Touch Starvation - Tumblr Posts
Whump Prompt #1142
Anon said: Need me some touch-starved, happy-go-lucky whumpee finally breaking down when hugged by the caretaker after everything that they went through.
Don’t we all:
“I- I need- I just-” Stammers whumpee. Caretaker wordlessly pulls them into a hug.
The whumpee tries to pull away at first, but when the caretaker puts a hand on the back of their head, the whumpee stills.
Then the whumpee sobs. Literally sobs.
By the end, they’re exhausted and embarrassed, and want nothing more than to crawl into a pit and sleep for an eternity. So the caretaker lets them go.
“Thank you.” The whumpee sniffs. The caretaker nods. “Anytime.”

was cruisin my tl & this is so fucking important
Whumptober: Touch And Go (2/5)
A/N: I’m going to preface this with the fact that I’m probably representing touch starvation very wrong
Leonardo let his hand slide down from the wall, backing up slowly. “Just get out and don’t wait up, alright?”
They better leave, if they didn’t he’d-
He didn’t know what he’d do, because the soldiers were coming and he needed to go. He hoped they left already. They didn’t say anything, so either they were thinking, or they were gone, and it better had been the latter.
Taking a deep breath to soothe his fraying nerves, he turned to fight, charging the next round of guards before suddenly ducking to the left and using somebody as a stepping stone to get higher up. Leo grabbed the support beams, heaved himself up and kept running, hopping along because he knew that if he fell, that would be the end.
He really did know another way out, but it would take some effort to get there, and he had to get the guards off his tail first so that they wouldn’t follow him back to the lair.
For a minute, he paused, bringing his katanas down in deadly slashes to take some of the enemies down and ward off a few more, before turning back and running again, preferring to preserve his energy for the time.
At the end of the hall, he could see his way out, and they were still following him. He needed them off his tail, fast. Turning to face them again, Leo bounced backward to brace for a hit. If he let them follow him, he'd lead them straight to their home, straight to his brothers and then it would be all for naught.
He was getting tired, he realized. Getting tired wasn't good, not now. His breaths came in short, ragged puffs, and he was taking more and more hits by the second. Soon, he would only be running on slivers of adrenaline. Once those ran out?
Leo bit the side of his tongue at the thought of the grim outcome.
He had to turn to run again, before something happened. There were significantly more injuries than before, and that was definitely his sign he needed an out.
There, there was his exit. But there were still several guards following close behind. A sharp right should throw them off, draw them away, he could get back to it later.
And, he should have bought his family enough time, right? They had to have gotten away.
Something cut through the air, a loud sound like the phaser guns on Space Heroes followed by a whizz that ended by his ear, and there was a BURN in his shoulder. Beside him, the injury almost sizzled and smoked, and blood immediately slicked his entire shoulder and upper arm.
Against all logic, it startled him into stillness, gripping his shoulder tightly to try and stop the blood flow. He hadn't ever seen injuries like that before, so it was startling to say the least (besides that one time. They didn't talk about that one time).
Suddenly, somebody crashed into him, and he went down hard.
Then, his hands were behind his back, there were multiple people holding him, and he kicked and tried to roll.
But there were multiple guards and one of him. His wrists were tied despite his struggles, and he was stripped of his weapons right before he was roughly pulled up.
If they weren't sworn enemies, he would have almost been offended that he wasn't even given the chance to try to walk. Instead, they dragged him halfway across the building, taken lower and lower, past the core, even further down. He didn’t even know that there were lower levels, but they just kept going down until they were so far from the surface he feared he could have been smothered.
Which, was a legitimate worry at that point.
Instead of smothering him, they brought him further back once they seemed to have hit the lowest level, to the very back corner of the maze of hallways, and locked him into a room. They just. Left him.
It was well lit, but completely empty, and once the door was shut he wouldn’t have been able to tell that it was ever there at all.
His hands were bound, and he had virtually nothing at the moment, but he still began to plan.
Step, step, step, step, step, turn.
Step, step, step, step, step, turn.
Repeat again, over and over.
While it could have been worse, they had actually forgotten about him in that back corner. It was honestly funny to him. Just going to leave him in a corner, huh? He assumed that they were waiting for him to die, either by his own body or from time, whichever happened to hit him first.
Leo would have thought it was a little funny, if the hunger weren’t tearing him apart from the inside out. It felt like a stupid worry to him. There were so many worse things to think about, but he still managed to be worried about food of all things?
How about, instead, he worried about how long he had been there? There wasn’t really a way to tell time, there was just a haze between waking and sleeping.
He was vaguely confused about the whole situation, though. They had him captured, wouldn’t they have wanted something from him?
Or was he just bait, they usually wanted all of them at once, they couldn’t take them out one at a time, for some reason.
Leo continued to pace, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until the door slid open, and a guard walked in. He waited calmly, patiently, for them to have completely entered the room, before jumping them. Yes, he was aware that his hands were bound, but he knew that those were metal binds. He could use them as a weapon with enough agility.
The guard grabbed him and shoved him down, using the binds to shake him before grabbing his upper arm.
Leo froze, startled by the sudden touch, the lightning flowing along from the grip followed by a deep want for the touch. He wasn’t sure how to feel. Afraid? Disappointed? Angry? Against his will, he let out a short mix between a cry and a whine. He didn’t like it, the touch was bad, the sound he made because of it was worse, but he wanted the touch, he hadn’t seen anyone or anything outside the room, but the touch wasn’t even human, nor anything positive-
He was spiraling again, he had been doing that too much recently, because the guard was using that to their advantage to drag him up and out.
Just because he wasn’t fully functioning did not mean that he still wasn’t against getting moved around to some second location. He kicked and struggled, pulling away in some kind of desperation and actually managing to get some good hits in on the way.
But there were guards, they grabbed his shoulders, pushing at the injury to keep him still. Slowly but surely, they forced him along, up and outside. He squinted in the bright light- They were risking moving him in the day? What in the world were they-
A short grunt escaped him as he landed in a truck. Before he could try to get back out, or say something, or really do anything, the doors had closed, cutting the light off, and the engine was turning on. Fantastic, he really was getting moved to a second location.