This Is So Sad :( - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Every day I mourn tumblr gcs now I can’t terrorize all my friends at once 😔

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8 months ago

How could you say this so casually as if this wouldn't gut us all😭😭

Nancy hating pools but being fine with natural bodies of water. Mike hating natural bodies of water but being fine with pools. You see.

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6 months ago

Very important ‼️

Very Important
Very Important
Very Important

Please report this account , they’re harassing my friends and are most likely the Jake anon who has been harassing multiple Enha writers on this platform! They’ve made an account now to publicly harass both @dollyyun and @ja3yun . Please report them , share this post and block them . This is just completely sick and insane. This may also be the same person that send hate messages on a burner account towards @/dr0wnme0ut who has deactivated now

Tagging some mutuals and writers to help ; @chlorinecake @ak4e7a @squoxle @intromortal @heeslomll @heehoonies @heelcvr @jakesangel @rikislady @melobin @enha-stars @hollyoongs @hxxsxxng @ikeuverse @ikeujyn @karinasbaby @luvyeni @wonsdoll @alvojake @naomiarai @rowretro @slutofpsh @taesancore

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6 months ago

I’m not even speaking figuratively when I say that I felt my heart break reading this.

june 6 - stay - @jegulus-microfic - 135 words

James had always been afraid that Regulus would leave him. From the moment they began dating, James thought he was not enough.

He was not pure enough, not wealthy enough, not the right person for Regulus. Regulus was just too perfect in James’s eyes and it downright terrified him.

The first time that James and Regulus got into a fight, Regulus stormed off but James did not let him get far. He grabbed the other boy’s slim wrist and dropped to his knees.

Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes as he begged Regulus to stay.  Regulus’s eyes widened and he dropped down next to James, worried.

He had to talk for hours to convince James that just because they fought did not mean James was not worthy or that Regulus would leave.

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6 months ago

Writers on this app break my heart with regularity and I can’t do shit about it but tear up at their cruel masterpieces.

win - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 179

"What...the...fuck..." Sirius sighed, collapsing on the couch next to Remus, surveying the room.

It looked like a bombarda went off. There were toys everywhere, bits of toast smashed into the carpet, ripped up papers littered the hall. Sirius even swore he could see a small handprint on the wall, though he didn't point it out to Remus.

"We got him to bed," Remus said tiredly, wrapping his arms around Sirius and resting his head on his shoulder. "And he took a bath. That's a win, right?"

Sirius snorted. "It's eleven pm, Moons."

Remus groaned. "Oh Merlin, he'll be up again in seven hours."

"Remember when he couldn't walk? Those were the days," Sirius grinned, grabbing Remus's hand and kissing his fingers. "Just when I thought he took after Lily, he hit age three."

The other man chuckled, but a melancholy feel hit the room as they both remembered their friends.

"I'm glad we can do this together," Remus mumbled, pulling Sirius closer. "Couldn't do this without you."

"Me too, Moons," Sirius smiled sadly. "Me, you, and Harry. We're family."

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2 years ago

Well well, thank you for the tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ♡♡♡ ;)))

Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))
Well Well, Thank You For The Tag @eternalreverie-sabostan ! ;)))

L to R, top to bottom:

Sabito (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Tomioka Giyuu (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Sabo (One Piece), Trafalgar Law (One Piece), Portgas D. Ace (One Piece), Bakugo Katsuki (Boku no Hero Academy), Hitoshi Shinso (Boku no Hero Academy), Dabi (Boku no Hero Academy).

