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Sweet Like Poison
They shouldn’t be doing this.
He should go.
She wasn’t good for him.
This shouldn’t be happening.
And yet, why did he want to stay so badly?
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Tim whispers, breaking away from the kiss.
“We shouldn’t.” She agrees.
“I should go,” Tim murmured, pressing his forehead against her- Steph’s head.
“You should,” she whispers, wrapping her arms around him.
They pause before Tim says a big ‘fuck you’ to reason and leans back down, connecting their lips.
“The battle has already been lost,” he mutters, catching her lower lip and soaking in the laughter that comes out.
Maybe Batman wouldn’t approve. Maybe she was one of the most notorious villains. Maybe he was one of the most notorious heroes. Maybe he should be trying to turn her in to the police.
Batman would’ve. But he’s not Batman.
Tim couldn’t bring himself to care at treasured moments like this, when there was no one else but the two of them.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he says as he caresses the curve of her hip, feeling the fine muscle underneath the skin.
People look at her with fear, horror at seeing one of the most dangerous assassins, who smiles and laughs as she slits someone’s throat.
People look at him with hope and reverence, adoration shining through as he stops plot after plot, villain after villain.
Yet he looks at her and can only see Steph.
“I wish this moment would never end, I wish we could stay like this forever,” she whispers, pressing promises into his neck.
Tim can only see the way her hair forms a halo around her when she falls on the bed. Tim can only see the way her eyes shine when she laughs. Tim can only see the way she smiles at him, sending tingles throughout his body.
“You’re thinking too much, boy wonder,” She murmurs, running her hands through his hair.
“Then give me something else to think of,” he replies, watching her blue eyes flash at the challenge.
Tim can only hear the way she had whispered his name in their times alone. Tim can only hear the way she had been apologizing for hours after accidentally hitting him with a brick. Tim can only hear the way her voice curves and wraps around him when he wakes up, shaking from the terrors conjured by his mind.
“I love you,” she says, pressing them together, eyes reflecting the statement.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
His heart repeats those words until they’re engraved onto him.
“I love you too.”
Day was Timothy Wayne and Stephanie Brown’s. Night was Red Robin and Spoiler’s.
Dawn was Tim and Steph’s.
Tim stares across the room at the laughing blonde, breath stolen.
He can’t believe they’re here, they’re alive, they’re okay.
He steals another glance towards Stephanie, who tosses her hair over her shoulders, and swears he can feel the age old butterflies that have always come when he’s around Steph. It’s just the charm of a childhood love story.
She turns and flashes a smile at him, and Tim swears the world stopped moving.
Damian tells him the look on his face was disgustingly besotted, but that someone lowly like Brown and Drake would work out perfectly. Tim tells him to piss off.
Tim wants to walk over to her and feel her warmth, envelop himself into her arms, breathe in her scent. But he can’t.
After all, they did agree on the whole “just friends” ordeal. It’s what Stephanie wanted, and he’ll bow down to her wishes until she changes her mind.
Standing by the door, she nearly glowed, calling everyone’s attention onto her. How did she do it? How did she keep that sunny personality, become the light to the end of the tunnel?
Jason tells him to stop looking at her like she’s the one who hung the moon and sun up in the sky (she did though).
Tim also tells him to piss off.
Yet still, he can’t turn away. He watches as she turns to him, face flashing with that determination he loves so much. She advances towards him, so confident, so sure of herself.
“Screw this,” she says, looking at him. “Just friends are for losers."
Steph reaches out and pulls him close to her and Tim is complete.
Hoggy-Warty Hogwarts
Grab some popcorn, this fic is long.
Stephanie Brown remembers the day Tim leaves for Hogwarts, the third son to do so. She remembers forcing on a smile, cheering him on, even when her heart ached and she wished for more time. She remembers hugging him carefully, clinging onto the boy who has been her friend since forever.
Stephanie Brown remembers the coldness that followed her everywhere when he left, the way all color seemed to have drain out of her life. She goes through her everyday life numbly, counting down the days until he’ll be back for summer.
Stephanie Brown remembers flying downstairs everyday to check if there’s an owl waiting for her. Sometimes there was, sometimes there wasn’t. The wasn’t’s slowly increased, until she finally accepted that no, he was not going to write. Then her days turned grey, and her eyes turned to stone.
Stephanie Brown remembers running down towards to Drake’s residence when summer begin, only to be told by the sympathetic woman at the door that Tim was going to be staying at his friend’s house over the summer. Just like that, her bright warm sunny days turned cold, and she walked home.
Stephanie Brown remembers her delight when she received her letter for Hogwarts, excitement boiling as she imagines the roof that reflects the outside surroundings, the candlelit halls, the beautiful dorms. Stephanie remembers Diagon Alley and its stores teeming with people. She remembers glimpsing Tim and calls him. He turns, looks at her briefly, and turns back towards his friends, laughing. She stared at him, stunned. Eyes smarting, she lowers her hand and quickly walks away, a shooting pain running through her heart.
She remembers getting Waffles, the owl whose feathers were the perfect golden brown, eyes blinking carefully at her. She thinks she loves him already.
Stephanie Brown remembers shivering with the rest of the first years as they watched the hat sing its song. She briefly scans the room and is surprised to see Tim’s intense blue eyes piercing into her souls from the Ravenclaw table. Heat rises up on her cheeks, but she doesn’t look away, not until Brown is called and she moves forward with a confidence she never possessed. She remembers the hat’s voice, flipping through her brain, asking her questions as it works. She’s holding her breath, hoping for-
Hufflepuff, the hat calls and the table erupts. Applause rings in her ears as she dazedly walks to the table, greeted with shoulder pats and handshakes. She only has eyes for the blue ones across the room, that have disappointment written all over them. Steph can’t help what wonder what he wants from her. Fat Friar tells her to cheer up, at least she was never denied the chance of becoming a cardinal. She stays quiet the entire meal, nibbling on a piece of pie as she watches Tim, smiling as he gulps food down with his friends. She can’t help but feel a little bitter.
Stephanie remembers the first time she bumps into him afterwards, lost in the seemingly endless hallways. He gently grabs onto her elbows to steady her, voice soft when he asks her if she’s okay. He’s looking at her with that look that sends warmth shooting down to her toes. He walks her to her dorm before disappearing, leaving her dazed and confused.
She remembers when she finally makes it onto the Quidditch, a Beater. She flies on her broom, feeling the air rush passed her, hearing the satisfying crack when she swings the bat and it connects with the bludger. For a second, she feels free, away from all the troubles on the ground.
She remembers her first accident from Quidditch, where they’re going against Ravenclaw and Tim flies at a certain angle that the sun hits him perfectly and her breath catches and she’s so-
Pain. Falling. Air rushing by her. Is that screaming? More pain.
Later, she’d get told a bludger had slammed into her ribs and knocked her off her broom, causing her to hit the ground. But now, she drifts away, mind half delusional from pain. She thinks that’s Tim rushing down towards her.
She remembers waking up three days later, informed by Madame Thompkins that her ribs were broken, that she’d successfully almost broken every bone in her body from the fall. She thinks, as she’s drifting under to the send of muffled voice behind the door, that she hears Tim’s voice.
Stephanie remembers waking up, when the sun is still down and the room dark, and seeing his outline by the door, hovering over her. She calls for him, reaching out, and he disappears.
Stephanie remembers the first time she goes to Hogsmeade, feels the butterbeer shoot down to her core, warming her up. She sees the couples walking along the streets, arm in arm, hand in hand. Her mind flashes to Tim, and her heart aches.
Stephanie remembers seeing Tim with that blonde girl, Cassandra, laughing and holding hands. Her heart clenches and rips, shattering like a glass vase dropped from a skyscraper. Tim doesn’t look at her, only ushers Cassandra to a table and pulls her chair out for her. Stephanie tears her eyes away, wondering why her face was getting wet.
Stephanie remembers triumph when Hufflepuff won the house cup for the first time in a century. She thinks they may have taken it a little too far with the celebrations, but can’t find it inside her to care. Joy bumbles inside of her and she throws her arms around everywhere, people in Hufflepuff, people in Slytherin, people in Gryffindor, Tim. He squeezes her tightly, even though his team lost, and he’s so warm she doesn’t want to let go.
Stephanie remembers when she’s at the library, peeking at Tim’s group, when the chair in front of her is pulled out, and a smooth male voice greets her.
That’s how she meets Dean.
She remembers putting her book down, smiling shyly at the boy who has charm oozing out of every pore. She stops paying attention to Tim, and puts all of it onto Dean.
Stephanie remembers when he asks her out to Hogsmeade. She remembers saying yes, heart pounding. He takes her to Three Broomsticks, lavishing her with gifts and praises. She remembers laughing when Tim walks in, his blue eyes widening when he sees her with Dean. She falters when his gaze connects with hers, swirling with emotion yet so cold at the same time. Cold, angry, betrayed… was he upset? She remembers Dean gently prodding her, sending a kind smile over towards her. She remembers when he pulls her closer to him, and then closer, and closer, and closer-
Their lips connect and she thinks she sees Tim turn around and leave but she can’t focus because she’s kissing he’s kissing they’re kissing-
Stephanie remembers Tim confronting her in the hallways, voice harsh as he asks her what she’s doing with Dean. She can’t help but retort, asking why he cared when he’s done so well so far staying out of her life.
Stephanie remembers people screaming when a black robed figure infiltrates their sacred school, raises their wand and slices down. A girl screams, clutching her face. Everyone scatters. The figure turns to her, and she’s paralyzed, mind screaming at her to move. She watches as they raise the wand, closing her eyes.
She remembers opening her eyes when nothing happens, and seeing Tim in front of her, wand raised. The figure is down, body smoking, and Tim is looking at her with that gentle look that breaks down every wall she tried to built between them. He’s gone though, pushed aside by Madame Thompkins as she checks over her. She tries to find him again in the crowd, but he’s gone.
