Harrison Osterfield Fluff - Tumblr Posts
So I just saw a video of this lady juggling for her baby and the baby just losing it, non-stop giggling. Imagine just casually catching him doing it with the biggest smile on his face ❤️❤️
You wonder why the house is so quiet until you hear your baby Jonathan's bell-like laugh from inside the nursery
as you approach the room, you can faintly hear harrison humming a circus tune and you're like wtf???
lo and behold, your husband, looking very homely in oversized button-down, juggling a dinosaur, a millennium falcon, and a mini football stuffie, having the time of his life performing for an audience of one
in his defense, though, the audience is giving a very positive response, cackling and clapping for his daddy
"oh hi honey look! jonathan loves my juggling! look!"
and your heart is just swelling over how wholesome this whole thing is
he finishes with a flourish and you can't wait to pepper kisses on his face and lift your baby into your arms
"you're so silly i love you so much we love daddy's silly little antics so much, don't we?" "aweeee i know darling, i know!"
Concepts: Harrison being clingy with you after being apart for so long
so i feel like you guys would be chilling in bed, the morning after you guys reunited and you would literally try to get up to pee and haz would be like nope. He would be clinging to you like a koala bear not letting you go and when you say that you have to pee and he finally gives in, he would say something along the lines of ‘just...please don’t be long...don’t leave...i can’t stand being apart from you...it’s too hard.’ and you would just be like omg🥺😭 and he would have tears in his eyes. You kiss him on the forehead, quickly go pee and come back. and i’m telling you now, AS SOON AS YOU GET BACK ON THAT BED...BOOM...Haz has already claimed you, literally lying on top of you, face snuggled into your neck, mumbling that he is ‘never letting go of you ever.’ i’m soft🥺❤️
send in some concepts or just talk to me? i’m bored...
“you’re adorable when you’re excited.” w/ prince leo? :’)
summary: leo loves how you get when you get excited
prince leo x reader
w/c 433
it was leo’s idea to bring you to the palace with him, the man thinking it’d be good for you to at least meet his sister out of all of his family. it was originally you that brought it up arguing that he’d seen your home and met your family, but you hadn’t really seen his.
you’d seen the outside of course, it was hard to miss the royal, grand palace in the middle of london, but you wanted to see what leo saw, all the places he played as a kid that the public could never even dream about seeing.
for the last ten or so minutes you’d been the one dragging leo to your destination, wanting to get there as quickly as possible while your excitement was still more than your nerves.
“you’re adorable when you’re excited,” he said, pressing his lips to the top of your head. you turned to look at him with a wide grin and eyes that screamed child-like excitement.
“i can’t believe i’m going to be inside the palace.” the words hit you like a brick, and suddenly everything you’d previously felt disappear as you were overcome with a sudden fear. “oh no, i’m going inside the palace.” leo chuckled at your sudden mood change, linking his fingers through yours and practically pulling you up the gravel path to the royal gates.
you were excited but completely freaking out at the same time. how was a commoner meant to fit in in the palace. leo had bought you a new, fancier, dress for the occasion, saying he wanted you to be able to feel like a princess. you definitely looked the part, fancy dress, no dirt on your face and your hair done as best you could. but you certainly didn’t know if you’d be able to fit in as soon as you opened your mouth.
“leo?” you whispered. he hummed, turning back around to face you, noticing the worried look on your face. “what if they don’t like me? i-i mean i’m not a princess and-“
he didn’t let you finish your sentence, pressing his lips onto yours gently, where anyone could see. “i don’t care what they think, this isn’t about them.”
your heart fluttered slightly, leaning your forehead against his with a thank you. after a few deep breaths you managed to perk yourself up again, back with the original excitement you had on the journey to the palace.
“are you ready?” he asked, a small smile on his lips as he looked at you.
“ready as i’ll ever be, thanks to you.”
harrison osterfield taglist → @seutarose @euphorichxlland @hjoficrecs @call-me-baby-gir1 @hazardosterfield @icyhollands @hollandbroz-n-haz @hopelessly-harry @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys-blog @itstaskeen @zspideyy @spideyssunshine @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lowkey-holland @hollandcrush @wizkiddx @sannie-san-shine @hopeless-romantic-baby @thehumanistsdiary @dummiesshort @itsbieberxholland @lillucyandthejets @piscesparker @bvttercupbby @kujokura @l0velyevans @jess-holland23 @captainamirica @gog0juice @annathesillyfriend @whoeveniskendall @heyafellows @sunwardsss @bi-lmg @londonspidey @multixfandomwriter @tomhollandismyhusband1996 @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @magicalxdaydream @hallecarey1 @avengers-hamiltrash @writingrem
ok but what if you n haz haven’t been dating long, (3-4 months?), and one of you says i love you but is really nervous since it’s way early? with prompt n.?
“Can I try this on?”
Keep reading
A day in the life of a (marvel) fanfiction reader:
Person: you’re always on that damn phone, would it hurt you to put it down and pick up a book instead?
Me *slightly offended* : as a matter of fact I actually read every single day.
Person: really? And what is it that you read every single day?
Me *remembers all the fan fiction I read on a daily basis and fantasize about 99% of the time*: Uhmmm *laughs nervously* I read a lot of things... fiction...short stories... and all that...
Person *starting to get suspicious*: care to give an example??
Me *sweating nervously while I panic(at the disco;)*: uuhhhhh Shakespeare..? YEAH Shakespeare!
Person *squints eyes*: if you’re so sure then quote something from his work..
Me *mind starts racing at the speed of light*: umm... doth mother know you weareth her drapes...?

