Tusklimber - Tumblr Posts

When you don’t get fed love in a meal, you learn to lick it off tusks.

It’s just a slight change in colors and body shape to give him more silhouette, appeal, balance and to make him easier to draw.

Anything that can go wrong, will

We smoke the bones of baby dolls.
The thing I use to draw died again.
I'm not going to upload any animations any time soon. Jail for my drawing tablet, jail for my drawing tablet for one THOUSAND years!!
Here, take a little Tusk gif in the meantime!

Some of the best drawings I did for a Bleed me an ocean comic I did for my literature class.
Tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible. I hope you guys get to see the whole story someday.
The map part is up now!
Go give it. A watch, it’s based on a scene from the comic I had told you guys about.
New video is up guys!! Go give it a watch

You guys can have some sketches I did for some scenes of Misery meat that got either redesigned or deleted.
Also, a thing I did to decide on a particular scene’s composition.

The Misery Meat re-do premier is on November 11 by the way. Wait for it!
Aaand what’s promised is owed. Misery Meat II is up!
Go check it out!
Not me getting sentimental over how much “On melancholy hill” fits Bramblesplash and Tusklimber.
Homegirl just wanted her friend and ended up causing a life altering cataclysm for like four people. It do be like that sometimes.

Tusklimber artwork I had laying around since November.
There's something deeply satisfying about dragging your fangs across another person's neck.
It.. like- fills every invisible primal bar in your body.

Wing studies bc yeah!
Should have NOT unlocked penetrative sex now i'm becoming a nymphomaniac.

As seen in instagram. I made myself a wallpaper for my laptop. Inspired by the album art of Mr Bungle’s California, which absolutely doesn’t have anything to do with Bleed me an ocean either lyrically or vibe wise.
Original album art under cut.