Tokyo Revengers Oc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style
Here Some Of My Ocs Tokyo Revengers Style

Here some of my ocs tokyo revengers style MOOTS MAKE URSELVES IN TOKREV 👹👹

@virtue-and-beneviolence @softbajis @drakenlvr @crowbird @sugusshi @bajifuyutorabb


理想のなぎさっちを作りましょうっち。 普通のアイコンメーカーとしてもお使い下さいっち。 なぎさっちについてっち↓ League of Legends二次創作ガイドラインっち↓

Tags :
3 years ago

I have finished making my tokyo revengers oc :)

Tags :
3 years ago
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>

I kinda thought hanma is sus like why will he invite me to beach...I get it now >,>

he fucking planed it out ;w;

but thx to mikey im alive right now 〒▽〒

Baji was being adorable he bought Ice-cream for us and we both watched sunset together, of couse others were there to 😊 *TW*: Contain Swearing alot.

|*|what I think the scenarios well be like|*|


Hanma: lets go beach Akira Akira: umm why all of the sudden- Hanma: lets just go its fucking hot right now gz Akira: okkkkkk- But I will invite others to Hanma: why- Akira: What u mean why? Hanma: Oh nothing nothing go ahead and do so. Akira:OKIES!! :D Hanma: -Fu*king hell- --------------------At The Beach------------------- Hanma: *Staring at Akira* Mitsuya: Hanma?....EARTH TO HANMA. Hanma: Eh?! what mitsuya? ( ̄^ ̄;) Mitsuya: what are u staring at huh? Hanma: Nothing...(¬_¬ ) (¬_¬") Mitsuya: hmmmm.......AKIRA HANMA IS STA- Hanma: OI! *Covers Mitsuya's Mouth*



*Akira Sleeping*

Draken : heh mikey I have a Idea Mikey : Eh? what is it ken-chin

Draken : *Bends down,Putting a hand around mikeys shoulder and whisper his Idea into his ears*

Mikey : *A big Smile made a way to his face* Lets do it ken-chin.

-------------------After Few mins-----------------

*Starts to wake up as she blinked her eyes afew times adjusting her eyes with the brightness around her.*

-Why do I feel weight upon me..- *tries to get up only to find out that she can't even move a muscle* Akira: what the f- *Tries again to get up or atlest to turn her head back cause she was laying on her stomach only to find out everyone was either Laughing or gigling* OI LET ME OUT!!! Chifuyu: *Giggles* sorry but ask Draken not my Idea *Giggles* Mikey and Draken: *Laughing there Ass off* BAHAHAHAHAHA Akira: I swear Once I get out I will beat your asses u- Mikey: *pfft* But how are u going to g-get "out" BAHAHA Draken: Heh Best Idea ever. Akira: I SWEAR- JUST LET ME OUT!! *everyone laughing and Emma recording everthing while trying to hold her laughter*



Akira: *tries to apply Suncreen on her back* Takuya: Want me to help u Akira: Ah yes sure please,I would be more than happy if u do so.(〒▽〒) Takuya: sure :^)



Angry: *playing alone in the sand trying to make a sand castle as his older brother is swiming* Baji: *Trying to run away from mikey after stealing one of his Dorayaki* Mikey: *Yelling and chasing Baji down* OI GIVE ME BACK MY DORAYAKI B*TCH Baji: SORRY BUT I CAN'T HEAR U! *As they both are running they didn't notice Angry's half made sand castle and stomp on it ignoring the fact that it was ever there* Angry: HEY MY CASTLE! Akira:those dumb asses anr b*tching around again- Mikey & Baji: WE F*CKING HEARD U AKIRA!! Akira: whatever 🙄 *looks at angry* want me to help u? Angry: Don't u have to go and swim?? Akira: Not right now, akkun and Takemicchi went to rent a surfboard form the local beach store..So I can help u build a sand castle :D. Angry: hmm Sure then *smiles* (U know like half angry and half smile face, yea like that) *Both starts building a sand castle And everytime Mikey & Baji came around she would give them Death Glares*


5.Akkun (Atsushi)

Akkun: Akiraaa! We are back with surfboards so get ready for surffing lessonsss! Akira:Oh-looks like they are here I should be get going all u have to do is make the outside walls :-) Angry: *noded in agreement and then asked* Surffing lessons? Akira: yeah- I actually don't know how to surf so he would teach me and takemicchi would teach hina.

