nerves, you continued walking along the pavement. At least the southern sun wasn’t beating down on you. Maybe you’d appear less sweaty and nervous to your possible employer.
Charlotte was a big city you hadn’t fully explored, but your walk was familiar. A few blocks down from the Cameron Development headquarters was the Mug & Muffin, where you’d been serving coffee for the past year. You practically only served housewives who had the time to grab coffee at 11 in the morning and suits who were on their way to the giant buildings downtown to make more money than you’d ever see in your whole life.
Today was your day off; however, it was the only day of the week that you weren’t working for ten straight hours. Somehow, you’d been selected to interview for a Filing Clerk position at Cameron Development. You thought it was some kind of mistake that out of all the places you applied to through online portals, a legitimate company wanted to interview you. Not only was it legit, but they had their building downtown. The building was no skyscraper, but looking up at twenty dark steel floors, huge windows wrapped around each side, and a sparkling gold sign that read CAMERON, you felt incredibly intimidated.
When you finally pushed through the revolving doors, you reminded yourself that it was a small position. A small position you weren't qualified for, but there was no need to worry. The receptionist on the first floor barely glanced at you when you approached her. You took a deep breath, slowly releasing it before starting your sentence: “Hi, I have an eight-thirty interview with Andy Speer in the Record Management department.”
She spoke curtly, “Twelfth floor,” She pointed to the elevators hidden behind a corner.
“Th-Thank you,” You mumbled, your shoes clicking against beautiful marble floors as you made your way to the elevators. You weren’t expecting to go so high up the building. The ride felt like an eternity, with each floor reminding you of how out-of-place you were. Even the receptionist who worked on the first floor acted like she was above you. You wiped your sweaty palms on your dress, grateful you’d chosen a black one. Well, you were thankful that you’d chosen the second out of the only two nice dresses you owned.
You were now the age you should've graduated college at, you couldn’t work at a coffee shop forever. If you ever wanted to not have to live with three other people then you needed a serious job. You needed to take advantage of this opportunity. If you somehow landed it, this was the type of job where you might be able to grow. Who knows? Maybe you’d eventually be able to afford a car payment. Those thoughts pushed you forward as you walked down the hallway.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N,” The male voice came from behind you and you whirled around to see a short, bearded man approaching you. He wore a blue dress shirt and navy tie and was carrying a coffee from no other place than the Mug & Muffin. You spotted a small brown spot near his shirt pocket wear he’d clearly spilled some, “You’re here about the Filing Clerk position?”
You nodded, your heart beginning to race, as you stuck your hand out for him to shake. You weren’t sure if you were overdressed, having worn your outfit at your cousins wedding, but you added a red cardigan and ballet flats to make it more professional, “Yes,” You smiled, “That’s mmm-me.”
He didn’t seem to look you over more than once, and his smile remained despite the bump in your speech, “Great, my name is Andy Speer. I manage the department. Come on into my office.”
Breath, you reminded yourself. Start your sentences slow. Take a pause if you need to. If you get stuck, don’t get too frustrated. Try not to bring attention to it.
When you settled into his office, relatively small but with a large window that had a lovely view of the city, he began the interview. You folded your hands in your lap, trying to be acutely aware of your facial expressions and your body’s posture.
“So, tell me a little about your experience,” He started.
“Well,” Breath in and slowly release, “I’ve actually been working at the Mug & Muffin as a shift lead for the past year but, before that, I worked in retail for several years. I’m v-vvvv-very organized; that’s why I’ve been able to help with-with both managing inventory and scheduling tasks.”
“Organization is key in a position like this. And you also know how to work on your feet. Our clerks travel all throughout the building, retrieving documents and assisting with things like file purging and managing file systems.”
Deep breath in. Start slowly.
“I’m totally capable of being in service to others. Working in customer service will teach you how to deal with people very quickly and I’m sure there are similar ups and d-downs even within a company. I think it’s important to show a p-p-person that you’re listening, even if you c-c-can’t help them directly.”
He nodded, “People tend to forget that. What else interests you about working in Records Management?”
“I like the idea of keeping things in order. Making ssss-ssss,” Too fast. Slow down, “Sssss-sssss-sure. Uhm. Making sure everything is in place. It ssss-sound sss-small but it’s s-something I’m good at. And I’d like to be a part of a bigger company where I can grow and learn.”
Andy’s lips parted, and he gave you a look that you were no stranger to, “Ms. Y/L/N, if you don’t mind me asking–”
“I have a stutter,” You finished his sentence before taking another breath, slowing down as much as you could, “I have it managed, mostly. When I’m asked direct questions, or I’m especially nervous, it can flare up. But I-I-I am nervous. I’m interested in this job.”
Andy smiled softly, and your heart seemed to rest slightly. The pounding in your chest was about to make you go crazy.
“I appreciate your honesty. I have more questions for you but there’s no need to be confined to this office. I’ll show you around the building.”
You were more than relieved, instantly nodding. He seemed to understand how tense you were and undoubtedly the conversation would feel more casual if the two of you were walking at the same time. The interview continued, and Andy allowed you time to ask him questions about your possible role.
Still, you felt small, like a child in an adult’s world. Andy touched on your lack of secondary education but didn’t press it. You explained how you’d completed two years of your undergrad degree, majoring in accounting but had to leave for personal reasons. You explained that you eventually wanted to finish your degree, but in reality, you’d only chosen accounting because it was one of the few majors that didn’t require you to take a public speaking class.
You followed him through corridors with large glass meeting rooms on either side. Again, everyone you came across looked like they belonged. You walked past a room with a long, sleek table, and it seemed like at least twenty people were sitting at the table. At the front of the room was a tall man, impeccably dressed in a navy blue suit. His back was slightly turned, but the air of authority permeated through the glass all the way to you. You felt it against your skin.
