Writing Prompt #3
Writing Prompt #3
TW: knife, future murder?

“Do you know why they call killing someone with a knife personal?”
“Because you have to be close to whomever you’re trying to kill. I personally think it’s cute.”
“And why is murdering someone cute?”
“Because whoever decided that was clearly a terrible knife thrower.”
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More Posts from Bleeding-letters
Reasons why not to visit a group of thieves or vigilantes hangout
It’ll take you hours to find the street their base is on— due to the cryptic message directions —and another hour to find a lever to open a trapdoor. This will let into a 2 by 4 foot crawl space that will lead you into a pitch black basement. Then you’ll realize the nagging feeling that you’re in the wrong place was indeed right, because you know they don’t have a guard dog. And you’ll definitely know it took you less than 3 seconds to get back out the window.
At that point, you might be ready to give up and go home. But then you’ll get a text from an unknown number. It’ll say you have to go down another two streets. You’ll ask how they knew where you were. They’ll say they could hear Mrs. Masrani’s doberman from the hideout.
However, if you do find yourself still wanting to go:
1. Know they never have any food. Well, they do, but it’s all hidden. Living on the streets all those years taught them to cherish all food they come across, and to be the only person to know where their stash is. To get food, you must either ask or bring your own.
2. Make sure you show up at the exact time they told you.
3. NEVER, under any circumstances, mention you have ramen at home. Unless of course you have enough to feed all 20 of the teens and preteens living in the hideout. Ramen is a sacred thing.
4. Never take anything of value to the hideout.
5. Never ask where the swords hanging on the wall came from. In fact, never ask about any of the decorations.
6. Don’t ask how much any of the decorations cost either. You might have second thoughts about your profession.
7. And finally, never promise to visit again soon. When you say soon they think you mean tomorrow. And they will hunt you down if you don’t show. Say you’ll come whenever you have some spare time. Which is almost never.
Your Boss warns you,
The pain begins young, with an incurable and wretched disease that brings only an agonizing death to some, and a helpless death to others. At this point in life, I am too young to know what any of that means, but it still takes its toll. I learn what my limitations are rather quickly.
While I struggle with the deadly blow life has poured out to me, I am shunned by my peers because of it. As the years go by I drift further away from those around me. My pain is silent for only me to know, and before I know it, the world around me is too.
Then one day, knowledge calls with siren sweet lullabies. There in her arms I learn it all, spiraling towards my purpose without any clue as to how long before I land.
Poisons, chemicals, and nature’s deadliest being among the few lessons I learn, with more than a few scars to prove such. My love for information has only added an accelerant to the pile- the only thing missing; a match.
As I look at the world around me, I see brokenness. I see how greedy people with power are, letting hundreds die just so they can make their quick, fat buck. I see those with the authority to stop the suffering don’t because they can only see the ceiling. They have become too stuck up to do anything about it. It sickens me. And with that, the inferno begins. They will be the first to go.
I am a con artist, a thief. I steal so others who suffer won’t anymore. I am dangerous, a pyromaniac. I destroy so the corrupt cannot continue their wicked deeds. I am a threat to the world around me.
I am a villain.
Dear Heroes, Villains, Sidekicks, Superheroes, Supervillains (including retired ones) Civilians, Witches, Wizards, even Whumpers, Whumpees and Caretakers (if you find the following question interesting) and literally everyone else,
If you were a villain, what would your backstory be?
I’m tagginggg:
@kitsunesakii @letthebodyfall @livingforthewhump @corruptedtwibunny @creweemmaeec11 @amethystpath-writes @a-blue-comedy @avvail @akawrites000 @bleeding-letters @coffeewritesfiction @chocomarsuniverse @deckofaces @defectivehero @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @epiclamer @equestrianwritingsstuff @esperosisdoeswriting @flowerypeaches @gingerly-writing @galaxy-mermaid-musi @gwenapple @itsleighlove @kaiwewi @kactus-loves-writing @larinzz @letters-unsending @literally-just-kirby @morallygreyprompts @mirohtron @nuttynutcycle @nightfrostshadow @obsessed-over-hot-villains @omegaventus @phoenixisdabestwriter @paperburrows @playssilly @romancepromptsforthevillainous @rainy-knights-of-villany @some-messed-up-writing-for-you @the-modern-typewriter @the-tsar-unanswerable @thepenultimateword @token-homosexual @the-luminol-writer @undeadnotunreasonable @vigilantetendencies @villainsandcivilians @watercolorfreckles @wisteria-whump
Feel free to tag more people I’m dyinggg to know ><
Snippet #3.01
TW: needle, asphyxiation, implied kidnapping 

