August - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
The New Doctor Lands This August: Http:// #DoctorWho

The new Doctor lands this August: #DoctorWho

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4 years ago

Summer 🌻

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3 years ago

August slipped away into a moment in time.

August Slipped Away Into A Moment In Time.

'Cause it was never mine.

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6 months ago

“no summer ever came back and no two summers ever were the same. times change and people change.” - Nathaniel Hawthorne

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No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel
No Summer Ever Came Back And No Two Summers Ever Were The Same. Times Change And People Change. - Nathaniel

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2 years ago


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7 years ago
Look! I Did It! I Posted Art! This Is The Picture I Used For The Front Cover Of My Book Until The End!

look! I did it! I posted art! This is the picture I used for the front cover of my book Until the End! It can be found here 

It’s not very good, both the art and the story, but I am learning. I have another book in the works so hopefully I will have fixed a few things. Enjoy!  

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5 years ago

It has been retired. My apologies.

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1 year ago



In the Northern Hemisphere, Lammas is on August 1st. In the Southern Hemisphere, Lammas is on February 2nd.

With Lammas, aka Lughnasad, falling at the end of Summer, and marking the first harvest, the most common themes for the holidays around it are family, crops, enjoying the last of the heat, and staying well for the coming cold. August 1st is not only Lammas, but we also observe it as Mead Day, National Play Outside Day, Sandcastle Day, and National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. August is National Back to School Month, and there are a number of little celebrations that honor family, including Respect for Parents day and American Family Day. It is also National Sister’s Day, with National Brother’s day only a few days later. This is perfect timing because in India, the Hindu religion is going through the Raksha Bandhan festival, which is literally where they celebrate brotherly bonds. Looking outside of just that specific day, you can see how it falls during Air Conditioning Appreciation Week, Simplify Your Life Week, International Tree Climbing Week, National Farmer’s Market Week, National Parks Month, Family Meals Month, and National Wellness Month.

The Summer will be coming to an end, and the crops that were planted in the Spring are ready for a first harvest. Lammas is a fire festival meant to honor the corn and grain that are beginning to be collected. It’s a time to make bread, and store the leftovers for the coming winter. The God, called Lugh in Celtic traditions, now sacrifices himself for the good of the crops, and the survival of his followers through the harsh days ahead. The Goddess, now called the Grain Mother, watches her lover die, but is also pregnant with the new Sun God. This cycle of rebirth is mirrored in the seedlings stored in the ground through winter to come back in Spring. Enjoy the last few days of warmth. 

The nice thing about Lammas is that it is simple and uncomplicated. Since it is a harvest festival, you should be using the harvest in your decorating. The most important crop right now is wheat, so it should be just scattered around your whole house. Put the stalks in vases, or tie them together to make a pentagram. Corn is also plentiful at this time, and makes perfect corn dollies for altars. Grains are really important now and it’s perfect for making breads. Of course, we are also harvesting other fruits, veggies, and herbs, and it is more than appropriate to incorporate those elements. In honor of the sun, bring in Sunflowers, and don’t forget to drink lots of beer. 

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3 years ago

August - Adam Stanheight X Reader

Adam Faulkner Stanheight was sitting on the couch, waiting for his significant other - that would be you - to come home. You had left to grab (your favorite dessert). It wasn’t a particularly special occasion, but you both had wanted something to sweeten up your lives a little bit. Adam smoked somberly, shaping his shallow thoughts into something much more understandable. But it was all for naught, seeing as he was still in the same place of emotion that he was in when he started this expedition.

Lazily, and listlessly, Adam rearranged himself on the couch. He knew you would be disapproving when you saw that the windows were closed, but he couldn’t bring himself to open them. He was way too tired for that. All he wanted to do was lay down. He tried to keep his eyes open, but eventually found himself falling asleep while also nearly choking to death on cigarette smoke.

He coughed and sputtered until his throat was sore, and then he twisted out his cigarette. That was enough today, but he was still left with an empty feeling; his satisfaction just wasn’t quite fulfilled, and he was tempted to take another one from the box. He used what self-control he had left, and managed not to. He told himself you would be very proud of him for that.

Adam had gotten up to fix himself some tea. He barely stood up when a wave of nausea consumed him. He sank back down onto the couch miserably. He didn’t feel great at all today. Maybe that was because he hadn’t eaten yet? It was one’o’clock and he woke up at ten. Why hadn’t he had breakfast yet? Oh that’s because he got in a conversation with you and then hadn’t wanted to leave. That was reasonable, right?