Stephanie remembers Dean staring sadly at her, asking her if her heart truly belonged to him. She opens her mouth, but finds that she can’t answer. Dean only shakes his head and walks away, and Steph understands that this means they’ve broken up. Walking back to her room, she numbly wonders why she isn’t as hurt as she thought she would be.
Stephanie remembers jolting up at the middle of the night when she realizes why she wasn’t heartbroken. Her heart had never belonged to Dean. It had long ago went to the boy with the most beautiful blue eyes she’s ever seen, and black hair dark as the night. It went to the boy she played with as a child, it went to the boy who helped her find her way back to her dorm. It went to the boy who carried her to the infirmary when she was hit by the bludger, and watched over her at night. It belonged to the boy who saved her from that dark figure (who she finds out is a supporter of Black Mask) It belonged to the boy she wanted to go on Hogsmeade dates with, to Three Broomsticks and kiss and play Quidditch with and fly with and dance with and live forever with and-
She loved Tim. She could hardly dare to say it.
She loved Tim. She loved Tim. She loved Tim. She loved Tim.
I love him, she whispers, testing the words out. I love him I love him I love him.
Giddy, she goes to bed with a smile on her face.
Stephanie remembers sitting at Three Broomsticks when a hand rests on her shoulder and Tim sits down, and her hearts starts racing because his hair his eyes his smile-
Hi, he says with a smile that sends the butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy. She grins back at him and there’s a new warmth that isn’t from the butterbeer. He compliments her hair, she comments on his eyes. He talks of riddles needed to make it into the Ravenclaw dorm, she talks about the cosy, round room that makes up the Hufflepuff common room. Watching him enthusiastically chatter about his newest accomplishment in Transfiguration (which, for some odd reason, is his favorite class. She has no idea why, Charms is so much better), she thinks she can get used to this.
They’re walking past Shrieking Shack when he reaches out and grabs her hand, and the flush on her cheeks is mirrored on his face. They’re walking past Honeydukes when he gives her his scarf, carefully wrapping it around her with an intensity in his eyes that has her unable to tear her eyes away. They’re back at Hogwarts when she leans up and kisses him on his cheek before fleeing inside her dorm, cheeks flaming.
She remembers the library, the steady breathing, peaceful murmuring of voices. She smiles at Tim, sitting in front of her, trying to explain the mechanisms of some wand movement. He flicks his wand and writes his name in the air. She frowns slightly and mimics his action, drawing a ’T’ before it fizzes out. He comes around the table, wraps his hand around hers, and adjusts her grip. Slowly, they write “Tim” in the air, his hand warm around hers. Her head is buzzing from his proximity, chest pressed against her back, head resting on her shoulder. He’s too close and not close enough, she thinks, and freezes when he lightly presses his lips against her cheek before pulling away. A grins breaks out and she wants to yank him in and kiss him senseless. She licks her lips and he looks away.
Stephanie Brown remembers when Black Mask invaded her haven, invaded Hogwarts. She remembers walking to the door and seeing the daunting figure in black, with his eerie mask and gaunt figure. She remembers him raising his wand at the young first-years at the doorway. She remembers jerking forward, raising her wand, and telling him defiantly that he will enter over her dead body, shooing the children in to warn the castle.
Stephanie remembers more pain than she’s ever known before, spell after spell hitting her while she tries her best to keep them at bay. Stephanie Brown remembers searing pain shredding her body as the Black Mask’s cutting spell slams right through her shield and hits her, the tipping point in the battle. She remembers the barrage of spells hitting her over and over again, and she wonders where the backup was.
She remembers Black Mask carefully aiming his wand at her, a red flash, and she falls. Stephanie remembers the resolve running through her, that she was going to keep on fighting. She remembers her trembling arms, remembers wishing she told Tim how she felt. Stephanie remembers when she finally accepted that she was going to die, that no backup was coming, that she still must fight because she can’t let the Black Mask in, even as his followers spread out.
Stephanie remembers when Black Mask got tired of playing with her, and he starts to prepare for the killing curse. Stephanie remembers thinking this is it, her broken wand dangling in her hand. She remembers hearing voices shouting, remembers seeing a brilliant green light flash at her.
She remembers warm arms wrapping around her, yanking her out of the way. She remembers lying on the ground, dazed as blue eyes, familiar yet unfamiliar, stare down worriedly at her. His mouth is moving, telling her something that she can’t hear. She thinks he’s telling her to hold on, or maybe pleading her to stay. She thinks she loves him so much, and curls her fingers around his hand. She’s glad she gets to see him before she dies.
Stephanie Brown remembers waking up to pain and a black haired boy sleeping on the chair next to her. He’s resting against his arms, and she thinks that he is the most beautiful person she’s ever seen.
She remembers when he wakes up, blue eyes that she adored so much staring into her. He says nothing, just raises his hand and presses it against her face and she realizes she’s crying, tears leaking out from her eyes. She’s so thankful she’s alive, so thankful Hogwarts is standing, so thankful Tim is here with her. Steph flings her arms around Tim and starts sobbing.
Stephanie remembers when she is finally dispatched from the infirmary. Tim hasn’t been back since the first day, and she’s determined to let him know how she feels. She finds him in the owlery, watching the birds fly in and out. He doesn’t turn around when she walks in.
She starts saying something, except he turns around and he’s crying and she’s just standing there and he’s looking at her like she’s going to disappear and she tells him she’s not and he looks at her still like she’s going to leave and-
He tells her how scared he was, that she would die. He let everything rush out, his apologies for ignoring her in the beginning, years ago, his wish for her to be in Ravenclaw, his panic when she had gotten injured from Quidditch, how he tried to move on from her but couldn’t, his pulsing fear when that dark figure had pointed the wand at her, how wonderful she felt in his arms, his growing desire for her as time went by, his jealousy when he realized he waited too long and she was taken, his heart racing when she smiles, his hope when he hears that she and Dean had broken up, his horror when he sees Black Mask point that wand at her, her battered and injured body, his-
Tim, she says, cutting him off. Get to the point.
He gets up and walks towards her and her heart’s racing. He stops when he’s right in front of her and he’s looking down at her and she’s looking up at him and he sends her this look that makes her feel butterflies.
Stephanie, he says. I love you.
Then he leans down and she reaches up and they meet halfway, two beings merging into one.
5 Things That Never Happened to Stephanie Brown
When Stephanie Brown put on the Robin suit that Batman gave for the first time, it felt so good. The smell of fresh kevlar, the stiffness of something not yet worn, the knowledge that this was hers and hers only.
And when she’s flitting from building to building, flipping in the places were others have been before, the Robin suit has never felt more right.
When Batman first placed his hand onto her shoulder and told her “Good job” after her first successful night out, Stephanie felt above the world.
And when the first civilian she saves beams at her and says, “Thank you Robin!” she feels warm to the core.
When she’s Spoiler and he’s Robin and they’re out patrolling together, swinging past buildings and kissing on rooftops, she feels ecstatic. When she’s Robin and he’s Tim Drake and she sneaks into his room and she gets to kiss him while looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she thinks she can live with it.
And when she’s Batgirl and he’s Red Robin and they move together with an ease that others would be jealous of, it only feels right that she reaches up and he leans down and they meet in the middle.
When her dad comes back home with the happiest look on his face and announces that he booked Bruce Wayne for his show, Stephanie and her mom jump up to congratulate him. And when he says that he can bring her onto set and introduce her to him, she thinks she has never felt happier in her life.
And when she’s finally on set, she finds that her eyes aren’t on Bruce Wayne but the younger boy following him in, who is totally her type. She thinks her heart melts when he smiles at her and introduces himself as Tim Drake.
When Dr. Stephanie Brown finds Red Robin bleeding out on her door step, she rolls her eyes and pulls out her kit, already used to the common occurrence. She silently stitches him up, and leaves some pain meds waiting for him.
And if she lingers slightly to brush his hair out of his face and her eyes stare a little too long, well, that’s nothing.
Waltz of Love
I was requested by @accio-fist to write about Stephanie dancing and Tim walking in on it.
Merry Christmas and I hope this lives up to your expectations!
Stephanie first sees it when she’s refining stealth techniques with Damian in the Wayne Manor (read: playing Hide and Seek). She’s in an obscure closet when she sees it, tucked away in the corner.
She wondered if it still worked.
But then Damian barges in and she has to leave it alone.
When she does get to come back, she immediately grabs it and finds the nearest empty room, setting it down. She carefully inserts a record, placing the needle on top of it.
The vinyl starts playing, and Stephanie can feel the music as it washes over her, beckoning her to dance.
And dance she does.
Stephanie doesn’t follow any set pattern, just moves with the beat. She flows with the soft and slow music, leaps with the loud and eccentric songs, and loses herself in the lyrics and rhythm.
Tim has no idea why there’s music coming from one of the older wings of the Manor, but he can’t help but try to seek out its source.
He stops in front of a door he remembers vaguely from his childhood, back when he was curious and tried to map out the entire manor.
Tim carefully opens the door and peeks his head in, expecting to see Cass or Dick or even Jason.
He did not expect to see Steph.
Tim watches with wide eyes as Stephanie dances, body gracefully twisting and turning as she moves, hair swirling around her like a halo.
When could Steph dance?
Tim’s eyes follow her legs as she twirls, one leg flung up as a guitar riff plays in the background. She’s wild and graceful, frenzied and dainty, and so beautiful.
Tim doesn’t know what comes over him but before he can stop himself, his legs carry him to her, hands slipping gently around her waist.
He feels her stiffen before turning around, and they face each other as the music transitions into a slower tune.
Steph places her hands on his shoulders, he wraps his around her waist, and they dance, entrapped in their own world.