His voice was raised but was muffled by the glass barrier, “That’s Mr. Cameron. Our CEO.”
Your lips parted when you caught a real glance at him. He was older but much younger than you expected. Certainly younger than a CEO typically was. His hair was buzzed short, his skin a nice tan color, and blue eyes that locked on you. Briefly but intensely, “Let’s continue our tour.”
The rest of the tour happened in a blur. You felt that you made a good impression on Mr. Speer. He was accepting of your stutter and resonated with all the examples you shared from your past jobs. He informed you that they were interviewing four other applicants but that you’d receive an update in the next week about whether they’d chosen you.
You felt slightly more confident than when you arrived and you reached for your phone, wanting to text your roommate how it went and that you’d be home soon but you ran into wall of muscle as you stepped onto the elevator, “S-Sorry,” You gasped, reaching down to grab your phone which had slipped from your grasp, “Ssss-so sss-sorry.”
Just shut up, you told yourself, and you found yourself actually speechless when you looked up into Mr. Cameron’s eyes, “Careful,” He said, slightly patronizing, and you wanted to crawl inside your skin. You tucked your phone away into your bag, stepping aside until you were on the other side of the elevator.
The elevator door closed, and your eyes widened when you realized the elevator was not going down, “Oh,” You breathed, “You’re going up.”
Of course he was going up. The CEO works on the top floor. And now, here you were, stuck in an elevator with the CEO himself, a barista dressed up and pretending to belong in a place you had no right to be.
“Yeah, you can usually tell by looking at the arrows before you get on.”
You pressed your lips together, determined not to say anything more, even though you could feel his eyes on you. He sighed, “You’re new, I’m assuming.”
You shook your head. Breathe, start slowly. “I interviewed today. File Clerk.” Keep it brief, you reminded yourself. There was no need to try to impress the CEO—he was far too important to be involved in hiring someone like you. It was better not to embarrass yourself.
The elevator dinged with each floor that you passed, “Ah, well, I hope you were impressed by all the company has to offer,” he said as the doors opened, revealing a sleek black wall with the Cameron Development logo etched in gold. A waterfall cascaded down the marble surface, exuding elegance, “Enjoy your ride down.”
Shut up.
You reached to press the lobby button, watching as his large figure slowly disappeared down a hallway before the doors shut again.
There went that small sliver of confidence.
![Well Kept [1] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/83982078fac72a365efe633658275b34/1ab6d188227c3fae-7e/s500x750/d2da746a959c9c05780e0951f9d7006f2432985e.png)
You went down a rabbit hole googling Cameron Development, of course. Rafe Cameron was just shy of thirty but he inherited the company from his father, Ward, when he was only twenty. It went from a company centered to the Outer Banks to one that served clients across the entire country. According to a website you weren’t sure was actually reputable, his networth was close to 1.3 billion dollars.
And he thought you were an idiot. Most likely, he wouldn’t remember you all.
You hoped you wouldn’t run into again when you returned to the Cameron Developent the next week. Andy had called you to let you know that you’d been chosen for the job, but when you approached the receptionist on the first floor, she informed you that you should check in with the receptionist on the twentieth floor.
Was there another portion of the hiring process that involved meeting someone higher up in the company? You asked her if she’d actually meant that floor twice before the woman rolled her eyes and pretended to answer a phone call.
The twentieth floor.
You splurged on a new outfit, hopeful that your new job’s salary would soon replenish your funds. You’d be making ten dollars more per hour, after all. You chose a black, square-neck top and soft cream-colored pants, pairing them with your trusty ballet flats that matched almost everything.
When you arrived on the twentieth floor again, you couldn’t shake the feeling that security might escort you out at any moment. Walking past the elegant waterfall, you found the receptionist desk. The redheaded woman behind it was stunning, and though her smile lacked sincerity, at least she looked you directly in the eyes.
“Hi, I’m supposed to meet with Andy Speer in Record Management?”
“Are you Y/N Y/L/N?” You nodded as you let out a breath. At least you weren’t in the wrong place.
“Follow me,” she said, stepping out from behind the desk. She was dressed in a sleek, navy dress adorned with gold buttons down the front, tied with a bow at the waist. You couldn’t help but admire her style, your gaze trailing down to her elegant heels. “You’ll be meeting with Mr. Cameron today.”
“Wh-” Your lips paused in an uncomfortable, rounded position before the block in your speech passed, “Why?”
She didn’t respond, and there wasn’t time to press her as she led you to the end of a long hallway. You found yourself in front of two imposing, black double doors. With a push of the large, gold handles, she opened them to reveal the most elaborate room you’d ever seen.
The sheer scale of the room was breathtaking. Your eyes immediately went up to ceilings at least two floors tall and a gigantic window covering the farther wall. You thought Andy’s view was nice … you could see all of Charlotte from this window. Long black curtains hung from the ceiling to keep some of the light out. When the curtains were drawn, the room would undoubtedly take on a different character—moodier, more intimate, and even more private.
To the right, a stunning black marble fireplace dominated the wall, flanked by a bookcase that stretched the entire length of the room. A plush seating area featured leather couches that looked as comfortable as they were luxurious, with a low coffee table in front. Nearby, a polished bar cart stood ready, stocked with an array of crystal glasses and top-shelf spirits. No doubt to impress clients.
“Holy…” You spoke, as smooth as ever.
To the left was Rafe and his expansive mahogany desk, positioned to take advantage of the view of the city’s infrastructure. His desk was organized with files stacked neatly, a computer with multiple desktops, and a mug that held steaming coffee. Expensive art pieces were framed on the wall behind him, carefully selected to aid the overall aesthetic of the space. They were dark and imposing like him.
