To My Starlings - Tumblr Posts
I realize I haven't said this, so let me do it now: this blog is a safe space for weird people. This is a safe space for plurals, systems (traumagenic AND endogenic), alterhumans, LGBTQ+ people of all kinds, neurodivergent folks, the mentally ill, regressors (pet, age, or otherwise) and so many other groups I didn't list. Even if you're just generally weird or an 'outcast,' you are welcomed here. You shouldn't need to hide your interests, hobbies, or personalities just because it isn't 'normal.' I'm a Little Nightmares-obsessed creature who identifies as an omen of chaos and does quads around her house for fun. I'm not in a position to call people weird, and until you start to intentionally hurt people, you don't need to hide here.
You are valid. You are loved. You would be missed.
If you have nobody in your life you think loves you and would miss you, just know: I love you, and I would miss you. I may not know you, but that doesn't stop me.
Don't forget that. You are loved, no matter what.