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2 years ago

Beomgyu x Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

A/n: I got a few inspirations from here and there to write this.

Summary: Hybe High School is very known for it's high selectivity of accepting students, they only accepted students with some talent other than academic. Y/n is a newly accepted student, chosen for dance and taekwondo, lets see what happens when she crosses paths with whom the other students call the school nerd.


You were almost at the entrance of Hybe High School, the school of your dreams.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

HHS was one of the most prestigious schools in South Korea, that selected students based on their talents and not academics. They took auditions and helped in making the talents better. They also helped in getting in into different entertainment companies. You had gotten in after your 2nd try and you were proud of yourself, even though your parents weren't very keen on your decision to move away from home, they still supported your decision and respected it.

You entered the premises and went to the office to get your schedule and locker. On your way out you collided with someone. You quickly apologised to see a cute guy in glasses. The guy kept on mumbling strings of apologies and you help him pick up his books.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

"It's ok. I'm Y/n btw, I'm new here" you said

"I know. I mean not like I was stalking or something, your face just seemed new, not like I know-"

"I understand. It's okay um?" You waited as you still didn't know his name.

"Beomgyu" he said giving a shy smile that you reciprocated "Do you need help to go around there's still a good 20 minutes left before the first class"

"Could you help me find my locker?" You asked.

"Sure" he said and checked your number "Its 4 lockers from mine, come I'll show you" he chirped and lead the way, on the way you got to know that Beomgyu is a student of musical arts and by the way he talked seemed like he was a really good student. As you walked down you noticed, every locker was designed and decorated uniquely, probably by their owner and you decided that you'll have to come up with something soon.

And as promised, Beomgyu dropped you off to your first class, with a promise to have lunch together where he will introduce you to his friends. You entered your biology class, and sat in one of the front benches. The teacher came in and introduced you to the class and asked to pair up, you noticed the whole classed paired but a tall skinny pale guy. You shyly went up and asked if the seat was taken to which he smiled and shook his head a no.

In due course you got to know that the guys name is Soobin, and he seemed to really know what he was doing. He even guided you and helped you alot during class. You both exchanged numbers so that you could stay in touch for homework. You found that you actually take Maths with Beomgyu and Another one of his friend named Yeonjun. You sat in the seat infront of them and Beomgyu helped and guided you everytime you had a problem. The next was lunch so the three of you left the room together to go to the cafeteria.

You were walking away after buying luch when you heard someone call "Hey, new girl"

You cocked an eyebrow and looked at the tall guy infront of you, with sharp features. "Do I know you?" You asked Clearly irritated

"No but you could, it's Lee Jeno by the way" he said. His cockiness made you feel like kicking him across the country to North Korea, but you kept the urge with in.

"I'm Y/n L/n. Thank you, now if you'll excuse us" you were about to go but once again he blocked your path "Where are you going with this nerdy losers? I don't think you wanna mix with the wrong crowd" as soon as he said that you saw Beomgyu and Yeonjun tense up.

"I think I am capable enough to decide that on my own. Thank you and if you block my path once again you'll regret it" you said and walked away with The two boys to a corner table.

"Sorry. Jeno and his goons can be like that, but you should be carefull, they can be dangerous" Yeonjun said his features laces with concern.

"Oh, they haven't seen danger yet" you said smirking.

And then three more boys pilled in and sat one of them being Soobin.

"Soobin!" You cheered

"Hey! Yn!" He chirped back

"You know each other" Beongyu asked.

"We are in the same biology class" you explained.

Then Beomgyu introduced that amoung the other two one was Taehyun and the taller one was Huening-kai. You had a blast with the boys. Turns out Yeonjun and you share the same class for Hip-hop as well, and alot of the boys in general as they also got to know you.


1 week later

You were walking down to one of the classes when you felt someone block you way, which you looked up to see Jeno.

"Hey Y/nie~" he chirped "Remember me?" He asked

"Nuh-uh, I don't have the habit of clogging my mind up with thrash" you said cocking your eyebrows.

"Why you" he was about to chide but a voice broke your attention

"Jeno! Stop disturbing her, you jerk!" You see Beomgyu run to form a wall between you and Jeno. 'Stupid boy, I was handling it myself' you thought.

"Beomgyu" you started but was cut short.

"You think a loser like you can fight me?" Jeno said and before you could react he pushed Beomgyu away, as he tumbled on the floor.

"Beomgyu!" You shouted, and that was the last straw. Jeno was about to reach for your wrist but you held his and twisted it with force. Now this was something he wasn't expecting. After all he didn't know that along with dance, you were also a well trained Taekwondo fighter.

You pushed him away and set your books down to check up on Beomgyu, who said he was fine. That was when Jeno ran and tried to launch a punch only for you to grab him and hold him in a head lock and slam and pin him to the ground, by then there was a crowd and the teachers piled him. You explained everything to them, how Jeno was harassing you and your friends.

Soon you saw the rest of the 4 boys run to you both and hugged the two of you. Even Beomgyu was amazed to see you fight. He had later described the fight to the others in your absence, with a blush dusting his face.

"Y/n how did you do that?" Beomgyu asked in amaze.

"Uh, I am a state level Taekwondo fighter" you said fidgeting with your fingers.

"Wah! Now I know never to piss Y/n off" Huening-kai said

"Not if you want to go home in one piece" Taehyun said joking. And all of you laughed.

As for Jeno, he received ages of detention and counseling for bullying and harassment.


1 month later

You and the boys were really close now, you practically did things together, along with Jisu who was Soobin's cousin, it was good to have another girl in the group. And you guys hung out together.

"I really like how the boys got confident around you." Jisu said as you both sat down in your usual spot for lunch.

"I'm glad I could help all the 5 of them are so talented, I don't know why they don't act the part?" You said.

"They are shy, a part of the reason why I was generally left alone and could hang out with them much was cause I noticed they seemed uncomfortable around me, but then you came along and they themselves approached me. You literally saved me from being a loner" She said

"That's nonsense, they love you they just needed a boost and you are a lovely human and I love you" you said

"Aww. I love you too but I wonder where those guys are" she said and you wondered the same. Suddenly you saw Hyunjin a guy from your dance class.

"Y/n, Jisu You should go to the courtyard now! Jeno... The guys" he said huffing as he probably ran all the way here. And no sooner than he completed you and Jisu ran full speed towards the courtyard. To find a crowd.

You and Jisu pushed through to the front to find, the 4 of your friends held by 4 guys and Beomgyu surrounded by 3 more. You felt your blood boil to watch all these cowards talking and stading but none coming forward to help them.

"You all are NOTHING but nerds! And you" he pointed at Beomgyu saying "you're the greatest nerd of them all. Look at you, always giving her heart eyes, you think nobody knows? Or do you think she'll feel the same for you cause she pities you and hangs around you guys. I bet she regrets her decision" Jeno spat and that was it

"Why don't you ask her yourself you jerk!" You shouted and kicked him on the back and threw him down to the ground.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

He was about to move but Jisu steped up and pinned him down and said "One move and I break you bloody arm". Yes, Jisu was in Taekwondo with you, you've also known her from meeting her at a few tournaments and thats how the two of you became friends so quick.

You recognised the other two to be Mark and Lucas. You were about to punch Mark but he put up his hands. "No no! Please don't, we only took part because Jeno asked us"

"Boys!" Lucas shouted and the four left your friends. And were about to walk away when you said "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The 6 of them looked at you quizzically and you said "Apologise to my friends!" You shouted.

And the four bowed down and did that and you gave them a warning to never be seen around you are your friends.

You and Jisu ran to check up on your friends. The 4 seemed fine but Beomgyu had a bruise on his arm. You hugged the boy tighly who mumble a string of thank yous.

"What would we do without you" Heuning-Kai said. You shook your head and said "What would I do without you? I'd be stuck clueless with those jerks" you said.

"Anyway he was right. What are we just nerds. Specially me I'm the greatest nerd" Beomgyu said.

"And so what if you are?" You asked.

"You heard everything he said, why are you saying that? You know what I mean!" Beomgyu says.

"Gyu" you said walking close to him "I've had a crush on you ever since I crash landed on my butt colliding with you" you and the rest chuckled abit.

"You're just saying that" he said "I have nothing on me, why would you have a crush on me?" He asked looking into your eyes.

"Gyu you're one of the smartest people I know, all of you guys actually" you looked around and told them and looked back at Beomgyu and grabbed his face "You're so tallented and your so cute! What if you're a nerd? You are my nerd" and with that you crashed your lips to his. You felt a smile creep to his face as he kissed you back with the same force and passion and his hands slipped to your waist pulling you close.

You both pulled away and he connected your foreheads. "Are we dating now?" He asked looking into your eyes with his innocent and puppy once.

As expected after that stunt Jeno was expelled.


6 months Later

You kept knocking at your door but Beomgyu wont open.


"WAIT FOR 5 MORE MINUTES! PLEASE!" you heard him shout from inside and you paced up and down outside the door.

Yes, you came home from a late Taekwondo Practice to find that your appartment was already unlocked by your boyfriend who had a spare key and he didn't let you in. He literally pushed you out with the help of Yeonjun and Taehyun who said that they had a good reason and you've been here, locked out of your own appartment for the last 25 minutes. You were about to knock again but watched Yeonjun and Taehyun step out and tell you to go inside. You walked in and closed the door, to find the inside all dark except the light coming from the drawing room.

You walked to the door closely and the scene made you stop at the moment. The whole room was decorated in fairy lights and a small cake sat on the middle.

"Happy 6 months anniversary Babe" You heard Beomgyu's voice and you made out his silhouette on the couch and as you went near he switched in another lamp, now bringing his features into full light, and to saw you were in awe was an understatement. Your jaw didn't open, it was gone!

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

There sat your lovely boyfriend no specs, in all black and a new hair color, and your favourite flowers in hand.

You rushed to him and just gazed him up and down in awe. "does it look bad? Is it too much? Oh God I told Yeonjun-"

"No no! You just look gorgeous!" You said hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you like it" he said holding you tight

"I love it babe" you said.

And the two of you cut the cake and suddenly, you had a plan in mind "You've got some cake on your face" you said

"I do? Where?" He asked in innocently

"Right here" you said applying the cream in your finger on the side of his lips.

"Oh I think you're gonna have to get it for me" he said with a smirk, if anyone saw Beomgyu here right now with this demeanor they wouldn't believe that this is the same guy at school, but you're here and you dig the duality.

You got close to him and licked the cream of him and that was enough time for him to grab you and pull you towards himself attaching his lips to yours. You both devoured each others lips with the same hunger and you tangled your hands behind is neck and tug at his long locks lightly, your tongues brushing against each other fighting for domination.


Other Works

Comment or send an ask if you wanna be my permanent tag member for TXT or the others too.

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2 years ago

Prefect's duty with your Boyfriend

Hogwarts au! TxT x Reader

Prefect's Duty With Your Boyfriend

A/n: I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Kpop so I will schmooz them. Tzuyu from Twice and Yeosang from Ateez are the head girl and boy. The same year liners study in the same Hogwarts Year.


"I hate this" you murmured and pouted "Did you say something Y/n?" Head Girl Tzuyu asked.

"Why the third floor? Its scary" you whispered to her

"Don't worry" Yeosang, the Head boy said, "I put you a partner" and winked, leaving you blushing as no other than your boyfriend walked to your side.

"Don't worry babe I'll protect you" Soobin said as he grabbed your hand and walked to the stairs. Navigating throught the changing stairs while talking about classes, when you reached the floor almost in sync the two of you pulled out your wands and chanted "Lumos", lighting up the ends of the wand as you made your rounds.