His chair was high-backed and leather, and as you met his eyes, you noticed he was just as tailored as the room. Broad shoulders and lean frame … you wondered how much time he spent carefully crafting it. He set aside the folder he had been reviewing as the redhead, Eleanor, announced your presence.
"Mr. Cameron, your ten o’clock meeting," she said.
“Thank you, Eleanor. That’ll be all,” His voice was smooth and commanding, “Come sit, Ms. Y/L/N.”
He emphasized the leather chairs in front of his desk and although your legs felt like weights, you crossed the room. You couldn’t help but continue to stare at how impressive it was and now that you’d learned more about him through your research, it made sense. What didn't make sense to you was why you were sitting in front of it.
He leaned forward, his hands folding together, and instinctively you moved further back in your chair, “I got a chance to look at your application and resume.”
Your eyes widened, “Really?”
He nodded, “You never finished college. Why’s that?”
“I…I don’t understand,” You couldn’t hide the confusion on your face, “I didn’t think I-I would b-b-be …I thought Mr. Speer would be here.”
“He works for me, doesn’t he?”
“Y-Yes-” “You want to work for my company, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you repeated, your voice smaller this time. His head tilted slightly, his gaze sharpening.
“Did you forget my original question?”
“N-No,” You blurted before you took a breath. Relax, you told yourself, despite being aware of the environment that Mr. Cameron had already created, “I …I-”
He was patient but unyielding. You tried to imagine that you were just telling a story and not answering a pointed question. He was worth a billion dollars, not you. You had to answer his questions truthfully.
“I had a bad flare-up with my speech during my sophomore year. I …all throughout highschool it was very mild, but for some unknown reason, it got really sss-severe. My professors were … not accommodating. It felt immm-mmm-impossible.”
He stared at you for an uncomfortable amount of seconds. His piercing gaze had a way of making feeling like you were naked. You crossed your arms in front of your chest, “I see,” He tapped his finger against his desk, “It took me almost eight years to finish business school. By the end, my professor’s were only passing me because of who I was.”
Your lips parted in shock at his sudden candor.
An ugly truth for an ugly truth.
“Oh,” you whispered, not knowing what else to say.
“I’m saying this because it doesn’t matter how many boxes check or how good of a person you are. It doesn’t matter to me what you think you deserve.”
“Okay,” You nodded, still unsure, “I don’t think think I deserve this job. But I want it.”
“How bad?” His lips pulled into a smirk.
You searched your mind for all the rehearsed interview answers that you’d practiced, “I think I’m a really g-good fit for the–”
“No, what would you do?” He interrupted you, not in the way that people usually did because you were taking too long to speak. He was just completely uninterested in the words you had to say, “Let’s say six months from now, you’re up for a promotion and Andy corners you in his office. It’s ten-thousand more a year. Would you fuck him?”
There was a version of you, the rationale un-scared version of you, that would’ve stood up and walked out of the room. But you froze in place as you searched his eyes for whether he was asking you a trick question.
Breathe in, let it out slowly, “No, I wouldn’t. I don’t understand.”
“If he hired you as a File Clerk, it would be a great way to get promoted,” Rafe said, “I looked at the other applicants, they’re all more qualified, but you’re more beautiful. It’s a pattern I’m starting to notice with him.”
You couldn’t comprehend why he’d brought you here just to tear you down—to belittle someone who would be working for his own company. Shaking your head, you stammered, “I-I made a mmm-mistake,” as you reached for your bag. But Rafe held up a hand, stopping you in your tracks.
“Don’t worry,” He stood up from his chair. You took a breath and swallowed, trying to keep your heart inside your chest. Hands in his pockets, he walked around the length of his desk until he was in front of you. Even as he leaned back on his desk, his presence seemed to cloud all of your senses, “Mr. Speer does want you to work for him in his department and you’re free to do so. However, I want to hire you as my personal assistant.”
“Uhm,” You blinked, caught off guard. “M-Me?”
“I’m between assistants right now and I think you’d be a perfect fit,” His watched your reaction carefully, his lips in a thin smile.
Rafe Cameron was a complete asshole.
“You want me to be your personal assistant?” You asked slowly, trying to prevent a stutter.
“I want you to be my personal assistant,” he echoed, looking amused, “I think you’re cute.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Because I’m a c-college dropout www-with a stutter?”
“Not just that,” he shrugged, his nonchalance making you want to scowl. You should’ve walked out already, but something kept you rooted to your seat. “I think it would be mutually beneficial. The pay starts at eighty-thousand.”
“A year?” You asked, feeling foolish immediately.
“That’s almost triple what you make at your barista job.”
You eyed him curiously and wondered how exactly he knew that, “Yeah …”
“So, do you want it or not, Ms. Y/L/N?” The words hung in the air, and you couldn’t bring yourself to say "no." What choice did you really have? Work for a boss who might eventually cross the line—or work for one who’s offering to triple your salary?
“I’d love to give you more time to think it over,” he continued, glancing at his watch, “but I have a meeting in five minutes and will be out of the country for the rest of the week. You’ll need to decide now.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and anxiously picked at the fabric of your pants until you said, “Ninety-thousand.”
“You’re negotiating when you have no experience?” He wasn’t angry, just surprised.
You nodded, although you were afraid you’d made a mistake. Now, you’d be escorted out by security. But you’d seen something in his eyes—something he wasn’t trying to deny. For reasons you couldn’t quite grasp, he wanted you.
“Eighty-five thousand,” he countered.
You paused, “Okay.”
“Okay?” You nodded again. “Great.”
He clapped his hands together, “W-When would I ssss-start?”
