Toppiexshroom - Tumblr Posts
“he’s bad” this, “he’s immoral” that
HES PERFECT. oh my GOD is he perfect! i can’t say much but my word
how does anyone hate him…. he’s just a wet cat guys…… (only two know who this is referring to help)
god… their disturbing interests and messed up sleep schedules have bewitched me
my poor bug…. he’s so silly and we’re kissing on the mouth as we speak!
did you guy’s today is my favorite person’s birthday? he’s awesome and wonderful and such a sweet guy.. i love him so much and august 2nd is his special day! happy birthday bug<3 🩷🩷
tumblr is so homophobic, i can’t even post my boyfriend sigh…
anyway! he’s like the sun to my moon, i’m always chasing his light and just being in his presence brightens my every waking moment. his beautiful accent and way of speaking, the way he says my name makes me almost want no one else to ever do it, they can’t do it with anything close to him
“if you broke my bones, i’d just be happy i crossed your mind”
this is just like me and my cinnamon roll,,, guys have i mentioned i love him,,,
“i want to rot and for you to devour me and rot too.”
he ate my heart! /lyr
i love my buggaboo smmm!! he’s a little deranged, but that’s okay<333 he loves me and he’s good to me!!
“I’ll adore you, as a drowned person does the sea.”
im so tired by i love my boyfie,, he loves me, i promise
Mi piace molto il mio ragazzo! è così dolce! lui è perfetto, mio marito è perfetto
someone you know is gay,
someone you know is trans,
someone you know is italian,
that someone is user merridingle, aka topher
(my boyfriend made me post this)
guys he’s perfect…. i need him… this is a photo of me needing him…

i need him BIBLICALLY.