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

Angry: I see...Won't hold u any longer than bye *waves a bye smilling* Akira:*waves back smilling* -------------At the Deeper part of Ocean-----------

Akkun: and like that u have to balance,see its simple. Akira:Only for u ⊙﹏⊙∥ Akkun: *gets off the surffing Board* u try on. AKira: U sure (⊙_⊙;) Akkun: stop being a baby and just get aboard  ̄へ ̄ Akira: Gz Fine *gets on surfboard trembling* I will fall (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Akkun: No u won't just hold my Hand and it will be fine *reaches out to hold her hand* Akira: *does the same but losses her blance and falls down Draging akkun with her* Akuun: -v- Akira: sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt u but I lost my balance and- Akkun: its fine my first try was same (〃 ̄︶ ̄)/ Akira: *tries to get on the surfboard again,successfully this time but still quivering abit* really? Akkun: *holds my left arm balancing my body weight perfectly on both the sides* yup,and now see u are able to balance on it too. Akira: *gasps* HELL YA! Akkun: OI DON'T MOVE U WILL FALL! Akira:Sorry ≡(▔﹏▔)≡ Akkun: its fine, anyway if u put your left feet ahead u can balance on waves but its your choise if u want left or right feet ahead, then---



Akkun: ok u practice balancing Ima go ahead and grab a drink. Akira: oh ok *concentrates on balancing on the surfboard* akkun: *smiles at her* sure then I'll be back in few. Akira: Pls be quick ;-; Akkun: I'll be. ------------------Few Moments later--------------- Akira: *trying to keep her blance the best she could* *even hina and takemicchi went out to grab a drink but she wasn't thirsty so she continued practicing*

*At the beach In the stall* Kazushi: eh isn't she coming? Takemicchi: I was thinking the same point. Akkun: nah I don't think anytime soon, she is to concentrated. Baji: eh what is she even doing? leaning how to surf? Akkun: yes- Hina: GUYS! *everyone heads outsdie quickly and looks at her direction* Draken: what happen? Hina: *Points at me and behind me while shouting my name* AKIRAA LOOK BEHIND UUUU,LOOK BEHINDDD! *everyone looks back at akira only to see a big wave coming her way* "Fuck!/Shit!/Wth!" *few of then cursed while emma,hina,akkun and takemicchi shouted her name* ------------------Meanwhile with me---------------- Akira: finally Im able to balence on this!! Hina: *faint voice* Akiraaa! Akiraaaaa! Emma: *faint voice* Backkk! Akira: *looks up and sees everyone of them waving saying something* WHAT?? *she shouted back as she felt the motion of the water rise balancing it* wtf.. Draken: *Faint* Dumb*ss look back! *everyone*: *faint* Look Back!/Come Back fast!/Swim to the surface!/come here!. Akira: wha- *as the motion of the water rises she fell on her knees and arms like a animal to balance properly* WTF- Emma(shouting really loudly): AKIRRA COME BACK DON'T LOOK BACK! Akira: wha- *turns her head back but before she could let out any type of emotion the big water wave hit her hard on her head as she went down drowning deep in the ocean and almost losing her consciousness. Before she could pass out she felt a pair of arms around her body, finally seeing black. --------------------------------------------------- Akira: *wakes up gasping for air and coughing out some water* The wave!- *looks around to see hina almost having tears as emma patted her back and everyone tensed. after listening to her voice they immediately rush to her.* Hina: Akira are u ok?! Emma: Can u breath properly?! *and many more questions everyone asked* Akira: Guys- GUYS IM FINE CHILL!- *coughs* Im fine. Baji: Are u fu*king NUTS OR WHAT?! WE SCREAMED U TO CAME BACK BUT U WERE THERE FOOLING AROUND- U WOULD HAVE DROWNED ONLY IF MIKEY DIDN'T SAVE YOUR A*S! Draken: OI Baji calm down Baji: BUT- Chifuyu: Baji-san pls calm down let her breath properly Baji: *low growls* Whatever Im going! *walks off* Draken: *signs* sorry he gets to worried sometimes. Akira:...What happened after that big wave hit me? Takemicchi: After that big wave hit u, u lost your balance and fell off. Mikey-kun,Baji-kun and Akkun jumped into the water almost imidiatly to search for u after few seconds mikey-kun came with your water soaked ,almost lifeless body.. Smiley: *sad smile* it almost looked like u are dead. after that baji and atsushi had a small fight about leaving u in the water alone. Akira: But it was my falut as I denied to come out.. *emma covered her body with a dry towel and hina bought some tea from the picknic basket as she took it* Draken: thats what Atsushi told baji, at first he didn't belived it but gave up after a few Akira: Im sorry...*looks down both sad and ashamed of her dumbness* Chifuyu: its fine don't worry at least u are ok..Baji-san and mikey-kun got really worried as the others tried to help and check if u were ok. Akira: I made everyone worried- Draken: Now stop with all that sad bullsh*t and get ok fast. Akira: *looks up at him only to see he was smilling a small soft smile as she smiled back and nodded* yes sure *she gets up placing the hot tea aside and holding on to the half wet towel* can anyone tell me where mikey is and the direction baji head? Takuya: but u should rest- Draken: Mikey is outside the stall on the right and baji went left. Akira: Thank u, to all of u. Emma: what are friends for. Akira: *looks at her and smiles* thank u :-) *she heads out to the right side of stall and saw mikey standing there with a small smile on his face* Akira: mikey..? Mikey: Oh U are Better again thats good! *however akira saw the thin line of tears fall from his right eye* Akira:...Im so sorry! So sorry! so sorry! so sorrry!! Im so- *before she could complete her line someone flicked her forehead* owww Hey! that hurts! Mikey: *giggles* I know I

