Ts4 Posepack - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
THEDEVILLIERS Reactions In Bed Posepack
THEDEVILLIERS Reactions In Bed Posepack

THEDEVILLIERS — ‘reactions in bed’ posepack

- 10 solo bed poses - most poses need THIS phone (right version) - custom thumbnails + descriptions - place teleporter in the middle of the bed - poses were made with custom rigs so clipping may happen @emilyccfinds @ts4-poses @itsjessicaccfinds @sssvitlanz

download: patreon (free, no ads)

Tags :
1 year ago


Day five of the Countdown To Valentine's Day collab with the wonderful @simmireen and @simmerianne93! My gift for you today is a sleepy, slightly spicy morning wake-up for a trio of goooood friends (ha). I started work on a bunch of throuple sets last year because I felt like we didn't have many trio poses where EVERYONE involved was into each other, but then I never did anything with them because I'm a loser like that. Thank you to this collab for forcing me to release some of the stuff I've been sitting on. 😌🤣

These poses were made with two masc and one femme rig, and should be fairly gender neutral; but, as always, there may be clipping or floating depending on clothing and Sim body type.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - double bed

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.


Download here (always free) SFS | Patreon


There'll be a new pack tomorrow! Be sure to follow Simmireen and Simmerianne93 as we're posting on alternate days!

Simmireen: Patreon | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram Simmerianne93: Patreon | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. If you'd like to leave a tip that's always appreciated but never required. Have fun telling your stories!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
1 year ago
Solo Horse And Rider
Solo Horse And Rider
Solo Horse And Rider
Solo Horse And Rider
Solo Horse And Rider

Solo Horse And Rider

Nine poses for a solo rider and horse, plus all-in-ones. There are some issues with clipping reins (when using posed versions) and floating feet - please see details beneath cut!

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - Horse Ranch EP

Useful, but not required for the poses to work: - Iberian saddle and Medieval Engraved Bridle With Reins - Reins For Posing Bridle

Solo Horse And Rider

Download here (always free) SFS | Patreon

Solo Horse And Rider

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

Other CC used: Leg bells and braided mane/tail/forelock by SchrodCat | Default replacement horse skin by @minervamagicka | Celebrimbor armour by @plazasims | a slightly edited version of Apricot Blossom Preset by Simsboo

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️ Thank you @ts4-poses and @alwaysfreecc!

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Tips are appreciated but never required!

Details of known issues under cut to save your dash:

These poses have been annoying me for months lmao. I made them last year but ran into a couple of issues: at the time, all-in-one horse and rider poses posed out of alignment when placed off-lot with TOOL, and I also couldn't stop the reins from clipping in game (they are posed, and don't clip in Blender). I specifically wanted poses with reins because I have a hard time drawing them in, as I only have a mouse.

My off-lot bug seems to have been solved, and although I still haven't figured out why the reins are slightly off in game, I figured it probably doesn't matter: in the time Horse Ranch has been out, I've noticed most people draw reins in themselves.

I adjusted them slightly to work with the gorgeous new medieval saddle and stirrups by @morningstarequestrian , since that's what I'd be using my poses with, but although the rider's feet are resting on the stirrups in Blender, in game they hover. I don't know why and by this point I don't care enough to find out LMAO.

I've kept the original placement of the rider's hands and the reins on the horse rig, so you can use it with the LeiaMaria bridle for posed (but occasionally clipping) reins, or with any other bridle and draw the reins in yourself. In medieval art, most horses are shown to have two reins (one decorated, one 'normal') so I think using it with Morningstar's Medieval Bridle like this works fine (I would have drawn reins in myself if I wasn't lazy). The poses work with EA saddles, but I don't have other CC saddles-with-stirrups so can't say if the placement is off for others. 

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1 year ago
Moments Like These
Moments Like These
Moments Like These

Moments Like These

Day eleven of the Countdown To Valentine's Day collab with the wonderful @simmireen and @simmerianne93 , and my last solo gift for the collab!