“Not many get to see the my face and live,” a voice behind Hero hissed. A sharp object pressed against their neck.
Their brain regestered the thing too late. A needle. Before they had a chance to protest, the contents were injected and needle removed.
Villain circled to their front, studying. “You won’t remember what I look like. How maddening that will be for you. So close, yet, never close enough.”
Hero’s eyes were wide, their hand at the base of their neck.
“What was in that?” The hero rasped. Their breath was coming up shorter by the second.
The villain’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “It was chloroform, w-“ The hero’s breaths were gasps, Villain noticed. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Before they could ask, however, the hero collapsed. The villain caught them, by some miracle.
The hero was still conscious, which was somewhat of a good sign, Villan noted as they lowered Hero to the ground. Villain checked for a pulse whilst Hero tried to fight them off. It registered in the villan’s mind why they were panicking.
Hero wasn’t breathing. They must of had a reaction to something. They needed a hospital, not to run away!
Villain had froze, allowing Hero the time to get away for just a moment before Villain grabbed for their wrist again. Hero made it a few paces away before grabbing ahold of their boot and ripping it off. They fished out one of the items stored inside the heel. An epipen. They opened the case just as their world went dark.
When the hero awoke, they knew they weren’t in the hospital.
Part 2
A hero and a villain (or their sidekicks?~) trapped in a small space (and maybe crushing on each other)? (@creweemmaeec11 just made a list with situations and they seem cool, in case you feel like writing something like that!)
Have a nice day✨
I’m going to give the sidekicks names so the writing flows better, is that alright? Hero’s Sidekick can be Ember, and Villain’s Sidekick can be Riptide I guess. Those are cool names, I think? But fire and water have a… tendency to make a little steam, do they not? Anyway, hope y’all enjoy!
Anyone But You
“How long have we been trapped here?”
“5 minutes, Em. It’s been 5 minutes since the power went out.”
If someone had told Ember an hour ago they’d be trapped with the one person on the planet she shouldn’t be in love with, she would’ve laughed and walked away.
But here she was.
How was she supposed to explain this to Hero? Hey Boss, don’t worry about where she’d been or why she hadn’t bothered to even clock in. No worries, yeah, she was just with her sworn enemy checking on a hunch that an even bigger sworn enemy had evil plans in their mansion. Yes, the one on the outskirts of town where the next closest house was a quarter-mile away. Yup, that’s the one. No no, it’s all good. Nothing to worry about.
Riptide had started searching right away, his face scrunched in concentration as he threw papers through the air. Ember walked off to look in another part of the house, silently searching for Supervillain’s plans. The pair had not been searching for thirty minutes before Riptide came running in to the kitchen, a panicked mess. He said he heard the front door open. And that was how the two of them— albeit without thinking — ended up in the tiniest hiding place possible.
A dumbwaiter.
A freaking dumbwaiter.
Oh, and then the power went out.
So here she was, stuck in a dumbwaiter, with her crush laying in her lap, in the dark.
“Would you mind um, getting off me, for a second?”
“Oh right! Sorry, I’ll um… I, uh-” Ember stopped listening for a hot second as the other continued to mumble and go on. Why all of a sudden was Riptide, a normally brash and cocky charmer, now a bumbling mess?
Cold air filled the space where he’d been. And as much as she wanted him close, Ember had to shake off that feeling. Her priority right now was escape, not Riptide. She called upon her powers, feeling that familiar heat flood through her veins and up her arm, igniting a small flame in the palm of her hand. Now she would be able to see.
Well, she would have been able to see… if Riptide didn’t immediately put out the flame. Ember tried again, only for her nemesis to do the same thing. A hissing noise filling the air as the two elements made contact. Why was he acting so strange? It was really starting to get on Ember’s nerves. “I’m trying to get us out of here. If you shoot out my flame with your freaking water blast again, I’ll make you regret it.”
And suddenly one of Riptide’s hands slammed into the wall beside her. “Will you now? Do tell me, how do you plan to do that?”
She would’ve come up with some snarky or witty comeback, but her brain stopped functioning. He was flirting with her. Actually flirting with her. Was that why he’d been acting strange? It was the only reason, right? Well, two can play at that game. And so she brought her hand up in front of her face, and ignited the tips of her fingers.
Was that— Was that a blush on his face? Before she had another moment to contemplate, his hand wrapped around hers and the flames died with a quiet hiss. He pulled her forward, right into a searing kiss. Slow. Claiming. Possessive. Everything she’d ever imagined and more. And when he pulled away, she realized how badly she had really wanted him.
She’d give just about anything to see. The walls, her suit, him, anything other than the dark. She could feel his smile though, cool against her burning skin. Taunting her.
“You put out my flames. I can’t let you go unpunished, now can I?”
“Mmm, I suppose not.”
His lips found her neck in a breaths notice, leaving a trail of kisses in its wake. She gasped when he hit a soft spot, his grin then turning feral against her. “You might want to cool it down, darling. Your fingertips are sparking.”
She lost control of her emotions. Crap. She needed to get him away. If she hurt him with her fire…Ember tried to push him back, only for him pin her wrists over her head.
“Ah ah ah, I don’t think so,” He was close again, his breath fanning over her neck. “You’re not running from this. You know I can take the heat~” As if that wasn’t the cheesiest thing he could’ve said. Ember shivered at the sudden drop in temperature as Riptide took over.
“My my, I didn’t think you were supposed to feel that way about your nemesis. Aren’t you supposed to hate the bad guy?” She rubbed circles into his palm, biting back the reply held on the tip of her tongue. The dumbwaiter rumbled to life through the wall behind her. Something was happening. “Rip-”
His fingers brushed the hem of her shirt, Ember bristling at his touch. “Rip. We’re— someone’s coming! Rip listen, I’m serious, the powers’ back. We’re going up. And if it’s-” The dumbwaiter door flew open.
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
Oh, they were in trouble. And it wasn’t the kind either of them wanted.

Can you do something with Freddy Freeman from shazam pls. Like something that mainly focuses on his disability and angst with some comfort at the end-
I am sorry, dear anon. I have never watched this movie and I don’t know the characters. Apologies. I could write a dynamic in which a character (or multiple characters) has a disability or chronic disease, if you would ever so want?