Tian Ya Ke - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Who is more hot?

Who Is More Hot?
Who Is More Hot?

Wenkexing: his eyeliner when he is in chief daddy mode??? And his war fan is on another level.

Xie wang: his braids are the reason i breath and his eyeliner is the reason i am alive.

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3 years ago

It had been more or less a year since the lord of Four Seasons Manor and his zhi ji had undergone the Combined Six Harmonies method together. It had been two tense weeks waiting for Wen Kexing to awaken afterwards, and since then, Zhou Zishu had taken to noting every little detail of the now snow haired man that he could. Including his more eccentric or erratic behaviors, not just those of frivolity for the sake of shamelessness, but those that had been ingrained into him due to his peculiar and dangerous life led up to this point.


There were a plethora of such traits to be found if you looked: from his aversions to certain foods or scents (those this one proved less an issue nowadays given circumstances), how he’d relish like a starved man any physical affection he could get and greedily demand even more so, his reluctance to showing weakness or illness yet his longing to be cared for, his soft spot for young children. Not all were so mournful in origin though.

A most peculiar one that had finally caught his attention had first made itself worthy of notice once when Chengling had been out going through form drills in the courtyard sometime soon after their return to the manor. The two elders of the household had been quietly overseeing his practicing from the porch nearby when the child had lost his focus. It was a simple slip, his foot going out from under him and throwing him to the stone patio below. It wasn’t a hard hit or anything, and at first when he was pulling himself up, his shishu had even given a gentle laugh at the student’s klutziness. However, as Chengling picked himself back up, ears tipped red in embarrassment to do something foolish under his shifu’s gaze, Wen Kexing had stopped suddenly and made to quickly make his way over to him.

Chengling had already resumed his previous stance, ready to move into a full circuit of forms once more to move as quickly from the inevitable harsh corrections from his shifu when he felt a firm but gentle hand grip his jaw and turn his face. He awkwardly stumbled into standing upright and still as Wen Kexing suddenly was right next to him and bearing all his attention down on him. He waited, unsure what precisely the other planned to do but nothing could have prepared him for the sensation of hot breath against his face and the sudden chill of something wet on his face as the other pulled away to inspect his “work.”

For Chengling, he at least was certainly free to the many whims of his elders and to his credit, he just blinked owlishly in quiet confusion without complaint. Wen Kexing hummed softly as he turned the child’s face back and forth, his fingers still unmoved from holding his jaw.

“Is that the only place you got yourself scratched, my little idiot?”

Wen Kexing’s voice was genuine but warm and teasing, causing Chengling to relax a bit despite the oddity of all this and he briefly patted himself down before nodding. Satisfied so it seemed, both returned to their places before as if the exchange had not occurred and within a moment a relaxed puddle of robes and white hair had made itself home once more at Zhou Zishu’s side. Said Manor lord could only stare in almost amazement at what he’d seen before quickly turning to watch their young charge practice, forgetting himself to the point of letting the foolish mistake go unspoken of and that had been that.

It wasn’t as if they had been externally injured in ways that brought it out of him often, but to say it wasn’t a noticed behavior by now also wouldn’t be correct either. Zishu certainly had noticed, though had simply been collecting handfuls of these moments to ponder on. Since that day, Zishu had realized the following “rules” with this little ritual of Kexing’s: it was only done for himself, Zishu, and Chengling. It wasn’t for just any external injury, but anything that drew blood would warrant it. If there were tears spilled, this would also be treated like an open wound and warrant the practice.

From various scrapes and injuries training gained by Chengling, to mishaps and resurfaced wounds in Zishu and himself, there had been plenty of passing occurrences but the question that buzzed in Zishu’s mind each time was simply ‘Why?’ Where had this come from, did he do this before and in the mess of everything happening it was simply overlooked?

Zhou Zishu once prided himself on how attentive and insightful he was, he had to be for his line of work once upon-a-time and he could still often be said to be as much now. Yet Wen Kexing had always been an enigma who had not even figured out himself who he was, none alone let others in to see behind his carefully schooled features. So maybe this did go back farther, but how to find out?

An opportunity to pin the man in question down where he couldn’t escape or move around the topic surfaced quite simply some short weeks later.