“A week from now. Monday morning at seven. I get in at seven-thirty, and I expect you to be waiting here. Eleanor will work on getting your new wardrobe delivered to you before then.”
“Wardrobe?” You echoed, bewildered.
“I would’ve given you a hundred if you kept pushing,” he said, waving you off as he retreated behind his desk. Your jaw dropped as he added, “That’ll be all.”
The doors to his office opened again, and the redhead waited patiently for you to gather your things and hurry over to her. You glanced behind you to see Rafe intently focused on his computer screen.
When you finally had enough distance from his office, you asked, “What happened to his last personal assistant?” You thought you might hyperventilate when you were finally alone with your thoughts.
“Mr. Cameron can be difficult to please,” She smiled down at you, but her eyes were solemn, “Let me take your measurements.”
“Oh, I c-could just t-t-t-tell you,” you stammered, trying to get the words out quickly.
“They’ll need to be exact,” You followed her behind the reception desk.
You looked at her closer—voluminous hair, a sharp jawline, winged eyeliner that executed perfectly. She was tall, slender, and beautiful, and you felt like you were nothing like her. Again, a child in a place meant for adults. He’d chosen someone like Eleanor, that made sense to you, but you couldn’t wrap your mind around what he saw in you.
Cute, he’d said. You always got cute. Never beautiful. Eleanor probably always got called beautiful.
You stood still as she took your precise measurements, including around your hips, thighs, and bust. It was another moment where you probably should have run. “About this wardrobe I’ll be receiving…” you began cautiously.
“You’ll only wear what he picks out for you,” She said.
Breathe. “That’s a little crazy, right?”
“Your job will ensure he has everything he needs—every hour of the day. You want to be nice to look at, don’t you?”
And you don’t look nice to look at right now.
“Will I have a desk?”
Eleanor gestured to the one across from her, the second of two black desks in a square-shaped pod, “That one is yours, technically.”
“Did he mention he works from home on Fridays?”
“You’ll report to his house at seven a.m. on Fridays rather than here.”
“Yeah,” Eleanor said with a knowing nod. “Don’t worry, I’ll type this all up in an email for you.”
![Well Kept [1] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/83982078fac72a365efe633658275b34/1ab6d188227c3fae-7e/s500x750/d2da746a959c9c05780e0951f9d7006f2432985e.png)
Later, you sat in your apartment's living room, still in your pajamas. Your roommates, Imani and Angel, were at work for the next few hours, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You scrolled through your old laptop, reading the offer letter from Cameron Development three times: eighty-five thousand dollars plus excellent benefits. You hadn’t even been to the doctor in two years because of how expensive and terrible your insurance was.
You could afford your own apartment. You wouldn’t leave your roommates hanging, of course, but maybe you could in a few months. You could get your own cat like you’ve always wanted. That money would change your life.
Your clothes arrived with a delivery man who was already frustrated with you. He had to make three trips to bring in all the garment bags Rafe had sent. He grew even more frustrated when you begged him to return some of it. They filled your entire living room, and you’d be a horrible roommate to keep all of it. You’d have to throw out all of your clothes to make them fit in your room.
When the delivery man left, you started to zip the packages open and examine their contents. Your hands shook when you read the first price tag: a twelve-hundred-dollar Giorgio Armani dress. You began to notice a pattern as you looked at thirty different outfits. There were no black dresses or dark colors at all. Many of them were sad excuses for a woman’s professional work clothes.
You couldn’t deny that the outfits were sophisticated, but they all seemed to follow a particular theme. If one didn’t feature a mini-skirt, it showcased a sleeveless top. Many had a professional air, with neat rows of buttons running down the front or crafted from rich tweed material. Yet, they were also undeniably frilly and elegant, teetering on the edge of overly dainty. You couldn’t shake the feeling that if you wore one, you’d resemble a Barbie doll more than a personal assistant.
Breaking a sweat, you piled all of the garment bags in your room, leaving only a small amount of room for you to walk from your bedroom to the bathroom. That was going to be a problem. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if you returned some of them. How many outfits did you really need for work?
The man also brought in a trunk—an oversized, luxurious piece you couldn’t dream of fitting into your tiny shoebox of a room. Once you cleared enough space in the living room, you finally managed to open it. Inside, the left side was lined with rows of pristine heels, each pair more exquisite than the last. On the right, several items were wrapped in burlap sacks made from fine material. You carefully unwrapped one that bore the name GUCCI, revealing a small lilac handbag that looked both delicate and expensive.
God, you thought despite the fact you didn’t believe in him.
Your roommates were going to think you were some kind of sugar baby or escort. Even if you explained what happened, they might still believe that.
When you checked your laptop again, there was an email from Eleanor.
Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
Congratulations on your new position at Cameron Development! We are pleased to officially welcome you as Mr. Rafe Cameron's Personal Assistant.
Below are some key points regarding your new position:
Start Date: Monday, 7:00 AM
Work Location: Cameron Development Headquarters (Mon-Thurs) / Mr. Cameron’s residence (Friday)
You will be expected to manage Mr. Cameron’s daily calendar, remind him of upcoming appointments, and ensure he is well prepared for them.
You will coordinate all aspects of Mr. Cameron’s travel, including booking flights, accommodations, transportation, and hotels.
You will complete all of Mr. Cameron's personal errands.
You must maintain strict confidentiality regarding Mr. Cameron’s personal and professional life.
You will ensure all of Mr. Cameron’s personal needs are met.
Salary: $85,000
Benefits: Comprehensive health insurance, paid time off, and a company-provided phone and laptop.
Confidentiality: Due to the sensitive nature of your work, a strict non-disclosure agreement (NDA) will be required upon your first day.
