Transformers Bumblebee - Tumblr Posts
I don't know about yall but the joke was pretty funny to me at least
We’ve forced Earthspark Bumblebee into a room with Soundwave to make Bee apologize for the exploding cassette joke.
It’s been three hours but we’re not gonna let him out until Soundwave tells us that he’s satisfied with the apology.
Wait, three???

Idk who these people are cause I love all bees old, young,crazy, I love them, especially this one he was a good boy whose heart was broken by a Decepticon
I don't get why people don't love earthspark bee's design. I MEAN I k n o w he doesnt look like a cute baby sparkling boi anymore. but idk ITS SO GOOD TO ME?

Good fucking day, Robot enjoyers! Gaze upon the updated semi-accurate height comparison of Bumblebee across the multiverse.
This is an updated version of a chart I made a few months ago. I had gotten some feedback and then TFOne came out and I kinda had to update it. I also added a Gen 1 Optimus Prime for scale, for fun... no other reason...
I am also working on at least two more character charts and one universe chart, so hopefully I can finish those soon (for some fucking genius reason I decided to do the characters that show up EVERY FUCKING UNIVERSE so I'm s u f f e r i n g)
Listed Heights, Explanations, and Justifications below the cut, bc you couldn't shut me up if you tried and I had shit to say.
Gen 1 - ~10 feet (TFwiki says greater than 3 meters so I rounded up to the first whole number because round)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~10 feet (He looks identical to Gen 1 so... the reason his photo looks weird is because I couldn't find a good full body photo with him standing straight up facing the camera so I put two images together to make the worst looking photoshop job you have ever seen)
Earth Spark - ~10 feet (There is no confirmed height yet, but using this screen shot (see below) of him standing in front of a barn door, I was able to make a reasonable guess, bc I'm so smart.)

Animated - 13 feet (There is no actual given heights, but in the comments of the previous version, @phoenix-inanis told me that they had done their own analysis of TFA heights and, gonna be real with you, I am blown away by all of their work and how detailed it is. Go marvel at how much work they put in -> )
One V1 - ~13 feet (I am well aware of what the TFWiki says: 26.429 feet. And I fully reject that number. A: These numbers are sourced from the Walmart Promotional AR Experience that came out before the movie. B: There are three decimal points, and that number does not convert into a whole number in meters (which is originally what I thought was weird about it). C: The director has said that this movie is both canon to the LA movies and its own separate canon, and Bumblebee in both sets of LA movies does not exceed 20 feet tall. Ever. So, for sanity's sake, I have used the KCV numbers as my baseline. Bee grows when he gets his t-cog so shrink this one down a few feet. Look, I'm working on the Optimus chart rn, and one of the numbers from Beast Wars on the wiki was very observably wrong, and if I can dispute numbers older than me, I can dispute numbers 2 decades younger than me from fucking Walmart. Also, yes, his picture is 3 images sandwiched together)
One V2 - ~15 Feet (Please see reasoning above. Since this is as tall as we see Bee get, he's the same height as KCV Bee. Sweet fuck, I have put way too much effort into this shit)
Knight/Capel-Verse - 15 feet (No actual numbers, but Mirage is stated to be 15 feet tall (TFWiki), and he and Bee are like the same height, so... Capel directed the ROTB movie if you're wondering why his name is there)
Bayverse V1 - 16 feet (TFWiki. This is like the first 3 movies minimum, I don't remember when he hits his growth spurt. Also mr bay is king, we have numbers for nearly every character in BV)
Cyberverse - 18 feet (I'm gonna be honest, the only info we have is from a really shitty screen shot of a magazine. SO if any one has a copy of this book from the video below, a high quality scan would be greatly appreciated and I will kiss the ground you walk upon. Yes I found the video where the screen shot comes from leave me alone)
Bayverse V2 - 18 feet (TFWiki. Movie 4-5 I can't remember which one, I'm not re-looking this up. I fucking love the bayverse tho, this is the only universe with concrete and consistent this-character-is-this-height info)
Aligned Cont. WF/FOC - 20 feet (TFWiki/Fandom. Video game info screens you godsend, kiss me sweetly)
Aligned Cont. TFP/RID15 - 21 feet (Ok, yes I got this number from fandom and they give literally no source for where they got these numbers. But, I can fully believe these are accurate. Just by looking at these characters on the show I can verify these numbers in my mind. Here, let's Compare.

