"What's the feeling of loving someone? Like a dog, like a god."
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Noirng - Magpie - Tumblr Blog
reasons why “king arthur: legend of the sword” is a good film and you should go see it:
the cinematography is AMAZING
the special effects are AMAZING
the soundtrack is AMAZING and does a good job of getting you pumped for each scene and involved with everything that’s happening
the actions scenes are realistic and characters are winded after long runs/battles
there is NO romance whatsoever between the male and female leads
several of the wisest, most powerful, and most important characters are people of color
one out of the top three most powerful characters in the entire film is female and is not demeaned at all by others on her side for being female
there is humor, but it fits with the film and isn’t at all distracting from the plot or out of place in plot events
shows how badly women in the sex trade were treated by their customers
mentions (though incredibly brief) the fact that men and boys were also exploited in brothels and the sex trade
shows the main villain of the film actually showing grief and powerful feelings toward his own family
accurately shows the protective instincts and doubt that come with being a person in charge of the lives of many others
there is extremely little nudity (the only nudity is fully understandable and is not at all disrespectful towards women’s bodies, it’s very modest)
there isn’t a single sex scene in the entire film
all pieces of lore about excalibur and the story is explained, nothing is left to speculation about how the sword ends up where it does
accurately portrays PTSD and how it can effect a person’s life
A man recently told me that I'm too aggressive. Apparently if I didn't react to any of his joke, I'm being boring, and if I myself accidentally found it offensive, then maybe I shouldn't react the way I did? Because it's somehow offense him? I'm confuse...