know Thats why its

fun. Akira: *she paused for a moment before smiling and flicking his forehead hard* Mikey: OW!HEY! Akira: CATCH ME IF U FU*KING CAN HAHA!! *Mikey starts chasing akira down while he flicked her forehead and she flicked his* *from the stall* Draken: They never changed will they? *grins* Mitsuya: nope *smiles* Draken: well *pats mitsuya's back* Tag your it. *he runs off* Mitsuya: huh? *everyone fron the stall ran off Giggling* Mitsuya: not me again! ಥ_ಥ -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-


*It was almost sunset and baji didn't return* Akira: Has anyone seen Baji after the incident? All: Nah/nope/not really../no idea Draken: He will be fine, he might just be taking a nap or so to calm down Takemicchi and chifuyu: ARe u sure? *worried tone* Draken: *looks at them* yea..this has happened before so don't worry.btw pass me the log the suset is almost happening, we have to create a fire place for night. *everyone leaving Akira and mikey* HAI! Akira: *she walks off the same direction where baji went* I'll be back Mikey and emma: be careful! Akira: hai! *as she walked off a quite big distence she started to get worried. every step made her anxiety about baji not being safe starts to grow more and more. she even checked the stalls only to find them quite busy or empty* Akira:-Where in the world did he go..- *she thought to herself* Baji! Baji! baji! *she kept shouting in hopes that he will respond before falling on her face* aaaaaeeeee *she sat up groaning and spited out some of the sand which entered her mouth* ???: BAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT U BAHAHAHA *A recognisable male voice started laughing at her* Akira: *Anger boiled through her body as she looked back up quickly to punch that person on his face only to find baji standing there laughing with a polythene bag filled with ice? she wasn't sure but she was sure that the person infront of her was baji as she quickly hugged him leaving him in a shook state* Akira: Im so sorry I made u fu*king worried Baji: *he smiles* eh- wait do u think thats my I went away? Seriously u guys are too soft *grins* Akira: huh? Baji: I went to grab some Ice-cream..As an appology to Atsushi,u know that dark pink haired dude. I..shouted at him for no reason so.. uhh Akira: aww *smiles* is little baji worried? Baji: Who are u calling little?! Akira: U cause Im older U^U Baji: But u are small hah! Akira: only a little bit! Baji: Stillllll Im tall U_U✨ Akira: noo! Baji: heh..*looks at the sky* -almost sunset- hey wanna eat ice-cream? akira: here?? Baji: I have 2 extra Akira: Hell yea! *they both sat down and ate there Ice-cream while looking at the sun as it slowly Fades into the ocean* *from behind the bushes and trees Mikey and takemicchi smiled happy that both of them are safe*


this is so fuckin big Im so sorry ;-;

but hope u liked it lol this is my first time writting a scenario :3

this is so dumb lol. btw Comment if you like it, I wanna know if its good- tips will be much better (;-;)

Tags :
2 years ago

So some thing about this cause tumblr won't let me edit save it-

So Akira and Baji have sibling relationship with each other so when Akira got hurt he panicked as heck and even so him and Atsushi had talked about it before, Baji still argued and later felt bad.