They were cleaning up the library pavilion once early evening, Chengling had ended up falling asleep while working on some more intricate works from the manuals of the Long Cabinet’s teachings they had collected into the manor once they’d first returned here that time. Upon finding their foolish disciple sprawled across his makeshift worktable, Zishu had prodded him with some gentle nudging to go to his own room to rest and, too tired to think too far ahead, the boy has sleepily nodded and made his slow but sure way to do just that.

This left the two men to clean up behind him, indulging him a bit by collecting his tools and replacing the scrolls and books where they had been taken from. Zishu had not realized all Chengling had brought out to work with, and unthinking grabbed a fairly sharp edged metal scrap piece, slicing a shallow but long cut into his palm. He hissed slightly, more out of surprise than any actual pain but it was enough to quickly call over his partner to inspect what happened.

Upon seeing the blood, Wen Kexing, true to form, had taken and quickly set down everything in Zishu’s hands and with an exhausted huff he grabbed the other by the wrist and the first bend of his fingers and pulled his hand closer to lap gently at the wound. Zishu, waiting a few moments until Wen Kexing had been set into his ‘task’, reached forward a bit with his free hand to ghost his hand against the side of the other’s face, running his thumb over Wen Kexing’s cheek. It was enough to insight a wordless “mm?” which only brought forth a light chuckle of the recipient.

“Lao Wen...have you always done this?”

This got a pause, deep dark eyes darting up to glance up and trying to gauge the emotions and atmosphere behind the question.

“You...you’ll have to be more specific than that A-Xu, I do and say a lot of things.”

A sigh.

“Alright. Have you always licked at the wounds of your family like a mother cat cleans their young? Hm, Lao Wen?”

The words and tone were teasing, but the glance from before had ascertained this wasn’t going to be a conversation he could weasel out of. Slowly but with care, Wen Kexing pulled Zhishu down to kneel where they were; to sit and speak properly about something personal. He placed the other’s still held hand into his lap, palm up, and he slowly but rhythmically began trailing his fingers from knuckle joint to tips over and over.

“Ah….well, it started from something almost laughable when we...when i was still just a teenager. In the valley, it wasn’t as if one could get new and clean supplies at any given moment, often enough what defined cleaning a wound was some spit and torn clothes that didn't have too much blood or dirt on them. I wasn’t always that good at taking care of A-Xiang either..”

he paused, huffing a sad but nostalgic chuckle past his lips.

“Did you know the first time I tried to feed her as a baby, I had burned her mouth? How she didn’t grow to hate me I'll never know.”

Patiently, Zishu moved his uncaptured hand to squeeze his zhi ji’s thigh through his robes. Wen kexing faltered slightly before regaining his composure, smiling timidly in silent appreciation of the reassurance before pressing on.

“I remembered back then, for what reason I have no idea, but I remember being told that if one kisses a wound it will stop hurting. A childish sentiment mothers tell their sons, but what was I but a father to a daughter? It shouldn't be different. So I simply blended a need with comfort. Whenever she would get hurt, as all children do, especially in such a place, I'd clean her wounds as gently as I could just like...what did you call it earlier? A mother cat? That’s not too far off. Also….”

Zishu silently waited, his gaze unwavering for however long it would take. Wen Kexing stopped his ministrations to more firmly hold Zishu’s fingers in his hand, as if bracing himself before moving into his next words.

“I can recall so vividly, A-Xu. When I was kneeling at my father’s side, the ghosts sneering and jeering down at me all those years ago...When I had convinced them of my nature by consuming my own father’s….haha, i had thought to myself ‘was my flesh not made of his blood to begin with?’ So it only made sense…” He shook his head, laughing mirthlessly, “No, it doesn’t make any sense at all. I came to the idea that it only made sense to ingest the blood of my family going forward, even if we weren’t linked by blood then in this way we could be. You all would be with me, and that I could show you what devotion looked like. That is, in doing this, I know what devotion tastes like.”

He looked down at his lap, as if simply embarrassed for being caught like a child and not having admitted to going out of his way to drink the blood of his loved ones. Not that it was a garish as that in practice, at least Zishu thought as much, but could certainly understand how to most, this confession wasn’t something one would expect to be taken well. Luckily for Wen Kexing, his little family was not made like most, nor his zhi ji so easily shaken. And he said as much.