And looking at that, I realize I don’t exactly have a type? Well, is that if you ignore that half of them have blonde or black hair, or a kind of unusual color? I really don’t know how to say :") btw, I have watched basically only three anime lately and these are my favorite characters >3<

Aaaaand tagging: @mimi-ya @dragonprincess18 @decapitated-bees @pandashar11 @niche-bitch

L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:
L To R, Top To Bottom:

L to R, top to bottom:

Rohan Kishibe (JJBA), Joe (Sk8 the Infinity), Galo Thymos (Promare), Loid Forger (Spy x Family), Kento Nanami (JJK), Daisuke Kambe (Fugo Keiji: Balance Unlimited), Tsuchigomori (TBHK), Aki Hayakawa (CSM), Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket)

Tagging: @lostinthe-jojos @giogio-gucci-gangstar @pensivespecter @angry-geese

(if anyone else wants to do this feel free)

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6 months ago

Ya know, you could just stab me, I think it might hurt less

Some Hard Promises Angst

So I was sitting in bed minding my own business thinking "So what if Jack had more left of his brother than just a photograph?" and it led to this.... well, whatever this written hell counts as. Enjoy the shitshow.

(Also haha enjoy the play on the Hard Promises title in here)


“Hey, kiddo! Look who I got back!”

The young boy in front of Jack smiled… or, Jack could only assume he had. He could only hear the boy’s voice. He didn’t want to look- he knew what he’d see if he did. He’d had this nightmare before. Instead he looked at anything else- the small stuffed horse in his hands, the walls, the cheaply made wooden furniture and the locked doors and barred windows. The edges of the scene were fuzzy, like a dream, but just nostalgic enough in some sick way to make his skin crawl. He hated how he felt for this place, for the people in it- and for the people who never made it out. The dull walls of the refuge that surrounded him, stained in blood that realistically shouldn’t be there, both comforted and tortured him. He didn’t look down, even as the kid begged him. 


Jack felt sick. He hated that name. He hated the person who it belonged to.

“Francis, you got him back!”

“I know… I know, Michael.” Jack forced a smile. He hated Francis Sullivan, and his life, and his name, and his family. But he couldn’t bring himself to hate his little brother. What kind of a big brother would that make him?

“Will you keep him safe for me? So Snyder doesn’t take him again?” 

“S-Sure. I will.”

“Do you promise?”

Jack didn’t want to. After what happened, it was a hard promise to make, even if he’d technically made it in real life before the accident. But he sighed. “I promise.”

Jack had to shut his eyes tight when Michael hugged him. He smelled the blood. He felt it on his clothes. He remembered every detail of what happened to his brother. But that didn’t mean he wanted to see it again. He never wanted to see it again.

“Francis, why aren’t you looking at me?” Michael whined.

“Stop.” Jack begged.

“Francis, come on!”

“No!” Jack yelled, opening his eyes. 



Jack sat up, breathing so heavily his chest hurt, instinctually smacking the arm off of his shoulder that was shaking him. 

“Jack?! Ow- I- Are you okay?”

“Crutchie?” Jack shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “I- I’m fine… what time’s it?”

“It’s really early, I’m sorry! You were crying in your sleep-”

“I wasn’t.” Jack sighed. “We’ve been over this. I just have allergies, remember?”

“Okay… just- are you sure you don’t want-”

“I’m fine, Crutchie.” Jack snapped. He hated how cold he sounded. How scared he was. He wanted to talk about it, he did. But he didn't want to be a burden to Crutchie. What kind of a big brother would that make him?

“Alright… Goodnight, Jack.” Crutchie said quietly, a hint of coldness in his own tone. Jack supposed he deserved it, even though it hurt. 

“Night.” He responded half-heartedly. 

Once Crutchie was gone, Jack cautiously pulled a loose brick out of the wall, and retrieved a small stuffed horse from inside it. He turned it over in his hands, looking it over. It was far from perfect anymore, it was all dusty with rips and tears, and blood stained over what used to be the white muzzle. It was trash, really, but Jack couldn’t bring himself to put it away.

He promised he’d keep it safe, and he wasn't about to break that promise. Not the last promise he'd ever made to Michael- what kind of a big brother would that make him?

Jack marched into the lodging house shamefully, flanked by cops and Pulitzer’s workers, avoiding the gazes of all the boys who used to be his brothers. He didn’t want to come back here himself, he’d begged for someone else to do it, to retrieve his things for him so he wouldn’t have to face everyone. But for some sick reason Pulitzer had insisted he go himself.