Secondly my oc Akira is actually 5'5 and I just figured that baji is 5'9 so... he's not to tall right? (。_。)

yeaa thats all I gotta say- and sorry for my grammar - I know it's shit ;-;

I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>
I Kinda Thought Hanma Is Sus Like Why Will He Invite Me To Beach...I Get It Now >,>

I kinda thought hanma is sus like why will he invite me to beach...I get it now >,>

he fucking planed it out ;w;

but thx to mikey im alive right now 〒▽〒

Baji was being adorable he bought Ice-cream for us and we both watched sunset together, of couse others were there to 😊 *TW*: Contain Swearing alot.

|*|what I think the scenarios well be like|*|


Hanma: lets go beach Akira Akira: umm why all of the sudden- Hanma: lets just go its fucking hot right now gz Akira: okkkkkk- But I will invite others to Hanma: why- Akira: What u mean why? Hanma: Oh nothing nothing go ahead and do so. Akira:OKIES!! :D Hanma: -Fu*king hell- --------------------At The Beach------------------- Hanma: *Staring at Akira* Mitsuya: Hanma?....EARTH TO HANMA. Hanma: Eh?! what mitsuya? ( ̄^ ̄;) Mitsuya: what are u staring at huh? Hanma: Nothing...(¬_¬ ) (¬_¬") Mitsuya: hmmmm.......AKIRA HANMA IS STA- Hanma: OI! *Covers Mitsuya's Mouth*



*Akira Sleeping*

Draken : heh mikey I have a Idea Mikey : Eh? what is it ken-chin

Draken : *Bends down,Putting a hand around mikeys shoulder and whisper his Idea into his ears*

Mikey : *A big Smile made a way to his face* Lets do it ken-chin.

-------------------After Few mins-----------------

*Starts to wake up as she blinked her eyes afew times adjusting her eyes with the brightness around her.*

-Why do I feel weight upon me..- *tries to get up only to find out that she can't even move a muscle* Akira: what the f- *Tries again to get up or atlest to turn her head back cause she was laying on her stomach only to find out everyone was either Laughing or gigling* OI LET ME OUT!!! Chifuyu: *Giggles* sorry but ask Draken not my Idea *Giggles* Mikey and Draken: *Laughing there Ass off* BAHAHAHAHAHA Akira: I swear Once I get out I will beat your asses u- Mikey: *pfft* But how are u going to g-get "out" BAHAHA Draken: Heh Best Idea ever. Akira: I SWEAR- JUST LET ME OUT!! *everyone laughing and Emma recording everthing while trying to hold her laughter*



Akira: *tries to apply Suncreen on her back* Takuya: Want me to help u Akira: Ah yes sure please,I would be more than happy if u do so.(〒▽〒) Takuya: sure :^)



Angry: *playing alone in the sand trying to make a sand castle as his older brother is swiming* Baji: *Trying to run away from mikey after stealing one of his Dorayaki* Mikey: *Yelling and chasing Baji down* OI GIVE ME BACK MY DORAYAKI B*TCH Baji: SORRY BUT I CAN'T HEAR U! *As they both are running they didn't notice Angry's half made sand castle and stomp on it ignoring the fact that it was ever there* Angry: HEY MY CASTLE! Akira:those dumb asses anr b*tching around again- Mikey & Baji: WE F*CKING HEARD U AKIRA!! Akira: whatever 🙄 *looks at angry* want me to help u? Angry: Don't u have to go and swim?? Akira: Not right now, akkun and Takemicchi went to rent a surfboard form the local beach store..So I can help u build a sand castle :D. Angry: hmm Sure then *smiles* (U know like half angry and half smile face, yea like that) *Both starts building a sand castle And everytime Mikey & Baji came around she would give them Death Glares*


5.Akkun (Atsushi)

Akkun: Akiraaa! We are back with surfboards so get ready for surffing lessonsss! Akira:Oh-looks like they are here I should be get going all u have to do is make the outside walls :-) Angry: *noded in agreement and then asked* Surffing lessons? Akira: yeah- I actually don't know how to surf so he would teach me and takemicchi would teach hina.

