Timepass - Tumblr Posts
Sleep v Food
Me: *texts my friend Tommy*
Half An Hour Later
Tommy: Hey
Me: Nvm
Tommy: What happened?
Me: I needed someone to talk to but it’s ok.
Tommy: You poor thing. Are you ok now?
Me: Yeah I just needed someone to talk to because I ordered food but I was slowly falling asleep so I needed someone to keep me up.
Tommy: Lmao. Me.

Hi to anyone there!
Ummm..................the thing is ,i'm just bored and is full of things to say.............so i just wanna answer some real life question and share my opinion on that.................so i just wanna say , ask me any question u have answer of or finding one it would be fun to answer and will help me build a better mind set. I'm just 15 years old and will love to have questions to answers or to think of!