Tracer Overwatch - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
The Ships Thats Self Aware Of Their Terribleness

The ships that’s self aware of their terribleness

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6 years ago
Final Piece From @studiozines Dungeonwatch Zine! This One Was A Fun One To Work On.

Final piece from @studiozines Dungeonwatch Zine! This one was a fun one to work on.

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6 months ago

I've been thinking so much about this silly interaction between lucio and that I HAD to draw it lmfao

I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It
I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It
I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It
I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It
I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It

bonus panel:

I've Been Thinking So Much About This Silly Interaction Between Lucio And That I HAD To Draw It

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7 years ago
INKToBeR #01 - LeTS GeT To IT ALReaDY!

iNKToBeR #01 - LeT’S GeT To iT aLReaDY!

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR: CHeeRS, LoVe! “iNKToBeR” iS HeRe! 😉

Q: WHaT iS “iNKToBeR”? A: “iNKToBeR” iS a DRaWiNG CHaLLeNGe THaT iNCLiNeS You To Do oNe iNK DRaWiNG PeR DaY FoR THe eNTiRe MoNTH (oCToBeR oNLY).

MeeT “LeNa oXToN” oR SHouLD We CaLL HeR: “TRaCeR”. a GaMe CHaRaCTeR FRoM a TeaM-BaSeD MuLTiPLaYeR oNLiNe FiRST-PeRSoN SHooTeR ViDeo GaMe CaLLeD: “oVeRWaTCH”

DaY 1 SHe iS “SWiFT” WiTH HeR TiMe-JuMPiNG aBiLiTY. 😜

So, YeaH… i’LL Be DoiNG iNKToBeR aGaiN FoR THiS YeaR. 😑 aND i’M GueSSiNG aLL MY eNTRieS WiLL Be BoRiNG aND SiMPLe Due To MY HeCTiC SCHeDuLe. 😖 STaY TuNeD FoR MY oTHeR eNTRieS/aTTeMPTS FoR THiS MoNTH 😒


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5 months ago

Credit to all of the lovely people who gave their suggestions! @alvaroz-starrs @starrr-cringee and @swamphelminth specifically on Tumblr and a few on Twitter!

Credit To All Of The Lovely People Who Gave Their Suggestions! @alvaroz-starrs @starrr-cringee And @swamphelminth

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7 years ago
Tracer Art Walkthrough: Basic Level

Tracer Art Walkthrough: Basic Level

SInce this art consists of mostly the same technique as my previous Dva art tutorial 

So I won’t be delving much into techniques but describe more about my thoughts and the process that is going on in creating this artwork.

A failed attempt at manga style 

This art actually predates the Dva version, and initially it wasn’t my main idea to create something like this. 

Initially, I wanted to create a simple manga styled line art on Tracer. It looked fine at first... 


But as I look at it longer, it was clear that something was not right.... Tracer looked a little dumb and may I say... a little down syndrome. So I decided that this is not going to cut it and rework the whole face again. 


Now the face actually looked much better, but because I am very nitpicky, I also felt that her eyes looked off and weird, so I went in and readjust it again into.... 


THIS.... This looked so much better, at least her eyes looked normal now. 

By now, I have decided that it gets a little boring to try and paint the usual tracer with the usual style. So I thought of trying something more unconventional, like making it into more illustrative style, and also attempting to use colors that are quite off the mark from the official Tracer design. 

As you can see, I added patterns that depicts her lightning speed, and even some butterflies to show that she floats like one. No bees, because she her guns doesn’t exactly sting though. 

Tracer Art Walkthrough: Basic Level

Again, the same technique as before, I fill in block colors and started shading some of them to get the feel of the color harmony that I wanted to put, something that lies mainly with orange and blue. This is starting to look like a different Tracer definitely. 

Tracer Art Walkthrough: Basic Level

As the colors are more or less finalized and the background added, I felt that the color scheme is really nice and suitable, this is gonna be awesome. 

I painted in all her extra decorations and also the roman numbers, though it is hard to see here due to its color. 

Tracer Art Walkthrough: Basic Level

While I really like the color scheme, I felt it lack that final oomph, and so I saturated the colors a little and make th e orange more reddish and the blue just slightly more purplish (if that’s a word!). I also inverted the color of her speed trails to make it more obvious, plus a little more texture to the background and I call this sweet artwork done! 

The pose is actually derived from me imagining Tracer saying good bye to her normal life, now that she can no longer live without her chronal accelerator, thus the little sadness in her look. 