Adam got to his feet clumsily, and stumbled into the kitchen, where he tried to put together a sandwich. It worked, he guessed, and he sat down to eat his breakfast slash lunch.

What would that be called? He wondered. Brunch? It was getting hot in the apartment by the time he’d finished eating. The weather was hot outside during this august afternoon. Adam felt stable again, now that he’d eaten, but something was still off. He missed his partner, F/N L/N.

He popped open the windows to let out the smoke that was building inside.

Adam reluctantly started doing some tidying. His living quarters were always messy, and it irritated the hell out of you. He decided now would be a good time to clean it up.

But as he started to pick things up from the floor, the apartment door swung gently open. Adam let his belongings fall onto the coffee table once again, as he leapt up to greet you.

When he saw you his heart fluttered. Excitement and happiness rushed through him. He found new energy to be with you! “Y/N!” He exclaimed.

You came tripping into the room, carrying in your arms a large (favorite dessert.) Adam had never been so glad to see someone in his whole life. You plopped the dessert onto the counter, and twirled happily ‘round.

Adam watched you in satisfaction, his heart melting. He pulled you into a hug, pushing you right up against his chest, and allowing you to rest your head on his shoulders. He felt you giggle and it warmed him on the inside.

You beamed up at him, your eyes glowing in jubilation. “You missed me?”

Adam sighed. “You have no idea.”

You nuzzled Adam’s nose sweetly. “Want to try the dessert?”

Adam would have loved to, but you felt so good in his arms he hardly wanted to release you. “Sure.”

You detangled yourself from his grasp, and went over to the counter, getting ready to cut your dessert into slices.

Adam watched from afar, examining his significant other as they bent slightly over the counter. You had your butt your pointed out towards him and Adam took pleasure in studying it. You looked cute standing in that position. “Nice.” He told you frankly.

You were too intent on your task to even notice Adam’s comment. You simply straightened your back and glanced at him, a smile on your face. “Go grab some plates!”

Adam did as he was told, and then came up behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and put two plates on the counter.

You shuffled closer to him, and Adam felt content to have you so close. You placed one slice of said dessert onto each of the plates, and then you started eating.

Adam had never tried this kind of dessert before he met you. But now it was a tradition to eat it together. He loved that.

The flavor was sweet and sugary, of course it was. It was your favorite dessert and that’s why Adam loved it, because it made him think of you.

You ate together in a peaceful silence until your plates were clean. Neither of you had even gone to the table to eat.

Adam rubbed your back with one hand. It was impossible to explain what he felt for you. He loved you so much, nothing would be able to express it. ‘I love you’ at this point was an understatement. But how else did one express their love to their significant other? Without words there would be no communication. This was the only way to tell you what he felt. He loved you, and that’s all there was. Love.

He turned you towards him, so that you were pressed against his chest once more. He put his chin on the top of your head. “I love you.”

A rush of adrenaline swarmed up you. You laced your hands with Adam. “No, I love YOU.”

Adam melted into you. You were so perfect! “Not nearly as much as I love you,” he murmured.

“You’re right,” you gave in disappointedly, but then shot back, “I love you MORE than that.”

You and Adam spun around the living room several times, and then you put on some classical music: slow and romantic, just right for the mood.

You both swayed to the rhythm, not really intending to be lazy, but not trying to be too energetic either.

Adam could feel your head on his shoulder, your hand in his hand, and an arm around his waist. Your body touching him was breathtaking. Adam was sure he would lose his mind from the close proximity.

“You’ve been smoking,” you uttered into the quietness. You were only concerned.

Adam stiffened. Would you care about that? “I’m sorry-” He started to say.

You interrupted him. “Don’t be sorry, Adam. You’re always sorry. Not everything’s your fault. What happened?”

“I got anxious about you,” Adam halfheartedly confessed.

You patted his head reassuringly. “Well, you shouldn’t have.”

“But I did.”

You kissed him on the cheek. “Alright then. It’s okay. How was the smoke?”

“Bad,” Adam grumbled. “I nearly died from it instead of trying to enjoy it.”

You smirked. “I’m glad you didn’t though. You know what would happen if you did?”


You bent your eyebrows down and pouted your lower lip sadly. “I WOULD BE SAD!” You wailed.

Adam felt his heart skip a beat. “Oh no…” he mustered. “I don’t want that.”