The fact that there were so many pictures in the corridor makes it more creepy but Soobin would hold your hand firmly through out the walk untill you reach to the stairs again. After making sure the whole floor is empty and okay the two of you walk back. Not before he steal a few kisses in the abandoned hallway though.

He would walk you to the dorm if you're from different houses or walk back to your dorm hand-in-hand.


I bet he would be the one to ask for the two of you to be placed in the duty together, he'd go as far as bribing Yeosang with chicken he'd steal from the kitchen. Tzuyu would give you a knowing smirk as the two of you would walk away to do your duty.

Of course duty does come first and you'd take the round quickly before he shoves you inside one of the empty classrooms and picks you and sets you on the desk and stand between you legs for a hot makeout session. At times he'd bring chocolates he bought from his dorm but he'd made sure you would share.

Night patrol with this boy would always be like a little date. Being in the senior years it is difficult to always make time for each other but atleast this bit would be the time for just the two of you.

Yeonjun is the kind of prefect who would give any lurking student 3 chances. He'd leave them the first two times they are caught by warning, but a third time and they'd be reported to Headmistress Weasley immediately.


He wont listen or move unless Tzuyu would simply give in and exchanges someone else to put him and you together. Being busy the whole day Beomgyu makes sure that he can get you all for himself to annoy the hell out of you.

Imagine walking through the hallways of 4th floor with your boyfriend talking to him and suddenly notice that Beomgyu is silent for too long, only to turn around and see that he's not there. In panic, you frantically looked around and increased your wand flare "Lumos maxima" you chanted and called for him "Gyu? Gyu? Beomgyu?"

Suddenly he appears from behind a pillar scaring the wits out of you and pushes his palm on your mouth to muffle your scream. He then realises how scared you were and a string of apologies and kisses would follow instantly.

However, patrolling with him was fun especially if you find any students lurking, it was so fun to watch Beomgyu interrogate the student as to why they were out of their dorms at such an "ungodly" hour.


This guy has subtle ways of showing various feelings and thus, he'd feel extremely jealous if you were put for the night patrol duties with any other prefect. So, he made sure to secretly tell Yeosang to pair him with you. While, you were more than happy to be able to spend more time with your boyfriend outside the study hall. Strolling through the hallways at night under the occasional moon lit passages is actually really nice.

The two of you talk about anything and everything, how he and Yeonjun wrote a new song about butter beer, or how you found this really good book in the senior section of the library. It almost felt like a date, holding hands. This is a time he looks forward to everyday to be able to spend time without the chaos he calls friends or other students

However, Taehyun gets really angry if this peaceful time was interrupted specially by any lurking student. If he found them may Merlin save them from his wrath because he will drag them to report them that instance and he'd make sure they are punished no matter what house.


He is a sweetheart like always, he'd primarily try to convince Yeosang and Tzuyu that you didn't need to patrol as you were tired, him being ready to take up double responsibility only for being shut by you. You both are a beloved power couple of your year and even the Head boy and girl appoint you to duties together. Huening-kai, would always make sure if you're okay, would ask if you're cold or warm. You find him so cute that can't help but just coo at him sometimes.

The two of you really enjoy these walks during the night as you love to explore the corridors. Or at times act like those muggle spies holding up imaginary guns in your hands. Other times you would walk around, randomly pressing kisses on one another.

Heuning-Kai is the kind of prefect to give 2 chances for any lurking students. He'd make them understand the first time. If he found them 2nd time then, he would personally take them to Yeosang and Tzuyu.


Feel free to send asks (I get none) or comment if you wanna be added to a taglist or have a request.

Other Works

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2 years ago

Prefect's duty with your Boyfriend

Hogwarts au! TxT x Reader

Prefect's Duty With Your Boyfriend

A/n: I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Kpop so I will schmooz them. Tzuyu from Twice and Yeosang from Ateez are the head girl and boy. The same year liners study in the same Hogwarts Year.


"I hate this" you murmured and pouted "Did you say something Y/n?" Head Girl Tzuyu asked.

"Why the third floor? Its scary" you whispered to her

"Don't worry" Yeosang, the Head boy said, I put you a partner and winked, leaving you blushing as no other than your boyfriend walk to your side.

"Don't worry babe I'll protect you" Soobin said as he grabbed your hand and walked to the stairs. Navigating throught the changing stairs while talking about classes, when you reached the floor almost in sync the two of you pulled out your wands and chanted "Lumos", lighting up the ends of the wand as you made your rounds.

The fact that there were so many pictures in the corridor makes it more creepy but Soobin would hold your hand firmly through out the walk untill you reach to the stairs again. After making sure the whole floor is empty and okay the two of you walk back. Not before he steal a few kisses in the abandoned hallway though.

He would walk you to the dorm if you're from different houses or walk back to your dorm hand-in-hand.


I bet he would be the one to ask for the two of you to be placed in the duty together, he'd go as far as bribing Yeosang with chicken he'd steal from the kitchen. Tzuyu would give you a knowing smirk as the two of you would walk away to do your duty.

Of course duty does come first and you'd take the round quickly before he shoves you inside one of the empty classrooms and picks you are sets you on the desk and stand between you legs for a hot makeout session. At times he'd bring chocolates he brought from his dorm but he'd made sure you would share.

Night patrol with this boy would always be like a little date. Being in the senior years it is difficult to always make time for each other but atleast this bit would be the time for just the two of you.

Yeonjun is the kind of prefect who would give any lurking student 3 chances. He'd leave them the first two rimes they are caught by warning, but a third time and they'd be reported to Headmistress Weasley immediately.


He wont listen or move unless Tzuyu would simply give in and exchanges someone else to put him and you together. Being busy the whole day Beomgyu makes sure that he can get you all for himself to annoy the hell out of you.

Imagine walking through the hallways of 4th floor with your boyfriend talking to him and suddenly notice that Beomgyu is silent for too long, only to turn around and see that he's not there. In panic, you frantically looked around and increased your wand flare "Lumos maxima" you chanted and called for him "Gyu? Gyu? Beomgyu?"

Suddenly he appears from behind a pillar scaring the wits out of you and pushes is palm on your mouth to muffle your scream. He then realises how scared you were and a string of apologies and kisses would follow instantly.

However, patrolling with him was fun especially if you find any students lurking, it was so fun ti watch Beomgyu interrogate the student as to why they were out of their dorms at such sn hour.


This guy has subtle ways of showing various feelings and thus, he'd feel extremely jealous if you were put for the night patrol duties with any other prefect. So, he made sure to secretly tell Yeosang to pair him with you. While, you were more than happy to be able to spend more time with your boyfriend outside the study hall. Strolling through the hallways at night under the occasional moon lit passages is actually really nice.

The two of you talk about anything and everything, how he and Yeonjun wrote a new song about butter beer, or how you found this really good book in the senior section of the library. It almost felt like s date, holding hands. This is a time he looks forward to everyday to be able to spend time without the chaos he calls friends or other students

However, Taehyun gets really angry if this peaceful time was interrupted specially by any lurking student. If he found them may Merlin save them from his wrath because he will drag them to report them that instance and he'd make sure they are punished no matter what house.


He is a sweet heart like always, he'd primarily try to convince Yeosang and Tzuyu that you didn't need to patrol as you were tired him being ready to take up double responsibility only for being shut by you. You both are a beloved power couple of your year and even the Head boy and girl appoint you to duties together. Heuning-kai, would always make sure if you're okay, would ask if you're cold or warm. You find him so cute that can't help but just coo at him sometimes.

The two of you really enjoy these walks during the night as you love to explore the corridors. Or at times act like thise muggle spies holding up imaginary guns in your hands. Other times you would walk around, randomly pressing kisses on one another.

Heuning-Kai is the kind of prefect to give 2 chances for any lurking students. He'd make them understand the first time. If he found them 2nd time then, he would personally write take them to Yeosang and Tzuyu.


Feel free to send asks (I get none) or comment if you wanna be added to a taglist or have a request.

Hogwarts Diaries

Other Works

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2 years ago

Beomgyu x Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

A/n: I got a few inspirations from here and there to write this.

Summary: Hybe High School is very known for it's high selectivity of accepting students, they only accepted students with some talent other than academic. Y/n is a newly accepted student, chosen for dance and taekwondo, lets see what happens when she crosses paths with whom the other students call the school nerd.


You were almost at the entrance of Hybe High School, the school of your dreams.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

HHS was one of the most prestigious schools in South Korea, that selected students based on their talents and not academics. They took auditions and helped in making the talents better. They also helped in getting in into different entertainment companies. You had gotten in after your 2nd try and you were proud if yourself, even though your parents weren't very keen on your decision to move away from home, they still supported your decision and respected it.

You entered the premises and went to the office to get your schedule and locker. On your way out you collided with someone. You quickly apologised to see a cute guy in glasses. The guy kept in mumbling strings of apologies and you help him pick up his books.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

"It's ok. I'm Yn btw, I'm new here" you said

"I know. I mean not like I was stalking or something, your face just seemed knew, not like I know-"

"I understand. It s okay um?" You waited as you still didn't know his name.

"Beomgyu" he said giving a shy smile that you reciprocated "Do you need help to go around there's still a good 20 minutes left before the first class"

"Could you help me find my locker?" You asked.

"Sure" he said and checked your number "Its 4 lockers from mine, come I'll show you" he chirped and lead the way, on the way you got to know that Beomgyu is a student of musical arts and by the way he talked seemed like he was a really good student. As you walked down you noticed, every locker was designed and decorated uniquely, probably by their owner and you decided that you'll have to come up with something soon.

And as promised, Beomgyu dropped you off to your first class, with a promise to have lunch together where he will introduce you to his friends. You entered your biology class, and sat in one of the front benches. The teacher came in and introduced you to the class and asked to pair up, you noticed the whole classed paired but a tall skinny pale guy. You shyly went up and asked if the seat was taken to which he smiled and shook his head a no.

In due course you got to know that the guys name is Soobin, and he seemed to really know what he was doing. He even guided you and helped you alot during class. You both exchanged numbers so that you could stay in touch for homework. You found that you actually take Maths with Beomgyu and Another one of his friend named Yeonjun. You sat in the seat infront of them and Beomgyu helped and guided you everytime you had a problem. The next was lunch so the three of you left the room together to go to the cafeteria.

You were walking away after buying luch when you heard someone call "Hey, new girl"

You cocked an eyebrow and looked at the tall guy infront of you, with sharp features. "Do I know you?" You asked Clearly irritated

"No but you could, its Lee Jeno by the way" he said. His cockiness made you feel like kicking him across the country to North Korea, but you kept the urge with in.

"I'm Yn Ln. Thank you, now if you'll excuse us" you were about to go but once again he blocked your path "Where are you going with this nerdy losers? I don't think you wanna mix with the wrong crowd" as soon as he said that you saw Beomgyu and Yeonjun tense up.

"I think I am capable enough to decide that on my own. Thank you and if you block my path once again you'll regret it" you said and walked away with The two boys to a corner table.

"Sorry. Jeno and his goons can be like that, but you should be carefull, they can be dangerous" Yeonjun said his features laces with concern.

"Oh, they haven't seen danger yet" you said smirking.

And then three more boys pilled in and sat one of them being Soobin.

"Soobin!" You cheered

"Hey! Yn!" He chirped back

"You know each other" Beongyu asked.

"We are in the same biology class" you explained.