Since this was my first work employing this style, I can say that many things can be improved further as I am not yet very accustomed to it. But it does produce interesting results and I desire to develop it further. If you like my tutorials or have some great suggestions, do not hesitate to tell me! 

If you like my work and would like to learn more and support me, please do consider supporting me at . It truly helps me a lot to devote more time to create this tutorials and art, plus you will also get my custom brushes and PSD file so that you learn better, and of course, Patrons receive special tutorials. Every bit of support helps, and are truly truly appreciated!!!

Or you can buy me a coffee for late night painting too here :

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8 months ago


Tracer: Hey Reaper do you miss me?

*Reaper presses a green and red button on the table as they respond in Tracer's voice*

"Yes!" "I miss you!"

Tracer: Aww

Ana: Hey Reaper do you miss me too?

*Reaper presses a blue and yellow button as they respond in Tracer's voice*


Tracer: Oh Dear. . .

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8 months ago

Tracer: I love you

Reaper : *shoving laundry basket into Tracer's hands* stop saying I love you to get out of chores

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8 months ago

Tracer: Do you hate me or something?

Reaper : Not at all. I’m actually quite in love with you, really.

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8 months ago

Tracer: What am I supposed to do while you're gone

Reaper: ... What do you usually do when I'm gone

Tracer: Wait for you to come back

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7 months ago

Overwatch AU: Mission Reconcile

(My first Overwatch Story! EEEP! Hope you enjoy!)


Tracer and Reaper were standing next to each other as Soldier 76 was explaining today's mission in Antarctica

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7 months ago


Tracer: I'm thinking about doing something stupid

Reaper: I'm stupid do me.

. . . . . . . .

Reaper: I said that out loud. . . .

(Here's everyone's reaction:

Genji: *Trying not to laugh*

Mcree: *Trying to do the same*

Soldier 76: *Urge to protect daughter rising*

Mercy: Uh. . .

Ana: *Laughing uncontrollably*

Winston: . . . .

Junkrat: *Laughing uncontrollably*

Roadhog: . . . .

Reinhardt: I'm very happy for Tracer and Gabriel!

Torbjorn: *Smiles*

Bastion: *Happy beeps*

Brigette: *Snorts*

Ganymede: *Confused chirps* ?

Hanzo: . . .

Mei: Aww! That's so cute!

Zarya: . . . . .

Lynx 17: . . . .

Sombra: *Laughing*

Widowmaker: Gabriel you salope-

Sigma: Wow. . My friend Reaper is full of surprises I may say

D.VA: *Laughing*

Athena: . . . .

Soba: . . .

Lucio: Uh. . I think I can kinda see it. . .

Hammond: The Hamster is slightly confused and impressed

Echo: . . . .

Gérard: Oh Gabriel my old friend. . . Good for you. . .

Pharah: *Laughing Uncontrollably*

Juno: . . .

BOB: . . . . . 👍

Ashe: *Scoffs* Good for little Miss Sunshine

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7 months ago

Reaper: It's such a lovely day isn't it Lena?

Tracer: I Agree luv. What a nice day it is to go outside and get some fresh air together.


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7 months ago

Reaper: You're an idiot.

Tracer: I'm your idiot. . . *Holds up right hand where there is a ring on her ring finger* FOREVER!!!

Reaper: EH!? *Blushes*

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7 months ago

Reaper: I, Tracer, and Emily got errands to run!

*Soldier 76 turns to them angrily as Reaper grabs Tracer and Emily by the waist and runs out the back door*

Fritz: Jack!

Soldier 76: Oh no.

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7 months ago

Tracer: Hold on Guys! I need to make sure Reaper is okay first. . . HEY REAPER ARE YOU OKAY!?

Reaper: Yeah!

Tracer: Are you sure?

Reaper: Yeah!

Tracer: I'm leaving but I'll be back!

Reaper: OK.

Tracer: Do you need anything!?

Reaper: NO!

. . . . .

Tracer: What season is that!?

Reaper: Three.

Genji: Tracer.

Mcree: Let's go.

Tracer: Oh right! *to reaper* You know what to do with this!

*Tracer tosses Reaper her goggles and he grabs them*

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7 months ago

Overwatch as the Sun and Moon Show(My Version)

Mercy as Earth

Genji as SAMS Montgomery Gator

Reaper as Eclipse

Soldier 76 as Solar

DVA as Lunar

Bastion As Dazzle

Sombra as Killcode

Tracer as Sun

Emily as TSAMS/TRWAGS Roxanne Wolf

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