Tim Drake Is The Third Robin - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Seven Things About Timsteph

Stephanie Brown has seven stuffed animals from Tim Drake.

"Here," he said, thrusting the small furry object onto her lap. "I saw this and thought of you." 

 Tim Drake has seven ties from Stephanie Brown. 

 "You don't have enough style," she says bluntly. "Thankfully, you have me to fix that for you, and you will forever banish those horrid things you call ties from your closet." 

 Stephanie has six lipsticks from Tim. 

 "See, I saw this one and I knew you had to have it. It's purple too!" Tim says to her (she doesn’t even like purple lipstick). Somehow those become her favorites; it may or may not have to do with the way Tim's face lights up when he sees her wearing them. 

 Tim has six keychains from Stephanie. 

 Tim's been to every single place that Steph got the keychains from. Still, there's something special about the way she eagerly watches his reaction as she gives them to him. 

Stephanie has five 90s on her classes to thank Tim. 

 "After that, you move 16 over here, then you divide by 36, and you get x," He says, concentrating on her homework. Stephanie can't help but think he looks like a work of art, her crappy lamp washing light across his face, showing off the contours of his face. 

Tim has four cuff-links from Stephanie. 

They're far from being the most elaborate or expensive cuff-links he owns but they're still some of his favorites, and he makes a point of wearing at least one once a week. 

 Stephanie got four hugs from Tim.

Each time, she felt the safest she could ever be, wrapped up in Tim's warm arms. She couldn't help but feel like she fits perfectly with him, her head fitting perfectly against the curve of his neck. 

 Stephanie gives him three kisses on the cheek. 

 Tim feels heat explode onto his face as Stephanie leans up and presses her lips carefully against his cheek. Jason decides to take a picture right there, and Tim keeps it hanging so that it's the first thing he sees when he wakes up. 

 Tim stitched Steph up three times.

"Chill out boy wonder, I'm not going to break," she grins, watching Tim hesitate for the third time. Still, she can't help but feel cherished as Tim carefully stitches her up, concentrating so hard his forehead creases. 

Tim saved Steph's life two times 

 "Breathe Steph," He whispers as she's choking on air. Tim tried to ignore the bruises on her neck. He's never wanted to kill anyone more than he's wanted to kill Cluemaster. 

 "Thank you," she whispers to him late at night, when they're TimStephRobinSpoilerBatgirlRedRobin. 

He hums and carefully resists the urge to kiss her right there, after being so close to losing her to a bullet. 

 Stephanie taught Tim two things.

"No, Tim!" She laughs, hitting his shoulder. "Move your pinkies here, on C, and let your fingers fill in this space in between!" She couldn't help but feel pride rise up in her as she watches him play his first scale. (And even more pride when he successfully plays Mary Had a Little Lamb) 

 They both have one secret. 

 "I love you," he whispers, watching her chest rise and fall as she sleeps peacefully.

 "I love you," she finally allows herself to say it aloud staring at a blank screen where Tim had just bade her good night.

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