Tracy Walker - Tumblr Posts

Wes Anderson Movies + textpost part 10/11 (or until I give up)

Wes Anderson Movies + Tv tropes part 9/12
Isle of Dogs Edition
Name ten female characters you like, you get zapped if it's jsut a male character you call a babygirl or other feminine nicknames because I can't see people calling Lestat coquette again
I've seen some people claim that Tracy
Walker is 17. The only source i can find is Fandom Wiki which is unreliable. I have the Screenplay book which does say she's 14

This is probably the most accurate source.
Also Editor Hiroshi is 15

I have no clue where the idea of Tracy being 17 came. Probably poor calculation based on american seniorš
Or someone purposefully spreading misinformation
(Sometimes students join classes at a much younger age. She's also a Foreign Exchange Student)
Also me and someone had an entire conversation debunking this