Timber Wolf - Tumblr Posts

Finished Timbers!!! Last one of our main friend group. More to come. It took me a long time to figure out a pose for her. Given her vast power set. Decided to go with a vine whip cause... why not. Next characters are probably Necromancer and Archangel. Hope you enjoy the art and consider buying the shirts when they come out!!!

that's TWENTY legionnaires!!! timber wolf for day 20!!! awooo!!
yeah, the cartoon design ruled
a problem with timber wolf is that he looks like a wolverine ripoff. even though wolverine is actually the timber wolf ripoff, hashtag know your comic book history. so i wanted to make him look like a badass werewolf man and i wanted to make him look like his own guy, impossible to mistake for a bargain bin logan
my favorite part is the zoroark ponytail - i did want to stop just shy of giving him a tail, and this is the perfect happy medium to get that full wolfy vibe. i actually also colorpicked some of his palette from photos OF timber wolves, which is just also fun
it's not my most complicated design - dark reds and browns with limited neon orange accents, mostly repeating those shapes from his little logo, something that passes for a sick leather jacket, ripped pants, swag fingerless gloves...i just wanted him to look cool
i will let you decide if i succeeded !!!

This is just a Shitpost based on a Rp a friend of mine and I have been doing. (the wolf and the sheep characters are mine. the human in it is my friend's oc) No I won't elaborate on the context. mwahahahaha