Then Beomgyu introduced that amoung the other two one was Taehyun and the taller one was Huening-kai. You had a blast with the boys. Turns out Yeonjun and you share the same class for Hip-hop as well, and alot the boys in general as they also got to know you.


1 week later

You were walking down to one of the classes when you felt someone block you way, which you looked up to see Jeno.

"Hey Ynie~" he chirped "Remember me?" He asked

"Nuh-uh, I don't have the habit of clogging my mind up with thrash" you said cocking your eyebrows.

"Why you" he was about to chide but a voice broke your attention

"Jeno! Stop disturbing her, you jerk!" You see Beomgyu run to for a wall between you and Jeno. 'Stuoid boy, I was handling it myself' you thought.

"Beomgyu" you started but was cut short.

"You think a loser like you can fight me?" Jeno sId and before you could react he pushed Beomgyu away, as he tumbled on the floor.

"Beomgyu!" You shouted, and that was the last straw. Jeno was about to reach for your wrist but you held his and twisted it with force. Now this was something he wasn't expecting. After all he didn't know that along with dance, you were also a well trained Taekwondo fighter.

You pushed him away and set your books down to check up on Beomgyu, who said je was fine. That was when Jeno ran and tried to launch a punch only for you to grab him and hold him in a head lock and slam and pin him to the ground, by then there was a crowd and the teachers piled him. You explained everything to them, how Jeno was harassing you and your friends.

Soon you saw the rest of the 4 boys run to you both and hugged the two of you. Even Beomgyu was amazed to see you fight. He had later described the fight to the others in your absence, with a blush dusting his face.

"Yn how did you do that?" Beomgyu asked in amaze.

"Uh, I am a state level Taekwondo fighter" you said fidgeting with your fingers.

"Wah! Now I know never to poss Yn off" Huening-kai said

"Not if you want to go home in one piece" Taehyun said joking. And all of you laughed.

As for Jeno, he recieved ages of detention and councelling.


1 month later

You and the boys were really close now you practically did things together, along with Jisu who was Soobin's cousin, it was good to have another girl in the group. And you guys hung out together.

"I really like how the boys got confident around you." Jisu said as you both sat down in your usual spot for lunch.

"I'm glad I could help all the 5 of them are so talented, I don't know why they don't act the part?" You said.

"They are shy, a part of the reason why I was generally left alone and could hang out with them much was cause I noticed they seemed uncomfortable around me, but then you came along and they themselves approached me. You literally saved me from being a loner" She said

"That's nonsense, they love you they just needed a boost and you are a lovely human and I love you" you said

"Aww. I love you too but I wonder where those guys are" she said and you wondered the same. Suddenly you saw Hyunjin a guy from your dance class.

"Yn, Jisu You should go to the courtyard now! Jeno... The guys" he said huffing as he probably ran all the way here. And no sooner than he said completed you and Jisu ran full speed towards the courtyard. To find a crowd

You and Jisu pushed through to the front to find, the 4 of your friends held by 4 guys and Beomgyu surrounded by 3 more. You felt your blood boil te watch all these cowards talking and stading but none coming forward to help them.

"You all are NOTHING but nerds! And you" he pointed at Beomgyu saying "you're the greatest nerd of them all. Look at you, always giving her heart eyes, you think nobody knows? Or do you think she'll feel the same for you cause she pities you and hangs around you guys. I bet she regrets her decision" Jeno spat and that was it

"Why don't you ask her yourself you jerk!" You shouted and kicked him on the back and threw him down to the ground.

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

He was about to move but Jisu steped up and pinned him down and said "One move and I break you bloody arm". Yes, Jisu was in Taekwondo with you, you've also known her from meeting her at a few tournaments and thats how the two of you became friends so quick.

You recognised the other two to be Mark and Lucas. You were about to punch Mark but he put up his hands. "No no! Please don't we only took part because Jeno asked us"

"Boys!" Lucas shouted and the four left your friends. And were about to walk away when you said "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The 6 of them looked at you quizzically and you said "Apologise to my friends!" You shouted.

And the four bowed down and did that and you gave them a warning to never be seen around you are your friends.

You and Jisu ran to check up on your friends. The 4 seemed fine but Beomgyu had a bruise on his arm. You hugged the boy tighly who mumble a string of thank yous.

"What would we do without you" Heuning-Kai said. You shook your head and said "What would I do without you? I'd be stuck clueless with those jerks" you said.

"Anyway he was right. What are we just nerds. Specially me I'm the greatest nerd" Beomgyu said.

"And so what if you are?" You asked.

"You heard everything he said, why are you saying that? You know what I mean!" Beomgyu says.

"Gyu" you said walking close to him "I've had a crush on you ever since I crash landed on my butt colliding with you" you and the rest chuckled abit.

"You're just saying that" he said "I have nothing on me, why would you have a crush on me?" He asked looking into your eyes.

"Gyu you're one of the smartest people I know, all of you guys actually" you looked around and told them and looked back at Beomgyu and grabbed his face "You're so tallented and your so cute! What if you're a nerd? You are my nerd" and with that you crashed your lips to his. You felt a smile creep to his face as he kissed you back with the same force and passion and his hands slipped to your waist pulling you close.

You both pulled away and he connected your foreheads. "Are we dating now?" He asked looking into your eyes with his innocent and puppy once.

As expected after that stunt Jeno was expelled.


6 months Later

You kept knocking at your door but Beomgyu wont open.


"WAIT FOR 5 MORE MINITES! PLEASE!" you heard him shout from inside and you paced up and down outside the door.

Yes, you came home from a late Taekwondo Practice to find that your appartment was already unlocked by your boyfriend who had a spare key and he didn't let you in. He literally pushed you out with the help of Yeonjun and Taehyun who said that they had a good reason and you've been here, locked out of your own appartment for the last 25 minutes. You were about to knock again but watched Yeonjun and Taehyun step out and tell you to go inside. You walked in and closed the door, to find the inside all dark except the light coming from the drawing room.

You walked to the door closely and the scene made you stop at the moment. The whole room was decorated in fairy lights and a small cake sat on the middle.

"Happy 6 months anniversary Babe" You heard Beomgyu's voice and you made out his silhouette on the couch and as you went near he switched in another lamp, now bringing his features into full light, and to saw you were in awe was an understatement. Your jaw didn't open, it was gone!

Beomgyu X Reader (Highschool AU): My Nerd

There sat your lovely boyfriend no specs, in all black and a new hair color, and your favourite flowers in hand.

You rushed to him and just gazed him up and down in awe. "does it look bad? Is it too kuch? Oh God I told Yeonjun-"

"No no! You just look gorgeous!" You said hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you like it" he said holding you tight

"I love it babe" you said.

And the two of you cut the cake and suddenly, you had a plan in mind "You've got some cake on your face" you said

"I do? Where?" He asked in innocently

"Right here" you said applying the cream in your finger on the side of his lips.

"Oh I think you're gonna have to get it for me" he said with a smirk, if anyone saw Beomgyu bere right now with this demeanor they wouldn't believe that this is the same guy at school, but you're here and you dig the duality.

You got close to him and licked the cream of him and that was enough time for him to grab you and pull you towards himself attaching his lips to yours. You both devoured each others lips with the same hunger and you tangled your hands behind is neck and tug at his long locks lightly, your tongues brushing against each other fighting for domination.


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2 years ago

How they comfort you when you are upset

TxT x Reader

A/n: Lol I don't have much friends or someone to comfort me and I'd really love to have someone. Idk if you can classify this as angst but this might make some people sad.


"Y/n-ah!" You heard you Yeonjun's voice "Where are you?" He whined as he walked through the semi dark appartment switching on the lights. "There you are" he said in relief as he found you face red, eyes bloodshot red due to crying, features still trembling.

"J-jun" you said in a soft voice, looking at him with eyes and it physically hurt him to see you this way. You were generally the chirpy one who always partnered with him on his chaotic deeds so seeing you like that, sitting on the bathroom floor, crying for hours, broke him. He rushed to hug you, and you hugged him back almost clinging to him for dear life. He'd hug you tighter "lets get you up and to the bed okay?" He'd say before pulling away and pulling you up by your arms and taking you to the bed where he'd wrap you up and hold you close, feeding you chocolates and ice cream, talking about how what happened could have happened to anyone and it wasn't specifically your fault. He'd look into your eyes and say "It's okay, you tried you best, it wasn't enough so you try again and this time you will overdo yourself from last time and succeed"

"I believe in you" he'd say and hug you as you'd shed silent tears and he'd simply let you cry it out.


Shutting people out, that's a habit of yours, when you are upset, your mind keeps telling you 'Noone will understand you'. Soobin knows that and he's been there, waiting for you to come to him but that was in the past. That is why here the tall guy is sitting at the edge of your bed as you sob out on his shoulder.

He knows what it's like to be alone and he also knows you'd do the same for him. So, he would just be there ready to listen when you talk. He would wait patiently unless you've cried yourself out or spoken to him "It's okay to cry, do not bottle your feelings" he'd say and he'd just run his big hands, on your arms in a soothing manner and to make you feel that no matter what happens, no matter who come he, would always be there for you. "I will not let you shut me out and cry alone, you're stuck with me" he would assure you.

He'd try to act cute to get a reaction from you, smiling to himself like an idiot when you give in. He'd go as far as to force you out of bed and sober you up to take you for a stroll, or for a run of your favourite dessert/food. He'd sing for you as you both would be sitting alone at your favourite roof top feeling the cold night breeze against your face.


This guy is a comedy himself, but the moment he'll see your face or watch you rush out of the room, he'd follow you. He'd probably find you in a secluded area, breathing heavily, trying your best not to break down. But one "Y/n" from him and all your controls would break and he'd rush to hug you.

He is not the best with words so he'll let his actions speak louder. He'll stay quiet, scared that he might make things worse by saying something wrong. He'd simply draw comforting patterns on your back as you bowled out your eyes, probably getting his t-shirt wet, but he wouldn't care, you are the most important one right now. He'd wait untill you would be ready to speak.

He'd try his best to recall some stupid jokes that you liked and tell them to you and you'd surely end up laughing leading to Beomgyu smiling at you like an idiot. Then telling him what happened, while he listens closely.


"What's up, loser" he'd say taking a seat beside your curled up body. No he doesn't mean it, it's just his way of kinda testing the waters. Only to make you sob a bit harder and his eyes would go wide. You know Taehyun isn't much of a person for physical love, so even you'd be a bit shocked when he'd hug you, but you'd shift into his embrace none the less.

"It's fine, trust me, we'll fix it together" he assure you as he'd rub soothing circles on your back. "What if it can't be fixed?" You'd ask looking at him with big teary eyes. "Then we'll do it all over again" he'd say looking damn into your eyes with a reassuring smile. He would stay beside you the whole time, be it hours even.

He would have finally ordered your favourite food and force you to eat it. Then he'd talk to you in deep with what happened. The two of you would walk through every detail and steps and he'd help you figure out exactly what things might have gone wrong and where are the weak points. He'd help you figure out exactly where the points of improvement are.


He has always been your comfort person, the person you can go to when you're upset or anything really. He'll always be there for you to support you, to cheer you up and to help you get back on your feet. Hence, when he'd get to know from a common friend that they saw you upset he'd rush to call you dropping everything else.

"Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?" He'd ask searching your eyes, and he'd almost feel his own heart break seeing you so down. Being the affectionate person he is, he'd spread his arms wide for you to confide into him as you cry even harder. He'd hold you tighter as he'd feel your body shake from the amount of hurt you've endured. No, he won't ask you what's wrong, he'll just let you cry it all out, silently he won't even utter a single word and just hold you and run his fingers through your hair in a calming manner. He won't ask you because he knew you'd tell him yourself when you're ready.

And finally when you do, he'd still hold you as you speak your mind out, he'd let you be vulnerable and catch you and would want to keep you safe. He would assure you that it will all be fine, that all this will ultimately lead to a greater good. When you'd be insecure he'd tell you how well you've done in other things before and how he knows you'll get through this as well and he'd be right beside you to cheer you on.


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2 years ago

When another guy flirts with you

TxT x Reader

(a/n: This is specifically based on this interview. This has been sitting in my draft for ages, finally I completed it.)


He is an impatient guy, specially when it comes to you, but he's not stupid. He knows well enough that you could handle any situation well on your own. But did it irritate him to the bone to find that the guy that's been trying to flirt with you all night, even after you telling him she was taken tried to make moves. And that was it, he'd rush to your side hitting a punch square at the guy's jaw. With an apologetic last look he'd hold your hand and walk away.


Soobin is generally a calm guy, he is. He is also a very thoughtful and considerate guy but that all flew out of the window the moment he saw a guy flirting with you. The sign of disgust on your face was evident and he felt proud of himself. But, he would get really pissed at the persistency of the guy so bring the competitive guy he is, he'll take is best resort. He will rush to you and hug you from behind while landing a kiss on your cheek. That was enough to show that you're his.


This guy is completely spontaneous. He won't leave your side for much long. So he'd be really pissed to find that the moment he left you were cornered by a hyena. Of course you were pretty but everyone knew you were with him, then hiw the hell can anybody dare to hit on you. He would be seething on fire especially to see how you were disregarding the guy's advances, but he kept on pestering you. He'd rush to your side and punch the guy directly with a "Take that you hyena. This is what you deserve when you hit on somebody's girl"


Now Taehyun has a lot of patience, he does, but lord forbid if he finds someone flirting with you. He would be quick to drop whatever he was doing previously. He knows you didn't give a fuck about anyone else and you love him but it still infuriated him. He would be mad pissed to a level where he'd physically walk close to you and give the person a look which warned them to back the fuck off.


He is a calm mf, he really is. He would notice from afar if someone is eyeing you, but he wont do anything. If someone were to come up to you to flirt though he'd surely give them a stare. He would calmly corner the person alone and tell them that you were his and he doesn't like the person lurking around you. He would sure talk to you first to make sure if he read the signs right though. But he would be feeling a little self conscious after that, so you would have to give him kisses and assure him that you only have eyes for him.


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2 years ago

Prefect's duty with your Boyfriend

Hogwarts au! TxT x Reader

Prefect's Duty With Your Boyfriend

A/n: I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Kpop so I will schmooz them. Tzuyu from Twice and Yeosang from Ateez are the head girl and boy. The same year liners study in the same Hogwarts Year.


"I hate this" you murmured and pouted "Did you say something Y/n?" Head Girl Tzuyu asked.

"Why the third floor? Its scary" you whispered to her

"Don't worry" Yeosang, the Head boy said, I put you a partner and winked, leaving you blushing as no other than your boyfriend walk to your side.

"Don't worry babe I'll protect you" Soobin said as he grabbed your hand and walked to the stairs. Navigating throught the changing stairs while talking about classes, when you reached the floor almost in sync the two of you pulled out your wands and chanted "Lumos", lighting up the ends of the wand as you made your rounds.

The fact that there were so many pictures in the corridor makes it more creepy but Soobin would hold your hand firmly through out the walk untill you reach to the stairs again. After making sure the whole floor is empty and okay the two of you walk back. Not before he steal a few kisses in the abandoned hallway though.

He would walk you to the dorm if you're from different houses or walk back to your dorm hand-in-hand.


I bet he would be the one to ask for the two of you to be placed in the duty together, he'd go as far as bribing Yeosang with chicken he'd steal from the kitchen. Tzuyu would give you a knowing smirk as the two of you would walk away to do your duty.

Of course duty does come first and you'd take the round quickly before he shoves you inside one of the empty classrooms and picks you and sets you on the desk and stand between you legs for a hot makeout session. At times he'd bring chocolates he brought from his dorm but he'd made sure you would share.

Night patrol with this boy would always be like a little date. Being in the senior years it is difficult to always make time for each other but atleast this bit would be the time for just the two of you.

Yeonjun is the kind of prefect who would give any lurking student 3 chances. He'd leave them the first two times they are caught by warning, but a third time and they'd be reported to Headmistress Weasley immediately.


He wont listen or move unless Tzuyu would simply give in and exchanges someone else to put him and you together. Being busy the whole day Beomgyu makes sure that he can get you all for himself to annoy the hell out of you.

Imagine walking through the hallways of 4th floor with your boyfriend talking to him and suddenly notice that Beomgyu is silent for too long, only to turn around and see that he's not there. In panic, you frantically looked around and increased your wand flare "Lumos maxima" you chanted and called for him "Gyu? Gyu? Beomgyu?"

Suddenly he appears from behind a pillar scaring the wits out of you and pushes his palm on your mouth to muffle your scream. He then realises how scared you were and a string of apologies and kisses would follow instantly.

However, patrolling with him was fun especially if you find any students lurking, it was so fun to watch Beomgyu interrogate the student as to why they were out of their dorms at such an hour.


This guy has subtle ways of showing various feelings and thus, he'd feel extremely jealous if you were put for the night patrol duties with any other prefect. So, he made sure to secretly tell Yeosang to pair him with you. While, you were more than happy to be able to spend more time with your boyfriend outside the study hall. Strolling through the hallways at night under the occasional moon lit passages is actually really nice.

The two of you talk about anything and everything, how he and Yeonjun wrote a new song about butter beer, or how you found this really good book in the senior section of the library. It almost felt like s date, holding hands. This is a time he looks forward to everyday to be able to spend time without the chaos he calls friends or other students

However, Taehyun gets really angry if this peaceful time was interrupted specially by any lurking student. If he found them may Merlin save them from his wrath because he will drag them to report them that instance and he'd make sure they are punished no matter what house.


He is a sweet heart like always, he'd primarily try to convince Yeosang and Tzuyu that you didn't need to patrol as you were tired, him being ready to take up double responsibility only for being shut by you. You both are a beloved power couple of your year and even the Head boy and girl appoint you to duties together. Heuning-kai, would always make sure if you're okay, would ask if you're cold or warm. You find him so cute that can't help but just coo at him sometimes.

The two of you really enjoy these walks during the night as you love to explore the corridors. Or at times act like those muggle spies holding up imaginary guns in your hands. Other times you would walk around, randomly pressing kisses on one another.

Heuning-Kai is the kind of prefect to give 2 chances for any lurking students. He'd make them understand the first time. If he found them 2nd time then, he would personally take them to Yeosang and Tzuyu.


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Hogwarts Diaries

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1 year ago

Choi Soobin x Reader: Unholy

Choi Soobin X Reader: Unholy

Summary: While passing by the local bookshop you found this Ouija Answer Book. Now, you were a collector, starting from figurines of horror villains and gothic models you thought having this in possession won't matter as long as you don't try to use it. Little did you know.



You placed your bag on your desk and walked to your shelves and placed the book there and went off to get fresh and grab some dinner. You had a weird dream that night, you saw a tall man standing in a dark room. You could only see his jet-black clothes and hair. You felt chilly even in the midsummer season. You woke up pretty normal and forgot it as you went along your day. You were sitting and drawing that man absent-mindedly when your friend Yeonjun came and sat beside you, which lead to you shutting the notebook instantly before he could peak but he didn't find it suspicious as you didn't like showing your drawing until they are complete.

"You look tired," he said. "I feel like I didn't get enough sleep," you said chuckling "Where's Beomgyu?" you asked. "He's probably off somewhere pranking someone" he replied and you nodded your head.

The following night, the same dream, but this time you saw him sitting on the ground drawing something, some kind of signs. You kept seeing these dreams every day and even your friends were worried for you to the point where Beomgyu called you a zombie. But, you slept every day and that too sound sleep. You could barely focus in class, your mind kept playing those dreams, that man, drawing those same signs, every detail of the dream so vivid it's as if you were there yourself. Thus, here you were that evening sitting with the ramyeon that was supposed to be your dinner but it was left cold and forgotten as you drew those signs that you saw in your dream. Once done you left the notebook on your desk, cleaned up, and went to bed.

Today's dream seems different, you were in a blue tiled room and infront of you was a foggy mirror. Between you and the mirror stood that man. Now, looking through the fogged-up glass, he looked more boyish. He held out a hand and wiped off the haze from the mirror, slowly. His facial features became visible one by one, his dimpled smile (more like a smirk), sharp nose, and his dark eyes. The darkness to overconsuming you couldn't look away. Without moving his dark eyes from yours through the mirror he said "Hi!" and your eyes opened as you sat up in panic. You looked around finding yourself in your room, your heart still racing as your skin was covered with cold sweat. This night you didn't actually go to sleep. You kept looking around you as you felt like someone was watching you but it was useless, you lived alone, all the curtains closed, it was just your mind.

The next day you met up with Beomgyu at the gate as he greeted you, he said "You seem to finally have gotten some sleep. You look well today". To say you were surprised was an understatement, "Beomgyu! I haven't slept yesterday night. What do you mean?" You said. "Girl you've gone crazy" he came to the conclusion. The rest of the day was uneventful and you returned home, you opened your door and walked in and closed it, and turned around only to scream.

There stood a whole 6 feet boy inside your apartment and he looked familiar and then realization hit you like a big heavy brick. "YOU! What are you doing inside my apartment?" You asked. He kept looking at you, was he mute? Did he not understand you? "Oh, Hel-" you were interrupted by him, "You're cute," he said. "Excuse me?" you said still trying to figure out what is going on? "You called me, more like invoked me," he said still in a calm tone. "What? I don't even know how will I-" you paused when he looked towards your dest in your open notebook where you drew that circle thing that you saw in your dream, you noticed the red blotches on the paper that reminded you of how you had cut your finger with a knife and a few drops had accidentally dropped on that drawing. Could he be-? No! All this is just a messed-up coincidence.

"Don't kid yourself Y/n" he said looking towards you and for a moment you saw his eyes change the white parts of his eyes go dark and a sinister smirk on his face, you almost shouted but he put his palm on your mouth "You summoned me the Greater demon of Envy, I am one of the 7 sins, with your blood. And I will not leave you alone until your soul is mine" his eyes turning back to normal.

"Why will I give you my soul?" you asked him, glaring daggers. "Simple, cause I can fulfill whatever it is that you want" he said. "Whatever?" you asked and he nodded smirking "Well, I want ramyeon, and I can cook that myself. So Mr. Demon, not today," you said with a smile and walked off towards the washroom. Holding a breath you didn't know you were. Every horror movie you knew said not to show weakness and fear to a demon so will have to hold your calm. You suddenly realized you left the demon alone in your room so you quickly got freshened up and changed and left.

"Would you like some Ramyeon Mr. Demon of Envy?" You asked. "You're offering me? Noodles?" He asked. And you noded, he seems like he had no plans to leave, so might as well. "Sure," he said, "So what's your name? Or do I keep calling you Demon?" you asked genuinely. "Oh! I won't be that stupid now. Would I?" He said with a wink and sat down on your couch scanning your bookshelf as you shrugged.