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

Angry: I see...Won't hold u any longer than bye *waves a bye smilling* Akira:*waves back smilling* -------------At the Deeper part of Ocean-----------

Akkun: and like that u have to balance,see its simple. Akira:Only for u ⊙﹏⊙∥ Akkun: *gets off the surffing Board* u try on. AKira: U sure (⊙_⊙;) Akkun: stop being a baby and just get aboard  ̄へ ̄ Akira: Gz Fine *gets on surfboard trembling* I will fall (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Akkun: No u won't just hold my Hand and it will be fine *reaches out to hold her hand* Akira: *does the same but losses her blance and falls down Draging akkun with her* Akuun: -v- Akira: sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt u but I lost my balance and- Akkun: its fine my first try was same (〃 ̄︶ ̄)/ Akira: *tries to get on the surfboard again,successfully this time but still quivering abit* really? Akkun: *holds my left arm balancing my body weight perfectly on both the sides* yup,and now see u are able to balance on it too. Akira: *gasps* HELL YA! Akkun: OI DON'T MOVE U WILL FALL! Akira:Sorry ≡(▔﹏▔)≡ Akkun: its fine, anyway if u put your left feet ahead u can balance on waves but its your choise if u want left or right feet ahead, then---



Akkun: ok u practice balancing Ima go ahead and grab a drink. Akira: oh ok *concentrates on balancing on the surfboard* akkun: *smiles at her* sure then I'll be back in few. Akira: Pls be quick ;-; Akkun: I'll be. ------------------Few Moments later--------------- Akira: *trying to keep her blance the best she could* *even hina and takemicchi went out to grab a drink but she wasn't thirsty so she continued practicing*

*At the beach In the stall* Kazushi: eh isn't she coming? Takemicchi: I was thinking the same point. Akkun: nah I don't think anytime soon, she is to concentrated. Baji: eh what is she even doing? leaning how to surf? Akkun: yes- Hina: GUYS! *everyone heads outsdie quickly and looks at her direction* Draken: what happen? Hina: *Points at me and behind me while shouting my name* AKIRAA LOOK BEHIND UUUU,LOOK BEHINDDD! *everyone looks back at akira only to see a big wave coming her way* "Fuck!/Shit!/Wth!" *few of then cursed while emma,hina,akkun and takemicchi shouted her name* ------------------Meanwhile with me---------------- Akira: finally Im able to balence on this!! Hina: *faint voice* Akiraaa! Akiraaaaa! Emma: *faint voice* Backkk! Akira: *looks up and sees everyone of them waving saying something* WHAT?? *she shouted back as she felt the motion of the water rise balancing it* wtf.. Draken: *Faint* Dumb*ss look back! *everyone*: *faint* Look Back!/Come Back fast!/Swim to the surface!/come here!. Akira: wha- *as the motion of the water rises she fell on her knees and arms like a animal to balance properly* WTF- Emma(shouting really loudly): AKIRRA COME BACK DON'T LOOK BACK! Akira: wha- *turns her head back but before she could let out any type of emotion the big water wave hit her hard on her head as she went down drowning deep in the ocean and almost losing her consciousness. Before she could pass out she felt a pair of arms around her body, finally seeing black. --------------------------------------------------- Akira: *wakes up gasping for air and coughing out some water* The wave!- *looks around to see hina almost having tears as emma patted her back and everyone tensed. after listening to her voice they immediately rush to her.* Hina: Akira are u ok?! Emma: Can u breath properly?! *and many more questions everyone asked* Akira: Guys- GUYS IM FINE CHILL!- *coughs* Im fine. Baji: Are u fu*king NUTS OR WHAT?! WE SCREAMED U TO CAME BACK BUT U WERE THERE FOOLING AROUND- U WOULD HAVE DROWNED ONLY IF MIKEY DIDN'T SAVE YOUR A*S! Draken: OI Baji calm down Baji: BUT- Chifuyu: Baji-san pls calm down let her breath properly Baji: *low growls* Whatever Im going! *walks off* Draken: *signs* sorry he gets to worried sometimes. Akira:...What happened after that big wave hit me? Takemicchi: After that big wave hit u, u lost your balance and fell off. Mikey-kun,Baji-kun and Akkun jumped into the water almost imidiatly to search for u after few seconds mikey-kun came with your water soaked ,almost lifeless body.. Smiley: *sad smile* it almost looked like u are dead. after that baji and atsushi had a small fight about leaving u in the water alone. Akira: But it was my falut as I denied to come out.. *emma covered her body with a dry towel and hina bought some tea from the picknic basket as she took it* Draken: thats what Atsushi told baji, at first he didn't belived it but gave up after a few Akira: Im sorry...*looks down both sad and ashamed of her dumbness* Chifuyu: its fine don't worry at least u are ok..Baji-san and mikey-kun got really worried as the others tried to help and check if u were ok. Akira: I made everyone worried- Draken: Now stop with all that sad bullsh*t and get ok fast. Akira: *looks up at him only to see he was smilling a small soft smile as she smiled back and nodded* yes sure *she gets up placing the hot tea aside and holding on to the half wet towel* can anyone tell me where mikey is and the direction baji head? Takuya: but u should rest- Draken: Mikey is outside the stall on the right and baji went left. Akira: Thank u, to all of u. Emma: what are friends for. Akira: *looks at her and smiles* thank u :-) *she heads out to the right side of stall and saw mikey standing there with a small smile on his face* Akira: mikey..? Mikey: Oh U are Better again thats good! *however akira saw the thin line of tears fall from his right eye* Akira:...Im so sorry! So sorry! so sorry! so sorrry!! Im so- *before she could complete her line someone flicked her forehead* owww Hey! that hurts! Mikey: *giggles* I know I