A few tips for looking your best:
Wardrobe: Please adhere to the dress code. Your new wardrobe has been tailored to Mr. Cameron’s preferences. At work, you will not wear dark colors or pants. The items are non-returnable. Always opt for the heels provided. I suggest you practice at home if you’re uncomfortable wearing them.
Makeup: Your go-to should be a light foundation, a touch of blush, and a subtle lip color. Avoid anything too bold when it comes to eye makeup.
Hair: A braiding appointment has been arranged for you this upcoming Saturday, fully paid for. Mr. Cameron prefers a more extended length, but you’re free to choose the color as long as it’s natural.
Remember, the goal is to look effortlessly polished.
Best regards,
Eleanor Thornton
Executive Assistant to Mr. Cameron
Maybe Rafe Cameron was a sociopath.
![Well Kept [1] R. Cameron](https://64.media.tumblr.com/83982078fac72a365efe633658275b34/1ab6d188227c3fae-7e/s500x750/d2da746a959c9c05780e0951f9d7006f2432985e.png)
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she's crazy but she's mine.

authors note: first short drabble! kinda nervous to post so pls lmk what u think! hope you guys like it, maybe could turn into a full fic??
paring: jj maybank x fem!reader

jj maybank and his crazy wildcard gf!! ur just so unpredictable, one minute ur sat on jj's lap around the bonfire with all the rest of the pogues, talking about ur next plans to find the gold. u and jj all cozy n warm cuddling with each other n next minute ur walkin to the other side of the beach with a glass bottle of beer in hand, ready to beat up some chick (clearly a kook) who keeps on giving u dirty looks.
jj is super calm with u, ur almost practically just like him! somehow always causing shit and then running away once the cops get called, but loving to ur friends and would do anything to protect them.
but sometimes he doesn't even notice you've ran off! he's high off his mind, beer in hand, zoned out, and he suddenly realizes that ur not all snuggled up in his lap anymore. he's whipping his head around like a meerkat looking for u, once he spots u hes running after u and saying stufff like...
"woahhh stop right there little lady, how we sit back down now yeahh? don't want u hurtin urself pretty girl!"
he knows that he won't be able to stop u, ur confident and u know damn well what ur doing and the consequences to it, he cant tell u what to do!! but at least he gives u tons of lil kisses and while helping u bandage up your knuckles after beating up the girl who kept on giving u dirty looks (who you later find out was also eye fucking jj but he gives u some 'reassurance' that he loves u and only u!!) ☺️☺️

Who is he ?

Pairing- JJ maybank x fem! Reader
Synopsis - Kiara sets her up on a date but JJ just so happens to be working the night of..
Warnings - idk like kissing ? Well A kiss

The moonlight shone down on her, as she stood outside the country club waiting for the date Kiara set her up with, to get over the maybank boy she was lucky to call her best friend. She was hopelessly devoted obviously.
She repeatedly kept checking her phone as time went on she gave in and texted Kiara. *are you sure he’s coming? You said eight right? Am I here to early?* a moment later a ding ! Came from her phone *yes, y/n. I promise, you do realise it’s 7:50 right ?* the girl sighed *all right let you know how it goes?* she replied *yes of course now go enjoy yourself and DON’T think about JJ* she chuckled to herself before another message came through *love you !!!*
8:00 is what her phone read she was getting worried, but a car pulled into one of the many car spaces that were empty. The engine was turned off and the nerves were making her feel like she was about to Puke. A figure was walking up to her, oh god.
“Hey y/n right? I’m Liam. Sorry I’m late” he said pulling her in for a hug, “yeah nice to meet you” her voice came out stuttered, but she flashed him a smile “Kiaras friend ? She’s told me a lot about you” he put a hand on her lower back she winced at the action, that’s what JJ does. as he guided her into the restaurant.
“I have to say y/n your even more prettier in person, than what Kiara showed me” the small tint on her cheeks was noticeable now since the bright light that came from the celling was now shining down on her
Her lips were pulled into a smile, until a tall figure appeared at the table for two, she looked up a small frown appearing on her face as she saw the one person she didn’t want to see…at all.
“Hi I’m JJ..” he trailed as he made eye contact with her smirking down “and I’ll be your server tonight..can I get you any drinks?” He asked pulling out the note book “I’ll have a water” she smiled up at the boy acting as if she never blinked an eye his way
“I’ll take a-.” JJ cut Liam off “woah, Woah, Woah, y/n” She glanced at Liam who pulled a confused face “you know this guy?” Liam asked her “yes she does” JJ said “who’s he ?” JJ looked at you “my date” she looked forward playing with her fingers.
“Your on a date?” The sound of JJs voice dropping was obvious but she kept her composure “yeah” she nodded.
“Dude, this is confusing. You guys seem as if yous have some unspoken love story, I’m going to leave” Liam stood up she sent him a sympathetic face as he left “you know what I’m going to leave aswell, thanks for ruining my date, maybank” tears were threatening to spill as she stormed out of the country club.
But she knew JJ was right behind her. as she was texting Kiara to come pick her up JJ placed a hand on her “look y/n, I’m sorry” he said “JJ that’s not the point i kinda liked him. Seriously kie set me up with him so I’d get over you, now I’m starting to think why I ever liked you” she rambled not even realising what she confessed out loud with JJ “I’m texting kie to come pick me up”
“Y/n, what?” His shocked face was confusing as she looked up at the boy “what?” She furrowed her brows “what did you just say?” He said “I’m texting kie to come pick me up?” She raised one brow
“No before that” he raised a Brow, oh shit what has she done. “I that I can’t believe I ever liked you?” Her lip quivered “you liked me?..” he asked, she slowly nodded.
Before she had time to react JJ’s lips were smashed onto hers.

