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2 years ago

Beomgyu x Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

A/n: I got a few inspirations from here and there to write this.

Summary: Hybe High School is very known for it's high selectivity of accepting students, they only accepted students with some talent other than academic. Y/n is a newly accepted student, chosen for dance and taekwondo, lets see what happens when she crosses paths with whom the other students call the school nerd.


You were almost at the entrance of Hybe High School, the school of your dreams.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

HHS was one of the most prestigious schools in South Korea, that selected students based on their talents and not academics. They took auditions and helped in making the talents better. They also helped in getting in into different entertainment companies. You had gotten in after your 2nd try and you were proud of yourself, even though your parents weren't very keen on your decision to move away from home, they still supported your decision and respected it.

You entered the premises and went to the office to get your schedule and locker. On your way out you collided with someone. You quickly apologised to see a cute guy in glasses. The guy kept on mumbling strings of apologies and you help him pick up his books.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

"It's ok. I'm Y/n btw, I'm new here" you said

"I know. I mean not like I was stalking or something, your face just seemed new, not like I know-"

"I understand. It's okay um?" You waited as you still didn't know his name.

"Beomgyu" he said giving a shy smile that you reciprocated "Do you need help to go around there's still a good 20 minutes left before the first class"

"Could you help me find my locker?" You asked.

"Sure" he said and checked your number "Its 4 lockers from mine, come I'll show you" he chirped and lead the way, on the way you got to know that Beomgyu is a student of musical arts and by the way he talked seemed like he was a really good student. As you walked down you noticed, every locker was designed and decorated uniquely, probably by their owner and you decided that you'll have to come up with something soon.

And as promised, Beomgyu dropped you off to your first class, with a promise to have lunch together where he will introduce you to his friends. You entered your biology class, and sat in one of the front benches. The teacher came in and introduced you to the class and asked to pair up, you noticed the whole classed paired but a tall skinny pale guy. You shyly went up and asked if the seat was taken to which he smiled and shook his head a no.

In due course you got to know that the guys name is Soobin, and he seemed to really know what he was doing. He even guided you and helped you alot during class. You both exchanged numbers so that you could stay in touch for homework. You found that you actually take Maths with Beomgyu and Another one of his friend named Yeonjun. You sat in the seat infront of them and Beomgyu helped and guided you everytime you had a problem. The next was lunch so the three of you left the room together to go to the cafeteria.

You were walking away after buying luch when you heard someone call "Hey, new girl"

You cocked an eyebrow and looked at the tall guy infront of you, with sharp features. "Do I know you?" You asked Clearly irritated

"No but you could, it's Lee Jeno by the way" he said. His cockiness made you feel like kicking him across the country to North Korea, but you kept the urge with in.

"I'm Y/n L/n. Thank you, now if you'll excuse us" you were about to go but once again he blocked your path "Where are you going with this nerdy losers? I don't think you wanna mix with the wrong crowd" as soon as he said that you saw Beomgyu and Yeonjun tense up.

"I think I am capable enough to decide that on my own. Thank you and if you block my path once again you'll regret it" you said and walked away with The two boys to a corner table.

"Sorry. Jeno and his goons can be like that, but you should be carefull, they can be dangerous" Yeonjun said his features laces with concern.

"Oh, they haven't seen danger yet" you said smirking.

And then three more boys pilled in and sat one of them being Soobin.

"Soobin!" You cheered

"Hey! Yn!" He chirped back

"You know each other" Beongyu asked.

"We are in the same biology class" you explained.

Then Beomgyu introduced that amoung the other two one was Taehyun and the taller one was Huening-kai. You had a blast with the boys. Turns out Yeonjun and you share the same class for Hip-hop as well, and alot of the boys in general as they also got to know you.


1 week later

You were walking down to one of the classes when you felt someone block you way, which you looked up to see Jeno.

"Hey Y/nie~" he chirped "Remember me?" He asked

"Nuh-uh, I don't have the habit of clogging my mind up with thrash" you said cocking your eyebrows.

"Why you" he was about to chide but a voice broke your attention

"Jeno! Stop disturbing her, you jerk!" You see Beomgyu run to form a wall between you and Jeno. 'Stupid boy, I was handling it myself' you thought.

"Beomgyu" you started but was cut short.

"You think a loser like you can fight me?" Jeno said and before you could react he pushed Beomgyu away, as he tumbled on the floor.