Dark greetings of the night to all members of the Vampiric Council.
I refuse to believe that Tony and Nat are gone forever. And I also refuse that ending about cap and Peggy, because as long as I remember, cap and Sharon kissed back in "civil war" so what's that all about?
P/s: sorry for any grammar mistake but I just need to pour it all out. No regrets!
Endgame spoilers ahead:
Another thing I am angry about:
Natasha Romanoff, born Natalia Alianovna Romanova, should not have died. I understand why it was done, why it was her, it was logical, sensible choice, but it was the wrong one.
Natasha was good, had been doing the good thing for years, she did not give up. By killing her you achieve nothing but making her a martyr. Clint should have been the sacrifice for the soul stone because he needed redemption (he had been playing judge, jury, and executioner for the last five years), and he needed to make the final sacrifice, to die so his family could live. Natasha should have gone to Clint’s family and told them “your father, your husband, died so you could live. He was a hero.” There is not atonement in Natasha’s death.
Natasha does not become a better person (what she wanted) by dying. Her death achieved nothing but shock factor, and that’s not why you kill a character. Never for shock factor.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Clint, but he should have been the one to give his life up. The MCU robbed him of his redemption and his Hero’s Sacrifice, and made Natasha a martyr.
Natasha was the logical choice, because Clint had kids and a wife, and Natasha only had The Avengers. From the moment they split up, I knew she was going to die, so when the time came, I was just resigned, I didn’t even get emotional.
Natasha’s atonement was in living, while Clint’s was in sacrifice.
EDIT: As someone in the replies pointed out, Nat didn’t even get a funeral scene. That shit just hurts.
the two (2) Avengers who really truly see The Avengers as their founded family are the two who sacrifice themselves for everyone in the universe
I hate when female porn blogs that are obviously bots follow me like what have I done to garner your need to follow my very obviously gay fandom infused blog
hi!! i was wondering if you (and anyone else too, anyone is welcome :D) had any recommendations for arthur/eames fics where the general vibe is that they are so in love with each other it hurts and they would do anything for each other and always have the other's back and it's just so pure and intense and beautiful and makes your throat clench with the sheer force of how much they care and yeah i know that's super specific LOL but that's what i would love to read so thanks!!!
So my general answer to this is, haha, isn’t that every Arthur/Eames fic ever? :D
But since you are wanting specifics, here are a few fics that come to mind when I think of the dynamic you’re describing:
Living Proof by ester-inc
It Took A Lot of Super Stuff to Get You Here by beanarie
Chav Verse by delires
Backs to the Wall by Trojie
The Devil Takes His Own by Kiyala
Takes an ocean not to break by cmonkatie
En haut et en bas by weatherfront
i woo’d thee with my sword by isawet
the boston job by cmonkatiekatie
get along by wldnst
our man in africa by witling
lois lane had it easy by calliglad
je ne veux pas travailler by syllic
give me the number (if you can find it) by ifeelbetter
At home in the sea by pyrimidine
Higher Emotions Are Out to Get Us (and we soldier on, together) by Ciircee
Don’t Fall in Love with a Dreamer by eleveninches
The Other Point Man by pushdragon
Can’t Get Enough of You (Baby) by eternalbreath
Renovations by Joosetta
The Roadtrip Verse by Skyvehicle
no discipline of forgetting by wanderlight
this is all there is, roll the dice by wanderlight
protect this house by 8611
in our line of work by enjambment
The Domestic Verse by Gyzym
Two Steps Towards Make Believe by ifeelbetter
A Series of One Night Stands by cmonkatiekatie
Weltschmerz by cobweb_diamond
In which Aja causes me to make bad life choices by Mirabella ;)
(ok that got quite a bit longer than i was anticipating;
forgive me, it has been
so long
since i have recced fic for you all)
Tim Drake had to fight and earn Batman’s love and respect. He had to fight to get the attention of his parents. He had to prove he was good enough to be Robin, to be a leader. He constantly worked his ass off from day one in training cuz he’s not physically built to be a fighter. And he did this because he felt obligated, that it was his duty, that he needed to do the right thing. It had nothing to do with wanting revenge or being angry at the world. And after all the sweat and tears and pain y'all still treat him like he’s the least deserving of the Robin title smh
00Q fandom rolecall
Someone in the chat mentioned that not everyone was aware that our fandom is still very much alive and @till-proven-guilty mentioned that they wanted more 00Q on their dash, so, if you are in the fandom and post Bond related shenanigans, go ahead and like or reblog this post so that others can find you.
Reblog to show your support for NSFW Artists, who deserve better than having their art censored/removed because of a badly thoughtout idea
The place between sleep and reality
Title: The place between sleep and reality Fandom: DC Universe Pairing: Jason/Tim Rating: PG-13 Word count: 2,900+ words Summary: Jason comes after Tim dreams. Notes: The sixth of the “30 kills” theme list. As always, no killing in this. This also took a ridiculous amount of time to write. At least the first half of it. The second half is just. Weird. I just can’t keep one, solid writing style. It feels like every story I do is written differently. I hope this isn’t just… really bad. And finally JayTim! It feels like such a long time, I’ve missed writing them.♥ Even if it’s really difficult sometimes.
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Things my dentist has actually said to me:
“Well, either the x-rays lied to me or you are spontaneously creating teeth. I’m going with the second one because it’s way cooler.”
“When was the last time you flossed? Your gums aren’t bleeding which means I’m either not doing this hard enough or you actually floss your teeth regularly”
“You don’t need to do a fluoride treatment I just want to go check my facebook for a second and this is the best excuse I can come up with. Don’t worry your insurance will cover it.”
“Take a whole handful of toothbrushes, I can’t order new ones in less ugly colors until these ones are gone.”
“Remember not to eat or drink anything for a half hour…or actually you know forget that go eat lemons and drink coffee right now. I make money based on peoples bad decisions, you should probably stop brushing your teeth too.”
“I became a dentist because I like making children cry and they don’t let you do that as a regular doctor.”
Doumeki’s Lust in xxxHOLIC Rou Adayume (Selfish Dream)

Cages wanting to trap him, hands wanting to grab him, mouths trying to devour him, shadows wanting to possess him… Dreams are a reflection of innermost desires of your mind.

Yes, we know Haruka.
I’ve recently re-watched xxxHolic Rou Adayume (literally translated as xxxHolic Cage: Selfish Dream) and noticed how I felt more disturbed during Doumeki’s nightmare scene than the first time I watched it. At first, I thought it had been Watanuki trying to run from danger but that didn’t fit why he looked quite disturbed when talking to Haruka afterwards. Also, why was the OAD titled ‘Selfish Dream’? That could only mean Doumeki’s dream was selfish. But Doumeki and selfishness don’t go together, right?
For me, the initial talk Haruka gave about selfish human hearts and the nightmare scene revealed the whole picture: Doumeki lusted after Watanuki but he knew his desires were selfish since acting upon them would be detrimental to Watanuki’s future. So, the later had to enter his nightmare and free himself from Doumeki’s selfish desires.
Allow me to explain why I believe it was ‘lust’.
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