“Lao Wen, you’re absolutely an enigma to me sometimes. But I think I understand you, and at least somewhat, I can understand this too. Although…” He paused, feigning a look of uncertainty as he looked at Wen kexing and then glancing away dramatically.

“Although what? A-Xu, don’t tease me like this. If you don’t want me to-”

He was abruptly cut off by the sensation of somewhat cool and dry lips against his own, the “assailant” so firm and sudden in his “attack” it pushed them both over, leaving Wen Kexing askew on his back on the floor and the other straddling his hips to not break the contact, his forearms on either side of Wen Kexing’s head. They broke for air after a few moments, though it could have been hours for all Wen Kexing cared.

He blinked up owlishly, taken off guard for once by the other’s actions which only brought out a childishly triumphant and confident grin from Zishu.

“Although, I think there’s other tastes devotion can take. Would you like me to teach you?”

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1 year ago
Ah Yeah, Its Him. He Is The One

«ah yeah, it’s him. he is the one”

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Qin Huaizhang And His Pupils!I Always Love Thinking A Lot About Siji Manor And How It Was, How It Started,

Qin Huaizhang and his pupils! I always love thinking a lot about Siji manor and how it was, how it started, etc. I really wanted to make an illustration reflecting a nostalgia of these times. More Siji manor rambling below >>>

I am going through a crisis regarding my headcanons about it, though. As in, I can't be satisfied by what the book gives us, and clearly I got too invested in the backstory I made up to just accept giving it up based on some random infos sprinkled here and there. Here are the named characters that I assume are all from Siji:

Qin Huaizhang And His Pupils!I Always Love Thinking A Lot About Siji Manor And How It Was, How It Started,

(Duan Pengju isn't there because, for good balance, I thought it would be nice to have him as an agent recruited later on by ZZS.) QHZ is obviously the founder of the manor, right? According to the book (which gives us very little), he's an oddball, and he could have gone about with only two disciples-- or very young ones... But simultaneously, we do get informations in extra 5 about Siji manor's wide reach and activities. It's hard to believe that ZZS was the oldest disciple (as it is suggested in TYK in that one line where he's said to having been a dashixiong.....); he was 15 by the time of QHZ's death, so could QHZ really have operated alone with an army of tiny kids before that? Sorry, Priest, I will have to fight with canon lines here. I like to imagine that QHZ had associates within Siji-- he was the main founder, but he wasn't working alone. Old Bi, who's mentioned in TYK, chapter 1, could have been one of said associates. Lu Yu....... So Lu Yu is from Qi Ye, and up until recently he was my anchor when it came to justifying my idea that no, ZZS and LJX weren't the sole disciples in Siji Manor (since, in TYK, ZZS says it was "just the two of them"-- but it could be metaphorical!! and Lu Yu being there so early on in Qi Ye could be a proof of that!!). Turns out, the infos we get from Extra 5, once again, make me feel like it's unlikely that it was really literally only ZZS and LJX, but-- Anyway; I did picture Lu Yu as being older than ZZS, probably a shixiong, but it's also mentioned in Qi Ye that he his technique was "worthy of ZZS' teaching"...... which makes it harder to justify him being a shixiong. I mean, some mental gymnastics can probably make it work, and after all this is only a remark coming from Jing Qi's narration, BUT. Bichen suggested he could have been trained later on by ZZS as more people left Siji in disagreement with ZZS' own politics... so why not? I like to think that ZZS was QHZ's only disciple-- the others, shixiongs and shidis, were disciples of QHZ's associates rather than his own direct disciples. Maybe he didn't want any, until he met with ZZS and figured that the kid was worthy enough of being his disciple. LJX would have been taken in by QHZ as an additional trial or training method for ZZS-- because teaching is the best way of putting your own knowledge to the test. ALL OF THIS TO SAY, i do imagine that ZZS and LJX had a peculiar relationship with QHZ that other disciples didn't have, and that it was just the two of them from the moment ZZS was chosen by QHZ to become the next leader. Bi-shu... could have been reluctant at first, then decided to believe in ZZS until years later when he figured he couldn't do TC anymore and it was time for him to go? Anyway--- I could go on for hours bc clearly I have nothing better to do w my life than to muse about some random background storylines LOL

Thanks for reading!