They move as one, twirling around the room, stepping in unison. He loves the feeling of her waist under his hands, feeling her muscles flex under his fingertips. He loves looking into her eyes, seeing the peacefulness and concentration shining there. He loves every piece of her, head to toe, as he gently twirls her. Looking at her in front of him, he can’t help but think that he never wants the moment to end.
When the music starts to fade out, he thinks it only feels right to press his lips against hers, bodies melding together as the euphoria fades.
Tim Meets Ice Skating
Tim follows a specific schedule.
At 6, he gets up, gets dressed, and brushes his teeth.
At 6:30, he runs out of the house to go to work at Wayne Industries with a cup of coffee in hand. At the age of 17, he’s their youngest official worker (and he basically runs the company.)
At 12:30, he stops for a quick lunch break.
At 7, he saves all changes and leaves the building.
And at 7:30, he goes to one of the many indoor ice rinks of Gotham owned by Oswald Cobblepot. And he’s not there to skate, Time doesn’t even like skating.
No, he’s there for the blonde skater who’s always there at 7:30 helping kids out.
She’s certainly not the best skater there (but this rink is for enjoyment, not professionals), but she’s the only one who’s has that positivity just radiating off of her. She’s the only one who truly looks content, just skating gracefully while the other groups whiz by her, laughing and cheering. She’s the only one who doesn’t laugh when a kid falls but squats in front of them, coaxing them to skate, gently leading them through the rink.
She’s the only one he’s there to see.
Tim first saw her when Dick dragged him and the rest of the family there, insisting that they go for “family bonding” and “joy that can only come from gliding on ice.”
Jason had told him he was full of shit, and Tim agreed whole-heartedly.
When he did go though, he saw the blonde skating by herself and nearly fainted.
The light had been hitting her at just the right angle, highlighting her cheekbones and showing off the contours of her face. She moved languidly, legs gracefully gliding on top of the ice and no Dick he was not staring.
Somehow, he’d learned that she comes around at 7:30, there to skate by herself but also willing to help the little kids out.
Those times when she does help the children skate, compassion written on her face, they’re nice to watch. But his favorite times are when she’s left alone to skate. There, she starts to loosen up, relaxing until a small smile graces upon he face and she moves freely, like there’s not a trouble in the world.
He’s content to just watch her on the side as she laughs and spins.
But she’s not.
“Hey you, what’s the deal?” She snaps, glaring at him from the rink. “You’ve been watching me skate for weeks. Do you have anything to say?”
Blue, he realizes, staring at her. He’s never been this close to her before. Her eyes were blue, like the sky on days where clouds are nowhere to be seen and there’s a light breeze and-
“Well?” She demands, eyebrows arching. “Are you going to answer me?”
Tim flushes and offers her a flustered compliment on her skating (it stills earns him a smile though, and Tim goes him that day with spirits soaring.)
Afterwards, she always makes sure to greet him with a cheery “hello” and a blinding smile. They’d sit on the side together and just talk, first about ice skating, then about their day, their lives, their families.
Tim would watch her talk, her hands moving animatedly, her cheeks flushed, and feel this unknown sensation bubble up in his chest.
He’d still come everyday, watching her skate. She got a little more daring, executing more spins and jumps than normal (he’s not complaining, strangely enough he finds himself liking the way her legs flex, her back arch, her arms stretch.)
He loves seeing the delight and cheer on her face when she perfects a spin (his favorite is when she mastered the flying sit spin, she was so excited that she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. He went home with his head in the clouds.)
It’s December 31st and he’s walking by the ice rink when he notices the light inside (he’s pretty sure the ice rink shouldn’t be open on New Year’s Eve). He’s surprised to see Steph there, getting ready to start a spin before the door slams close.
She starts and her feet come out beneath her, crashing onto the floor.
Tim is by her side in seconds, gently helping her up and spewing out apologies faster than she can understand.
He pulls her up, careful to not hurt her and she stands up and oh.
She’s close to him. Like, really close. Like if he just tilted his head he’d be able to kiss her close.
Like Steph standing on her tiptoes and pressing her lips up against his mouth close. Like Tim kissing back with all he’s got while fireworks herald in the new year close. Like Tim’s hands sliding down to fit perfectly onto her hips close.
They break apart, breathing heavily.
“Happy New Year Tim,” Steph whispers, gently leaning up to kiss his lips one more time before walking away, humming one song or another.
Tim just stands there, dazed.
Close as Strangers
Tim hurts Stephanie a lot
Or: soulmate au that none of you asked for where any injury inflicted upon your soulmate is also inflicted onto you
Stephanie flies up with a scream breaking through her lips, ripping her bedsheets off and clasping her side. The heavy metallic smell of copper floods her nostrils, and Stephanie bites back the pain ripping through her.
Already there are more bruises blossoming on her body, purple and blue covering her like a painting.
Her hand comes away sticky and she sighs, blinking in the dim light casted in her bedroom by the moon. The sun isn’t up yet and Stephanie resigns herself to another sleepless night.
She stares at her hand, blood staining it slowly as it runs over the lines on her hand, bleeding through her fingers and onto the bedsheets- Oh hell no.
Stephanie flings herself out of her bed, wincing slightly at the pain that burns in her right side, observing her bedding with horror. The blood is spreading already, blooming out like a wave, consuming everything in it’s path. She swears silently. This is the seventh one she’s ruined ever since she’s moved out of her mom’s house and into Gotham University.
And this one was her favorite too.
Rubbing her eyes, she makes her way slowly to the bathroom and lifts her bloodied shirt to check on the injury. She groans, pain beating into her skull. Her breathing starts getting labored, and it hurts to draw in a breath. When she finally meets this soulmate of hers, she’s actually going to kill him.
Stephanie leans over to grab her first aid kit, which was already starting to run low on supplies.
She just restocked it last week.
She cleans her side as quickly as she can before expertly wrapping the wound, with deft fingers who’ve had years of experience behind them.
Her soulmate’s a pain. It is his fault that she’s now majoring in the medical field. She wasn’t going to have her mother wrap her wounds for the rest of her life, and someone was going to have to care for her idiot soulmate.
Although it did seem like someone did, seeing how he wasn’t dead yet. Her soulmate must be a huge daredevil because there hasn’t been a day since she’s turned 13 where she hasn’t woken up with a multitude of bruises and cuts on her body.
(Steph tries not to think about the amount of times she’s woken up with broken bones. One of the biggest mysteries in her dorm is the topic of her soulmate. Who’s so daring that their soulmate would end up covered head to toe in wounds?)
“Soulmates are a gift and should be treasured, they said,” she grumbles under her breath, moving onto the other cuts still opening up on her body, “it’s a blessing, they said.”
At this point, it’s better they don’t meet. She’s not sure if she’ll be able to restrain herself from killing the idiot herself.
Rolling her eyes, she throws herself back onto her bed. Her soulmate might be determined to get himself cut to pieces but she sure as hell isn’t looking forward to facing her test without sleep.
As it turns out, the test isn’t an issue, curtesy of Two Face invading.
They all watch with bated breath as he flips the coin.
“Tails,” he announces. “We wait for the Bat.
There’s a collective sigh of relief. With Batman, they have a chance of salvation.
Stephanie feels something start to build up, like something important and life changing is going to happen, and it’s going to happen soon.
Robin comes in first, bursting in the door with his bo-staff in front of him. Batman quickly follows suit and Steph watches with bated breath as they engage in battle.
Even when everyone else runs out, she stays in the corner, fixed onto the battle. She stares in horror as one of Two Face’s grunts drives a knife into Robin, burying it to the hilt and blood gushes out and-
Steph doubles over as pain erupts from her own abdomen and a small scream escapes from her lips.
Two Face doesn’t see her, and but Batman and Robin do, and in her pain-induced haze she thinks their eyes may have widened.
And then everything goes dark.
Stephanie awakens slowly to the familiar beeping of a heart monitor. The rest slowly washes over her, the slight murmuring of voices, the tapping of keys on a keyboards and- Where those bats?
Her eyes snaps open and she flies up, cringing slightly as her body screams in pain.
“Hey, take it easy,” she hears, and the curses she has ready die down in her throat.
Turning over, she studies the male who’s to be her soulmate. He’s a cute one, hair blacker than night, eyes bluer than the ocean.
Stephanie wonders what she’s done to be blessed with a man who basically won the genetic lottery.
And then she remembers that he’s the reason why she’s been in constant pain everyday for six years and her mood sours quickly.
“Just my luck,” she grumbled. “I meet my soulmate and I can’t even get out of bed to strangle him properly.”
The boy cracks a hesitant smile and Steph tries to ignore the fact that her heart (and the heart monitor) skipped a beat before flying into overdrive.
God he’s handsome.
Stephanie blinks when she feels a hand gently encase her own, rubbing it apologetically. She fixes her gaze onto her soulmate, the one who’s very soul was carved out to fit hers perfectly, and feels her checks heat up.
Stephanie tries to think of something to say, something to kickstart the conversation.
What does one say to the person whose soul is tied so closely to their own that their body can’t stand it when the other gets hurt?
Stephanie squirms slightly under his intense stare, the way his eyes seems to be worshiping her.
“Hi,” he finally says with a crooked smile that she loves already. “I’m Tim.”
She smiles, warm as the sun.
“Hello Tim, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Stephanie.”
And then the silence is shattered and their fate is sealed.
Under His Nose
It’s a completely normal day when Tim finally realized it. He had woken up like normal, brushed his teeth and got dressed. He drank the coffee that Stephanie made for him and listens to her endearing reminders to remember to lift his head up and remember to eat.
She’s out the door and he feels strangely lonely. His coffee no longer holds any appeal for him. He’s bored beyond belief without her.
Sighing, he pushes away from his table and starts to walk out and–
He blinks.
Since when did Tim own a waffle iron? Especially a purple one that still has a scratch on it from when Stephanie hit a burglar with it?