"Beomgyu!" You shouted, and that was the last straw. Jeno was about to reach for your wrist but you held his and twisted it with force. Now this was something he wasn't expecting. After all he didn't know that along with dance, you were also a well trained Taekwondo fighter.

You pushed him away and set your books down to check up on Beomgyu, who said he was fine. That was when Jeno ran and tried to launch a punch only for you to grab him and hold him in a head lock and slam and pin him to the ground, by then there was a crowd and the teachers piled him. You explained everything to them, how Jeno was harassing you and your friends.

Soon you saw the rest of the 4 boys run to you both and hugged the two of you. Even Beomgyu was amazed to see you fight. He had later described the fight to the others in your absence, with a blush dusting his face.

"Y/n how did you do that?" Beomgyu asked in amaze.

"Uh, I am a state level Taekwondo fighter" you said fidgeting with your fingers.

"Wah! Now I know never to piss Y/n off" Huening-kai said

"Not if you want to go home in one piece" Taehyun said joking. And all of you laughed.

As for Jeno, he received ages of detention and counseling for bullying and harassment.


1 month later

You and the boys were really close now, you practically did things together, along with Jisu who was Soobin's cousin, it was good to have another girl in the group. And you guys hung out together.

"I really like how the boys got confident around you." Jisu said as you both sat down in your usual spot for lunch.

"I'm glad I could help all the 5 of them are so talented, I don't know why they don't act the part?" You said.

"They are shy, a part of the reason why I was generally left alone and could hang out with them much was cause I noticed they seemed uncomfortable around me, but then you came along and they themselves approached me. You literally saved me from being a loner" She said

"That's nonsense, they love you they just needed a boost and you are a lovely human and I love you" you said

"Aww. I love you too but I wonder where those guys are" she said and you wondered the same. Suddenly you saw Hyunjin a guy from your dance class.

"Y/n, Jisu You should go to the courtyard now! Jeno... The guys" he said huffing as he probably ran all the way here. And no sooner than he completed you and Jisu ran full speed towards the courtyard. To find a crowd.

You and Jisu pushed through to the front to find, the 4 of your friends held by 4 guys and Beomgyu surrounded by 3 more. You felt your blood boil to watch all these cowards talking and stading but none coming forward to help them.

"You all are NOTHING but nerds! And you" he pointed at Beomgyu saying "you're the greatest nerd of them all. Look at you, always giving her heart eyes, you think nobody knows? Or do you think she'll feel the same for you cause she pities you and hangs around you guys. I bet she regrets her decision" Jeno spat and that was it

"Why don't you ask her yourself you jerk!" You shouted and kicked him on the back and threw him down to the ground.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

He was about to move but Jisu steped up and pinned him down and said "One move and I break you bloody arm". Yes, Jisu was in Taekwondo with you, you've also known her from meeting her at a few tournaments and thats how the two of you became friends so quick.

You recognised the other two to be Mark and Lucas. You were about to punch Mark but he put up his hands. "No no! Please don't, we only took part because Jeno asked us"

"Boys!" Lucas shouted and the four left your friends. And were about to walk away when you said "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The 6 of them looked at you quizzically and you said "Apologise to my friends!" You shouted.

And the four bowed down and did that and you gave them a warning to never be seen around you are your friends.

You and Jisu ran to check up on your friends. The 4 seemed fine but Beomgyu had a bruise on his arm. You hugged the boy tighly who mumble a string of thank yous.

"What would we do without you" Heuning-Kai said. You shook your head and said "What would I do without you? I'd be stuck clueless with those jerks" you said.

"Anyway he was right. What are we just nerds. Specially me I'm the greatest nerd" Beomgyu said.

"And so what if you are?" You asked.

"You heard everything he said, why are you saying that? You know what I mean!" Beomgyu says.

"Gyu" you said walking close to him "I've had a crush on you ever since I crash landed on my butt colliding with you" you and the rest chuckled abit.

"You're just saying that" he said "I have nothing on me, why would you have a crush on me?" He asked looking into your eyes.

"Gyu you're one of the smartest people I know, all of you guys actually" you looked around and told them and looked back at Beomgyu and grabbed his face "You're so tallented and your so cute! What if you're a nerd? You are my nerd" and with that you crashed your lips to his. You felt a smile creep to his face as he kissed you back with the same force and passion and his hands slipped to your waist pulling you close.