“How can we be sure you have all your… belongings, if you don’t go yourself?” The voice still rang in Jack’s ear, mocking and taking pleasure in what clearly was Jack’s pain. 

Jack didn’t care about his clothes or his bedding. He hardly cared about the money he’d left. There were only two things he really came for. But when he reached inside the wall, he felt sick to his stomach.

The first thing he felt was toy stuffing. 

Fighting a rising panic within him, he pulled out the remnants of what was once a small stuffed horse, now in nothing but a few sorry shreds and a head separated from the body. Nobody in the lodging house knew why he cried that day, nor why he even had it in the first place- to them it was just a meaningless stuffed horse, one that happened to get caught in the crossfire of their anger when they searched for the photograph of Jack’s family.

To them, it meant nothing.

But to Jack? It meant the world. He felt worthless, useless... he just wanted to shut his eyes and cry. But he didn't even feel like he deserved to do that, not in front of everyone. For all he'd done, after Michael and now Crutchie and Race and the rest of the boys, it just now hit him that he'd failed as a big brother.

He’d broken his promise.

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9 months ago

Chaos Theory was fantastic, genuinely one of my favorite additions to the Jurassic Franchise in a while!! I’m looking forward to season 2 a lot. Massive applause to all of those who worked on the show, it came together beautifully.

Here’s a comic titled “Two Sides of the Same Coin” that I threw together after finishing the show. (major spoilers ahead, like seriously, MAJOR spoilers)

I’ve noticed that Ben and Brooklynn are mirrors to each other in Chaos Theory. They parallel each other in ways that are easy to miss if you don’t think too hard on it

Brooklynn is everything Ben could’ve become if he hadn’t been grounded by Darius in the initial stages of his paranoia. Ben is everything Brooklynn could’ve become had she not been too occupied with theories to notice she was getting to the point of being too far gone. They had a wonderful friendship before Brooklynn’s “death” and I’m intrigued to see where the show-runners take it when Brooklynn and Ben inevitably reunite.

Chaos Theory Was Fantastic, Genuinely One Of My Favorite Additions To The Jurassic Franchise In A While!!
Chaos Theory Was Fantastic, Genuinely One Of My Favorite Additions To The Jurassic Franchise In A While!!
Chaos Theory Was Fantastic, Genuinely One Of My Favorite Additions To The Jurassic Franchise In A While!!

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10 months ago

DM with any questions! Quotes are completly free. Want something you don't see here? Just ask. Only accepting USD via PayPal/Kofi To secure a slot, contact me via DMs here on Tumblr, (or alternatively, via Instagram (@ / or Discord (@ local_goblin )

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1 year ago

boo! I'm a ghost haunting your blog! 👻

This as been my awakening to the fact that my ass is *not* funny. I spent like 50 minutes trying to think of a response and got nowhere.

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1 year ago

here :) *gives you an apple full of poison*

Yooo! Thank you for the appl-

Here :) *gives You An Apple Full Of Poison*

(Art credit to @uncannygoat)

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6 years ago
Imagine Mitsuki Is All Alone In His Room Again And Looks At The Chips Bag Chouchou Gave Him, And He Remembers

Imagine Mitsuki is all alone in his room again and looks at the Chips bag Chouchou gave him, and he remembers his time in Konoha :(

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6 years ago

aaww Akun calls Chouchou chubs now

That's really cutee!! But I’m still sad that he had to die 😢 RIP Akun.

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2 years ago

HELLO???!?? i don’t usually read short fics but man this really did it for me 😭😭 i’m so sad and i keep thinking about the ending (if there is no part 2 i’m just gonna keep thinking he made it back safely LOL)

Dont Go Yang Jungwon. Classmates To Lovers. Zombie Apocalypse Au. Fluff And Angst.

don’t go — yang jungwon. classmates to lovers. zombie apocalypse au. fluff and angst. 

synopsis. you never would’ve expected meeting your class president under these circumstances, but here you are, in a barricaded classroom with your hand in his. when night falls and the undead sound a little quieter, jungwon makes it his responsibility to check for any possible routes of escape, but it’s a little hard when you’re begging him not to go (1.7k words)

go to “all of us are dead” series masterlist

Dont Go Yang Jungwon. Classmates To Lovers. Zombie Apocalypse Au. Fluff And Angst.