Mary’s song ( oh my my my )
Pairing - JJ Maybank x fem! Reader
Summary; JJ and the reader’s relationship based on the song “Mary’s song (oh my my my)”
Warnings - smoking, kissing.

She said, I was seven and you were nine. I looked at you like the stars that shine in the sky, the pretty lights.
The sun had set, and the two kids sat side by side staring into the water as it glimmered against the moonlight, her head turned looking at the blonde-headed boy she called her best friend.
He shined, like the stars. She thought as she admired how pretty he was, although the two had no clue what the hell love was or hormones yet. She felt funny.
She wondered if he saw her like that, and if he felt funny whenever he looked at her. All she saw was stars when she looked into the blue eyed boy.
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said oh my my my
Although her family were kooks they were the most loving people ever. Excepting her and her little friend JJ Maybank she had met at the park, and she beg beg and beg her parents to let her go to the same school as him.
One Friday evening after pre-school, the four sets of parents had invited the Maybanks round for a dinner, obviously Before everything had happened with JJ’s mom passing away and his father becoming an asshole.
The two of the kids had ran off somewhere, carrying on just like kids do, when the two dads had spoke up. “They’re gonna realise their love for each other I bet you!” Y/n’s father said “he’s the only one I’d accept and trust with my daughter” he smiled at the Maybank family. 
“Very funny” her mother laughed making the mom’s roll their eyes at the two dads “it’s true! The two of them will, I bet” Luke spoke agreeing with her dad making the women roll their eyes again laughing at the men.
“Not gonna lie, I kinda see it happening aswell” JJ’s mom turned to look at y/n’s mom as the dads were off in a separate conversation “don’t tell them, but same” the women laughed watching the kids from a distance.
Take me back to the house in the back yard tree. Said you beat me up you were bigger than me, you never did, take me back to when our world was one block wide. I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried. Just two kids you and I, oh my my my.
The house up in the tree that her dad had build, not too long ago for her 11th birthday was also a gift for JJ, since the two would spend most time up there, playing video games or just chilling whatever kids do.
The two were currently playing a video games nudging each other as they were completing with each other “I’ll beat you up!” He yelled a laugh coming along with the comment, “you wouldn’t dare!” She yelled back nudging him again. She was right he would never dare to touch his precious y/n y/l/n.
Now the two currently sat playing truth or dare after she bet him in the video game the two were playing “truth or dare, Jay” she said leaning on the bean bag “dare” he said copying her actions.
She sat in thought for a couple seconds as an idea had popped into her head “I dare you to kiss me!” She said before bolting out of the tree house, Him hot on her tail as he chased her around the yard laughing out loud when she almost tripped over her bike that way laying next to his.
Well, I was sixteen when suddenly I wasn’t that little girl you used to see. But your eyes still shined like pretty lights
No longer the little kids the two of them intended to be, at her sweet sixteenth birthday party, y/n and JJ had snuck away down to the beach to relive some old memories, it was dark as the two snuck down “crazy how we’re not kids anymore” she sadly smiled and sat down after placing a towel down to not ruin her dress.
“I know, least I got to spend the years with you huh” he said. Now, the two teenagers had turned into hormonal snot nosed teenagers, that smoked and drank against her parents wishes.
JJ had turned into, the islands heart throb, with girls. Y/n hated it, she hated all the attention he got, she missed when she was just hers and no one else’s.
As for y/n she had turned into a respectful young woman, but her and JJ were at different ends of the social spectrum but the still hung out when the could, obviously they had made more friends like now the two of them were Pogues, hung out with John B, pope, and kiara, ( who was another kook, like her ). Pope and kiara were the only ones who hung with her at school, but John B and JJ had their own friends.
But it was fine, she still loved JJ the same and maybe even more, and maybe just maybe he felt the same way about her.
“Remember that time you dared me to kiss you? And then you ran when I tried?” He said lighting the blunt that was already in his mouth “huh?” She raised her brows, of course she remembered, how could she forget? “We were playing truth or dare and you dared me to kiss you and then you like bolted away from me when I tried” he said handing her the blunt.
“Oh shit” she laughed “i do” she chuckled again leaning down on the towel “y’know” he paused taking the joint back “I would’ve done it if you would of let me” he copied her action leaning on of his side facing her “dude, we were what? Nine?” She shook her head “I’m surprised you even came tonight” she sighed
“What’d you mean” he said as the girl turned around on her side facing the boy “wouldn’t miss my favourite girls birthday over anything” he said reaching out and brushing a strand of hair that had fell out of place, behind her ear.
“Wanna play truth or dare?” He asked sitting up in a upright position “sure” she copied him “okay you go” she said “truth or dare birthday girl” the girl thought for a second before answering
“Dare” she sat back the boy copied her actions from when she was nine before he repeated her answer from that exact day.
“I dare you to… kiss Me” he trailed making the girls eyes go wild “what?” She chuckled awkwardly “I dare you to kiss me” he shrugged a smirk appearing on his face “if you insist” he smiled at her as he leaned forward puckering his lips up for her.
She took a breathy laughed before pressing her lips against his.
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us, they’d never believed we’d really fall in love, and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said oh my my my
And yet they did bet on it, but they didn’t think it would become reality, as y/n told her father about her and JJ becoming a thing. Her dad had grinned high-fiving her mother with a grin making the woman roll her eyes.
JJ’s mother had passed, making it extra tough on JJ, but her family still accepted the boy, even though JJ’s father was now an asshole and bet the boy up repeatedly.
But y/n would welcome him with open arms and patch up back into one piece, and she was lucky enough to have parents that let boys sleep in her bedroom.