know Thats why its

fun. Akira: *she paused for a moment before smiling and flicking his forehead hard* Mikey: OW!HEY! Akira: CATCH ME IF U FU*KING CAN HAHA!! *Mikey starts chasing akira down while he flicked her forehead and she flicked his* *from the stall* Draken: They never changed will they? *grins* Mitsuya: nope *smiles* Draken: well *pats mitsuya's back* Tag your it. *he runs off* Mitsuya: huh? *everyone fron the stall ran off Giggling* Mitsuya: not me again! ಥ_ಥ -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-


*It was almost sunset and baji didn't return* Akira: Has anyone seen Baji after the incident? All: Nah/nope/not really../no idea Draken: He will be fine, he might just be taking a nap or so to calm down Takemicchi and chifuyu: ARe u sure? *worried tone* Draken: *looks at them* yea..this has happened before so don't worry.btw pass me the log the suset is almost happening, we have to create a fire place for night. *everyone leaving Akira and mikey* HAI! Akira: *she walks off the same direction where baji went* I'll be back Mikey and emma: be careful! Akira: hai! *as she walked off a quite big distence she started to get worried. every step made her anxiety about baji not being safe starts to grow more and more. she even checked the stalls only to find them quite busy or empty* Akira:-Where in the world did he go..- *she thought to herself* Baji! Baji! baji! *she kept shouting in hopes that he will respond before falling on her face* aaaaaeeeee *she sat up groaning and spited out some of the sand which entered her mouth* ???: BAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT U BAHAHAHA *A recognisable male voice started laughing at her* Akira: *Anger boiled through her body as she looked back up quickly to punch that person on his face only to find baji standing there laughing with a polythene bag filled with ice? she wasn't sure but she was sure that the person infront of her was baji as she quickly hugged him leaving him in a shook state* Akira: Im so sorry I made u fu*king worried Baji: *he smiles* eh- wait do u think thats my I went away? Seriously u guys are too soft *grins* Akira: huh? Baji: I went to grab some Ice-cream..As an appology to Atsushi,u know that dark pink haired dude. I..shouted at him for no reason so.. uhh Akira: aww *smiles* is little baji worried? Baji: Who are u calling little?! Akira: U cause Im older U^U Baji: But u are small hah! Akira: only a little bit! Baji: Stillllll Im tall U_U✨ Akira: noo! Baji: heh..*looks at the sky* -almost sunset- hey wanna eat ice-cream? akira: here?? Baji: I have 2 extra Akira: Hell yea! *they both sat down and ate there Ice-cream while looking at the sun as it slowly Fades into the ocean* *from behind the bushes and trees Mikey and takemicchi smiled happy that both of them are safe*


this is so fuckin big Im so sorry ;-;

but hope u liked it lol this is my first time writting a scenario :3

this is so dumb lol. btw Comment if you like it, I wanna know if its good- tips will be much better (;-;)

