Too Many Questions - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Rural u s a.

poll time!!

please reblog with your answer and country!!

i, for example, have fired a gun, and am from canada.


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11 years ago

Where is everyone?

My father recently asked a question that I thought was really interesting: Where are the philosophers of our day? You don't hear of any new Plato or Aristotle enlightening the world anymore. It got me thinking, and I think I managed to come up with an answer... several answers, actually. I found that more than a few of our best minds are in different places than before. Here's my take on where they can be found:

Where are our fine artists?

DeviantART, left to be unknown but by a few people. In the video game industry, turning gaming into an art form. Designing operating systems that function like magic. Still painting, but less so; more creating on Photoshop and sharing their work on the Internet. Physical mediums have become but sketches for the new kind of artist.

Where are our religious leaders?

Catering to the masses. If successful, becoming the next new Billy/Franklin Graham. Possibly, writing books. Otherwise left to the obscurity of their own church that they pastor. I can't speak for other religions, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same thing.

Where are our free thinkers, the ones who push against societal norms?

Once fighting for civil rights, they now support ideals such as LGBT and Coexist.

Where are our great mathematicians?

Universities, as professors of mathematics. They don't get paid to develop their field anymore - they teach instead, using their spare time to prove new ideas.

Where are our poets?

They've become songwriters. Broadway musicals, pop music, Taylor Swift - anything with lyrics.

What does that mean for our composers?

Oh, they're still around.

And where ARE our philosophers, anyway?

This one's trickier to answer, as they're scattered. Some are in bioethics, fighting for when life is defined; others roam message boards and fight random trolls that come about. They teach, they preach, they write, they learn, they shop online; they live among us, because they ARE us. No more is there such thing as the guru on the mountaintop. With the advent of the Internet, we all have a voice, and we are all heard by varying audiences.

And what do you do in all of this?

I watch. I listen. I take in what I can, and then I give it back to those who will hear me. Sometimes I make my own stuff, but that's not often. I simply take the information I have and put the pieces together.

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3 years ago

ok but, who's edric's date??

or was it a joke????

does edric have a boyfriend????


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He is questioning my love for her. He is questioning my intentions. Why must he always ruin everything?

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