“I’m scared.”

The sound of heavy footsteps is all you hear, echoing around your school hallways in senseless direction and stretching all the way towards the staircase. At least, it’s all you hear from where you’re hidden with Jungwon, just a few meters from the things that roam the halls. 

“Jungwon, I’m so scared.”

Your temporary sanctuary is in a locked classroom, windows and doors barricaded to keep a barrier between the pair of you and the undead. It’s dusty, and your only notable memory of the place is crying while having to push at the bodies of the people who used to be your classmates, the ones you had to kill if you wanted to survive. 

They weren’t who they used to be, is what you repeat in your head over and over as you try to justify your actions. And yet, flashes of memory still sneak their way in. You refuse to acknowledge them, afraid of getting killed if you let yourself get distracted by who they were before they turned.

Everything had happened in a flash, you don’t even remember much. It passes you like a blur - the screams, finding the warmth of a hand, running away until you couldn’t catch your breath anymore, and shoving yourselves into any room you found that was unoccupied. Now, it’s almost a day later and you’re left wondering what your plan of action was supposed to be.

You lean against Jungwon, desperately trying to reassure yourself that you still had someone. Not that you and the class president were necessarily close before this had happened. You’ve only shared brief interactions in class, or when you were tasked to bring papers into the Council office with him, or even short greetings in the hallways. Nothing more than simple hello’s and small waves.

Now, you’re clinging onto him with the prospect of never letting him go. 

Keep reading

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8 years ago


The tape is in a silent room, full of the scent of ash and something metallic and wrong. It sits there, perfectly normal, with a set of ashfilled clothing spilled across the ground. All that’s left of the person you once knew is a set of clothing and ashes… But the tape… If hit to play… *Static….*“H̶̞̥a͎̼h̷͕̥͕̠̟ ̟̖͎h̜̝̜̳̝a͎̲̞͈͇̮͖h͍̯͕͇̦.̖͉.̜̟.̧.̯͉͎͔͕̘̞͡ ̸W̷͚̰̝̯̰͚̪ẹ͕̫̦̘͞l͔͙̩̩l̦͚.͇̠͘ ̱T͏h̘̯̲i̱̱͎̙ş̝̤͓̩̮͔̩ ̥̟̦̙͙̺̤ḏ̴̯̯̣̗̞a̫͉̥̩̝y̢͓̲̞͉ ̝̱̺͢c̳͙͈̠͇͟a̢̦̭̦m̳͇e̩̫̰̹̱̥͟ ͕͍̱s̪̞o͓̘͜o҉̱͍̜̣̭n҉͉͔̩̣e͖͕̪̦̝̜̘͘r͕ ͎̦̹͍̼̤̕t̘̤̮̕h̯̳̻͎̻̼a̖̫̫̖̙n̼

̘̼ͅȩ̬͇̦̞͚̖̰x̫͈̜͎͓ͅp̝͎͚͍e͓̫͍͠c̼̤͔͢ṯ̻́e͠d́.̵͓̺̼͉̯̹ ̵͙̩͔̦I̞̠͙̟ ̣̘̻͚k̖͈͇̹̼̘n̰̹̪͟o͔̘̜w͏̩̗̜ ̫y̯̣͎͖̝o̞̖̱ú̠̳̦̥̦̙̰ ̷̩͚̰̫̜̣̼ć͍͎̙̯͈̙a̪̤̤̠̦̯̜n̲'͖͉̹̜̪̺̕ͅt ̸͉̗̙h͖e̜̜̥ar͍̝̮͉͍͙͘ ̼̙̳͙͎͔͞w̗h͔͕̞̤͚̗̳͠a̯͓t̝̬͕̞͈̱̹ ̱̮̳̭I̯͚̺̲'͜m̰̝̳͖̦̪͎

