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3 years ago

Writing Prompt #3

TW: knife, future murder?

Writing Prompt #3

“Do you know why they call killing someone with a knife personal?”


“Because you have to be close to whomever you’re trying to kill. I personally think it’s cute.”

“And why is murdering someone cute?”

“Because whoever decided that was clearly a terrible knife thrower.”

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3 years ago

So I was inspired by this promt. I think it turned out alright, lemme know of y’all want more or not because I kind of like it?

So I Was Inspired By This Promt. I Think It Turned Out Alright, Lemme Know Of Yall Want More Or Not Because

Nothing truly mattered, that’s what they all had wrong. The hero’s, the civilians, even a few crazy villains. Each and everyone of them beloved that the world was made of different layers and every single thing they did mattered. They do bad things just to be remembered, and good things just to feel like they are better. It’s all wrong.

Tomorrow there will be nothing left of this place. In a few days the whole world will cease to exist. The only thing I regret is that I won’t be able to see it afterwords.

“Where is he”

“You’re too late, now please don’t try and force my hand,” my chest heaved as I sighed. Anticipating the hero moving towards me I quickly drew my leg up, skid to the side and jutted my leg back out into the hero’s side.

“I didn’t come alone.”

Suddenly my entire body lurched forward as the newest addition to this wild spat delivered their entering blow. Throwing my hands out in front of me I landed only to jump back up again. Looking behind me the first now stood with the second, looking like a chihuahua-bulldog duo. As my breathing evened I slowly stretched my hands out preparing for them to jump out so as to clap them with lightning. Only to be stopped as a dull pain entered my abdomen. My legs stuttered behind me as I looked down. A knife. A knife has put me on my knees. Damn now they have tested my limits.

“I could burn this city down and put you in the ground,” Pulling the knife out of my abdomen I held in tightly in my grasp as I slowly turned towards them. “Don’t. Fucking. Test. Me.”

“Oh yeah, I’ll have you back on your knees in a second, I’m sure it’ll feel better then when your lovely little villain does it,” bulldog looking hero teased as they cocked their head to the side, “was it their promise of nothingness, or the fact that they tied you to a bed that caused you to join their side?”

“You. Don’t. Know. ANYTHING!” Screaming I launched toward them swinging the blade towards their head only to have my arm pulled back by the first. Swiveling as I seethed. I lurched my arm out of their grasp throwing it back down right into their neck, watching as they looked at me with fear in their eyes.

“I said don’t test me, maybe you should have listened.”

So I Was Inspired By This Promt. I Think It Turned Out Alright, Lemme Know Of Yall Want More Or Not Because

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2 years ago

Can you do a continuation of my ask about the phys!cally @bused hero?

No Matter the Cost, Pt. 2

I gotchu! @stopstealingtomatoes

Part 1

Tw: description of wounds, knife, blood, accidental violence (marked as violence in the tags)


Two cracked ribs. One fractured vertebrae. A dislocated ankle. A stab wound to the shoulder. All fresh, and the only one that had come from the fight was when the kid jumped in front of the knife to try and save their mentor. Hero was asleep, but Villain doubted they would stay that way if they started working on patching up Hero’s wounds. They needed sleep, evident by the dark circles under their eyes, but Villain needed to patch those wounds, and soon. Sleep wouldn’t help Hero if they bled out or died from an infection.

“Hero? Hero, wake up.” Villain reached for Hero’s uninjured shoulder, shaking them slowly. The kid’s eyes snapped open in an instant, their entire body going rigid when their eyes met Villain’s. “Hero, hey, you’re safe here. You’re okay.” They recoiled from Villain’s touch, but still stayed on the table. They weren’t running, which Villain perceived as miracle in itself. The kid looked around with wide eyes, no doubt taking in every detail of the place they could.

“You’re at my base Hero. You needed medical treatment, and I didn’t want to leave you where I found you after um… all that. This was the best option.” Hero took in a sharp breath. Tears formed in Hero’s eyes as they murmured the superhero’s name. They tried to sit up, but collapsed against the table with a whimper. Villain watched the irregular rise and fall of their chest speed up with a grimace. It must hurt when Hero took a breath.

“Look kid, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now.” They placed a hand on Hero’s shoulder and squeezed it lightly. To Hero’s credit, they didn’t shy away again. “I need you to stay still so I can get you somewhere to rest. Can you do that for me?” Hero nodded and squeezed their eyes closed. Villain picked up the hero, only for them to start squirming.

“Hey! What- let me go! I can walk!”

“Not on that ankle you can’t. It’ll have to be popped back into place before you walk anywhere.” Villain shushed their continued protests until Hero finally fell completely silent. That was, until the hero suddenly tensed in Villain’s arms. “Is… is that-”

“Villain…” Supervillain strolled down the hall towards them, looking not at the villain, but towards the hero. “I have a few plans to discuss with you. But first, why is Hero here?”

“Supervillain, I’ll explain everything in a minute. Could you get Healer for me, while I get them situated?” Supervillain— albeit confused— nodded to the other and watched as Villain carried Hero past them and stopped at the door of a small guest room.

Villain looked around at the room- just a bed and a small table off to the side. They brought Hero in the room and carefully set them on the bed. Villain moved to the table and grabbed the first aid kit. They reached in and pulled out a cold pack, holding it out to Hero.

Hero swatted the hand away, pulling themselves up to a sitting position and swinging their legs over the side of the bed before Villain could stop them.

"Hero lay down, you need to-"



"I need to get back to them. I can't leave Superhero." They slid off the bed, failing to hide a hiss from the criminal.

“Superhero is gone, Hero. There’s nothing you can do.” They started softly. But when Hero didn’t stop, Villain stepped in front of them and tried again. “Hero, they’re dead. Now lay back down. You’re going to hurt yourself even more.”

Hero didn’t budge.

“Please let me go.” They whispered. But Villain didn’t move. “Please… Please let me go. You- you don’t know what they’re capable of. Please-

“Hey. Look at me.” Villain set a firm hand on Hero’s shoulder, and Hero looked up, eyes wide, jaw trembling, the poor thing was still afraid of-

Hero punched them square in the jaw.

Stars exploded in their vision. They barely heard the terrified apologies and questions of concern spewing from Hero’s lips as Villain stumbled back into a wall. A figure slipped past them into the room, Hero suddenly crying out in agony.

Villain honed in on the supervillain standing over the hero laying at their feet, curled up so tightly Villain couldn’t see their face. “Supervillain don’t hurt them! It was an accident!” Supervillain turned to look at Villain, their normal mask of indifference gone, replaced by something the villain couldn’t comprehend.

“Get Healer.” Villain didn’t know how they’d suddenly gotten beside the two, but they really didn’t care at this moment.

“All I did was touch them…” Supervillain gestured to the trembling human ball of limbs with a bloodied hand before turning back to Villain. “Tell me the person responsible for turning Hero into this is dead.”

Taglist: @valiantlytransparentwhispers

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