My gift for you today is a set of poses I made for my story last year, and really wanted to share at the time, but I'd made them with custom rigs and it turned out they really didn't fit with two regular-sized Sims. 😆 So after a lot of adjusting and fiddling, I've got something that will hopefully work for the majority.

These poses were made with masc rigs, and should be fairly gender neutral (underwater hand placement is deliberately ambiguous - it's suggestive only); but, as always, there may be clipping or floating depending on body type. 

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - this bathtub water by Natalia Auditore - the Floral Hygiene Clawfoot Tub (BSG) OR this stained glass recolour by Remysa

Moments Like These

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

Moments Like These

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

There'll be a new pack tomorrow! Be sure to follow Simmireen and Simmerianne93 to see all 14 packs in our collab, as we're posting on alternate days! DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 

Simmireen: Patreon | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram Simmerianne93: Patreon | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram

I'd love to see the poses used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️ Use my Ko-Fi gallery to easily browse my other packs! Tips are appreciated but never required. Have fun telling your stories.

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
1 year ago
Magic Lessons
Magic Lessons
Magic Lessons
Magic Lessons

Magic Lessons

This was a commission for ShySims4 and I've got to say I had a LOT of fun with it! The pack contains 4 paired poses between an adult and child, and two solo child poses. All child poses also have three expression variations: determined/focused, happy, and sad. Oh, and you can use the child poses from the paired sets as solo poses, too.

I don't normally edit my cover photos unless the poses were used in my story, but I couldn't resist with this one. 🤭

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim / MCCC

Magic Lessons

Download (always free): SFS | Patreon

Magic Lessons

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
1 year ago
Emotions (with A Cane)
Emotions (with A Cane)

Emotions (with a cane)

I made these for a friend of mine, and for myself, because sometimes I want to get a full body shot for conversation scenes when my Sim is using his cane. It contains 20 solo poses plus an all-in-one, and there are 4 'bases' with 5 versions: neutral (silent) and angry/happy/sad/a secret fourth thing (all speaking).

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - @natalia-auditore 's Neuvilette or Welt cane (both are ring category)

Important note: if your Sim uses hand and/or finger sliders, the accessory may be misaligned in game.

If you're looking for couple poses where one Sim is using a cane, I shared these last year.

Emotions (with A Cane)

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

Emotions (with A Cane)

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc ❤️

Tags :
11 months ago
His Prince
His Prince

His Prince

I made this as a self-indulgent treat for myself because I really wanted to capture the specific way in which I imagine Sax looking at and admiring Fen. Yes, I have issues. No, I won't be accepting criticism. 😌🤣

Nine floor poses (you can use TOOL or WW pose player to raise them onto a bed), all-in-ones included. These were made with masc rigs and there is likely to be clipping/floating depending on body type and clothing.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim

His Prince

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

His Prince

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
11 months ago
Party Preparation
Party Preparation
Party Preparation

Party Preparation

These are some poses that I made for my story last year and forgot about. I never got round to sharing them because I don't like to use posepacks that require multiple accessories/objects unless it's for something very specific... so I assume no one else does, either. 😅🤣

But I had to make these for myself because at the time I couldn't find any poses where an adult was applying make-up to a kid, and as always, maybe that means someone else needs them too.

This pack contains two sequences (with all-in-ones for both): six paired poses between an adult and child having a conversation, and three group poses for two adults and two children. All poses require the "Captain Rodrigo De Pablo Ottoman" which is base game - I discovered recently that not all of EA's ottoman's are the same height/width, so you may need to use TOOL if using anything else.