͟s͏͈̬̦a̸̰̣̼̫̞̲̣y̻̥͠in̠̘͍͚̰̗̲g̸̱̻̳̠͎͍ ̝̮̪͕̺̳Ș̤͖͟a͇͔̣̖i̢̞̫̼b̬̭̹͉y̻̗̬.͚̫͎̪͚̺͞.̺͉̠̱.̣̺͇͓͔͓..̬͓ ̦̗̞̤̱̰B̬u͚̞t̤̥̬̹̬͜ ̨̺̞̤̝͇͓̪t̗̞̳͇̜͓͞r̸̩̳͇y̰̳̙̜̼̫̭ t̙̥̬͔̣͓̻͞o͞ ̛̯͔͇͙g͚ę̼t̨̘͕̪̩̮ ̙͓s̤̗̣̞̘̰͖ọ̼m̪̪͟e͍̮͕̫͕̯͞ͅo̘̯̖̻n̦̩̥͔͘e͍̟͘ ̸̹͕e̛͚̰̩̟ḷ̱s̳͉̦e̳

͈̠͕̼̘ṱ̤͓̝o̱͚ ҉̦̭͔ͅt͏̣̣̖̟r̺͚a̫̖n͍͍͈̗͚s̗͙̩̜̲ͅl̢̦̼̘͇̬̺ͅa̶̻̭̫̳̠te͕̪̻ ҉͔f̡͇o͍̠̝̰̬̗̲͠r̤̗̹̩̜͚̬͞ ̱͇y͖̟͍o͈̯̘-̝̜̘̻̼̟͝ͅ ͓̬͝ ̣ ”

Suddenly, a loud, hacking and painful sound screeches out of the player. After a few minutes there are a few heavy, labored breathes before the voice continues.

̗͎̘͚͓̮̱.̞̥͉͎̲͙͇.̤̭̗.͕̞̭̬͢.̱̠͇͙̲.͖͇̻͍͕͓̺͝ ͏̥̯A̹̻͈͍̝̻ṣ̗̪̭̞̞̲ ͏͉̼͉̯I̸̯̻͚̯͚ ̴̖̝̯̦̖͉̭w͕̞͓̖̙͇͢a̼͙͘s͉͕̙̭͈̠͡ͅ ͓̪̘͇̫̰̻́s̤̭̣͙a͎̮̹̙̳̫y̥̟̘̗i͏̠̰͚̻̮ͅṉ͖̰g̝̺͙̦͎͎̼͢,͈̝̳̫̖̹ ͙̳͙̺̳͍I̛͎ ̷̗͖͚̹̦̝͙j̞̜̞u҉̘̩̪͙̳͇s̹̮͈͚͇̞̕t̖͔ ̮͎͖̺̞̘̻w̪̥̬a͇̩͖̕n̞̦̜̲̙t̙̻ ͓y̨͚o̞̮̜̬u͓̬̘ ̭͎̻̼̟̕ṱ͝o̮̟̞̜͓̫ ̼k͓̖n̳͈o̺w̙̜

̖̖̥̩͝t̰͍͍́h͇̼͓̫͜a̹͇̭̘͙t̙̼̩̯͚̫͈ ͎͓̗͍̩͙ͅI̼̬̦͢ ̜͔̥̮̭l̩̫̙͉͍͈o͉̳̘̙̱͙v҉̦̹̠͙e̡̜ ̪̱̭ͅͅỳo͓͙̻̗̠͔̼ụ̴̫͇̲.̱͓̜͓͔̥ ̷͉̲̰̻͇̟̼I̹̲̮̹̖ ̻͚͝l͝o̖̗̣̫v̜͎̤̥̗͠e͠d̳̺̠̻ ̺y̵̖ͅo̞͖̹̮͖̪̫ų̹̹̟ ͚͇̮̤͖̫͘b̶̤̟e̮͕̹͖̖̙̱̕f͘o̤͘r̶e̢͖͖̻̝̣̦,̧̬̫̜̯̳ ̠̣͓̥͠a̤͍ṉ̤̩̜͇̯d̙͙͙̠̠͓͔̀ ̱I͇̮̼̟̬̻̲̕ ̥̣̗̖͈̣ͅl̹̯o̱͉̻̜͖͞v̭̤͎̹̯͡ͅe̺̣̦̰