You both pulled away and he connected your foreheads. "Are we dating now?" He asked looking into your eyes with his innocent and puppy once.

As expected after that stunt Jeno was expelled.


6 months Later

You kept knocking at your door but Beomgyu wont open.


"WAIT FOR 5 MORE MINUTES! PLEASE!" you heard him shout from inside and you paced up and down outside the door.

Yes, you came home from a late Taekwondo Practice to find that your appartment was already unlocked by your boyfriend who had a spare key and he didn't let you in. He literally pushed you out with the help of Yeonjun and Taehyun who said that they had a good reason and you've been here, locked out of your own appartment for the last 25 minutes. You were about to knock again but watched Yeonjun and Taehyun step out and tell you to go inside. You walked in and closed the door, to find the inside all dark except the light coming from the drawing room.

You walked to the door closely and the scene made you stop at the moment. The whole room was decorated in fairy lights and a small cake sat on the middle.

"Happy 6 months anniversary Babe" You heard Beomgyu's voice and you made out his silhouette on the couch and as you went near he switched in another lamp, now bringing his features into full light, and to saw you were in awe was an understatement. Your jaw didn't open, it was gone!

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

There sat your lovely boyfriend no specs, in all black and a new hair color, and your favourite flowers in hand.

You rushed to him and just gazed him up and down in awe. "does it look bad? Is it too much? Oh God I told Yeonjun-"

"No no! You just look gorgeous!" You said hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you like it" he said holding you tight

"I love it babe" you said.

And the two of you cut the cake and suddenly, you had a plan in mind "You've got some cake on your face" you said

"I do? Where?" He asked in innocently

"Right here" you said applying the cream in your finger on the side of his lips.

"Oh I think you're gonna have to get it for me" he said with a smirk, if anyone saw Beomgyu here right now with this demeanor they wouldn't believe that this is the same guy at school, but you're here and you dig the duality.

You got close to him and licked the cream of him and that was enough time for him to grab you and pull you towards himself attaching his lips to yours. You both devoured each others lips with the same hunger and you tangled your hands behind is neck and tug at his long locks lightly, your tongues brushing against each other fighting for domination.


Other Works

Comment or send an ask if you wanna be my permanent tag member for TXT or the others too.

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2 years ago

Beomgyu x Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

A/n: I got a few inspirations from here and there to write this.

Summary: Hybe High School is very known for it's high selectivity of accepting students, they only accepted students with some talent other than academic. Y/n is a newly accepted student, chosen for dance and taekwondo, lets see what happens when she crosses paths with whom the other students call the school nerd.


You were almost at the entrance of Hybe High School, the school of your dreams.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

HHS was one of the most prestigious schools in South Korea, that selected students based on their talents and not academics. They took auditions and helped in making the talents better. They also helped in getting in into different entertainment companies. You had gotten in after your 2nd try and you were proud if yourself, even though your parents weren't very keen on your decision to move away from home, they still supported your decision and respected it.

You entered the premises and went to the office to get your schedule and locker. On your way out you collided with someone. You quickly apologised to see a cute guy in glasses. The guy kept in mumbling strings of apologies and you help him pick up his books.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

"It's ok. I'm Yn btw, I'm new here" you said

"I know. I mean not like I was stalking or something, your face just seemed knew, not like I know-"

"I understand. It s okay um?" You waited as you still didn't know his name.

"Beomgyu" he said giving a shy smile that you reciprocated "Do you need help to go around there's still a good 20 minutes left before the first class"

"Could you help me find my locker?" You asked.

"Sure" he said and checked your number "Its 4 lockers from mine, come I'll show you" he chirped and lead the way, on the way you got to know that Beomgyu is a student of musical arts and by the way he talked seemed like he was a really good student. As you walked down you noticed, every locker was designed and decorated uniquely, probably by their owner and you decided that you'll have to come up with something soon.

And as promised, Beomgyu dropped you off to your first class, with a promise to have lunch together where he will introduce you to his friends. You entered your biology class, and sat in one of the front benches. The teacher came in and introduced you to the class and asked to pair up, you noticed the whole classed paired but a tall skinny pale guy. You shyly went up and asked if the seat was taken to which he smiled and shook his head a no.

In due course you got to know that the guys name is Soobin, and he seemed to really know what he was doing. He even guided you and helped you alot during class. You both exchanged numbers so that you could stay in touch for homework. You found that you actually take Maths with Beomgyu and Another one of his friend named Yeonjun. You sat in the seat infront of them and Beomgyu helped and guided you everytime you had a problem. The next was lunch so the three of you left the room together to go to the cafeteria.