You were too tired so you simply put his bowl on the counter and somehow ate yours and went to bed, falling asleep instantaneously. It was in the morning when your eyes opened reality hit you, there sitting on your couch reading a Jujutsu Kaisen Manga was the Demon. YOU were being haunted?! You need to get him away from you. Suddenly you remembered and rushed to your desk and pulled out an eraser and were about to rub off that cursed drawing when a voice stopped you "I wouldn't do that if I was you" The demon said as he put the open book face down "That will detach me off you, let me be free and do whatever I want in the world. Well, I can still do whatever I want but my powers have limitations and there's the No kill policy until you command, but if you erase those sigils" he said and winked. Your eyes went wide in surprise as your cheeks burnt with an instant blood rush. You rushed to the washroom.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to think why would you dream of those signs that lead to this disaster. Speaking of disaster the picture of him sitting on your couch reading manga while wearing round glasses flooded your brain. NO, NO! You can't think of him like that no matter how cute he may be, He is a demon. Strangely enough, when you left the bathroom, he wasn't there, and assuming he went to do whatever it is that demons do. Without further ado, you left for school yourself hoping to be able to find a solution with your dummy friends in the library or internet.

You barely got time until it was lunch, you sat there with two of your friends when they noticed "Y/n you're too quiet, are you okay?"

"Well I-" you were interrupted by the figure that suddenly appeared behind them, glaring at you and signalling a slit throat motion towards your friends. No! He'll kill them if you tell them, you can't risk that! You can't risk your friends' life. You made a lame excuse of not feeling well and went home.

"Were you there the whole time? Did you peak at me when I WAS CHANGING?! WTF!" you charged at him. "Hey calm down, just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I don't have a conscience. And No, I had just arrived back, and thank hell I did. It saved the possible blood spill" he said and settled down on your couch with a new manga. You shook your head and walked away. You stepped out of the house you had to go to the store anyway.

You took some time to get groceries, when you came back you were shocked to see the demon deep in conversation with another guy. His eyes were dark and you almost dropped everything if it wasn't for him to catch them first. "I told you to change your eyes. Look how you scared my little mundane" he said patting your head as this new demon changed his eyes looking humane enough to almost pass as one.

"Ah this is my friend, the Sin of Sloth" The demon explained. You didn't have 1 but 2 of those chilling in your room, tf? You had read about the demons and the greater demons and 7 sins. Apparently, you have 2 of the few most powerful demons in your apartment, way to go Y/n! You hit your forehead.

"I swear to God-" you said. "Hey! That's offensive!" The sloth guy said, almost offended. "Sorry it's a little offending to swear to him in front of us" The demon said. "Whatever" you said and walked to the kitchen.

"Y/n? Can you make some Ramyeon for my friend too?" He called out both immersed in a manga each. "Grrrr... Sure" you said. "Either you leave or you pay rent I swear- uh!" You grumbled.

What you didn't see was his nose scrunched smile, a smile Sloth had not seen in a long time.


"Really, why are you following me?" You asked again. "Just making sure my anchor to this world is safe" he said non-chalantly "Seriously aren't you humans supposed to be wild or something on Friday nights?". "No? Who gave you that idea? Not everyone likes all that stuff. My friends do but not me, so we all respect that" you said and shrugged "I'd rather do something else". "But you're not you're walking around your desolated neighbourhood at the dead of the night. This is not particularly exciting" he said. "It's just that you can't always do everything alone" you said. "You're not alone though" he said "You have me" he said and for the first time you saw a smile, not a smirk but a genuine smile, he had a dimple and gosh was that CUTE!. Control your mind!

"Yeah but walking around talking to an invisible demon. It's really considered not normal. This wasn't on my bucket list" you said. "Who said I can't make myself visible to others?" He said and you looked at him in awe "Why are you surprised? I am one of the seven sins after all". You nodded, and just then a man passed by eyeing both you and the demon. "So do I call you Daemon?" You asked. "No. But just for the sake of it, call me Steve" he said.

So you decided why not take the advantage of having someone with you. You thought of showing Steve around. You went to show him a museum and he went on and on about how it's dumb to hoard old shit just for the sake of money. He gave you a detailed account on mummyfication and how the Egyptians protected these corps from curses. And other ritual that were common at that time.

"Why do your friends keep texting?" He asked, "because they think I am roaming alone, they dont want me to be lonely. But, I told them I'm out with some guy from tinder that shut them up" you said.

"What's a tinder?" He asked. "A dating app" you said. "You have apps to date?" He said shocked. "To find dates, yes" you said and he shook his head. "Hey what's that?" He said pointing to some kind of roller coaster stimulator and of course on explaining what it was he wanted to check that out. You two waited patiently while talking about various people. As the show started the two of you screamed along with the others and at some point even you did not notice but you were holding hands. You both were quick to pull away as soon as it ended.

"Did you like it?" You asked. "Yeah" he said, his dimple making an appearance. "Let's go to the real thing next week" you said and his smile widened. Like every night he watched over you as you sleep, making sure you don't have a bad dream, making sure no demon can haunt you. But tonight something strange happened as soon as the clock hit 3:00am he felt a sheer and excruciating pain inside his head. The sudden shock made him yelp and you jolted up, but you were surprised to see him doubled up in pain. "Steve! Steve! What's wrong?" You asked. "It hurts! It hurts Y/n!" He said holding his head. You rushed to your medicine drawer and pulled some painkillers and rushed back with some water. "Here, take these" you said, "What are these?" He asked, "Painkillers, trust me" you reassured him. He slowly opened his mouth and you put them in and made him drink water. "Nothing's happening" he said, still holding his head. "Be patient, it's not magic, it takes time" you said and you held in with your arms. "Relax" you said and patted his head, holding him right there. You hear him sigh and say "It's subsiding" and you were loosening your grip when he said "no, don-don't" his ears red, you smiled to yourself at his cuteness and held him again.

"Y/n, you have school tomorrow, right? Go to sleep" he told you. "No, I don't go tomorrow. I- tomorrow is an important day, I'll go back to my hometown. I'll return by night though, then Yeonjun and Beomgyu would come. They'll let themselves in so you better hide or something cause I'll have no explanation" you said. "What is it?" He asked. You teared up a bit, your glassy eyes didn't go unnoticed "It's my parents'death anniversary. They passed away in a car crash when I was 12" you said. "Oh Y/n, um.... Can I- nevermind. Go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow night then. I got some business with Kai anyway" he said and your eyes went wide. "So, the sloth guy's called Kai?" You said. "Well shit! Even though it's not his full name. Don't let him know that you know" he said with a smile "Go to sleep" he said, and you did.

Just like many more mornings, he wasn't here today too. That's good, you sighed, you had the whole place to yourself. You got your things and got ready after taking a shower, when you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door to find Steve there. "You're here? Now?" You asked as you let him in. "I wanted to see you before you left" he said and did something that surprised you, he held onto your cheeks and planted a kiss on your forehead "be safe. I know you like to do this alone, so I won't intrude" he said, and you smiled at him, a warm feeling inside your heart. The feeling being with Steve gave you, was the same warmth you got from your friends but somehow he felt a bit different. You knew you're not supposed to feel this, but it's not like you can control it.

You paid respect to your parents' graves and finally took on the courage to do something you haven't done in all these years. You walked down the same lanes, some parts seemed new but some looked like they were stuck in time, just like your old house. You pulled out the key from under the rug, you had told your uncle he could do whatever to this place but he took care of it for you. Getting it cleaned regularly and stuff, it's really impressive. As you entered you saw, how the place was actually exactly kept the same as if it was locked up in a time capsule. You looked around every corner the same way your mother had kept, it almost felt like she'd walk out of the kitchen any given moment to greet you. "You're back?" "I made your favourite, go wash up" memories flooded inside your mind "Papa, you're home!" "Y/nie look what papa brought for you" "Yay!" Tears stung your eyes. "Mama, Papa" you fell on the couch sobbing, you regretted not bringing someone with you. This place was filled with them your mom and dad and you were glad your uncle preserved it. Suddenly a chill ran down your spine you felt like you heard the sound of knocking, once, twice, thrice. It wasn't coming from the main door, but a place you had long forgotten. And slowly all the nightmares started flowing into your mind. The attic door right in front of your room, how you heard sounds, how you never slept in your room. Tears stung your eyes as that old fear came back and you started walking towards the sound. You thought it was your childhood imagination. Then what do you hear now, the closer you went the louder it got until the door opened and down came a creature, it was pitch black and had two burning red eyes.

"Ahh little girl, I was waiting years stuck here to devour you" it said in a strange whispering voice, your whole body went numb and your hands felt cold as more tears flowed down your eyes. "Your mother can't protect you now can she? Strange creatures mothers are, no matter what or where protecting their children's aura. But you are weak without her now" it said and took a step towards you. You wanted to step back, run, hide but you couldn't, you couldn't move. It took menacing steps towards you when, a cloud of black smoke appeared in front of you and there you saw him, Steve, his back towards you but you knew it. "How dare you try to touch someone I marked?" He said in a menacing tone. "My lord, I didn't know!" It said. "You didn't she her mark?! You didn't know she was my prey" he said and lifted a hand and the creature started burning right where it was standing, the flame not even touching any other surface.

"Sorry you had to see that" he said, but your knees gave in but he was quick to hold you. He helped you to the couch. "Y/n? Are you okay. Sorry for my face, I can't change it immediately this is not our turf strong magic takes away a lot of energy" he said as you looked up into his dark eyes, you slowly placed a hand on his cheek, you were sure he'd flinch but he didn't, you traced the scar on his cheek.

(A/n: I edited it. Idk if it's bad!)

Choi Soobin X Reader: Unholy

"That's the beating for killing my own kind. It was a ravener a lower kinda demon" he said. "I- I always thought that it was my imagination" you finally said "an infringement of my childish mind". "No it seems to be preying on you for years" he said. "How did you know that I was in trouble?" You asked, intrigued. "You're my Anchor, I sensed that you're distressed. But it was so difficult to find you, it took a lot from me. Tell you what next time, just take my name thrice and I'll appear". You smiled slightly at his concern but nodded. "What are you nodding for you don't even know my name yet. It's" he took a sigh "Soobin, the descendant of Lord Leviathan of Envy" he said. "Do I have to say ALL that?" You asked. He giggled, that was the cutest sound ever, and said "Just Soobin three times would do. And I'll appear, no matter where you or I am" he said.


"So, can I ask you something?" you said as the two of you left the house. "Y/N?" you heard someone call your name and you turned around to see a face you hardly expected to see, of course, you recognized him, his existence just never came up to your mind. "Y/n! IT'S really YOU!" Taehyun said again and ran to hug you, you were almost taken aback but held him nonetheless. "Taehyunie oh my god!" you exclaimed. "It's been so long! You disappeared" he said, he sounded like he'd tear up any moment. You suddenly heard a throat clearing, and you two parted, "Hi" he almost stated. "Oh Taehyun this is Steve, and Steve this is Taehyun" you said as the two shook hands.. "Y/n the train will leave" Soobin said. "Yeah, Taehyun, I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for disappearing. The trauma became too much to handle, But I live in Seoul now, and this place is taken care by my uncle. Lets change numbers and keep in touch." you pulled out your phone, "That's good, I study there two, let's catch up sometime" he said, as you put your number into his put and he into yours. With a last hug you parted way with your childhood bestfriend.