Place all teleporters in the middle of the ottoman.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - Captain Rodrigo De Pablo Ottoman (base game) - make up brush (bracelet category) (one adult, all poses) - nail polish top (bracelet category) (one adult, poses 7-9 only)

Party Preparation

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

Party Preparation

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
11 months ago


Instead of releasing any of the 12(!) finished posepacks that I've made for people so far this year, I decided to share this incredibly niche pose set that I made for my own story. 🥲

Pack contains 6 couple poses plus all-in-ones. There's a built-in height difference and, as always, height sliders may cause issues. Masc and femme frames used and clipping or floating is possibly depending on Sim clothing or body type.


Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon


TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
10 months ago
The Promise
The Promise
The Promise

The Promise

Another set that I made for my story because my vampire requires an endless supply of fainting poses. 😌

Pack contains 6 couple poses plus all-in-ones. Poses made with masc rigs and there may be clipping or floating depending on Sim body type and clothing. Expressions can and will look different depending on the Sim. There is a slight height difference included in the poses and this will affect height sliders!

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim

The Promise

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

The Promise

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
10 months ago
A Small Gift
A Small Gift
A Small Gift

A Small Gift

Oki, I've got so many unreleased posepacks just sitting on my computer and I really need to start getting them out. Here's a start. 😆

This was a commission for TheBatAndHisClown and contains 5 couple poses for use on a 3-seater sofa and 1 solo animation for use on a double bed, plus all-in-ones. The Sim who's receiving the gift will need the unicorn toy acc for all poses. Thank you to @simdertalia for allowing me to convert one of their plushies!

M and F rigs were used and there may be clipping or floating depending on clothing and body type.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - Unicorn toy acc (included) and unicorn toy from this set - any three-seater sofa (some sofa arms may clip) and double bed

Acc details: - 1198 poly - found in the wrist category - UV mapped to hat category

A Small Gift

Download here: SFS | Patreon

A Small Gift

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
9 months ago
Dinner Talks
Dinner Talks

Dinner Talks

These were made for PlumbobProductions! They show a sequence with a pleasant conversation which quickly turns sour, BUT I've designed them so that you can use them as mix 'n' match in case you want to mix in other people's seated emotion/conversation poses.

Important: to use, just place the teleporter in the middle of any chair. If you're using them with a dinner table set up, as shown in the cover image, you will need to hold down the ALT key while placing to make sure that the teleporters are in the middle of the chair, and do not snap to where the game wants to put them.

These poses were made with M and F rigs and as always there may be some floating or clipping depending on Sim body type and clothing.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - any chair & table (there may be clipping with some tables)

Dinner Talks

Download (always free): SFS | Patreon

Dinner Talks

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
9 months ago
Coffee And Bike
Coffee And Bike
Coffee And Bike

Coffee and Bike

This was a commission that I made for WalsonLegacy back in March! ❤️

Pack contains 6 couple poses including a small height difference, for use with a bike object and coffee cup accessory. Please note that although the cup is passed between the two Sims, only Sim A needs to be equipped with it.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - this coffee cup - this bike (without basket)

I do have a version that was made for the (very lovely!) SimmerBerlin city bike if preferred; I scrapped it because I realised the bike was 60K poly, and also the LuckyDay one is just a deco version of the EA bike so you can keep continuity if you want to show your story Sims cycling around. Things to note with this version: 1) BOTH Sims need to be equipped with the coffee cup, I'd rigged things differently and haven't bothered to change it 2) teleporter placement is different. If you're looking at the bike head-on, place the two teleporters in the centre but facing right.

Coffee And Bike

Download (always free!): SFS | Patreon

Coffee And Bike

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
9 months ago
Cooking Conversation
Cooking Conversation
Cooking Conversation
Cooking Conversation

Cooking Conversation

Today I have some poses that I made for myself because I needed them, except I got a little carried away and made a whole set. 🤣

Pack contains 20 solo poses plus all-in-ones for a Sim talking/showing emotions while cooking with a saucepan and spoon - 10 are freestanding, meaning that the Sim will pose wherever you place the teleporter, and 10 are for use with a stove (place teleporter in the middle of the stove).