This is Sam compared to Bee from one of the BV movies, I'm too lazy to check which one. Sam is average size for a human and we know Bee is 16 feet tall in the first three movies. Checks out. Let's now look at a TFP Character who is also 16 feet tall.

Jack is average size for a human, and the size difference is about the same. Can you see why I can't question the Aligned heights, even if they don't have a source??!?! They specifically made this universe to be full of freakishly tall robots for some fucking reason.)
Not Pictured: Aligned Cont. Rescue Bots and Rescue Bots Academy Bumblebee - 21 Feet tall. Look, did you want to see all 5 versions of ALC Bee? No, you don't. They're all the same height anyway; the back row would have just been a wall of redundant yellow. 5 different fucking art styles in one universe, why is that one my favourite.
Here's the front row and the back row separated into their own jpgs. I know it's kind of hard to tell which Bumblebee is which when they're all together.

Was trying to try drawing things I am not that good at (machine, robots) but somehow end up with a crossover.
Ignoring inaccurate history, what if Bee landed in Japan instead. Set after the final battle so everyone is a bit weak but they still capable of kicking ass if they want to.

lil bumblebee i drew a few days ago

BBB vs Blitzwing
But make it human 👀

Earthspark Bee Wbf drawing >:3 I LOVE HOW IT CAME OUT

dreamy sigh ily tfe bumblebee

I GOT BUMBLEBEE FOR MY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!!!! (He's been on my amazon wish list for two years 💀💀) PUT IN MY ASK PLACES I SHOULD TAKE HIM/THINGS TO DO WITH HIM AND I'LL DO IT 😼 (Within reason lol)

This song reminded me of them,,
I have this headcannon that Breakdown took off after the mandroid thing was over so ig this is if Bee confronted him b4 leaving. He thought things would be different this time, that Breakdown might actually stay. He was beyond hurt when he found out his friend was leaving him behind. Again.

Anddd another WB doodle of Tfes Bee :33
I LOVE WHITEBOARD I am this close to buying premium to get all the colors ISTG. 😫🤭🤏
Reposting from my Tiktok 😙

Art and a Short Fic to accompany it?!
Don't remember what song inspired this but I zoned out listening to music and this scene popped into my head, so I drew it and then wrote it ^^
Over and over he slammed Breakdown into the ground, screaming..almost begging out the words, “Why why, WHY?!” each time he’d lift Breakdown by his Chassis and push him into the concrete again.
Tears spilled over the ridge of his eyes, Words repeating.
Over and over. Breakdown had left him repeatedly over the decades they'd been on earth and more times than he could count on Cybertron. At least then he had something to blame, being on separate sides of the war was reason enough to not stick around. But now here on earth, though some Decepticons still roam, there is no war. Some measly battles sure, but there was no need to be on one side or the other. It wasn't just about survival anymore.
So when the battle with Mandroid was over and Breakdown came to say goodbye again Bee racked his brain to find some sensible reason as to why Breakdown would choose to run off with the few Decepticons with a thirst for war there were left.
Bee came to the realization that he couldn't blame the war or small quarrels they’d had with each other's sides anymore.
Breakdown was the problem.
He’d Decided once again to leave him. It’s like Breakdown couldn't stand him, like he couldn't bear to stick around for more than a week. Why..? Why?
A firm pair of hands grasped his shoulders interrupting him, gently yet firmly pulling him up and away from Breakdown.
“Bumblebee!” A familiar voice rang through his audials.
Optimus stood towering over Bee, Sevros held tightly on Bee's shoulders.
“Breathe.” No doubt an order from the leader.
Bee sucked in a few ragged breaths, looking to his left he saw breakdown beginning to prop himself up on his elbows. Energon leaked from his mouth, repeated blows to the head will do that to a bot.
Breakdown blinked, peering up at the scout. “Bee…” He spoke weakly, desperately.
Bee squeezed his eyes shut and shook off Optimus’s sevros.
Turning his back to the scene he walked away.

this one is for day 4 and 5 which i totally didnt forgot 7 of cringetober...