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qi ye is such a book tho. it’s game of thrones in china but even more fucked up. but it’s gay. but it’s also about reincarnation. the main couple are implied to actually be immortal deities and soulmates who have forgotten their pasts together. the main character is a prince who fakes his death to become a trophy wife. also he remembers his past lives but never mentions it to anyone. one of the best books i’ve ever read

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11 months ago

I love it when a Danmei make fun of a certain cliché or genre but has serious message under it. I love intriguing comedy if that make sense. Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) make fun of Stallion novel. You Yao (Are You Ok) make fun of transmigration genre. Tian Ya Ke (Faraway Wanderers) make fun of Wuxia. Mozun Ye Xiang Zhidao (Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know) make fun of Cultivation world.

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9 months ago

What do you think happened to zhou zishu in jing beiyuan's first life? ill be honest I don't think he would've retired in this life. I think he died while serving helien yi. what if he did retire with the seven nails in him and passed away quietly in siji manor. liang jiuxiao would still be alive but I can't see him inhereting heavens window so he'll possibly taking over siji manor and would be the one taking care of zzs as he withers away.

What about wkx tho? I feel like meeting wkx was a drastic change to zzs life plot wise atleast meanwhile wkx would probably see all the mess in jianghu and return but would pass away during the rebellion in ghost valley during the last scene where instead of zzs there to save him, there is no one.

I do wonder what would've happened to gu xiang. did she meet cao weining in this life? would she be away living with him or dead again in the rebellion? would wkx send her away somewhere safe if he knew the rebellion is taking place or would she die protecting him?

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4 years ago
I Just Feel Its Good To Be Alive, To Have The Sun Shining And To Have Someone For Me To Call. - Word
I Just Feel Its Good To Be Alive, To Have The Sun Shining And To Have Someone For Me To Call. - Word

“I just feel … it’s good to be alive, to have the sun shining and to have someone for me to call.” - Word Of Honor (Episode 12).

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9 months ago

Word of Honour spoilers up to and including episode 6 (rewatch)

I am finally rewatching Word of Honour. In recent times this has been my favourite show. I have yet to read the book or Qi Ye, so please - no spoilers for those.

These are some things that I have noticed on my rewatch so far (6 episodes in):

Shen Shen is an idiot. An impulsive idiot. This is much more noticeable during a rewatch. So much mistrust could have been avoided if he had just calmed down a little bit and held his horses before jumping to fighting but hey, that is pretty on point for his character.

Wen Kexing IS a mother hen. I had gotten used to how the fandom memes on him for it and had forgotten just how cannon this is.

Cheng Ling has every right to be distrustful of his uncles. On my first rewatch this had really annoyed me but after noticing just how much the sworn brothers of the 5 Lake Alliance didn't trust each other, it makes a lot more sense.

This had shocked me on my first watch but just being reminded of how many times this show gave the figure to censorship was great! XD

Han Ying shows up in the Jianghu a lot earlier then I had remembered so that was cool.

Also just the first scene with the Scorpion King. Now, I have been his fan from his first appearance. However, after I got to know him and his motivations - he became one of my favourite antagonists (very morally grey, that one is).

I think that those are all of my observations so far. I can't wait to continue the show and continue sharing my thoughts here. This show very much is my current favourite C-Drama and has been my favourite for almost a year now.

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9 months ago

Word of Honour spoilers up to and including episode 12

This is a continuation of my previous post where I set out some of the things I noticed while watching this show a second time.

Here's goes:

Just how involved in the Jianghu Tian Chuang was from the very beginning. I had completely forgotten about that!

I was once again reminded of how much an impulsive idiot Shen Shen is. Like how did this guy succeed in being sect leader????? You'd think that the previous guy would have picked someone with at least a little bit more political savviness. Or at the very least that he would have been taught it.

We get our 1st "my soulmate" a lot earlier than I had remembered xD.

Gao Chong is a lot more of a careful leader than I had seen during my first watch with how he interacts with his sworn brothers.

The clue about who the main antagonist truly is is sprinkled into the story really well and sometimes the off hand things the characters say really foreshadow what will happen. As someone who had already watched the show and is rewatching it, it was delightful to pick up on those hints.

Speaking of foreshadowing, the deaths of the 4 soulmates (I forgot what the story called them) really does a good job foreshadowing the bleakness of the fight for the Glazed Armour.

That's it so far!

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