y̦̹o̡̳͍̲u̦̺̜̬̜̩ ̵̟̲ͅn̡̬͕̱̼̩͇o̞͚̣̘̹w̭.͎͔̤͚̘̻ͅ ̡̫͉̟̝̘̟̙A̶n̻̖̯d̩͉̪̱ ̝̱͍̳̙ͅI ̬̻̦ͅc̵͎̜a͙n̠͢'̸̲t̰ ̭̞s͏̠̰̻̗̺t͈o̰p͔̩̟̜͇̠ ̤͖̘̝̭̩̤͘t̬̻͕h̯̙̜̫ͅͅi̵̦̱̳s͚̭͙̞̣͔.̼̜͔̮̘̥̺ ̬̼̪̦Į̹͈̯ͅ ̛͈͔̦͓̙̰̬w̥̹͍͎̭̣a͈̝͓n̘̭͚̳t͖̤̘̙e̝͚͚̜d̩̹.͚͔͚̣.͕͞.

Her voice cracks, and the sound of something splashing against the mic can be heard.ͅ ̱I̵̫̩̝̤̙̟ ẉ̠a̢n̪͠t̲͈̰̥è̩̫͚̣d͢ ͇͙̜s̢̭͇͚͖͎̻o͈̺̹̼ ͏̻b͢a͔͚͎̞̱͍̠d͙̖̦l̳͈͍̥̣y̸ ̖̗͉͕̩t͜o̮̥̣̥̘ ̡̥̥̳ͅli͞ṿ̣̩͘ͅḙ̸̭̞̺̳̮͇ ͖͓t̼ẖ̡͉̙ŗo̰̫̣͎͠ug̪̰͙̜͕͝h̶̬ ̗̟̟̘̝͞t̢͇̖̺h̫̗͖̜̥i͕̼͝s̯͢.̡̱͓.̡̞̤̯̤̙͕.͎̙͔.͖ ̳̰͕̫͈̠̲͜B͈́u̘͝ͅt ̝̯͎́I̲̱͕͚͙̜ͅ

̵̳̣c̤͈͙͜ͅo̹͎͇̫̟̱ͅú̼̘ḷ̨̠̠ḑ͖͖̲̻ṉ̦'̩̣̀ͅt̴̜̘͚̱̣͉̗.͏͖͍ ̭̭̬̘ͅA̵͇n̢͕d̩͈͔͎͕͠ ̡̖n͏̫͇̳̬̱o͠w̲̝ͅ ̩̳͎̰̜̙̰͟y̲̠o͕̪̖̺͢u̙̬͙͕̕'͚̝͖̲̟͉r̙̩̥̠̲͕̩è̼̟̳ ̼̟̼́l̢͓͕͕̹e͈͕̯̺͔̠f̼̯̜͙̹̱͢t͝ ͕͔̙͉̹̪̫w̙̹̫i̦̹̳̲̫t̵h̵͔̠̼͕̮̹ͅo̱̦̩̙͈u̺͢t͇͕̠͖ ̜ą͎ ͕̙ḽ̢o̘̬̥̠̙v̦̯e̼͓ͅr̞̳̺͉͖͜ͅ.

̳̰̝̻S͇̮̟͈̙͎o̘ ̶̟̺̲̦p̕l̻͇̦e͖a̻s̖͉e̝͍̘̗̠.͈̩̤͉ ̺̲̣̜I̯͙͚̻̞’m ̝̪͇̰̫b̧͕̰e͙͉̞͘g̨g̪̪̥̼͜ͅi͈̪̙n̝͔͍͈͖̖̦g͚̞ ̺̮͘y̙̻̦̬o͉̥͈̲͜ṳ͍̳͚.̳̜ ̝͍͚̣̟̪͔