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2 years ago

Tokyo Revengers/DR OC: Lexi Abe


Full Name

Lexi Abe

Meaning of Name

Lexi is a Greek name meaning defender of man. In Japanese, the letter A means ‘peace’ and be means ‘multiple times’. One of the oldest Japanese clans is known by this name. The most famous bearer of this surname is Shinzō Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan.


16 (beginning, later on 27)


Afro-Asian (African American and Japanese)


Before living with the Heartfilia family, Lexi appeared to be a cheerful, outgoing, and gentle child. Her innocence allowed her to push anxious thoughts to the back of her mind, continuing to live with her parents and loved ones happily. Growing up, Lexi has become emotionally withdrawn and noticeably dangerous, sometimes intimidating her enemies or even her comrades. She is quite stoic and level headed, rarely seen to lose her cool or be at a loss of what to do, no matter how bleak the situation seems to be. Her will is remarkably strong, demonstrated when she managed to remain so outwardly calm when Connie was presumed dead, only Lori could tell that she was battling with the pain of losing her.


She stands at 5'3ft (160.02 cm), has dark black skin, purple eyes, and coral pink hair that she dyed, her body shape is hourglass and she has a five pack and muscles.


Facts about her from the creator aka me

She likes the flavor caramel

She's a lesbian

She has a girlfriend named Connie

Her favorite color is purple

Her motorcycle is a Suzuki GSX 250L

She dislikes coffee

She's good student in school, all A's

She's a Gemini

Check out her board


Tokyo Revengers/DR OC: Lexi Abe
Tokyo Revengers/DR OC: Lexi Abe
Tokyo Revengers/DR OC: Lexi Abe
Tokyo Revengers/DR OC: Lexi Abe

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3 years ago

Natsu 1999 vs Natsu 2005. Her best friend's death definitely changed her.

Natsu 1999 Vs Natsu 2005. Her Best Friend's Death Definitely Changed Her.

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3 years ago

Well ..hope you like it I guess . Sorry for the pain though.

Well ..hope You Like It I Guess . Sorry For The Pain Though.
Well ..hope You Like It I Guess . Sorry For The Pain Though.
Well ..hope You Like It I Guess . Sorry For The Pain Though.
Well ..hope You Like It I Guess . Sorry For The Pain Though.

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9 months ago
First Post :>

First post :>

OK guys here's my oc, her name is Shuhan Kakami, AKA Shu *^*

Refrence : kazutora

Am I doing good yet? :>>🤍

اوکی اولین پستم اینه، خودم کشیدمش و به شخصه خیلی دوستش دارم

رفرنسش کازوتورا بود از توکیو ریونجرز

نظرتون راجبش چیه؟ ^-^

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9 months ago
I've Spent 12 Freaking Hours On This

I've spent 12 freaking hours on this🥰🔪

There's lot of genderswapped characters that I drew, from jjk, tokrev & some others I'm gonna draw later

Click for better quality

Slayed of failed?😃

۱۲ ساعت کوفتی سر این لعنتی وقت گذاشتم مشیلنلیشلیشنباشمابش

کلی کاراکتر از کلی انیمه مختلف آوردم جنسیتشونو برعکس کردم کشیدمشون🥰

زیادی حوصله دارم-

تازه بازم از این جزئیات دارا میخوام بکشم و خودمو شکنجه کنم👍🏻😐

جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید رو عکس

چطور شده؟

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9 months ago

بیاید براتون داستان تعریف کنم :


از دریا پیداش کرد و آوردش خونه..