Take me back to the time, we had our very first fight slamming doors instead of kissing goodnight you stayed outside till the morning light.. oh my my my
No one ever expects it but it happens, some girl was flirting with JJ at a party while he was getting himself and y/n another drink, and yet he didn’t do anything it look like he was and y/n was mad.
“Why did you not just tell her to fuck off JJ!” She yelled as John B, Sarah, Kie and pope sat on the couch awkwardly glancing between the couple and themselves
“I don’t flirt with every girl I talk to y/n!” He yelled back “and she didn’t know I have a girlfriend!” He spat “you could’ve of told her, it’s so simple “oh by the way I have a girlfriend that I love so much and care deeply about” see that easy” she yelled
“She just wanted a drink y/n!” He explained angrily “yeah! Sure! That was totally the only thing on her mind when she was touching up all over you!” She yelled before slamming the door behind her after leaving the chateau.
It was around 4am when she heard light taps on her windows as she rolled her eyes knowing it was JJ, she turned her TV’s volume up ignoring the boy who just wanted her attention.
A few years had gone and come around we were sitting at our favourite spot in town, and you looked at me got down on one knee.
The beach was always pretty during sunset, the couple were now both 23 and had moved out of outer banks, only back to visit her parents for a couple days during the summer.
The girl had been caught up in the pretty sunset as they were sitting on one of the fold up chairs her parents had in the garage, she hadn’t noticed JJ looking at her with such love and affection in his eyes, but she had noticed the strange feeling that someone was stairing at her burning holes into the side of her face.
“What..?” She said a smile appearing on her face as she turned around to look at her boyfriend “nothing” he said getting up from the seat and bending down on one knee “y/l/n” he paused “I’ have loved you ever since I met you. And I’m extremely lucky to have such an amazing, gorgeous and incredible girl in my life.. so will you marry me?” He said tears prickling in her eyes as he spoke.
“Yes, yes, yes!” She smiled as she stood up as he copied her actions engulfing her in a hug and placing a light kiss on her lips.
Take me back to the time, when I walked down the aisle, the whole time came and my mama cried you said I do and I did too
The time had come for the couple to get married, the long white dress trailed behind her as she slowly walked down the aisle after Kiara and Sarah. Everyone’s eyes on her as she made her way towards JJ, his eyes glassy as she stood across from the boy.
The vows, came and this was it “do you.. JJ Maybank take thee y/n y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?” He said as JJ nodded “I do” he said wiping a quick tear away “and do you y/n y/l/n take thee JJ Maybank to be your lawfully wedded husband?” a smile appeared on her face “I do” she smiled as the family and friends cheered a smile appearing on her face as JJ left the room with her bridal style.
I’ll be eighty seven; you’ll be eighty nine I’ll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky.. oh my my my

contains: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, an argument, reader’s life is in danger, injury and injury detail, near-death experience
jj maybank x female reader
not proofread, im sorry for any mistakes!
summary: after an explosive argument with your kook father, you run out of the house, and decide to do your favourite activity, surfing. but what about hurricane agatha..?
A/N: i wanted to say this may be inaccurate because im not too sure how to write it. the end also may be inaccurate with jj’s health, but it’s fictional so oh well!

(imagine kiara’s house as your home)
“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?” you screech at your dad, running down the stairs and into the kitchen, just trying to create space between you. he follows you anyway.
“no. no.” you mutter, tears welling up in my eyes, as i turn away from him, opening the porch door.
you slam the door, not hearing the last bit, not that you cared anyway. you walked furiously down your vast, white-painted porch, and turned to the garage. you snatched your surfboard, hooking it over your shoulder as you stumbled to your dads car, unlocking it.
you hoped he wouldnt hear as you started the car, shoving the board into the back of the jeep, before hopping into the drivers seat and speeding your way down to the beach.
“why is no one here??” you mutter to yourself. it was only 3pm, and usually there’d be multiple surfers and atleast one party on one side of the beach. puzzeled, you left your sandals on the pavement, letting the warm sand sink between your toes as you stepped closer to the refreshingly cold waves. hearing a car drive past, you turn your head out of instinct. you could’ve sworn you saw sarah’s familiar looking-car. why did everything seem so dystopian at the moment? the whole town was eerily empty.
around fifteen minutes into surfing, you were laying on your board, tired out after all the surfing. you noticed the waves getting rougher, and the sun disappearing behind the clouds. you raised your head, and looked around. the waves were thrashing around, and you started desperately trying to paddle to shore, to no avail. the freezing cold water was thrown over you as you shrieked, and started shaking. the weather immediately changed, rain hammering down from the murky sky. you screamed out:
but no one could hear you… no one was around.
i headed up the chateau’s steps, meeting jj, kie, pope, and john b on the small porch.
“hey guys.” i smiled, greeting them all and sitting down.
“hey!” kiara said, patting the seat on the bench next to her, gesturing me to sit down.
“where’s y/n?” i ask innocently, genuinely curious.
“she wasnt with you?” pope asks.
“she-she hasn’t been around all day. we thought maybe she was sleeping at yours or something. you mean you havent seen her?” john b asks, furrowing his brows as everyone’s expression turns grave.
rain starts thrashing down, lightning illuminating the sky.
“no. no! i havent seen her..” an uneasy feeling set in my stomach.
“shit. i’m gonna go find her.” jj says, with a determined look on his face that told me we couldnt change his mind.
“jj..” kie said.
“no. her dad is a total dick, we all know that. she’s constantly running over here when they argue. thats like, what, three times a week? it wont hurt to check.” he says, getting up and running down onto his motorbike, immediately getting soaked.
and then, he just sped off. oh boy.
i knew i was going way over the speed limit, but i didnt care. i knew something bad had happened to y/n. i could feel it, and i tried to push the worry gnawing at me down. i sped down the streets and eventually pulled up at y/n’s massive house. ‘kooks.’ i thought to myself. without hesitation, i walked up to the front door, knocking rapidly, (this reminded me of “housekeeping!!” if ykyk) before ringing the doorbell.