"Aren't you so happy?" Soobin muttered with a pout. "Why are you- NOOO, you're jealous?" you said looking at his face with disbelieve. "I am the Sin of Envy. You and your little mundane friend is lucy I didn't scortch him on sight and pull his soul back to hell for touching you" e said looking into your soul "What did you wanna ask though?" he said changing the topic, you giggled to yourself at his cuteness and asked "How did I end up with those sigils?" you asked. He looked at you with an amused expression. "Do you remember that ouiji book thing you bought?" he asked and you nodded, "Someone used it and didn't close the connection, dumb mundane. I just happened to find it on random, I, well, I put them in your mind" he said. "That book was actually haunted?" you asked and he nodded this time. "No doubt it seemed used and it was cheap. I randomly picked it up on a whim" you said, in your mind though, you're glad. Later, when your friends came he disappeared, what you didn't know was he was lurking around to watch you to see that you're not unsafe or sad. He felt envious of your friends how you were so free with them and talked about anything and everything. Yes, you were free with Soobin too, but you still had your guards on. After checking the door he left, it was getting too much for him when you leaned your head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

He went back and got to work to keep his mind busy. He was in the middle of shifting some souls and grading them with his friend Kai, when he felt a strange pull in the pit of his stomach. And he knew he was being summoned, he knew only one person could do this right now, so he entrusted the paper work to Kai and left. Immediately appearing in where it seems to be your washroom. "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT?" he rushed to you, only to notice your face is flushed. "Soobin!~" you cooed, "Soobinie~" again, his eyes went wide and his face felt hot, is he blushing? "Y/n you're drunk" he managed to say "Sssssshhhhh those two are sleeping inside. I'm not hurt, I missed you" you said and wrapped yourself around his torso. At this point he felt like, drunk you were like a child and he smiled to himself. You were mumbling something and he helped you sit on the closed toilet pan and sat in front of you. "What's up? Y/n?" He asked, patting your head. "You're so pretty" you said. "It's the face I put up" he said, "No, YOU are pretty" you insisted. Within seconds he changed his looks to the original "You think this is pretty?" He asked, you nodded and slowly touched his horn, and his head from where it grew. You looked at it with admiration? and amusement, like he is the most interesting aspect in the world. You traced his scar that's still quite prominent. "You're pretty" you said, giving the brightest smile and did the unexpected. You brought your face near his face, and placed a peck on his cheek. His expression made you giggle, but you didn't move your face away. His eyes were stuck to your lips. How they seemed plumpy, and so kissable, a little chapped but who cares. But he stopped himself, you were drunk. He slowly opened the door to peek and see if your friends were up, but they were passed out. He asked you to stay quiet and helped you to bed and rushed back. That was when he felt it, a warmth in his chest and a pulse. NO! THIS CAN'T BE? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIM?

He rushed back and fell to the ground, he stood up and shut the door so that nobody knew. He can't let anyone know. What was this feeling in his chest? Why is this happening? The answers came to him as your face came to his mind. You. He was in love and that can't happen. He needs to do something, he can't let all his life working up to this post go to waste. He needs to stay away, maybe seeing you everyday did this.

You woke up to not find Soobin in his regular place in your room. That's a first, you went to university and came back, still no sign? Maybe he was busy, you didn't wanna be clingy. The day passes still no sign of him. He didn't even bother to come see you once? It's good anyway right? Good riddance right? You thought.

The next day passed and he never turned up, it's okay, if he doesn't want to come, that's fine. Did he just leave? Could have at least said bye. The third day, you were supposed to meet up with Taehyun so you walked to the cafe. On the other hand someone was restless, every time he closed his eyes he saw you, he was yearning to hear your voice to say his name. He rushed out, he found you walking back to your apartment with Taehyun who dropped you off, hugged you and left. You walked straight to your apartment and whatever was in hand fell. There he was, with tears in your eyes you ran and hugged him "I thought you left me" you sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I got stuck for some work" he said and you hugged him tighter as he held you too. That was the first time he openly showed so much emotion, and you basked in it. You spent the night talking in each other's arms. You were falling asleep, but one thing came to your ears his voice "Don't worry if you don't see me. I'll always be with you, one way, or the other" and you felt a pair of lips on your forehead. He lied there, your sleeping form in his arms, he loved watching you. He knew he wouldn't be able to do that for much longer. So he held your hand. But slowly the pain was getting unbearable to stand.

Soobin rushed back to his quaters and crashed into the table. He couldn't breath the pain was unbearable. At that moment Kai Hueningkai came running to him, "Hyung? Hyung? What's wrong why are you clutching your heart?" He removed Soobin's hand to feel and his eyes went wide. "Hyung! You need to break the contract with this mundane girl" he said. Soobin nodded his head and sat down, he couldn't keep up with this but, thoughts rushed into his mind. You'd be sad and in trouble if he left, the idea of Yeonjun, Beomgyu or that Taehyun came to his mind and he snapped "NO!". "Hyung, what are you saying?" Hueningkai asked him. "No I can't. I can't leave her Hyuka! What do I do?" He said tears stung his eyes. "Hyung, you worked so hard for this position and you could get punished" he knew though Soobin was stubborn, didn't get to the Sin of Envy for nothing.

"I can't leave her, Hueningkai. I'd rather face whatever consequences cause then I'd know I at least tried. I can't think of me leaving her, anybody else holding her when she's sad, or something happening to her cause I wasn't around. I- I can't" he said and felt another severe pain. "Ah!" He moaned in agony. "Hyung with the way you're going I don't think you will be there for the consequences. Love and care is a virtue of God. It's a sin to us the Sins. I'm so sorry Hyung. I don't know what I'm supposed to do?" He asked. "Take me to her, she at least deserves to know, before I-" he stopped you'd cry maybe but you wouldn't think he abandoned you.

The two immediately appeared at your apartment, "Y/n?" Hueningkai called out. "In here" you called out from the kitchen. You went into shock when you saw Kai supporting a dishevelled Soobin. "Soobin!" You rushed to them as they sat down. "Soobin what's wrong?" You asked, you could tell he was in physical pain, "Y/n" he said putting his palm on your cheek. "Y/n I'm sorry, I don't have much time please listen to me" you nodded "Y/n, I love you, I'm so sorry, I had to come like this in your life. But, I'm a demon, and this is deathly to us, but I don't regret a thing. I really love you, I- I thought of not coming but I couldn't let you think I abandoned you. Please forgive me Y/n" he said and by then your eyes were stinging with tears and you took his face into your hands "Soobin, Why? I knew something was wrong, you weren't telling me? Why didn't you tell me? I love you Soobin, I have never felt this way for anyone. Why do I have to lose everyone I love! Soobinie!" And crashed your lips on his, your tears mixing with each other. As you pulled each other into yourselves. As soon as you parted you hugged him tied, "I wish I could be with you for longer, see you grow into a hag" he said and let out a giggle and so did you. Suddenly, you felt the weight of your shoulders lighten. Your eyes went wide, and you started sobbing as tears fell more and more from your eyes. "Live on and take care Y/nie" was the last words you heard before he disappeared, completely. As if he never existed.

"Kai!" You said looking at him helplessly. "I'm so sorry Y/n. There was nothing we could do" he said and you curled into a ball and cried. Even he felt sorry for the two of you. Is this what happens? Is love really a sin to them? Do they really deserve nothing? were all the things going inside his mind.


You had cried all night that day, Kai had gone and whispered to your friends that you needed them. And thank god they came to you. You wouldn't have been able to pass that time without these two and also Taehyun who visited you from time to time. But strangely when you said it was some trauma, none of them raised a question. Yeonjun and Beomgyu literally held you while you cried for days on the end. They went so far as to feed you when you had refused to eat. This was getting too much for you, his memories and words kept you up all night. It took you a month to get back to classes. Yeonjun and Beomgyu took turns so that you were never alone. Even though you told them that you would be fine. You were fixated to never let anybody else in, you can't let this go on. It hurts, it hurts so much.

It was almost 45 days, since he had gone, Kai had visited you a couple of times and you were glad. Finally, Yeonjun and Beomgyu had both gone to University because they had something important. You heard loud noises from outside, and stepped out to see someone moving into the apartment beside you. Good, it was empty for so long anyway. You stepped back inside, and were about to lie down when you heard a knock. You trudged back to the door and opened it and your eyes stunned. You felt your mouth go dry and tears threatened to fall. "Soobin?" You whispered and tears ran down free. "Miss me?" He said and you jumped on him, thank god he caught you. He's here, he's fucking here, in flesh and blood. "I was forgiven by the light, your love saved me Y/n" he said "You're here?" You still asked holding him tight so he wouldn't disappear. "I'm here and I'll stay" he said as he connected your lips as tears fell free. He was here, that's all that mattered.


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1 year ago

Yeonjun x Reader: Thrill ride

Yeonjun X Reader: Thrill Ride

Summary: You're the head of one of the most feared mafia groups in the town, along with your Racer boyfriend. Just a drabble with this scenario.

A/n: Happy Birthday 🎂 Yeonjun 🎉 the loml. This one has been in my drafts forever, thank God I completed in time lol.

W/c: 1.6k


"Yeaaah" you cheered as you watched Yeonjun zoom down the track leaving the challenger far behind eating dust. You cocked an eyebrow and side eyed the chick that was accompanying him, where the smugness now?, You thought. With ease Yeonjun touched the finish line and stopped the bike and you walked to him, intertwining your hands behind his head as he pulled you close by your waist. You heard yelling and turned to find the losing biker grumbling. He rushed towards Yeonjun, pushing you away, but you reacted just in time and held his hand, immediately twisting it behind his back. Your assistant Ryujin pulled out her gun and pointed at him. He froze.

"You thought you could touch my boyfriend in front of me?" You said now turning him as your men walkin to hold him. "Take him away and put him on the banned list, also find his whore and do the same'' you said and walk to Yeonjun. "Are you okay?" You asked, "I should be asking YOU that!" He said "I've told you I can fight" he pouted. "I know you can fight, but I don't want you to," you said, kissing his cheek. "You get ready for the next set, I'll go check with a few VIPs okay?" You informed him and walked away with Ryujin at tow.


It was after two more races when Yeonjun finally sat down to rest for sometime. He suddenly felt a hand on his arm. "Hey" a coy voice said, "sorry, why are you here?" He said flinching away. "Oh don't be like that, I could give you a better night than that harsh girl friend of yours" she said looking at him with fake coy eyes while she twirled her hair.

"You know you really shouldn't be doing this" he said, plucking her hands off himself gingerly and stepping back. "Leave me alone." he said and was about to turn around but the girl touched his shoulder and stopped him, and before he could react. The sound of the safety of the gun was heard and a cold metal touched the back of the chick's head.

"I thought he asked you to back off. Hands off my man bitch" you said. The chick stopped in her tracks and cowered in front of you as you put the gun back and signaled the security to take her away. "You do know you're free to leave if you wanna" you said shrugging, looking down. "Where would I go without you?" He said and wrapped his arms around you. "Dude, any company would hire you for racing. You're an exceptional engineer and mechanic" you said, trying to hide the pain it took to say these words to him. But he must know you don't wanna hold him back. "I don't even want to," he said, rocking you in his arms. An idea came to your mind as you smirked and asked. "You. Want me to show you?" He asked.