بزرگتر شد🥲


حتی بزرگتر😭

حدس میزنم اگه شو (ocم که پست اولم هم از اونه) با یه کاراکتر دیگه بزرگ میشد حداقل موهای به این خوشگلی رو رنگ نمیکرد

البته این فقط یه au عه، شو در واقع پری دریایی نیستا.. انسان عادیه. (الکی)

حوصلم بکشه داستان زندگیشم مینویسم براتون😃

جزو اولین کارای داستانیم محسوب میشه، آخرین عکس پنج دقیقه پیش تموم شد، قبلیا هم یکم قبل تر، نزدیک یه هفته..

دیگه میزنم تو کار کشیدن oc هام با کاراکترای خود انیمه (گند میزنم بهشون😑)

جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید

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8 months ago

یه جوجه که سردش شده درحال بغل کردن یه جوجه دیگه😭😭

والا بنده جای اینکه راجب شو توضیح بدم یا بگم داستانش چیه فقط نقاشیشو میکشم، بخوام بنویسم یه طومار کامل میشه..

اگه توکیو ریونجرز دیدی نظرت راجب انیمشو برام کامنت کن، یا اگه مانگا رو خوندی D:

ترجمه متناشون :

هانما : هوف.. سرده.. بذا یه لحظه بغلت کنم.. میشه؟

شو : هوم؟ آ-آره.. *خواهر پشماش ریخته*

فقط رفیقن باهم فکرای عجیب غریب به سرتون نزنه😔🤍

واسه کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید

Two chicks cuddling😭😭

I just draw shu instead of explaining about her-

Did you watched tokyo revengers / read its manga? Did you liked it?

Click for better quality

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8 months ago
Work In Progress

Work in progress 😂😂

دارم میزنم تو کشیدن نقاشیای داستانی

این وسط دارم یه مانگا هم طراحی میکنم، با حضور بروبچه های بانتن😭🔥

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8 months ago
 ! -

داداش میدونم! به خدا میدونم الان باید قبلیو تموم کنم ولی آخه نگاش کن- 😭😭

چقدر وقت گذشته و هنوز بیوگرافیشو نذاشتم؟ یه ماه؟🥰🥰

جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید

Bro I know! Istg I know I should finish the previous one but look at her-

How much time passed and I didn't posted her biography? A month?🥰🥰

Click for better quality

مانسکین بهترینه مانسکین گوش کنید :

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8 months ago
Lemme Kill Myself The Damn Nails Are Taking A Lifetime

Lemme kill myself the damn nails are taking a lifetime😭😭

واقعا بزار خودمو بکشم این ناخونا تا آخر عمرم قراره طول بکشن خدایا بسه دیگه-

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8 months ago
urlocalzosha - Zosha
urlocalzosha - Zosha


خدایا صورتشو نگا چقدر گاگوله میتونم بمیرم براش😭😭🤍 (سر چشماش سکته کردم)

بی لباسشم گذاشتم که اگه دلتون خواست باهم collab بریم و تنش لباسی که دلتون میخوادو بکشین♡

این لباسو تو یکی از شاتای فشن شو ها دیدم و خوشم اومد ازش (بلد نیستم کفش بکشم-)

جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید

پ.ن : اگه QR کد براش رو لازم داشتید تو کامنتا بگید


Gosh look at her face she's so goofy I can die for her rn

Also uploaded raw ver. So if anyone wanted to have a collab you can draw your fav clothes on her♡

I saw this dress in a fashion show shot and liked it (idk how to draw shoes-)

Click for better quality

Also comment if you wanted the brush QR code

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7 months ago

شکسته که شکسته کی اهمیت میده بیاین کار جدیدو ببینین-

اگه این دوتا یه جایی باهم ملاقات میکردن قطعا شو با خودش فکر میکرد ایشون بچه ی ایزانا و کاکوچو ئه😔😂

راستی بعدا بیزحمت یادم بندازین عکس کامل ژاکت های شو و اعضای کیوگای رو براتون پست کنم

خوش باشید

*وی نقاشی را پست میکند و در میرود*

Idc who cares about a broken glass check out the new drawing-

If they ever met shu would think he's izana and kakucho's child for sure😔😂

Btw guys pls remind me to post the full pic of shu and kyogai members' jackets sometime

Have fun

*posts and runs away*

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