Tom Tolland - Tumblr Posts
A day in the life of a (marvel) fanfiction reader:
Person: you’re always on that damn phone, would it hurt you to put it down and pick up a book instead?
Me *slightly offended* : as a matter of fact I actually read every single day.
Person: really? And what is it that you read every single day?
Me *remembers all the fan fiction I read on a daily basis and fantasize about 99% of the time*: Uhmmm *laughs nervously* I read a lot of things... fiction...short stories... and all that...
Person *starting to get suspicious*: care to give an example??
Me *sweating nervously while I panic(at the disco;)*: uuhhhhh Shakespeare..? YEAH Shakespeare!
Person *squints eyes*: if you’re so sure then quote something from his work..
Me *mind starts racing at the speed of light*: umm... doth mother know you weareth her drapes...?