He took your hand into his and pulled you to your trailer that was parked by the side and pulled the door close shutting it. "Fuck" you say and crash your lips onto his, he tasted of fresh mimt and your strawberry lipbalm (that he steals often). Watching him all dressed up in this tight suit just does something to your brain. The kiss got heated as he slid his tongue into your mouth and fought for dominance. You grabbed him by his collar and he pulled you as close as possible by your waist. He pulled you further inside and pushed you onto the couch. "We have the races going on" you said as he nibbled onto your neck leaving marks and making you a moaning mess. "Then we'll just have to be quick," he said. And pulled down your trousers. "Fuck baby you're so wet" he moaned massaging you aching core over the cloth of your panties. In a single move he pulled them down as well. You see him quickly pull out his hard member and before even giving a warning he rammed it all the way in, making you jolt. He rammed into you, as you grabbed his hair and pulled him into a kiss.

"That was so hot out there" he mumbled into your ear. "You see what you do to me without even trying. Only you. That's all I want. Don't you dare to ever think otherwise" he said. "Ah- Jun-Jun- I'm-" you whimpered. "Together" he said and so you did, you lied breathless as Yeonjun rode the two of you through your highs.

⚠️smut end⚠️


"When will you come back?" Yeonjun asked you, pouting. "I'll come home as soon as I'm done with the meeting. Why aren't you going to the garage today?" You asked him and he shook his head, "I don't want to, beside there's no need all the deliveries have been done it's a slow day" he said. "Call me if anything is up" you said and kissed his cheek. "Be careful," he said. "It's just a meeting," you said.


"Are you missing your pretty little assistant?" came the voice through the phone. Indeed neither of you had seen Ryujin since the morning and her phone wasn't reachable either. "Wtf? Whoever you are. If you hurt her-"

All your staff looked at you in alarm. You signaled them to clear the room. Your security personnel Taehyun and Chan looked alarmed.

"I have no interest in hurting this pretty little thing. Cancel the deal and come and get her alone. She's dead if you don't maintain either of the two" they said and an image was sent to your phone, it was Ryunjin. Tied up to a chair, passed out.

"FUCK!" you cursed and took one of the cars alone and left for the area they had sent the coordinates of. "Don't follow me," you told them and left.

It was in the outskirts of the town and of course secluded. You stepped out of the car and walked into the building, of course it's an abandoned factory, how cliché can these bitches be. Suddenly you felt a hit on the back of your head and everything went black.


"What?! And you let her?" Yeonjun exclaimed. "We can't talk over the boss or not obey her. So we came to you" Chan told Yeonjun. "She even took a car without trackers," Taehyun said, panicking. "Tracker!" Yeonjun said and pulled out his phone. "Please Y/n don't switch it off" Yeonjun said as the application loaded. "Please, please" he said tapping into his phone. "YESS" He said and showed the location to Them. "Let's go," he said, grabbing his bike keys. "No. No. No." Chan stopped Yeonjun, who immediately glared. "We can't lead you into danger, Y/n would kill us" Taehyun said. "Either I go alone, or you come with me" he said, locking the phone, "that's my girl's life on the line" he added. So the three set off for the location.


"The fuck do you rascals want?! Bloody bastards can't even face me head on!" You cursed as what looked like henchmen sat in front of you. You hoped that by now your personnel had figured some kinda plan out because you didn't think twice before jumping into the situation and have found yourself kinda tied up (quite literally).

"Fuck!" Dongyeon cursed, you quickly kicked him with the leg you had been trying all this time to free without these idiots noticing. You quickly grabbed the knife out of that boot with a little struggle, and freed yourself. In a moment the other three were by your side as Chan held the now silent Dongyeon on his gun point.

"Did you think you could just walkin here and get away with your little bird so easily?" another voice said from behind and Kwak Dongyeon stepped in front of you. The son of your father's former business partner.

"So it's your doing. What else do you want, I even gave you the shares you wanted" you said. "You think your petty shares can make up for my father's death?" He said bitterly. "Your father killed My dad! I brought him to justice, if he decides to suicide in the jail, that wasn't my fault! I! I made sure you and your mother are taken care of! You ungrateful bastard!" Your berating came to a halt when a crash sound was heard. Immediately bullet fires were heard, and three very familiar men rushed in. There he was your knight in shining armor or more like a shining leather jacket. Rushed in. The moment his eye fell onto you his features hardened. He kicked and disarmed and injured (making sure not killing) the men who tried to guard him as Taehyun and Chan made way for him.

"Don't!" You said as you freed Ryujin who was unconscious. Taehyun picked her up, and you turned to say "set him free. I cut ties with you, the money of the shares will reach your account and I am done with you." You said and walked away.

The moment you left the building you were pulled in a hug. "Thank God you're okay!" You heard Yeonjun mumble. "Thank you for working your brain, but" you pushed him away and hit his chest, "why would you throw yourself at the face of risk like that, these two were more than enough to take down those clowns" you said, he held you neck and pulled you into a kissed a brief one that left you wanting more and he said "I know you'd do the same. Besides, nobody touches my girl" as he climbed his motorbike revving the engine alive and you climbed on, behind him.

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11 months ago

Soobin x Reader: MIA

Soobin X Reader: MIA

Summary: You have been MIA for a few days and Soobin is worried.

Pairings: Soobin x Reader

Genre: Supernatural au, Fluff, 13+

Warnings: Talk of allergies (rashes), Insecurities and Quasimodo.

W/c: 662

A/n: I had some ugly rashes recently and I hate them and was being dramatic, this is my delulu brain's cooking in that situation.


Soobin: You’re doing it again… -What? Soobin: Pulling away. What’s up? -Nothing Soob.

I stared at the screen, the typing bubble came up and went down a couple of times, Nothing. So, he believed it, May be.

Soobin and you have been dating for a couple of years, he knows you very well, too well at times. His Idol image never altered the way he is with you.


3 years ago

“Is this seat taken?” the guy asked, he seemed kinda cute. You looked around to see that this chair was the only vacant seat at the café. “Sure” you said and went back to the tab to complete your illustration.

“You must be an artist” You heard the boy say, you looked up and nodded, fixing your glasses. “I don’t mean to pry but I have seen you here a couple of times” he added. “Yeah, I am kind of an artist. I freelance and do commissions as well and sometimes I do some random stuff for my own” you said and smiled at the cute stranger who seemed to be interested in you to strike up conversations.

“So, are you like a content creator?” He asked and that’s how it all started you, he followed you on your social media, he commented on a few of your pieces and then it went on to dms and chats.

You were always a bit insecure so opening up to him was a bit difficult, not to say the first time you got to know what he does for a living, you were taken aback. It was Soobin, he dragged you out of your shell.


So, Soobin knows that you have certain phases when you recede back into the shell and it gets difficult, and he is always beside you during those times.

But this time things were different, even he knew it, God even you knew it was silly but you couldn’t help it. You had cancelled on him thrice in the last week, the one time he asked to visit you, you made a dumb excuse of your cousin visiting you, and even your Security guard (Yes, Soobin greets them every time he walks in so he knows them) told him that you haven’t left the house in a week.

You heard a knock on the door and thought that your delivery has arrived so you got prepared and opened the door to see your tall, cute boyfriend standing at the doorway. “Are you sick?” was the first thing he asked and you shook your head. “Y/n? Why are you wearing a mask indoors? You don’t even wear one outside” he said, and tried to grab it, but you moved away and he followed you inside and shut the door.

“Babe~” he whined “take that off” he said and finally grabbed you, trapping you between his tall built and one arm and taking the mask of with the other. You pushed him away turning around. “Please Soobin I look hideous” you said.

“Hey! You can never be hideous! What’s wrong” He asked again and grabbed your shoulders. “Move your hand” he said, and you finally did.

“What?” he asked scanning your face. “Did you get an allergy?” he asked. “Yeah and the rashes look hideous” you whined, covering your face again.

“No, you don’t” He said “Even if you did, I’d still love you” he said hugging you.

“What if they don’t go away and I end up like Quasimodo” you whined against him. He giggled, gosh he’s so cute.

“I think that’s a bit stretch and I’d still love you okay!” He said, patting your head.

“Even if I looked like Quasimodo?” you asked looking up at him.

“Even if you looked like Quasimodo” he said kissing your temples. “But, did you see a doctor though?” he suddenly remembered.

“Yeah, I did, the medicines are going on” you said.

“It’ll get better” he said caressing your head, as you snug closer.



My Networks: @kvanity-main @sandsofire

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6 months ago

Boyfriend: Choi Yeonjun x Reader

Boyfriend: Choi Yeonjun X Reader
Boyfriend: Choi Yeonjun X Reader
Boyfriend: Choi Yeonjun X Reader

The more I get to know you, Can't tell the feelings I feel, Sometimes it doesn't feel so right.


“Air time in 5 mins” Pd-nim called out and you made sure all the cameras were in place in the monitor and showed a Thumbs up.

“Rolling” you said. “Enter TxT in 3… 2… 1” and as soon as you said the lights revolved and the 5 cheerful boys entered the studio.

“Welcome to our new Episode of Flower Village” Pd-nim said and they cheered and introduced themselves. A pair of Fox-like sharp brown eyes found yours from the other side of the camera and a smile came to your lips. As Pd-nim queued you to start the interview.

The interview went on “…That’s a cute concept. I wonder where Yeonjun-ssi finds his inspiration from?” you read from your script. You tried your best to not get distracted by his eyes and followed it peril-lessly.

He smiled, almost a flirty smirk, at the camera but if you didn’t know you’d think his smirk was directed towards you. “I draw experiences from the world, around me dramas and stories, people even” he said and as if on you noticed Taehyun and Beomgyu smile towards you and mumbling something to each other and chuckling. A blush rushed onto your cheek and you didn’t look up for the rest of the interview, not like anyone would care who’s behind the camera anyway.

“Pd-nim, Y/n Pd-nim” You heard your name being called and you turned around to find Yeonjun rushing towards you. This man will be the death of you, you thought. “Hello Yeonjun-ssi” you greeted bowing a little (To maintain etiquette mostly). “How have you been? You look tired” he stated, more that asking “I should be asking you that, You’re the one having a comeback and a tour followed by it” you said. “Do I look tired?” he said his eyes mischievous, feigning surprise as he touched his cheek and fake-frowned. “I made sure to complete my beauty sleep, for today” he added. Your mind raced at the way he emphasised on today, did he mean what you were thinking, hoping he means?

“Ah, No no that’s not how I meant it” you said and were about to explain further but your boss called you, saving you from further embarrassment and excused yourself.


You were almost done with work and were about to leave when your coworker from the editing desk called you.

“Do you think I should use this feed or this?” he asked and you helped him out. “Damn that look surely wasn’t for the camera” he mumbled “you were taking the interview, right?” he asked with a shit-eating grin. “It was for the camera, why else?” you said and were about to leave when you heard him say. “Yeah, lie to yourself”


It was another exciting day as your team was appointed to conducted the next Run Jin. Having worked with BTS many times before you were excited to meet Jin again after a long time.

“Y/n-ah” Jin cheered and shook hands with you “Look at you, you’re a Pd now. Wah” he added. You smiled at how he’s still so enthusiastic like old days. The whole day was fun.

“Yeonjun is literally fishing aspects to approach you. Why don’t you put the boy out of his misery?” the old man said. “what do you mean Pd-nim” you said averting your eyes towards Yeonjun who was already looking at you and smiled. “I’m old” You stopped the urge to say I know “I can read the way a person looks at someone and I think I see it clear in both your eyes” he noted with a smile on his lips. “Don’t be worry about other things so much, live in the moment” he added and winked and left.


On the other side of the room Jin to Yeonjun-

“How many years are you gonna waste just looking at her?”