She takes a deep breath, and seems to steel her nerves because the next few sentences aren’t quite as shaky.M̛͔̖o̳̼͠v͈̞e̵͈̱̤̮ ҉̜o̶n̸͍̘͚̱.̵̭̗̙̮̳ ̻̹̤F̶̣̮͍o͏̞̦͇͉͈̯̙r̶̦̠͕g̮͉e͞t̯̞̪̭͟ ͕͈̤͇̜͘a̸̤͈b̥̮͡o̸̭̻u͝t̯̦̥̖ ̺̣ͅͅm̝͕̭̤e̠̙̥͖̭̰͠.͖ ͕̣̣̥G͉̩̣͖̳͝e̮̜̗̣̗͞t̝͓̺̻͎̬ ͙͎̻̤̺a͍̹ ̴̮̦ͅḿ̫̺̖͚͕u̖̰ć̫͖̲̙͔̫h͇̲̯͎̲̟ ҉̖͓̹͎̣̬b̤͖̻̘͍̞e̥̪͉t̤t̪e̵r̴̝̦ͅ,̦̯͎̼̪͞

͚s͕̣̻̹͍͇̮t̖̰͓̳̳̩ͅr̰̪̗͖̥o̙̹̳̠̠̟̳n̷̲̤̼g͈͘e̙̳͔̮̺ͅr̟̟̲̪̣ p͜e̖͘r̨̯̱͔͍s̢̝͓̗̩͉o̘̩̤͎͉͘n͖͍ ͏̭̺̼̠͖w̹͔͔̙̩̝h̡̟̣̲͖̮̥o͕̫ͅ ̶c̝̮͍a̦̥͡n̠̟ ̺̠s̡u̵r̗̦̫͙̱̹̘͞v̳i̦̪͎v̘̫͍̻̳ͅe̙.̰́ ̨͕W̝͖͔̰ͅha̸̖͇̺̟̩̜t̳̰͚e̼̟̠͞vͅe̟̟r̛

̤̣͍̹͉̖̠y̛̟͙o̩͔ṳ̘̪͚̻̲̥ ̖͙d͝o̱,̙̳̩͞

̤̣̖̠͈̖̼ș̠̪͓̪t̵̝̤͙̼̮a̸̳̻̠y͕̯ ̼͎̥a̭̲̫̼͔͇ͅḻ̴̞͉̫̟̪i͎̥ͅv҉̰̦͙͖̫̹̥e͎̱̬.̳̰̥̯̀ ̵͍̥̭͙̘̺͈I͙̼̫n̰̞̟̹̥ ͔̗͙a̰̼̺͚̼l̘̠͉rea̟̣͎̗͕ḏ͕y̻̦̳̜ ̺̝͈̦a̰͜ ̸̙̫͎̯̳̹mo̶̦̳n̢̺̼̼͉̝̤s͍t͏͖̪e̞̯̼͈̪r̸ ̜̰̙̱f̗̹͖͘o҉̠̹̪̲̭̘r͏̤͈ ̘̭͖͈̫̹̲͘ĺe̱̣̮̯͙͎͇͟a̴̜v̡͓̪̥̳͓i̦͓͔n̨̯g̰̬̲̹̗

̷y̸̻͕̖͍̹o͝ṳ̮̠̲̤͢ ̝̝͍͉̫̩l̝i̕k̭̜̦̦e̳̘͕̹̬͕ ̴̟̮tḥ̹̀i͍͖s͔,̯ ͢b̮̘͍̟͖̪͞u̩̻̠̥͚t̨̹ ̤̺͕͡f̣͞ͅo̵̲̤͖͔̜̱r̺͞ ̲̝͈̘̲͔y͇̝̪o̶̻̼u͖̝̜͍͖̪ͅ ̗͍̦̫̩̲͠ͅt̸̬o͜ ̞͓di̶̥̟̜e͓ ̖̤͙͟a҉f̥͉͖̟͓̤t̴̞͙̫̥̮e̱̭̮͙ͅṛ̢̺̣̰̬͚̹ ̙͢m̹͎̫̲͟e̫,͖ ̠̻̳̖͉̕o̠̯̥ͅr̞