Tim looked around his kitchen, and notes with horror that he does not remember owning over half of the kitchen appliances in there. In fact, at least half of his kitchen is now purple.
Eggplant, his mind supplies helpfully.
In fact, Tim distantly remembers Stephanie doing her homework on the counter while eating cookies.
He blinks again.
Did Steph move in to the second greatest detective’s home right under his nose?
He cursed.
No. Freaking. Way.
Except, that’s the only way to explain the second toothbrush and cup in his bathroom. That’s the only way to explain the worn cartoon towels that have entered in towel closet, a contrast from the plain white towels he favors. That’s the only way to explain how a frozen waffles and popsicles have entered his fridge. That’s the only way to explain why only half the stuff in his closet is his own because he doesn’t remember owning dresses or shoes or–
Oh wait.
Yeah, thats the dress that Dick accidentally bought for him, his mind only registering on the robin red part and not the floor length gown part. And those are the heels that Cass had left in his house after a party and never came to retrieve them. And those are the necklaces his mother once owned.
Phew. Okay. So she hasn’t completely moved it in while he was unaware.
Tim has more than one closet.
Resisting the urge to hit his head on the door, Tim opens up the door to what’s supposed to be his closet. He’s resigned, he already knows what he’s going to see and yep. There it is.
There’s the tattered red hoodie she could never bear to part with. There’s the black leggings she always wears because they’re comfortable. There’s the purple dress she wore when they saved Leslie. There’s the row of heels and sneakers and flats all lined up. There’s the diamond necklace he got her on a trip to France.
Tim has no idea how he did not notice Steph move in. Some detective he was.
He resolves to immediately speak with her about her living arrangements because under no circumstances was she to move in without his permission-
There’s a sinking feeling in his stomach when he remembers that oh right they share a bed.
And the suddenly Steph’s home and he automatically walks over to greet her and she beams at him and he wraps his arm around her shoulder.
For a minute he wonders when this has become what’s familiar to him.
Then Steph leans up and he leans down and all his former thoughts drift away…
His eyes fly open.
Is that a hamster he sees in the corner of his living room?
Seven Things About Timsteph
Stephanie Brown has seven stuffed animals from Tim Drake.
"Here," he said, thrusting the small furry object onto her lap. "I saw this and thought of you."
Tim Drake has seven ties from Stephanie Brown.
"You don't have enough style," she says bluntly. "Thankfully, you have me to fix that for you, and you will forever banish those horrid things you call ties from your closet."
Stephanie has six lipsticks from Tim.
"See, I saw this one and I knew you had to have it. It's purple too!" Tim says to her (she doesn’t even like purple lipstick). Somehow those become her favorites; it may or may not have to do with the way Tim's face lights up when he sees her wearing them.
Tim has six keychains from Stephanie.
Tim's been to every single place that Steph got the keychains from. Still, there's something special about the way she eagerly watches his reaction as she gives them to him.
Stephanie has five 90s on her classes to thank Tim.
"After that, you move 16 over here, then you divide by 36, and you get x," He says, concentrating on her homework. Stephanie can't help but think he looks like a work of art, her crappy lamp washing light across his face, showing off the contours of his face.
Tim has four cuff-links from Stephanie.
They're far from being the most elaborate or expensive cuff-links he owns but they're still some of his favorites, and he makes a point of wearing at least one once a week.
Stephanie got four hugs from Tim.
Each time, she felt the safest she could ever be, wrapped up in Tim's warm arms. She couldn't help but feel like she fits perfectly with him, her head fitting perfectly against the curve of his neck.
Stephanie gives him three kisses on the cheek.
Tim feels heat explode onto his face as Stephanie leans up and presses her lips carefully against his cheek. Jason decides to take a picture right there, and Tim keeps it hanging so that it's the first thing he sees when he wakes up.
Tim stitched Steph up three times.
"Chill out boy wonder, I'm not going to break," she grins, watching Tim hesitate for the third time. Still, she can't help but feel cherished as Tim carefully stitches her up, concentrating so hard his forehead creases.
Tim saved Steph's life two times
"Breathe Steph," He whispers as she's choking on air. Tim tried to ignore the bruises on her neck. He's never wanted to kill anyone more than he's wanted to kill Cluemaster.
"Thank you," she whispers to him late at night, when they're TimStephRobinSpoilerBatgirlRedRobin.
He hums and carefully resists the urge to kiss her right there, after being so close to losing her to a bullet.
Stephanie taught Tim two things.
"No, Tim!" She laughs, hitting his shoulder. "Move your pinkies here, on C, and let your fingers fill in this space in between!" She couldn't help but feel pride rise up in her as she watches him play his first scale. (And even more pride when he successfully plays Mary Had a Little Lamb)
They both have one secret.
"I love you," he whispers, watching her chest rise and fall as she sleeps peacefully.
"I love you," she finally allows herself to say it aloud staring at a blank screen where Tim had just bade her good night.
tangled and stretched (but never broken)
Timsteph Soulmate au take 3: the red string of fate
Stephanie remembers the first time she saw the red string.
She was six, and her grandma winked at her before making a cats cradle with the string connected to her pinkie, stretching out to the kitchen where her grandpa stood.
This, she murmured, placing Stephanie on her lap, is the red string of fate. Those connected by it are destined lovers, and are predetermined to always meet at some point in their lives. It can tangle and stretch, but never break. The one on the other end of the string will always the be the most match. And one day, you will find your other half, my sweet little Stephanie.
Stephanie nodded eagerly, imagining the time when she would find her own soulmate, her own love.
Bah! Her grandma’s voice suddenly changed. But your mother is stubborn. She insisted on defying the red strings of fate and marrying someone who is not her better half. This marriage will not end well, my little Stephanie. Be careful around that man, my sweet. You will have to face a hard future.
Years later, Stephanie can not say she is surprised when her father starts falling deeper into his criminal schemes and when her mother starts embracing her pills more than she ever embraced Stephanie.
Still, Stephanie is unprepared for how far her father would go to be recognized, how far her mother would fall down the abyss.
And she slowly recognizes that she has to stop her father.
When she meets Robin, it’s insignificant.
Well, as insignificant as hitting someone with a brick.
When the brick cracked across his face, Robin and her ring finger jerked and she realized with that the string on her finger, the one that never seemed to end, was connected to the pinky finger of Robin.
She only saw Robin’s shocked face before she ran.
He was her soulmate, she would realize in shock when she got home and could finally think coherently.
My soulmate, she whispers to herself at night. Soulmate, the night would whisper back to her. Soulmate.
It took three days for Robin to track her down. (I followed the string, he whispered to her when they’re curled up together on the bed. I would’ve followed it forever to meet you.)
They carve out their spaces in each other’s hearts, with soft whispers of love and gentle caresses. They smile at each other under the moon, lost in each other’s warmth.
Then he is torn from her.
(I am no longer Robin, he says stiffly. And you can not visit me or else my father would grow suspicious.)
She becomes Robin. Then she “dies”.
She comes back. Then Batman dies.
Tim looks at her with betrayal.
(Don’t let me catch you in that suit again, he snarls, and her heart breaks as he tries to tear down what she worked to hard to protect.)
But then he’s back and she’s Batgirl and he’s Red Robin and Batman’s alive, He exclaims to everyone.
They work on a case together and she can’t help the shiver that runs up her back as his eyes drink her up in her purple dress.
But Batman’s back and Tim turns away from her again and she smacks Batman (her!! Stephanie Brown, normal girl who has to scream for her words to be heard.)
When everything settled down, she could only look from afar and feel the chasm between them, feel her string burn with an intensity at being in such close proximity with the one who completes her heart.
Still, with the string, it’s only a matter of time before the found each other again.
As she stands across from him, she can’t help but to remember that time, ages ago, when she was Spoiler and he was Robin and they were young and in love. Looking across at him, she can’t help but feel exactly she did at the young age of 15, looking shyly across at Tim with a soft smile. Under the moonlight, everything feels new and she feels young and innocent and ready to conquer anything with her love.
It doesn’t take much for them to find nirvana in one another, tangled up in sheets whispering sweet nothings to each other, feeling years of separation disappear like nothing as they giggle with each other.
They’ve changed but that’s okay because she still fits perfectly under his arm there and he still touches her like that and they’ve changed but they’ve also stayed the same.
Grandma, she whispers out to the night. I found him, the one on the other side of my string, can you see?
Beside her, Tim shifts and pulls her closer.
6 years
“I can’t believe you’re finally leaving,” Stephanie says, bumping her feet against the bed.
“Yeah,” Tim agrees, focused on folding his clothes. “Took awhile to get here though.”
“If only you were leaving next year,” she says wistfully.
That gets his attention. He stops folding, and looks at her.
“Why?” He asks, curiosity peeking through his eyes.
“They say if you’ve been friends for seven years, you’ll stay friends forever,” Steph says, leaning back on the bed. “We’ve only got six.”
She can’t see him anymore, but she knows he’s shaking his head.
“Do you not have faith in our friendship lasting?” Steph thinks she can hear hurt in his voice. She doesn’t know. She tries to pretend that the chasm between the two isn’t growing.
Stephanie hears Tim pause. She can picture what he looks like: face almost blank, but with that kicked puppy dog light shining through, head slightly tilted, hair falling in front of his eyes.
She wishes she had the courage to look up at him, because it would be a stunning sight to see, but that’ll address the tightness in her heart and it’s too late for that now.
“Stephanie?” He asks again, and yup, that’s definitely hurt she hears in his voice.
She stay silent, hoping that maybe he’ll give it up and they can move on to the light topics they were discussing beforehand (she knows he won’t).
Instead, the silence between them grows heavier and heavier and suddenly it’s hard to breathe and Stephanie wants to scream–
“It’s just,” She starts hesitantly, “You’re going to be so far away.” She watches Tim’s shoulders relax slightly (and hates herself a little more for causing him a moment of worry because Tim doesn’t deserve that he doesn’t deserve that–)
“Yeah, I know what you mean. It’ll be weird not even living in the same town as everyone.”