“Huh?” Yeonjun looked at Jin, confused. “We can all see the way you look at her and she at you” he said. “I’ve looked at her since the day I first saw her, have looked at her all this time yet I think somethings stopping her, Duty? Public Opinion? She almost knocked out a light and was about to fall when luckily, I held her hand and stopped the accident-”

“And saved the day” you said having heard enough “It was a harrowing day, probably one of my first shoots” I chuckled and as if on queue Jin left. Not before winking and pointing at the two of you. “I was very nervous that day” Yeonjun said, “I felt relieved seeing you”  

“Seeing me knock down the lights?” you joked. “No, to know I wasn’t the only one. And that’s only grown” He added.

“Into?” You asked looking into his Sharp brown eyes. “Something I’d like to see more of” he said and smiled.

“Coffee?” you asked.

“That could be a nice start” he said and smiled.


So, why you looking at me like I'm your Boyfriend, boyfriend


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4 years ago

Matchups are closed!

I have quite a few that I still need to get to so they are temporarily closed. Feel free to request other things though 😊

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4 years ago

hello!!! im very nerv bc its my first time sending an ask. can i get a match up pls? im smol but i look kinda intimidating bc of my bitch face. i hate outdoors, im also bad at texting lol. i love memes. i live a minimalist lifestyle and spend too much money on high quality stuff. my mbti is intp, and i study architechture. i love giving gifts 🥺 im a certified mom friend. got kicked out? stay at my place no money for food? ill cook for u :) im very picky and paranoid and baby my friends. thank🥺

I can see you with lovely lil Beomgyu. Also, I’m super honored that you decided to send your first ask to me😊

Ok, so your small and you look pissed off. Right off that bat he was like, “ Yes, I want that one ”. He soon learned that you just looked like you could kill a bitch and you were actually a sweetheart.

Beomgyu strikes me as the type who is a whole ass mess when it comes to texting. His messages just don’t make sense! And he try’s, he really does, but he knows that he sucks when it comes to texting so he prefers to call or FaceTime.

Can you say, living meme? Because that’s what he is. And we’re all here for it. But seriously, he is a walking talking meme. Not to mention I would not be surprised if he sent TxT memes to the boys’ group chat.

He’s kind of an impulsive, live life in the moment person so I think while your careful on how you spend your money, he just buys shit willy-nilly. You’ve kinda gotta be that voice of reason who’s like, “ No Gyu, you do not need a one pound gummy bear. ”

He loves being taken care of so the fact that you are that kind of nurturing person👌 Yes he loves that shit. However, he also wants to take care of you and will make you take a break and focus on yourself when needed. Also, whenever he goes to your place and there’s just a person sleeping on your couch, he isn’t even surprised anymore.

Hello!!! Im Very Nerv Bc Its My First Time Sending An Ask. Can I Get A Match Up Pls? Im Smol But I Look

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4 years ago

I sent u my description but never rlly got a matchup for it😔

I have over 15 matchups that I still need to answer so chances are I got it I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also, I was busy yesterday so I didn’t answer as many as I would have liked. Yours will probably be up sometime today or tomorrow unless something comes up.

Please remember that I am still human and I have a life and responsibilities outside of tumblr❤️

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4 years ago

omg id like a matchup!! im a 02 liner, 157 cm tall... i rly like japanese fashion! my personality is a bit surprising compared to my looks.. my mbti is intj, im a slytherin, i can come across as rude and very blunt irl but if ppl get to know me im sweet i swear 💔 im obsessed w plushies and all things cute. i also love literature, sweets, and video games!! i also like to think im smart, i skipped a few grades and speak 3 languages (french being my native).. a bit all over the place but thats it!

I match you with Huening Kai.

You know the enemies to lovers trope? I think you two may experience something like that. ( I hope you read experience in either Kai or Soobin’s voice cause that’s what I heard when typing it )

When you first met, he thought you were very cute but then y’all started talking and he was like “ There’s it and this is not it ”. So it’s safe to say that because of your blunt and rude mannerisms y’all got off on the wrong foot.

But he eventually learned how much of a sweetheart you are and, bada bing bada boom, heart eyes.

He, too, is obsessed with plushies and cute things so when he figures out you are he’s ecstatic. That doesn’t mean he won’t tease you because of it though. Because he will.

You like literature? He’ll get you an entire library. You like sweets? So does he, lets go to a bakery. You like video games? So does he, your on sis. He’s the kind of boyfriend who will do absolutely anything to make you smile.

Honestly, your beautiful brain may intimidate him a bit. Now, I’m not saying Huening Kai is dumb, but I am implying that he doesn’t always think things through resulting in him seeming... a little ditzy. But not dumb! He of average smarts I feel.

Omg Id Like A Matchup!! Im A 02 Liner, 157 Cm Tall... I Rly Like Japanese Fashion! My Personality Is

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4 years ago

Well, I saw matches and why not? :) Soooo, I'm a 04 liner, 1.61, brown long hair, a stupid crackhead, kinda clumsy, funny, extrovert, art lover, I love dancing, singing, sports, drawing and I'm a future fashion designer or dancer Idk yet. Have a good daaay!💜

While I love that my matchups have been getting so much attention, they are still closed. I’m so sorry bb. For anyone else who would like a matchup in the future, please check the status in my bio before sending. Thank you💜

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4 years ago

Hi! could i get a matchup, please? I'm around 150cm, i also have brown colored hair and eyes! i'm a little bit shy until i get to know someone better, i’m not a really active person but i still love to dance! sometimes people's first impression of me is that i’m scary and i hate everyone but i’m not:( i really love cute things!!! and i’m also a little (much) bit emotional and sensitive. when i’m nervous my body starts to shake like... A LOT. that's it!!! thank you and have a nice day!!! ^^

Okie doki bb, I can definitely see you with Soobin.

I have a feeling he would love having a shorter significant other. He’d walk around patting your head and calling you his baby🥺

He’s also shy until he gets to know someone so the first month or so of you knowing each other would be kinda awkward. But it’s ok! Cause when y’all both start breaking out of your shells it makes it all worth it.

Lol, he is not an active person either. But he likes dancing! So, that’s something y’all can bond over.

When you first met, he may be kinda scared of you. As I’ve said before, he is easily intimidated. But of course he’ll give you a chance.

He like cute things too. Maybe not as much as you, but he likes them.

I think that he is also relatively sensitive but he’s learned to hide it. He is there for you whenever something or someone makes you upset or overwhelmed.

At first, when you got nervous around him, he really didn’t like it. He hated to watch you shake and not be able to do anything about it. But now he’s gotten used to it and knows how to help calm you down, whatever that may be.

Hi! Could I Get A Matchup, Please? I'm Around 150cm, I Also Have Brown Colored Hair And Eyes! I'm A Little

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4 years ago

Hi! Could I request a reaction from Soobin to his smaller significant other in his clothes?

Hi! Could I Request A Reaction From Soobin To His Smaller Significant Other In His Clothes?
Hi! Could I Request A Reaction From Soobin To His Smaller Significant Other In His Clothes?
Hi! Could I Request A Reaction From Soobin To His Smaller Significant Other In His Clothes?

Wearing his clothes

Oml, he absolutely loves when you wear his clothes.

Especially if you just do it and don’t ask

Like, if he comes home and your wearing his shirt or something he’ll bust an uwu then and there

He melts every time you wear one of his oversized hoodies

You just look so cute and tiny and he absolutely adores it

Once you went over to the dorms to visit him and wore one of his shirts as a dress with leggings

Um, yeah, something a lil less than PG may have happened

There isn’t much more to say about it, he loves it when you wear his clothes

If you want him to do something just throw on one of his hoodies and act all cute

He falls for it hook line and sinker

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4 years ago

How do you think the legal line of txt would react to hickeys their significant other gave them and hickeys they’ve given their significant other?

How Do You Think The Legal Line Of Txt Would React To Hickeys Their Significant Other Gave Them And Hickeys
How Do You Think The Legal Line Of Txt Would React To Hickeys Their Significant Other Gave Them And Hickeys
How Do You Think The Legal Line Of Txt Would React To Hickeys Their Significant Other Gave Them And Hickeys



Um, he absolutely love covering you in hickeys

Like, they are everywhere

Neck, chest, thighs you name it

Anywhere he can

If he gets jealous it’s his go to

So, invest in some sort of concealer, just sayin

Or wear them proudly, up to you


He’s fine with getting them

Like, he has no preference

But he does like it

Just not anywhere they could be seen

So, waist up is a no go

But do your thing with the bottom half😉



Just so your aware, I’m a ferm believer in switch leaning dom Soobin, so don’t @ me

That being said, he lives for marking you up

Maybe just a lil on your neck, cause he values privacy

But your completely covered everywhere else

So, you’ll have to tell him to calm down durning the summer if you wanna wear shorts


He doesn’t really like getting them

Not because he doesn’t like the act or the implication itself

Cause he love that

But having them just gives him crazy amounts of anxiety

Cause what of someone see’s?

The only place he’s ok with having them is upper thigh and that’s it

But he low key won’t stop you if you start layin into him



He likes giving them

Like, he will, 100%

If you can slow him down enough to give them

Cause he moves fast in my opinion

Little to no fore play

He’s just like, “ your in the mood? Let’s get down to business ~” ( if you sing that line in your head I love you, marry me. Jk. Unless )

But, if you wanna take it slow, he’ll take it slow and that’s when he sucks spots in yo skin



Just yes

Please mark him up and make him yours

Not on the neck or chest for obvious reasons but literally everywhere else please

He loves seeing his skin covered in marks from you

It drives him crazy mad

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4 years ago

I loved your huening kai reaction and I’d like to request one of Yeonjun with a y/n who’s quiet and not talkative as usual because they have a lot on their mind. He wants to know if their okay and tries to see if he can lighten their mood. Thank you ☺️

A/N: I’m not sure if I’m gonna be coming back fully yet but I’ve started writing again. Requests are still closed for the foreseeable future.

I Loved Your Huening Kai Reaction And Id Like To Request One Of Yeonjun With A Y/n Whos Quiet And Not
I Loved Your Huening Kai Reaction And Id Like To Request One Of Yeonjun With A Y/n Whos Quiet And Not
I Loved Your Huening Kai Reaction And Id Like To Request One Of Yeonjun With A Y/n Whos Quiet And Not

🌸 He notices right away

🌸 Like, you’re usually so cheerful and talkative, at least with him you are

🌸 But now you’re being oddly quiet

🌸 And when he tries to start a conversation with you he’s just getting blunt, one worded answers

🌸 So, he decideds to give you a little space

🌸 But after few minutes of sitting in silence, with you staring off into space, he’s gonna start throwing a fit

🌸 I mean, dramatically throwing himself across your lap and whining about how quiet you’re being

🌸 When you tell him that you just have a lot on your mind, he makes it his mission to find out what’s wrong and fix it

🌸 Won’t stop whining and poking you until you tell him

🌸 Just give in and tell him, trust me

🌸 Cause he’ll bug you for literal H O U R S

🌸 He just wants you to go back to normal so he can talk to you and cuddle you

🌸 If you tell him you don’t wanna talk about he’s gonna be butt hurt

🌸 Pouts

🌸 “ I thought we were supposed to trust each other and not keep secrets ”

🌸 Istg he’s a child

🌸 But he means well

🌸 He just wants you to be happy

🌸 And when you finally tell him he’s all ears

🌸 Listens so intently that you think he’s zoned out for a second with how hard he’s staring at you

🌸 And he’ll do everything in his power to console you and make everything ok again

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