You were walking away after buying luch when you heard someone call "Hey, new girl"

You cocked an eyebrow and looked at the tall guy infront of you, with sharp features. "Do I know you?" You asked Clearly irritated

"No but you could, its Lee Jeno by the way" he said. His cockiness made you feel like kicking him across the country to North Korea, but you kept the urge with in.

"I'm Yn Ln. Thank you, now if you'll excuse us" you were about to go but once again he blocked your path "Where are you going with this nerdy losers? I don't think you wanna mix with the wrong crowd" as soon as he said that you saw Beomgyu and Yeonjun tense up.

"I think I am capable enough to decide that on my own. Thank you and if you block my path once again you'll regret it" you said and walked away with The two boys to a corner table.

"Sorry. Jeno and his goons can be like that, but you should be carefull, they can be dangerous" Yeonjun said his features laces with concern.

"Oh, they haven't seen danger yet" you said smirking.

And then three more boys pilled in and sat one of them being Soobin.

"Soobin!" You cheered

"Hey! Yn!" He chirped back

"You know each other" Beongyu asked.

"We are in the same biology class" you explained.

Then Beomgyu introduced that amoung the other two one was Taehyun and the taller one was Huening-kai. You had a blast with the boys. Turns out Yeonjun and you share the same class for Hip-hop as well, and alot the boys in general as they also got to know you.


1 week later

You were walking down to one of the classes when you felt someone block you way, which you looked up to see Jeno.

"Hey Ynie~" he chirped "Remember me?" He asked

"Nuh-uh, I don't have the habit of clogging my mind up with thrash" you said cocking your eyebrows.

"Why you" he was about to chide but a voice broke your attention

"Jeno! Stop disturbing her, you jerk!" You see Beomgyu run to for a wall between you and Jeno. 'Stuoid boy, I was handling it myself' you thought.

"Beomgyu" you started but was cut short.

"You think a loser like you can fight me?" Jeno sId and before you could react he pushed Beomgyu away, as he tumbled on the floor.

"Beomgyu!" You shouted, and that was the last straw. Jeno was about to reach for your wrist but you held his and twisted it with force. Now this was something he wasn't expecting. After all he didn't know that along with dance, you were also a well trained Taekwondo fighter.

You pushed him away and set your books down to check up on Beomgyu, who said je was fine. That was when Jeno ran and tried to launch a punch only for you to grab him and hold him in a head lock and slam and pin him to the ground, by then there was a crowd and the teachers piled him. You explained everything to them, how Jeno was harassing you and your friends.

Soon you saw the rest of the 4 boys run to you both and hugged the two of you. Even Beomgyu was amazed to see you fight. He had later described the fight to the others in your absence, with a blush dusting his face.

"Yn how did you do that?" Beomgyu asked in amaze.

"Uh, I am a state level Taekwondo fighter" you said fidgeting with your fingers.

"Wah! Now I know never to poss Yn off" Huening-kai said

"Not if you want to go home in one piece" Taehyun said joking. And all of you laughed.

As for Jeno, he recieved ages of detention and councelling.


1 month later

You and the boys were really close now you practically did things together, along with Jisu who was Soobin's cousin, it was good to have another girl in the group. And you guys hung out together.

"I really like how the boys got confident around you." Jisu said as you both sat down in your usual spot for lunch.

"I'm glad I could help all the 5 of them are so talented, I don't know why they don't act the part?" You said.

"They are shy, a part of the reason why I was generally left alone and could hang out with them much was cause I noticed they seemed uncomfortable around me, but then you came along and they themselves approached me. You literally saved me from being a loner" She said

"That's nonsense, they love you they just needed a boost and you are a lovely human and I love you" you said

"Aww. I love you too but I wonder where those guys are" she said and you wondered the same. Suddenly you saw Hyunjin a guy from your dance class.

"Yn, Jisu You should go to the courtyard now! Jeno... The guys" he said huffing as he probably ran all the way here. And no sooner than he said completed you and Jisu ran full speed towards the courtyard. To find a crowd

You and Jisu pushed through to the front to find, the 4 of your friends held by 4 guys and Beomgyu surrounded by 3 more. You felt your blood boil te watch all these cowards talking and stading but none coming forward to help them.

