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“Wanna go out sometime?” - timclark
It’s a bad idea with a capital ‘B’.
First, he asks Dick. Just for some advice, honestly, which comes down to ‘well, if Bruce finds out he’ll kill one of you. Probably Clark. Then you’ll be grounded for about fifty years.’
Sounds about right, for the most part, though he’s just happy Dick took it so well. He says just about everyone has had a crush on Superman at some point. Except Jason. Jason had a crush on Wonder Woman (and, apparently, still does). Tim winces hearing that, knowing not even he’s that bold, but all Dick does is laugh because, well, Jason did essentially what Tim wants to do. He was fourteen and asked Diana out and, sure she turned him down, but nearly every member of the JL is jealous that she turned him down with a kiss– particularly Hal.
Problem is, Tim is trying really hard to not get turned down. He’s nineteen an had a crush for about three years now and things aren’t exactly disappearing anytime soon.
Trust him, he’s tried.
After Dick’s amused acceptance, he goes to Kon.
Kon doesn’t take it as well.
It was the morning and Conner had just poured milk onto his cereal. He didn’t even get a bite in before Tim blurted out his question, because it’s sort of important to get your best friend’s approval before asking out his sort of dad.
He has stared at Tim for a long, long, time before finally getting up, hands raised in defeat, and disappearing from the kitchen.
His cereal got soggy.
Tim tried again and it ended a little better. Kon actually heard him out and, though he still didn’t like the idea too much and ‘will forever refuse to call you anything along the lines of ‘dad’ if this progresses any further’ which was his way of saying fine, though Tim still snickered and told him it really was just an attempt at a first date.
Now, all he had to do was actually ask Clark.
It doesn’t go so well.
Mostly, because of an alien invasion. Also because Tim ends up in the med bay with a couple of bruised ribs and a wicked concussion. Things would have been a lot better if Clark doesn’t the one assigned to check him over.
“Wanna go out sometime?” Tim asks as Clark’s just finished bandaging up a cut along Tim’s calf. His fingers pause in their dressing, gentle, and Clark looks up at him like a deer caught in the headlights. Still, he’s got that farm-boy charm enough to smile.
“Excuse me?”
Tim sucks his lip. “Think I was gonna decide on a dinner date. Stay local though, not too fancy. Wouldn’t want to scare you away with some Michelin star none right off the bat.”
Clark chuckles and Tim’s head throbs in a manner that he thinks means his heart just beat a little too hard in his chest. He smiles, lopsided. He’s tired, but can’t go to sleep. “You think I’m joking.”
“You took a pretty good hit earlier.” Clark replies, logical, but all Tim does is roll his eyes, or does something that he suspects is roll his eyes, but the action ends in a wince.
“Not. Nope. Gonna send it all to you.”
Clark raises an eyebrow. “Send what to me?”
Tim’s barely listening now. He’s already got his phone out, the screen cracked, tapping quickly on the screen for not even a full minute before he’s putting it away, smiling as he turns up to Clark. “There. Done. All my plans are now in your work email.”
Clark still looks amused, still like he doesn’t believe Tim, and just nods his head pleasantly as he goes right back to making sure Tim won’t immediately fall apart when he walks out of here. Clark makes small talk in the form of what day it is, what’s Tim’s full name, and if he can remember what he had for breakfast. Tim responses with all the right answers followed quickly by questions on where Clark would like to go out to. Those questions don’t get answered.
When Tim’s finally sent back to the manor and gets his head on straight again, he wants to hide under a rock for a good six months after, but decides hiding out in the cave for a week was good too. There were some attempts by Dick to cheer him up though no one else totally caught on to why Tim seemed to sulk more so in the dark among the bats.
Thankfully, Clark’s just really shit about checking his emails.
‘Think plan #3 sounds the best. Though I don’t think the apple pie idea is appropriate for a first date.’
Tim relief only lasts just long enough for him to realize he’d sent the ‘rough draft’ of his planning process instead of the final. But hey, Dick reminds him, at least he got that first date down.
To all the fanfiction writers out there!
I can complain, whine, bitch and moan but in the end you are-