Stephanie says nothing, choosing to watch him silently as he turns back to his backing and almost wishes she said something else. Instead, she just wonders. She wonders about how Tim will be when he gets to his college (he’ll throw himself completely into his work at first, never bothering with socializing. He’ll dedicate himself wholly into his work and never come out unless there’s someone who can drag him out, someone who won’t be her anymore). She wonders if he will be able to make friends (he will. Tim is extremely charismatic once he pokes his head out from work. It’s how she stayed by his side even after her initial curiosity wore off.)
She wonder if he’ll finally get a girlfriend. (He will. Tim has a soft charm to him that make it hard for anyone to look away, has a crooked smile that still made Steph swoon even after years of friendship. He’ll get a beautiful girlfriend easily, one who will hold his hand and go out on dinner dates with him and meet his family and gently cup his face and lean up and kiss his lips–)
Steph suddenly feels sick.
Instead she thinks about the past six ears, the most beautiful six years of her life, the phone calls at 2 a.m. when she would talk and he would groan about sleeping and oh God what if those end please no.
But it’s no use because suddenly she’s thinking too hard and she realizes that soon instead of long talks at night Tim will be hanging up early and laugh with his new girlfriend and his new friends and she will fade slowly out of his life until one day his girlfriend will point at a picture of her and ask who is she? and Tim will laugh and throw his arms around her and say no one important to us dear.
She’ll slowly lose importance in his life and that thought terrifies her.
Please, she begs to whoever is listening. Please don’t take him away from me.
Five Times Stephanie Brown Made the News
This fic is for @ladykattz who I offer a million apologies for being so late. I hope this fic makes it up to you.
Prompt: “Can you do something with Stephanie being Tim’s date to a gala or visiting him at Wayne Enterprises for whatever reason? I just wanna see how all these high class or professional workplace people view this unknown girl who is constantly chilling with the Waynes.”
1. The first time Stephanie made the news, she was fifteen and Gotham exploded at the news of another vigilante working their way through the Gotham underworld. Word on the street was, this one wore purple and had hair bright as the sun. Among themselves, Gothamites gossiped. Some didn’t believe she’d last a week, others thought she’d make it to a month. No one believed she would ever truly succeed. Behind her mask, Stephanie narrowed her eyes and swore to prove them wrong. 2. Stephanie makes news again as Stephanie, friend of the elusive Cassandra Cain, whom which journalists would sell their organs for to get an interview. They watch as the blonde chatters freely to the sole daughter of Bruce Wayne, a smiling often flitting across her face, one mirrored easily on Cassandra’s face as well. At one point, Cassandra Cain laughs so hard she doubles over, clutching her stomach. Her eyes wrinkle, and the newspapers papers dub her a beauty in a beat. Who is this girl, who seems to familiar to the most elusive and impassive members of the Wayne Family?
3. The third time Stephanie made it on the news, she was seen in the arms of one Timothy Drake at the Wayne Gala. The same mysterious blonde hanging out with Gotham’s princess was now firmly established as the girlfriend of one of Gotham’s prince. The news story only briefly brushed over how Tim’s eyes never left his date, how under the soft lights the two smiled like gems. How Dick’s arms often wrapped about the two like family and Damian dances with Stephanie and over again. Mostly, it focused on the elites throwing themselves into a tizzy as they fumed over a common girl on the arms of one of the men in highest demand. This blonde, with her obnoxious laugh and cheap jewelry had the nerve to steal one of the most wanted men, and did so in a Macy’s dress. The ladies decked out in Gucci and Swarovski diamonds fluffed their hundred dollar insured hair in disgust. The elites scorned and scoffed, but no one could deny the happiness radiating off of the couple. Nor could they deny that the words “pompously overdressed clout” left Stephanies lips multiple times as the couple laughed themselves into oblivion watching the Elite of Gotham flush purple. 4. The fourth time Stephanie made the news, it was after an interview with a Wayne Enterprise secretary. The anonymous secretary provides multiple reports on the recent sunshine appearing in the Wayne Enterprises. It would appear that rain or shine, a blonde female would skip up the stairs to the Wayne Tower, press a kiss on Mr. Drake’s forehead (which, in the 279 days that she has observed Ms. Browns arrivals, have never failed to bring a happy smile to his face) and cheerfully encourage the workers to keep up the good work. Ms. Brown, the secretary raves, is a miracle worker. She was thoughtful too, always asking Mr. Wang about his daughter and Mrs. McClain about her hospitalized father and Mr. Mendoza about his newborn. It was as if, she writes, entrapped in her shining blonde hair and blue eyes was the sun itself. It certainly had a favorable effect among Tower the workers and Mr. Drake himself.
5. The fifth time Stephanie makes the news, she is a new hero. Another year, another gala, another outing as one of Gotham’s most well established couples. Tim slips his arms around Steph’s waist and she leans up to press a soft kiss onto his jaw, raising her hand to admire the gleaming diamond on her finger. Together, they greet all those who congratulate them on their recent engagement. A soft love wraps around them, and happiness radiates off them. Stephanie takes great delight in bragging about the newest Revlon eyeshadow and the upcoming Fenty Beauty release as the ladies gather around her. A few titter and clutch luxury powders, but she’s proud to see that majority of the women are listening intently to what she says. It never fails to delight her when girls walk up to her to strike a conversation about a product she recommended. Still, of course something goes wrong and this it comes in the form of the Condiment King, shouting about his own power and youth and lost chances. When the rest of the elites rush back and a jumble of confused shouts and scared expressions, Stephanie takes the opportunity to punch him right across the jaw- after she chews him out for even thinking about interrupting her special moment and her engagement. Not on her watch, she snaps, glaring down towards the trembling Condiment King, aiming a kick towards his ribs. What a girl, the elites whisper among themselves. How selfless, how heroic. Her fiancé is a lucky man. What a hero.
Behind them, the Wayne family grins.
Of Christmas Sweaters and Abominations
Timothy Drake would like to shrink into a nearby crevice and never come out. Timothy Drake would like to sink into a lake and never surface. Timothy Drake would like to fight Harley Quinn with one hand tied behind his back. Timothy would like to do anything but have to stand in front of Wayne Enterprise’s associates in an ugly Christmas sweater.
Timothy’s seen some downright ugly things in his life (a drunk Swamp Thing ranks pretty high) but nothing is uglier than the abomination he has been forced into.
The sweater (if it can even be called that) is a horrendous furry green and red explosion with silver tassels flying everywhere and a plump santa leering at everyone.
Tim nearly cried the first time he saw it.
Damian’s having the time of his life, laughing at him in the corner. Tim shoots him a stink eye. It’s just not fair that he weaseled out of this, staying safe in a striped sweater.
Dick skips by him and Tim nearly gags at the Christmas joy radiating off of him. Of course Dick manages to pull of his horrendous light up Christmas sweater and hat. Dick can’t look bad in anything.
Tim is halfway through despairing about the state of humanity and mourning his own ruined social standards when warm arms wrap around him and all his thoughts float away.
Humanity was good and well and prospering. His social status wasn’t completely ruined. Damian Wayne can eat his smirk. Dick Grayson can shove his stupid smile somewhere else.
Because Tim Drake, in all his ugly Christmas sweater glory, had the prettiest girl in all of Gotham hugging him. He can feel a smile tug at his lips as he relaxes into Stephanie’s arms.
“Hey you,” She giggles, “You look dashing.”
Tim grin and neatly turns around.
“Hey yourself,” he says, pressing his forehead against hers.
Never mind the fact that they’re wearing the same sweater, Stephanie looks like a goddess. Tim swears that he’s not biased but he’s convinced that red, green, and silver are her colors.
“You have that ridiculous look on your face again, Drake,” Damian shoots as he slides out to greet Stephanie and only mildly grumbles as she reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“You’re an angel,” he says as Damian moves away to pester Dick. “I have no idea how you deal with him.”
Stephanie laughs and he drinks up every sound, eyes glued to her glowing smile and gleaming eyes.
“Let’s ignore our baby demon and enjoy each other’s company, yeah?”
Timothy hums and wraps his arm around her waist. He could almost forget that this beautiful woman was the reason for his pain in the monstrosity that called itself a sweater-
“You owe me,” he huffs. “I am suffering in this disgusting example of all of humanity’s failures.”
Stephanie only laughs again, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You love it,” she says, before leaning up to connect their lips.
“Merry Christmas, boyfriend wonder.”
Of Bricks and Wedding Rings
Stephanie might not be rich like a certain heir of a multi billionaire, but she still understands big gestures. So when Tim challenges her to outdo his proposal with ferris wheels, skywriting and fireworks, Stephanie takes it seriously.
Because Stephanie might not have the money to buy out amusement parks or huge diamond rings, but she does understand people and she never shied away from a challenge.
Stephanie launches her plan with Dick. She carefully lays out everything she wanted to happen and how to enact it. Dick shrieks and jumps onto the chandelier, eyes shining in delight.
Next, she sets off to get everything she needed.
Whistling, she skips down one of the many alleyways of Gotham, keeping an eye out for a nicely sized brick.
It can’t be too big or too small, she decides, frowning at a pile of bricks.
It was a nice circle, she decides, finally leaving with a brick tucked under her arm. To begin and end with a brick.
They started a chapter together, connected by a brick (literally, a brick in her hand connecting with his face), it’s only fitting that they begin the next chapter with a brick.
The day began with cuddles. Tim wrapped himself around her, breaths tickling her neck and Stephanie promptly kicks him out of bed before he decides to sleep all day.
The day progresses with a impromptu flash mob at the street mall that Tim stops by, Cass conveniently nearby to steer him directly to the center of it, Bruno Mars’s voice ringing across belting out Marry Me.