̡̥̣̘̮̻̭̫ḅ̳̩͚͎͜e̵̩c͕̱̱͖̩au̶̫͕s̷̫ͅe̖ ͇͞o̷͉̩̥̰̳̙f҉͖͕͖̟̤͎̻ ̤͍̜̬̟̩̼m̵e̸͉̬͉?͍͚̮̰̠̕ ̻̫͓̺P̵͓͎̤̳͇̣ḻ̛͔ͅę͈a̦̥̯s͚͈̗̟͖͖̭ȩ̖͕̹̖͓̩͚.̪̝̘̳̱͍ ̶̻̝̝̥I͔̗̣͓̯͜ͅțs̭̤͚̪̭͇ͅ ̤͈͍̣̗͙m̭̣̮͍y̜ ̢o̬̥̙͞ṇ͕̹̙e̖̬̱̥̞̳ ͈͞wi͍͖͈ͅś̪̭h̛.͙̼

̦͘S̢̩ta͎̭̹y̺ ̜̤̙̞̳̯A͕̯̖͚̝͜ ͉̼Ļ ̰̞̟I̸̹̦̫ ͓̼̭͙͚̺͇V͞ ̻͙E̘͎̥.̴̳ͅ ̤̠̪̦̞S̸̮̱͍t͔̰̞̝̳̹a̖̫̯͖y̴ ̡̟̹̝̩d̟͝e͟t̮͎̩̩e̤̱͎͔̲̯̱r͏̭̝͇̮͕͎͙m̬̘͠i̗̘̯̼̺n̸͎̰͔͚e̡̠̤̺̘d̲̯̟̘.͈̮ ̣̞̤̰͕̝

͈̲̜̦.̥̩͇ ͇͕̥͕́.̵̠͚̲ͅ ̰̯̹͉ͅ.̟̞̫̞̝͙̲ ̪.̷̲̳̳ ̢̟͖ͅI͓͍̹̳̺ ͕̜̫̩͠l͔̤̮͖̝o̝̹͈̗͍v̜e̷ ͍̙͓̪y͇ͅ ͈̹͕̼͟o̭͍͉͕ ̤̲͇̭u̝̹̩̠̮̙͉.̘.̨͙̱͇̯̭̮.̺͡.͎̱̲̘.̦̹̀

The tape goes dead with static.

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1 year ago

More random Hyrule Warriors thoughts:

Due to one portion of the game, people tend to focus on pride as the major theme of the game. I strongly disagree with it, because it is literally only featured in one portion of the game. I would argue that instead an accidental theme of the game is CONSENT.

Link has no voice in this game. It is overtly stated that Proxi speaks for him.

There is no choice in being Hero. In this game, when it's discovered that he's the Hero, he's immediately elevated in rank without his say. It's stated that he didn't feel worthy of it, but he would try his best. He is thrust into the spotlight and slammed with the responsibilities of Hero like very few Heroes are.

A major plot point is Cia's obsession with him. His say doesn't matter. His revulsion doesn't matter. She's an ancient sorceress and who knows how long she has been watching Link. I doubt she saw him and decided to attack his era the next day.

Another bit is the emphasis on how the Hero and Princess are destined for each other. Zelda has far more autonomy in the game than Link through her use of the Sheik disguise. It feels like "Of course Cia isn't an option: he's destined for Zelda!" Link's opinion? Who knows.

His soldiers turn traitor on him. They get to choose their side, turning on Link for something which isn't his fault and for something which counts him as a victim in the war. I see it as a popular theme in fanon: Link was the cause of the war. Not Ganon with his chosen actions. Not Cia. Link.

The major choice he made was at the beginning when he chose to run out onto the field and join the battle. Soon after, Proxi found him, made the comment about how quiet he was, and the rest was history.

Almost every Hero got some sort of choice at the beginning of their Hero's Journey. They COULD have turned away. This Link didn't get that choice. He didn't get any choices regarding his role in the war, Cia's obsession, how his soldiers-turned-traitor viewed him. And what everyone remembers about this Link is not that but the moment he gave into his pride. Ow.

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