"You all are NOTHING but nerds! And you" he pointed at Beomgyu saying "you're the greatest nerd of them all. Look at you, always giving her heart eyes, you think nobody knows? Or do you think she'll feel the same for you cause she pities you and hangs around you guys. I bet she regrets her decision" Jeno spat and that was it

"Why don't you ask her yourself you jerk!" You shouted and kicked him on the back and threw him down to the ground.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

He was about to move but Jisu steped up and pinned him down and said "One move and I break you bloody arm". Yes, Jisu was in Taekwondo with you, you've also known her from meeting her at a few tournaments and thats how the two of you became friends so quick.

You recognised the other two to be Mark and Lucas. You were about to punch Mark but he put up his hands. "No no! Please don't we only took part because Jeno asked us"

"Boys!" Lucas shouted and the four left your friends. And were about to walk away when you said "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The 6 of them looked at you quizzically and you said "Apologise to my friends!" You shouted.

And the four bowed down and did that and you gave them a warning to never be seen around you are your friends.

You and Jisu ran to check up on your friends. The 4 seemed fine but Beomgyu had a bruise on his arm. You hugged the boy tighly who mumble a string of thank yous.

"What would we do without you" Heuning-Kai said. You shook your head and said "What would I do without you? I'd be stuck clueless with those jerks" you said.

"Anyway he was right. What are we just nerds. Specially me I'm the greatest nerd" Beomgyu said.

"And so what if you are?" You asked.

"You heard everything he said, why are you saying that? You know what I mean!" Beomgyu says.

"Gyu" you said walking close to him "I've had a crush on you ever since I crash landed on my butt colliding with you" you and the rest chuckled abit.

"You're just saying that" he said "I have nothing on me, why would you have a crush on me?" He asked looking into your eyes.

"Gyu you're one of the smartest people I know, all of you guys actually" you looked around and told them and looked back at Beomgyu and grabbed his face "You're so tallented and your so cute! What if you're a nerd? You are my nerd" and with that you crashed your lips to his. You felt a smile creep to his face as he kissed you back with the same force and passion and his hands slipped to your waist pulling you close.

You both pulled away and he connected your foreheads. "Are we dating now?" He asked looking into your eyes with his innocent and puppy once.

As expected after that stunt Jeno was expelled.


6 months Later

You kept knocking at your door but Beomgyu wont open.


"WAIT FOR 5 MORE MINITES! PLEASE!" you heard him shout from inside and you paced up and down outside the door.

Yes, you came home from a late Taekwondo Practice to find that your appartment was already unlocked by your boyfriend who had a spare key and he didn't let you in. He literally pushed you out with the help of Yeonjun and Taehyun who said that they had a good reason and you've been here, locked out of your own appartment for the last 25 minutes. You were about to knock again but watched Yeonjun and Taehyun step out and tell you to go inside. You walked in and closed the door, to find the inside all dark except the light coming from the drawing room.

You walked to the door closely and the scene made you stop at the moment. The whole room was decorated in fairy lights and a small cake sat on the middle.

"Happy 6 months anniversary Babe" You heard Beomgyu's voice and you made out his silhouette on the couch and as you went near he switched in another lamp, now bringing his features into full light, and to saw you were in awe was an understatement. Your jaw didn't open, it was gone!

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

There sat your lovely boyfriend no specs, in all black and a new hair color, and your favourite flowers in hand.

You rushed to him and just gazed him up and down in awe. "does it look bad? Is it too kuch? Oh God I told Yeonjun-"

"No no! You just look gorgeous!" You said hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you like it" he said holding you tight

"I love it babe" you said.

And the two of you cut the cake and suddenly, you had a plan in mind "You've got some cake on your face" you said

"I do? Where?" He asked in innocently

"Right here" you said applying the cream in your finger on the side of his lips.

"Oh I think you're gonna have to get it for me" he said with a smirk, if anyone saw Beomgyu bere right now with this demeanor they wouldn't believe that this is the same guy at school, but you're here and you dig the duality.

You got close to him and licked the cream of him and that was enough time for him to grab you and pull you towards himself attaching his lips to yours. You both devoured each others lips with the same hunger and you tangled your hands behind is neck and tug at his long locks lightly, your tongues brushing against each other fighting for domination.


Other Works

Comment or send an ask if you wanna be my permanent tag member for TXT or the others too.

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4 years ago

rb this and in the tags name a kpop song that makes you instantly happy

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