The day stops for Stephanie a minute before she gets ready to get out.
“Oh my God,” she breathes, staring at the brick in her
Dick flings his arms around her, pushing her towards the stage.
Jason tosses her the microphone, smirking.
“Go get him, tiger.”
“No need to fret Brown, Drake is pathetic. He would likely fall right over for this cacophony,” Damian sniffed, tilting his head in disdain, belying the sparkle in his eye.
Steohanie inhales, steps out, and clears her throat.
“Timothy Timbo Timmie Tim-Tim Drake!” She chants into the microphone, butterflies starting to crowd her stomach.
Tim gapes at her.
“You sir, the singlehandedly biggest dork on this side of the planet. You still sleep with your Batman doll and wake up in the weirdest positions. You forget to wear a jacket and then complain about the cold. You enjoy reading the newspaper in the mornings. You pull all nighters and then complain about how tired you are. Any sane person would recognize how weird you are.”
She takes a deep breath.
“And yet, everyday I want to wake up next to your stupid self. I want to be the person you wrap yourself around at night, the one who reminds you to wear a jacket, the one who you discuss the newspaper with, the one who reminds you to get some rest. So I guess that means that I’m not sane because Timothy Drake, on the honor of this brick, will you do me the honor of making all that come true, and marry me?”
Stephanie has a second to breathe before Tim launching himself at her, lips smashing against hers. She gasps out a laugh, dropping the brick to press herself closer to him.
“Mine was still better” Tim whispered against her lips.”
Early morning alarms
At two A.M., Stephanie was awakened from an obnoxious ringing and groaned.
“Oh you’re kidding,” she grumbled. “He was doing so well.”
When her neighbor first moved in, she had been excited to see someone new. That had changed once fire alarms started ringing every night.
It was understandable if her neighbor set off the fire alarm if something dangerous actually happened but no. Her neighbor was just an awful cook.
Normally, everyone in the complex would have descended upon this person by now, but there was just a little something stopping them.
Her neighbor, lean with black hair and blue eyes, just happened to be Tim Drake, adopted son of Bruce Wayne, multi-billionaire. He could buy them all with a wave of his hand.
So, they stayed quiet and grumbled to themselves.
But Steph was tired and annoyed. She liked her sleep, and hasn’t even gotten a full nights sleep months. Her schoolwork was starting to suffer as a result, and Barbara was starting to send her looks.
This was going to stop, and soon.
So Stephanie goes grocery shopping and knocks on her neighbor’s door.
"Hi! I'm Stephanie!" She says cheerfully. Her neighbor blinked at her (darn, he was cute too). "I'm here to teach you how to cook!"
This is inspired by a really old timsteph fic where she meets him because of a fire alarm in the apartment building but I can’t find it for the life of me so please help :)
Masterlist of Executive Assistant to the Batman
made by @heartslogos
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty One | Chapter Twenty Two | Chapter Twenty Three | Chapter Twenty Four | Chapter Twenty Five | Chapter Twenty Six | Chapter Twenty Seven | Chapter Twenty Eight | Chapter Twenty Nine | Chapter Thirty | Chapter Thirty One | Chapter Thirty Two | Chapter Thirty Three | Chapter Thirty Four | Chapter Thirty Five | Chapter Thirty Six | Chapter Thirty Seven | Chapter Thirty Eight | Chapter Thirty Nine | Chapter Forty | Chapter Forty One | Chapter Forty Two | Chapter Forty Three | Chapter Forty Four | Chapter Forty Five | Chapter Forty Six | Chapter Forty Seven | Chapter Forty Eight | Chapter Forty Nine | Chapter Fifty | Chapter Fifty One | Chapter Fifty Two | Chapter Fifty Three | Chapter Fifty Four | Chapter Fifty Five | Chapter Fifty Six | Chapter Fifty Seven | Chapter Fifty Eight | Chapter Fifty Nine | Chapter Sixty | Chapter Sixty One | Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter 31 is not numbered. And Chapter 38 is numbered 39 while Chapter 39 is numbered 29. Like ??? Chapter 53 is empty which is why it's crossed over.
Remember some chapters are longer than others
@strawberryjei @khachalala @warrior-ofba-the-blue-moon @reds-2 @michiruspens @jsuislfrost @dcblueberry @kerishet @elvenqueensandladyflowers @freeasthebirds @heirofgreen @delphae @rainarahl @youareunbearable @testycanadian @tiredswampthing @q-loves-you @platinum-here @zxrysky @consultingjedi @memo-rii @cheshirecaine @vegastaruniverse @timmers @kiragecko @veilfireshadows @47a3107 @send-me-letters @dukku-of-catempty @mizuphae @pastapirate @sparkly-key@marudny-robot @acookiesnmilkuniverse @dotsofblueink @shhhh-ok @neamedicullen @miss-choco-chips
Masterlist of Recommendations (OLD)
I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
This is the link for my new and more organized Masterlist. This is where I will update my newest posts from now on.
A Bunch of Masterlists
Masterlist of Masterlists
DC Masterlist of Masterlists
Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists
Batman Masterlists Recommendation
Marvel x MLB x DC Crossovers Prompts/Fics Recomendaitons
Miraculous Ladybug
Group Recommendations
10 Tumblr Miraculous Ladybug Salt Fics Recommendations
Tumblr MLB Salt Prompts/Fanfic Recommendations
MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 2
MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3
MLB Angst Prompts/Fics Recommendation
Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt/Fanfic Recommendations
Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt 2
Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3
Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations
Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations 2
Gabriel Agreste Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
Chloe Bourgeois Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation
Lukanette Prompts/Fics Recommendations
MLB Caline Bustier Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation
MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
MLB Felinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations
BAMF Marinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations
Singular Fic Recommendations
CopyCat MLB
High Priest (Akuma!Luka)
Spots Drawn in Marker
Be Careful What You Wish For
Chloe’s Lament
BURN THE WITCH (Miraculous Karma)
He Stole My Heart So I Stole His
Breaking the Bough
Ode to Decoy
Group Recommendations
Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations
Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 2
Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 3
Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 4
Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation
Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 2
Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 3
Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 4
MLB Bio!Dad Constantine Recommendations
Daminette Ao3 Recommendations
Maribat Ao3 Recommendations
Singular Fic Recommendations
Babysitter Maribat reverse age AU
There’s Always Two Sides
Goodbye Paris
Paris: The Forgotten City
Masterlist of Executive Assistant to the Batman
Bruce (Tim) Wayne
Timothy Luthor
Marry Me
What If Series
These are my idea dumps.
Danny Phantom
Vlad & Danny Were Reincarnated as Ra’s Al Ghul & Tim Drake
Peter Parker Crack Fic Ao3 Recommendations
IronDad & SpiderSon Ao3 Recommendations
Peter Snaps Instead Ao3 Recommendations
My Hero Academia
BNHA Villain Deku Ao3 Recommendations
Hero Deku Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations
Harry Potter
Harry Potter Ao3 Recommendations
Potter Family Opera Headcanons
Supernatural Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations
Favorite Supernatural Fanfictions []
Teen Wolf
My Favorite Teen Wolf Ao3 Fanfics
Hannibal Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
KHR Fanfiction Recommendation []
Searching for a Fic. Help?
These are just questions that I have left unanswered. If you know what the fic is then feel free to help.
Searching for a Harry Potter FanFic. Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Batman Fic. Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Batman Fic (2). Help?
Searching for an MLB FanFic. Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Maribat Fanfic. Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Maribat Fic (2). Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Maribat Fic (3). Help? [FOUND]
Searching for a Spiderman Fic. Help?
Searching for a Star Wars Fic(?) Help?
Remember some chapters are longer than others
Masterlist of Reccomendations
I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
A Bunch of Masterlists
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Harry Potter
Teen Wolf
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
What If (Original) Series
If I can take some of your time for this, I have some fics that I don't remember the title or where I read, but I would very much like to read them again.
Searching For A Fic. Help?
The Intern: Outreach Gala
Another uneventful day for Gotham's environmental intern...
Part 1- Day one
Part 2- The Joker Fish
Part 4- The Billionaire Boys Club

Gotham's public library appears unrecognizable under the cloak of night. Broad leaves shroud the outside exterior of the Gothic pillars while ivy cascades down the large door frames. Harris raises an eyebrow.
"How many forests do you think Wayne destroyed in his quest to save the planet?" He questions with a smirk.
Each grey hair is perfectly gelled out of his face. Ditching his glasses for the occasion, Dr. Harris may actually care about tonight's guests. The bouncer outside the door seemed to think the dress code was not a laughing matter.
Taking his extended arm, I roll my eyes. The security guy nods to the two of us as we walk through the door.
"Professor, if you keep saying things like that Gordon's going to question your stances on Gotham's resident Eco-terrorist. " I whisper with a smile. "....but at least 12."
Thanks to the joint collaboration between Wayne Industries, Goth-corp, and the Gotham Department of Environmental Protection. Gotham City is hosting its first Environmental Outreach Gala for the nearby tri-state area. Unfortunately for me, they saddled the newest intern to do all the heavy lifting. Young joints and all that jazz. At least I got an invite. The invites ran out before the IT guy could get one. Poor Eddie.
My heart flutters a little bit as a realization hits me. I’m actually here… surrounded by giants in clean energy and the scientific community alike. Award-winning journalists... All for the future of our planet. Passing my reflection, I smile thinking of how far I’ve come from that little river rat back at home.
A figure in the corner of my eye draws my thoughts away from the Grandma debrief. Dick Grayson, the Billionaire’s son, charms the group of ladies by his side. I take a mental note to find time to talk to him when there isn’t such a big crowd. Having someone in Bruce Wayne’s ear might be an asset.