Important! The saucepot and spoon meshes do not belong to me. They were made by Storybooksimblr/Treefriend who has since deactivated, and I converted them to stigmata initially for my own use. The saucepot should work with other cooking poses that use the original even if they're not designed for stigmata, but the spoon will not since I also resized it (and decimated it since it was originally 3K poly - it's now 150 poly). I have overwritten both files since it didn't make much sense to lower a polycount and then have to have the larger file in your Mods anyway, but that does mean you can't have these stigmata versions and the originals in your Mods at the same time. I've given them different thumbnails just to make the distinction clear.

If you would like a deco version of the saucepot for continuity use, you can get it here.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - spoon and pot accs (included, found in wrist category) - any stove for poses 11-20 (please note that the pot may not always be on the centre of the hob, depending on the style used)

Cooking Conversation

Download here (always free!): SFS | Patreon

Cooking Conversation

TOU: you may adjust poses for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
9 months ago
Couple Table Talks
Couple Table Talks
Couple Table Talks

Couple Table Talks

These were made for PlumbobProductions!

Six couple poses for two Sims who are holding hands/touching during a conversation at the dinner table - three positive, and three negative. There are two versions that you can mix and match: the Sim looking at their partner, or the Sim looking at someone on the other side of the table.

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - any dining table and dining chairs

Please note: unfortunately, there's likely to be some clipping with hands and table at some point due to the amount of table variations available - some are slightly wider, some have decorative drops, the legs are in different positions, etc. You'll just have to be clever with angles if that happens!

Couple Table Talks

Download here (always free!): SFS | Patreon

Couple Table Talks

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
8 months ago
Sunshine Protector 2
Sunshine Protector 2
Sunshine Protector 2
Sunshine Protector 2

Sunshine Protector 2

Hello! Back again ALREADY (you must be sick of me by now) because today is the third - and final - anniversary of my story, and I wanted to share a couple of small gifts.

The first is a follow-up to my previous Sunshine Protector posepack, which is part of my ongoing quest to create more poses where the shorter Sim in a height-difference couple is the one who's more assertive/protective/initiates the interactions. This is the dynamic between my main couple and it's been hard to find (you might also like: Vampire, Against The Wall, and Number 45). Tall boys need to be looked after and seduced too!

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

Sunshine Protector 2

Download here (always free): SFS | Patreon

Sunshine Protector 2

The second gift is two deco statues which exist purely due the kindness of the incomparable AlpineLapine. I originally made a Sax statue for myself because I needed it for a scene in my story; however, it was very high poly because I'd accidentally left his Magic Bot teeth in when I made it. I'd intended to redo and share it, along with a matching statue of Fen, but my Blender broke and since downloading a newer version and finally getting it to talk to S4S, I keep encountering errors while trying to make decos. So enter the heroic AlpineLapine who came to my rescue and made both statues for me!! The poses and textures are mine, but all the real work was done by them and I am very, very grateful for it. ❤️ They're wearing outfits by NotSoOldMadCatLady who has to be my favourite historical CC maker.

Please note: the Sax and Fen statues are still 7355 and 6910 poly each (half the size they were!!), so just be aware of that if you're using them for decoration in your game.

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc ❤️

Tags :
8 months ago

🌞 Endless Summer Posepack 🌞

 Endless Summer Posepack


Hello everyone, how are you today?

As host of the 🌞 Endless Summer 🌞 collab, it is my pleasure to present to you a final posepack that we have made together to close the collaboration in style.

I did a monologue yesterday, and I won't do it again, but I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed each of the incredible work that have been presented this special week and I hope that you (and your sims) end up having a wonderful summer!

