Tw: Rem9val 9f Individuality. - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

AG: oh god not another Vantass on here and you're the one worse than Karkat 8LUH


The 9ne w9rse, hm? I see.

AG: Oh God Not Another Vantass On Here And You're The One Worse Than Karkat 8LUH

Well, I will surely ap9l9gize 9n 6ehalf 9f any 9ther Kankri y9u may have stum6led up9n and have previ9usly interacted with, 6ut I will p9litely ask y9u t9 n9t jump t9 c9nclusi9ns 9f distatement with9ut having sp9ken t9 me pri9r, y9ung Serket. Lumping all alternates t9gether strips all 9f their identity and is a very unhealthy mindset t9 h9ld with alternative selves, y9u sh9uld d9 y9ur 6est t9 refrain fr9m using such language 9n the 9ff chance y9u end up triggering s9me9ne with identity issues.

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