The walls echo with the idle chatter coming from the rich socialites of Gotham. Waiters in tuxedos maneuver silently with a tray of champagne flutes in each hand. Considering, that most environmental professionals wear cargo pants from the early 2000s to work... the dress code was definitely a choice. I scan the room for familiar faces. Gordon flashes me a smile from across the room. I nod back. The Mayor works his way around the room with a large smile. It must be an election year.
My throat gets tight. I'm not ready for this. Looking to my right, I find that Dr. Harris has vanished into the crowd.
"Y/N L/N?" A voice calls distracting me from my nerves.
A well-dressed man strolls over. Something about him puts me on edge. Maybe it's his wicked smile or the large emerald ring on his outstretched hand. He walks with an easy air of confidence.
"Lex Luthor."
My heart does a little tap dance in my chest. The tight fabric of my rental dress makes it hard to breathe. I shake his hand politely. The party-goers go quiet around us. From the corner of my eye, Lois Lane, an investigative reporter from Metropolis, shoves through the crowd. So much for being a fly on the wall.
"I recently worked with a Professor of yours. She had a lot to say about your graduate proposal."
This cannot be happening. Memories of those long fights in the lab flash in the back of my mind. Mr. Luthor's cat-like gaze observes my reaction curiously.
I cover my face in embarrassment. That woman deserves hate mail. I could have at least been asked to type or spell-check it beforehand.
"To be frank, I originally chose the topic to get a rise outta her. Dr. Hendrix had me doing dishes for 3 weeks straight after I accidentally messed up a sample, so I wrote a proposal I knew she wouldn't like."
When I finally uncover my face, Luthor stares down at me with an amused grin.
"Even so. I'd like to discuss potential funding opportunities in Metropolis. If this is something you would think up out of boredom, I'd love to see what you can do when you put your mind to it."
That brings a smile to my face.
"Really? Everyone who I've brought it up to has been apprehensive about researching Kryptionian radiation.
"We need more scientists to ask questions Ms. L/N. Even the ones, that people don't want to know the answer to. "
The sullen green glow draws my eye once again to Mr. Luthor's ring finger... Wait, that's not an emerald. That's Kryptonite.
"Is this a personal interest of yours?" I ask slowly glancing between his eyes and his ring.
"In some ways."
An unspoken conversation occurs when he notices my acknowledgement of his strange choice of jewelry. The silence only creates more questions. Why would you wear something you know is irradiated?
"I hope to hear from you soon." Mr. Luthor concludes after handing me a business card, "There is always a spot at Lexcorp for a future scientist with your talents."
I stand there in silence watching him leave. The sleek modern design of the card lists only the bare essentials: his name, office address, and contact information in silver lettering.
Four hours ago, I was hauling boxes for the decorating committee. Huh. A nearby waiter offers a champagne flute from the tray. Respectfully, I turn them down. This dress costs more than my rent.
“Oh no. Thank you. I am… working.”
"Does work-life balance not apply to interns?” A voice interrupts.
I try not to roll my eyes at the "intern" comment. The constant reminders of my status are getting old. Starting at his perfectly buffed dress shoes, my gaze drags along the fabric of his black designer suit. Dick Grayson sure does like to make an entrance. With his dark curls and friendly blue eyes, there's something familiar about him. I can't quite put my finger on it... Sipping on his drink, he waits for my response with a teasing grin. His energy is contiguous. I ignore his question to ask my own instead.
“Has anyone told you that you tend to appear out of nowhere?”
His striking eyes light up with a mischievous glint.
“You have no idea.” He laughs introducing himself, “I’m Dick Grayson.”
“So I’ve heard.” I joke gesturing to the envious eyes from across the room.
He raises a curious eyebrow.
“Good things I hope?”
Glancing around the room, I ignore the dozen eyes staring daggers in my direction. Academia can be such a bitch.
“Nothing too crazy: a few murders, unfounded accusations, and you might be an alien?”
Dick Grayson grimaces while tilting his head ever so slightly. He swirls his drink, yet doesn't take a sip.
“Sounds about right. Anything you believe? “
I pause... Do I play coy?
“I’m not sure an alien could do a quadruple summersault.”
Something flashes in his eyes that I don’t quite understand. For a moment, I wonder if I should have held my tongue. His suspicion morphs into the first genuine smile I've seen all evening.
“You’ve done your homework Ms. L/N.”
Before I can respond, a scream causes the ballroom to descend into chaos. Vines shoot out from under the floorboards while the native plants start attacking the guest. A woman with flaming red hair paces the floor. Her vines wrap around each person one by one…. A thorny bush springs out of a fallen leaf snagging my delicate rental dress.
Dammit Pamela. We talked about this.
Glancing at the bartender's horrified expression, I frown.
“I change my mind. I’ll have that drink now.”
It's getting better . . . right?
Inspired by this fanfic
uploaded on 04/11/21
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Ao3 // Wattpad
I'm fine
Damian Wayne knew that no one wanted him around. He wasn’t an idiot. He noticed how everyone always seemed to look at him with a bit of distaste and revulsion wherever he went.
It made him feel like he didn’t belong with them. Like he was unwanted.
Didn’t his family notice how hard he was trying?
They never seemed to look past the fact that he was raised by assassins. They all assumed that he was nothing but a cold, bratty, killer.
And in a way, maybe they were right.
After all, the ones he was supposed to call his brothers didn’t even give him a chance.
Even the team he handpicked, hated him.
What was wrong with him?
If everyone seemed to hate him so much, there had to be something wrong with him. Right?
That’s what everyone at school seemed to believe.
Ever since someone leaked his number, his phone would always be filled with dozens of new messages. Not a single one of them was positive.
“KYS smart ass”
“U know that no one actually likes you, right?”
“U might be Bruce Wayne’s child but remember that u were nothing but a mistake”
“No one's going to like u with that attitude. No matter how hot you might be”
“isn’t it sad that no one likes you?”
“Do us all a favor and just kys”
And as if that wasn’t enough, everyone in his vigilante life seemed to always have something negative to say about him.
They didn’t even care that he was within earshot. In fact, he wholeheartedly believed that they wanted him to hear about all their complaints about him and his attitude.
He received their points loud and clear. No one there wanted him.
No matter how hard he tried, it would never be enough. Sometimes, he wanted to take his suit and run away, killing all the criminals that he deemed deserved it. He wanted to fight back and argue against them with the bratty behavior that everyone seemed to believe he was born with.
It would only prove everyone right. It would only prove that he was nothing but a spoiled, worthless, ungrateful brat that doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.
Ever since Damian was given to his father, he has wanted nothing more than to gain his approval. He promised that he would become everything that Batman wanted and more.
Even if it meant that he had to pretend that their comments didn’t hurt him.
Damian stared back at his empty, plain wall.
A few minutes before he got back to the manor, the team had just completed another mission.
Damian was about to apologize because he felt like he was a bit too overbearing and bossy when he heard them complaining and criticizing him.
He froze, not knowing what to do.
“- Such a brat!” he heard someone growl. “Like how can someone be such a dick?”
The room filled with laughter and Emiko spoke up, “What did the kid do now?”
“He goes and gets mad at me for being incompetent or something. Like it’s not my fault I wasn’t raised by a crazy old hot assassin lady.” Wally snapped.
They were right, of course. Damian was raised in different circumstances. And he knew that he was a bit harsh. But he just didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
“‘If you don’t halt your tongue you useless speedster,” someone mockingly imitated, “You will perish under my sword.” That brought another round of fresh laughter to the tight group.
Not even the two people that Damian could probably call his friends could hold in their laughs.
“Why are you guys so mean to the small man?” Roundhouse asked, making the tense feeling inside Damian’s chest loosen up a bit.
Maybe they didn’t hate him as much as he thought they did.
He heard Emiko snort, “Please, that wanna-be is barely a man.”
He quickly got that foolish thought out of his head.
Wally muttered something that Damian couldn’t hear.
Emiko spoke up again, “You guys wanna know what Roy told me,” Damian assumed that the others nodded and he found himself leaning in as well. “He said that even his own brothers don’t like him. They just put up with him to make their dad happy. Actually, probably even his own father doesn’t want him.”
Damian ignored how tight his chest was getting. They were right after all. No matter how hard he tried, his father would never love him the way he loved Grayson, Todd, and Drake.
Wally laughed, “You’re probably right. I mean, didn’t his mom just force Batman to take him. The guy probably didn’t have a choice.”
“That must be tough.” someone huffed, “Being tossed around like trash.”
“He probably deserved it.”
Damian stood there, suddenly not wanting to face his team. Again, they were right. Maybe he did deserve it. No one wanted him around.
No one loved him.
He noticed that the talking from the room ceased and decided that maybe now would be a good time to quickly leave.
All he had to do was go in, use the zeta tubes, and he would be out of there.
Damian walked in the room, with the utmost confidence he could muster.
“Great!” Wally had an excited grin on his face, “I can’t wait to go-“ his voice trailed off when he spotted Damian walking in.
“Can’t wait for what?” he couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“We’re going to the movies!” Djinn answered for the speedster. “We wanted to do a bit of team bonding.” she gave him a bright smile.
Damian nodded in acceptance, hoping that his eyes didn’t betray the hurt he was feeling. Understanding the fact that no one wanted him around, he muttered a quick “Have fun.” Then left.
He should’ve known better than to know that they would invite him.
They probably just didn’t want him to ruin their bonding experience. It makes sense. Damian ruined everything. And he doesn’t even have to try.
It’s like all he had to do was step into a room and everyone’s mood suddenly spiraled down.
These feelings stirring up inside of him made him feel weak and useless. He was pathetic.
Damian stopped, why should he care about what they think? Their opinions should mean nothing to him.
Because father would want you to get along with them. His mind whispered. And even if you don’t want to admit it, you’ve grown fond of them. That’s why you want them to like you so much.
Damian sighed, deciding to take a shower. It’s not like he had anything better to do.
He left his phone on his bed, barely anyone but Alfred came into his room anyway.