“Nor do I,” you answered smartly. “But lucky for you, you don’t have to try very hard. You being around is all I need!”

Adam bit his bottom lip shyly. He could feel your words brush up his neck. Your words were just so warming and good to hear, he couldn’t get enough. He kissed you at that moment, lifting you off the floor and bringing you up to sit on his hips. You put your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck.

Adam loved every moment of it. He loved feeling your skin on his skin, your mouth on his mouth, your body against his body, and your heat keeping him warm.

His heart was pounding, his stomach was churning, and adrenaline was pulsing through his veins. He broke away to give you some kisses down your jaws; they were quick and short.

You hummed out in satisfaction, and tilted your head back. Adam took advantage of this, and started kissing down your neck. He made sure to get your shoulders and collarbones.

“Adam…” you whispered at last, cupping his cheeks in your hands and lifting his head up. He looked at you like a lost puppy and it melted your heart. “You sweet thing.”

Adam let you down and you sighed out happily. “You’re cute,” Adam said cheesily.

You shrugged. “How else would you want me?”

“Laying on the bed would be a nice alternative, too,” Adam replied cleverly.

You gagged and looked away embarrassedly. “Oh yeah?”

“Definitely,” Adam assured you.

Adam sat down on the couch, and you sat next to him. You pulled him onto your lap, and started a long, enticing, snuggle session, where both of you spent the rest of the evening flirting, teasing, kissing, and of course expressing love to one another only in ways that words could never communicate.

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4 years ago
Summer In Paris August, 2019

“Summer in Paris“ August, 2019

first pic

photo by @alice-apsx

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4 years ago
Praia Da Mina, Paredes, Portugal

Praia da Mina, Paredes, Portugal

"live in the moment"

second pic

photo by @alice-apsx

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4 years ago
Praia Da Mina, Paredes, Portugal

Praia da Mina, Paredes, Portugal

"live in the moment"

third pic

photo by @alice-apsx​

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happy august

one day closer to the end

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6 months ago

The end of August

Archive [?] | copyright to saturnfairycat

Author's note: 'But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine' - Taylor Swift --- I think we hyped up the song too much, it became a reality. Anyway, this month has been CRAZY for me. So many things happened. From new people, new experiences and memories, closer connections, loss of connections, drama, pain, challenges... it has been a thrilling fall of events. --- 'Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all' - Taylor Swift


The End of August



What a hell of a ride.

My most forgetful month, turned into one of the heaviest footprints in the snow.

So many emotions, so many stains on my white dress that I will never be able to wash out.

I am losing my childhood, I'm losing the fresh feeling of being a teenager.

At the end of August, I lost parts of me that I thought I would carry till it is lost in the back of my cluttered room of a mind. I lost parts of my safety net, how do I find the courage to fall now?

I can smell the old air, clinging onto my neck in desperation. My old perfume stuck to my uniform, my bushy hair swaying in the wind. Our glances, our secret lives, our moments that I know we will never spend in person.

My heart sank when I came to the realisation. This is it. The official start of my new life. My delusion mocks my misery at keeping everything at bay. Everybody is starting to move on, but I am still stuck in moments of everyone together that never happened.

The world is a shifting sand storm, a castle that needs restructuring. You cannot start a new life without the floor crumbling down beneath your feet first, how else are you supposed to start from the bottom and make your way to the top?

But my feet is sinking into the sand, it is hard to climb out and reach for the stars from here. I can only glance up and see you glancing at me.

So many unfinished words. So many bittersweet thoughts.

I have accepted, and I do not feel regret. But I ponder about what it would have been like if I did not leap without blowing kisses goodbye. I never left like goodbye, because I never said it to your face. Always thought it would be "see you soon", but I am left hanging as your castle had already crumbled.

I'm happy for you.

But you can't see my smile from the sidelines.

I can see your face from here, though. I saw it— that glance. You're clinging onto my old perfume, you don't even want to know what my new usual smells like. You're still pondering about the promised moments, I hope you can get a reflection elsewhere…. and it isn't my face that smiles back at you.

I'm happy for you.

You are my bittersweet acceptance, the final note of a violin symphony.

I only wish I was in your end credits, not the acknowledgements.

But I am happy,


You are my August, the reason for an unforgettable month.

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6 months ago

العلاقة طردية بين الجرح والعلاج

بقدر ما يكون الإنسان مجروحاً يكون متقبلاً للعلاج ☁️🩵

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