Before we move on to the collaborative pack description, I'll leave you the links to each posepack presented this week, in case you have missed any participation (click on the name to be redirected to the respective pack):

 Endless Summer Posepack

Day 1: Herecirm - (Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Patreon) Day 2: Irislightsims - (YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram) Day 3: Simmireen - (Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Patreon) Day 4: Theserenadeofshadows - (Instagram | Tumblr) Day 5: Surely-sims - (Twitter | Patreon | Tumblr) Day 6: Whimsyalien - (Twitter | Tumblr | Patreon) Day 7: Simmerianne93 - (Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Patreon) 


And now, I'll share some info about today's collaborative posepack:

Pose #1: by Simmeriann93.

- 1 Groupal pose (4 sims).

- Needs 001StudioK-water_gun_adult

- Accesory goes on Sim A and Sim D.

- Place 4 teleporters wherever you want your sims to be posing.


Pose #2: by Herecirm. @herecirmsims

- 1 Duo pose for children.

- Place 2 teleporters wherever you want your sims to be posing.


Pose #3: by Irislightsims. @irislightsims

- 1 Couple pose in a pool.

- Place teleporter half grid away from the pool edge, as shown on the reference pic:

 Endless Summer Posepack


Pose #4: by Simmireen. @simmireen

- 1 Couple pose.

- Needs DAISYPIXELS_yuAcc_beachball 

- Accesory goes on Sim A.

- Place 2 teleporters wherever you want your sims to be posing.


Pose #5: by The Serenade of Shadows. @theserenadeofshadows

- 1 Trio pose with 2 adults and a toddler.

- Needs DAISYPIXELS_yuAcc_beachball (same accessory used in pose #4)

- Accesory goes on Sim C.

- Place 3 teleporters wherever you want your sims to be posing.


Pose #6: by Surelysims. @surely-sims

- All in one animation.

- Duo pose for children.

- Place 2 teleporters wherever you want your sims to be posing.



There can be minor clipping or floating deppending on the clothe your sims are using and because every sim-body is different.



Do not claim our creations as your own.

Do not re-upload or modify our creations.

Do not make money of our creations.

Let us know if something doesn't work as it should.

Please follow these Term Of Use.


Thanks for using our poses! We'll be happy if you show us what you do with them so tag us, if you want, in any of our socials!





Tags :
8 months ago
Magical Healer Animation

Magical Healer animation

Tumblr apparantly can't handle video uploads because it keeps crashing, so you can view the clean (no camera angle changes or effects other than Gshade) animation here, or the original video here.

This is a very basic animation that I made for my story a few months ago, depicting a seated spellcaster performing a healing spell on a seated Sim who is speaking/shifting uncomfortably. Animation is not my forte and I only made it for myself, but a few people have asked me for it so I figured I'd share it publicly in case it's useful to anyone else. Please be kind, I'm learning!

To use, just place each teleporter where you want the Sim to sit. The Sims do not need to sit close together. The Sim performing the healing must be seated in any dining chair; I'm using the antique wheelchair by @lilis-palace, but it should work with most chairs. The Sim being healed must be seated on an ottoman; I'm using the basegame Captain Rodrigo De Pablo ottoman here, some others might clip!

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - any dining chair - ottoman - not required, but might be useful for your spellcaster: Igor's FX bracelet

Magical Healer Animation

Download (always free!): SFS | Patreon

Magical Healer Animation

TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.

I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :
7 months ago
Spellcaster Duo
Spellcaster Duo

Spellcaster Duo

Yes! Back again! But I'm SUPER excited to share this collab I did with the wonderful NefaricusSims!

A while ago I started making some poses for spellcasters working together, since there weren't many available and I often found myself needing them. I made three pairs and then ran out of ideas hahaha. So when Nefaricus said they were planning to release the paired spellcaster poses they made for their INCREDIBLE Simsta story, I got extremely overexcited and asked if we could collab. 🥹 I'm so so happy they said yes!! This is their first posepack so please give them all the love!!

You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim

Spellcaster Duo

Download here (always free!): SFS | Patreon

Spellcaster Duo

You can find Nefaricus on Instagram (as well as their story account) and on Tumblr!

You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!

@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc

Tags :