The steaming hot water sprinkled across his brown skin. It hurt at first but Damian got used to it.
He didn’t know how long he stayed in the shower but when he heard the knock at the door, he immediately assumed that it was time for dinner.
“I’ll be there soon Alfred!” he called out, changing as fast as he could. He didn’t want to disappoint his father by showing up late.
“Sorry, but I’m not Alfred.”
“Grayson?” he asked, stepping out of the bathroom. “What are you doing here?”
“Do I need an excuse to visit my brother?” he grinned excitedly.
Damian wanted to nod and say yes. No one talked to him unless they had to. However, Damian stopped himself when he saw the glint of mischief in Grayson’s eyes.
Immediately putting up his guard, knowing nothing good happens when Nightwing himself is up to no good, he sneered. “I’m not up for your silly little games tonight.”
Grayson had the nerve to look hurt and pout. Damian ignored him, “Please Dami.” he begged, “I just want to spend some time with my brother.”
“Well, I don’t want to spend time with you.” Damian snapped, “Now if you excuse me, I have to go do... something.”
Grayson cheerfully grinned, ignoring everything Damian just said. “Since you have nothing better to do, let’s go hang out with your friends.” Before Damian could say that he didn’t have any friends and that Bruce needed to know if he ever went somewhere, Grayson lifted him up. “I already asked Dad. So come on! I want to meet your team.”
“It’s not like I have a choice.” Damian grumbled, “Can you put me down?”
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When they arrived at the tower, Damian sat on the only empty seat left.
He was confused. Why was everyone here? Did they just bring him here so that they could talk about how bad of a person he was? Cause he honestly didn’t need a reminder.
He had a bad feeling about this meetup.
He soon became aware that everyone was watching him, “Don’t you guys have a movie to watch?”
“It was closed.”
“How would it be closed? It’s barely 10 o’clock.”
Crush looked at Todd and the boy rolled his eyes before speaking up. “Hey, brat. You do-”
“Don’t I get a welcome, Demon?” Drake suddenly interrupted, “Plus, last time I checked, you didn’t know what cinema they were going to, so how would you know what time it would close.”
“Tt, whatever.” he rolled his eyes, concealing how his chest seems to ache at the fact that his brothers they didn’t even care that were humiliating him in front of his team. “Can I go now?” he turned to Grayson, “I just remembered that I had to do something.”
It was an obvious lie. And from the snickers going on around the room, they knew it too. Damian didn’t bother to pretend to care. He needed to get out of here.
Something felt wrong.
Without waiting for Grayson’s answer he stood up and tried to walk towards the exit. However, judging by the fact that someone was blocking the door, it seemed like they didn’t want him to leave.
He turned around. “What do you guys want?” he demanded, hoping that they would get the hint that he didn’t want to stay here.
“I don’t know what they want,” Todd casually said, leaning forward. “But can you try this? Alfred gave me the recipe.”
Damian narrowed his eyes at the drink, running his hands through his dark, damp hair. A habit he only did when he was extremely nervous or when he had a very bad feeling. “And I should care about that because...?” He made his voice trail off.
Why won’t they leave him alone?
Everyone seemed to grit their teeth before Crush looked at him straight in the eye, an eyebrow mockingly raised. “Please don’t tell me that you're scared.”
Damian scoffed at the thought.
Him. Scared of a drink? As if.
He paused, he was wary of it though. Something definitely didn’t feel right. He wanted to leave before this whole thing further escalated.
It was like he was back in school and everyone was surrounding him so that he couldn’t walk away. Then somehow, everyone would make comments about how useless and stupid he was. Then they would push him around. Sometimes, they would even go as fast as going through his backpack and rip his notebooks apart.
It was humiliating.
Is that what they wanted? To humiliate Damian.
He was right. They really did hate him.
The fact that Damian didn’t answer his teammate’s question seemed to boost everyone’s confidence.
Damian noticed that they all had a glint of amusement in their eyes, probably enjoying the fact that he couldn’t leave.
Todd walked up to him, the mug in his hand. Damian couldn’t bring himself to move, he could only stare at the object.
Get out. his head seemed to scream. Get out!
He warily looked around, he couldn’t force himself out of this one. He was trapped and the walls just kept closing in.
“You know,” Emiko taunted. “What would happen if your father heard the fact that you declined a drink that your brother obviously worked hard on just for you?” she suddenly let out a mocking gasp, “Oh! What would the League do?”
“If dad found out,” Drake playfully commented, a hint of delight in his tone. As if he enjoyed how uncomfortable Damian felt. “You would probably be banned from patrol... again.”
Everyone around him laughed and Damian clenched his fists.
This wasn’t fair.
Why should it matter that he didn’t want to try the stupid drink that Drake made?
He tried to look at Grayson for help but he was laughing too. Why would his brother the older kid bring him here just to be made fun of?
He hated it here.
Did all of them hate him so much that they would gang up on him? Threatening him that they’ll snitch to Bruce so that he wouldn’t be able to be Robin anymore?
They couldn’t.
Damian refused to let them take away the only escape he had from his horrible life.
If all they wanted was for him to drink from that stupid mug, then he would.
He snatched the white mug- covered with bats from Todd’s hand. Not even bothering to check what was in it, he drank it all as fast as he could.
Before he could open his mouth to ask if he could leave now, his vision blurred. Dark spots seemed to be dancing around the room.
What was happening?
His head suddenly started to hurt. He tried to walk away but he stumbled, almost falling face-first to the floor when someone caught him.
Damian felt his body being carried and put down somewhere soft.
The last thing he noticed was the fact that everyone seemed to wear matching smirks. The exact smirks that seemed to make chills go down Damian’s spine all evening. Wally took out his phone, angling it to film something.
He heard the voices talking and he felt his mouth open as if answering a question.
His head still hurts.
He wanted the pain to go away.
Why wasn’t it going away?
He wanted to scream for help. It hurts. Everything hurts. But it was like he couldn’t bring the words out of his mouth.
He didn’t know if the reason he couldn’t ask for help was that he didn’t trust them or if he just physically couldn’t do it.
In the end, it didn’t matter. Damian’s small body slumped against the couch and his vision went dark.
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When his green eyes opened, he felt like Superman hit his head with as much strength as he could.
It hurts, the throbbing just wouldn’t stop and his eyes couldn’t focus. Everything was blurry and hazy.
He tried to get up but it was like his body failed him. He couldn’t move.
Suddenly, he felt someone put another blanket over his body. He looked up and noticed that all three of his father’s sons were there, staring at him with worried eyes.
They sat on his bed, “What’s wrong, Dami?” Todd asked in a worried tone.
“Nothing,” he muttered. “Why are you guys here?”
“We’re just worried for you, little bat.” Grayson softly argued, his hands playing with Damian’s dark hair.
“Why?” If he could, Damian would’ve winced at how pathetic he sounded. “ I mean, what happened?”
The older bats exchanged glances before Drake slowly answered his question, “There was a mission.” he faltered, “And you got hurt. Really badly.”
Damian frowned, the pain distracting him from focusing on anything else but the words being said to him. “I don’t remember going on a mission?” His eyes stared at theirs, “What was the mission again, exactly?”
Todd scooted closer to him and Damian wanted to scoot away, will he hurt him? “We’ll tell you everything later. Right now, you need to rest.”
Damian's head throbbed even more, “None of this makes sense. Where’s the team?” When the word team came out of his mouth, something inside Damian seemed to snap, he looked at them, obviously panicking as he asked, “How’s the team? Are they hurt? No one was drastically injured right?”
How could he be so selfish? Why was he focusing on himself so much? He should’ve focused on his team right when he woke up.
No wonder they hated him. He couldn’t even protect them properly.
Were they going to kick him out? Were they going to replace him as their leader? Were they g-
“Your team is fine,” Tim assured him, wrapping his arm around Damian, causing the small child to flinch. Drake quickly removed his arm, muttering a quick “Sorry.”
Noticing that the atmosphere has gotten tense and uncomfortable again, Damian couldn’t help but scold himself. Stupid, he just wanted to help you. Why did you have to flinch?
“They’re worried about you, you know.” Grayson suddenly spoke up.
Damian tilted his head in confusion, “Who?”
“Your team.”
“Why?” he questioned.
“Cause you’re hurt?” Todd supplied, as if it was obvious, exchanging quick glances with the others again.
“I just have a headache.” Damian argued before muttering a quiet, “Plus, they didn’t care before. So why would they care now.”
“They care because you’re their leader” Grayson gently answered.
Damian scrunched his eyebrows, so they didn’t want to replace Damian as the leader. Maybe he wasn’t as useless to the team as he thought. They might not like him but they probably believed he was valuable.
Damian nodded in understanding, “So you’re sure that no one's hurt.” he asked meekly. “Did you make sure that they were all okay?”
They might not like or care about him but Damian cared for them.
“They’re fine.” Todd mumbled, “Now, why don’t you go back to sleep.”
Grayson wrapped Damian around his arms, this time Damian tried his hardest not to flinch. It didn’t work but Grayson didn’t seem to notice or care.
He just didn’t want to turn the pleasant atmosphere into an awkward and sorrowful one.
“You’re never getting hurt again.” he heard Drake vow. “We’ll make sure of it.”
Damian wanted to mention they would not be able to keep that promise. They wouldn’t be there with him at every moment of his life.
Damian chose not to tell them down. As much as they wanted to believe that they knew Damian, they didn’t.
Plus, that promise was doomed from the start. After all, how could they protect Damian from themselves?
He also decided that he wouldn’t mention their strange behavior. He knew that they would go back to hating him tomorrow. Right now, all he wanted was to stay in the older kid’s arms.
For once in his life, Damian felt like he belonged. Like someone cared.
He only wished that this feeling would last forever.
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So I tried something new. What do you think?
Feel free to comment your thoughts and ideas on what I should add. I love reading them!
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