“what do you want?” snarled mr l/n, upon seeing me.
“hi sir. i was, uh- wondering if you’d seen y/n? is she here?” i asked, holding back my urge to swear at this dickhead.
“no. she took it upon herself to run away. my cars gone, and she left the garage door open. when you find her, tell her she’s not welcome here.”
he slammed the door shut without another word, leaving me with my own thoughts. i started walking back to the street, when i noticed the garage door a little bit open. i peeked through and saw three surfboards hooked up on the wall, but i didn’t see y/n’s usual one. and then it clicked in my head. she loved surfing! she mustve gone to the beach! wait… the hurricane… i have to go, NOW.
waves splashed over you, pulling you further away from shore. a jolt threw you almost off your board, as a surge of pain flew up your body. you looked beside you and saw sharp, jaggedy rocks that your surfboard was now wedged in. turning your head to look at your left leg, you gasped. a large, deep gash was stricken right up it, while scarlett blood seeped out of the wound.
your wet hair clung to the board that was now stained with blood as you lay on it. you felt stupid for it, but you felt somewhat safe wedged between the rocks. this way, you couldnt drift further away. you looked towards the sandy shore, torrential rain disrupting your view. then, you saw lights from a car, turning toward the beach. you could’ve jumped for joy (if you could).
you saw familiar blonde tufts of hair, and could make out the worn out camo shorts he frequently wore.
“JJ!” you screamed with all your might. of course, he couldnt hear you, but he could see you.
he pulled out.. one of your surfboards? he carried it to the waves, laying down on it and surfing through the tallest waves.
“JJ NO, ITS DANGEROUS!” you screeched helplessly.
as he got closer to you, screaming comforting words, one of the largest waves you’d seen towered over him.. and smashed down. jayj had disappeared. lost from view.
“JJ! JJ?” you cried out, tears streaming down your face, and mixing with the rain hammering down onto your cheeks.
A blonde head bobbed up onto the surface, as he gave himself one final push towards you, approaching the rocks. he was coughing furiously, but only cared about reaching you.
another wave washed over you, as you held your arm out for him. he grabbed it greatfully, trying to unhook your board as you held him tightly down, so he wouldnt get swept away.
“there! lets go, get on my board!” he yelled over to you, as you crawled off yours. a furious wave suddenly crashed into you, as you screamed in pure terror and slipped.
suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped over you, lifting yourself onto the board. your heart skipped a beat, but you werent too sure if it was because of your near death experience or jj…
“grab the rope, and tie it around you y/n! quick!!” he shouted over the endless crash of the waves and the hammering of the rain ricocheting off of the turquoise board.
you noticed a rope tied around the end of the board, with another bit of rope dangling off of it. you wrapped it around your ankle, tightening it, even though it dug into it painfully.
you and him surfed up waves, while you closed my eyes, too afraid to look, as you held onto jj’s muscular figure. it all seemed like a blur to you.
“untie the rope!” jj advised you.
“what?!” you screamed, confused.
you quickly let the rope free from your ankle, trusting jj’s worrds.
suddenly, you were flung up into the air by a strong wave, and flung onto.. land?
your eyes seemed stuck together by treacle, as you strained to open them. you coughed and coughed, freeing your lungs of the endless water contained in them. you shivered uncontrollably, your face pale and skin freezing cold. your leg was still bleeding, and it hurt to move, you winced at any sudden movement.
you suddenly crawled around, looking for the boy who had selflessly just saved your life.
“JAYJ?” you shouted, and saw a crumpled figure closer to the tide.
you immediately got up, wincing due to the excruciating pain, but pushing forward, stumbling towards his unconscious figure.
“jj!” you cried out, tears spilling uncontrollably down your cheeks. this was all my fault.. you thought to yourself, as your emotions overtook you.
“jj please wake up.” you cried out, hyperventilating as you peformed cpr, your soaked hair dangling over his face.
sirens sounded in the distance, but you were too panic-stricken to care. you used your mouth endlessly to puff air into his, as you cried and cried, tears dropping onto his pale cheeks.
“ma’m! maam please step back, we’ll take it from here. you’ll suffer from hypothermia.” a cop’s voice shouted from behind you, as a police force came slowly towards you.
you leant back from jayj. your bestfriend. the only one who seemed to understand you. you turned your head back to the cops, as a nice looking woman put a blanket onto you, asking if you could walk.
you saw sarah, john b, pope, and kiara running towards you, and stopping once they saw who you were knelt next to. sarah ran to you, hugging you as a tear slipped down her cheek. you were a frozen mess, bawling your eyes out.
medics rushed over to jj, trying to resuscitate him, as you were slowly lifted up, as a cop and sarah tried to lead you to an ambulance.
you suddenly heard coughing behind you, and kie gasping. you turned and saw a crumpled jj’s chest heaving, and you bolted back towards him, ignoring the searing pain in your leg.
“oh jj.” you said, your voice barely a whisper, as you crouched next to him, tears dropping off of your face, as his hand reached up to your cheek, wiping them away as he smiled weakly.
“i love you.” you whispered softly to him. and suddenly, he brought you into a kiss. fireworks exploded in your stomach, as you broke the kiss.
“i love you too.”
your foreheads met, as you lent against eachother, both of you smiling at one another, as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
A/N: im not too sure how to feel about this tbh.. i hope you enjoyed it though!! i listened to noah kahan on shuffle while i wrote this 😜