Ukraine-Russia War - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
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All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:

All of this is in response to this:

All Of This Is In Response To This:

Ukraine voted to abstain from voting for protections of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations in Gaza. I’m not here to tell you whether it’s right or wrong that Ukraine didn’t vote, but what I will say is that if all sudden this vote by the Ukraine Government made you retract all support for Ukrainian civilians and believe that Putin should “blow Ukraine to pieces”. Then you are a piece of shit who’s entire ideology is performative and uncaring because you are unable to think more critically and use nuance in a situation, and would rather have innocent civilians just fucking die than understand the decisions the Ukrainian Government makes do not in any way determine the value of life each Ukrainian person has and does not mean that they all deserve to die.

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1 year ago
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:

All of this is in response to this:

All Of This Is In Response To This:

Ukraine voted to abstain from voting for protections of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations in Gaza. I’m not here to tell you whether it’s right or wrong that Ukraine didn’t vote, but what I will say is that if all sudden this vote by the Ukraine Government made you retract all support for Ukrainian civilians and believe that Putin should “blow Ukraine to pieces”. Then you are a piece of shit who’s entire ideology is performative and uncaring because you are unable to think more critically and use nuance in a situation, and would rather have innocent civilians just fucking die than understand the decisions the Ukrainian Government makes do not in any way determine the value of life each Ukrainian person has and does not mean that they all deserve to die.

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1 year ago

Here is what russians write on the walls of Ukrainian homes and schools.

One of the inscriptions on the last photo translates as "it doesn't count as a war crime if you had fun". Everything you need to know about russians.

Here Is What Russians Write On The Walls Of Ukrainian Homes And Schools.
Here Is What Russians Write On The Walls Of Ukrainian Homes And Schools.
Here Is What Russians Write On The Walls Of Ukrainian Homes And Schools.
Here Is What Russians Write On The Walls Of Ukrainian Homes And Schools.
Here Is What Russians Write On The Walls Of Ukrainian Homes And Schools.

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1 year ago

Hey, remember the people who, at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, were all over tumblr and twitter whining 'oh but why is Ukraine getting all this attention as soon as something happens to it while other suffering countries arent', while also completely unaware of the fact that the war had already been going on for 8 years at that point?

Well, the same people are now posting 'imagine the reaction if that happened to Ukraine!' [insert a thing that has, in fact, and still is happening to Ukraine, bonus points if accompanied by a war video actually taken in Ukraine but misrepresented as coming from a different country]. Which shows that even the full-scale invasion didn't make them pay a slightest bit of attention.

And, you know what, it's actually totally ok to care about one conflict more than another, so I'm not chastising anyone here for that. While, as a Ukrainian, I certainly care about the war in my country the most, I have no problem with people who feel more strongly about other wars. I understand they have their own reasons.

What is not ok is living nowhere near the places under attack, posting from the safety of your own (mostly western) home, and diminishing one war to show off how morally righteous you are about another. But those do not see us as real people, only a way to score some woke points anyway.

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1 year ago

tumblr lefties are insane for borderline celebrating Russia invading ukraine and now wanting to act like righteous warriors for the Palestinian cause

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1 year ago

"1.6 million Ukrainians have been forcibly deported to Russia by the Russian Army. They go through “filtration camps” where families are often separated and then sent as far as Siberia. Those found disloyal to Russia are imprisoned, tortured, and often summarily executed. Over 5 million Ukrainians have also voluntarily fled into Europe, and 7 million are internally displaced in Ukraine."

Genocide Watch on Ukraine

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1 year ago

people now try sooo hard to paint the situation as if ukraine got every bit of help just by virtue of being ukraine and so fucking funny because i, unfortunately, remember too well what was going on in the beginning of 2022. and it was like that

ukrainians in february 2022: thank you all dear partners for these three javelins, sanctions against russian banks, a piece of chocolate and your heartfelt condolences

ukrainians when they repelled russians from kyiv with god's help and realized what was going on: ...

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1 year ago
Tankies Figuring Out A Safe Way To Be Openly Antisemitic About Zelenskyy

Tankies figuring out a safe way to be openly antisemitic about Zelenskyy

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11 months ago

a reminder that yall literally listen and promote russian music like mua mua jaga jaga and other on all platforms ever known. none of you boycotted any of russian companies/artists at least since feb24 2022, because what? because you don't care. you never did.

A Reminder That Yall Literally Listen And Promote Russian Music Like Mua Mua Jaga Jaga And Other On All

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1 year ago

Rest in peace man. You lost your life fighting for a noble cause, and you will be forever remembered by the Ocean Liner community for it. You helped us get a glimpse at what the great liners of the past looked like, and in the case of Oceanic III, what they would have looked like. God speed Anton. God speed.

Just learned one of my favorite Ocean liner/Titanic artists, Anton Logvynenko, is dead.

Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.

From the Titanic community, I've learned Ukrainian and joined their military last year, to protect his homeland from Russia. He was killed fighting in the front lines on November 27.

His post from his Facebook page talking about joining the fight: link

"Hello there ocean liners lovers!

I'm sorry for not being posting here my new artworks or any updates for a while... The process of creation one digital drawing takes about 3 months itself but now situation is more complicated.

As you may know, russia has attacked my country and they are trying to occupy the whole Ukraine and even move forward to Europe. So I joined our Military Forces of Ukraine to protect my homeland.

I hope to get back to you soon with my new drawings after our Victory. But till this happens I ask you to support Ukraine and our army in any suitable for you way.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours, Anton Logvynenko"

Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.

Some of his artwork

Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.
Just Learned One Of My Favorite Ocean Liner/Titanic Artists, Anton Logvynenko, Is Dead.

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1 year ago
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:
All Of This Is In Response To This:

All of this is in response to this:

All Of This Is In Response To This:

Ukraine voted to abstain from voting for protections of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations in Gaza. I’m not here to tell you whether it’s right or wrong that Ukraine didn’t vote, but what I will say is that if all sudden this vote by the Ukraine Government made you retract all support for Ukrainian civilians and believe that Putin should “blow Ukraine to pieces”. Then you are a piece of shit who’s entire ideology is performative and uncaring because you are unable to think more critically and use nuance in a situation, and would rather have innocent civilians just fucking die than understand the decisions the Ukrainian Government makes do not in any way determine the value of life each Ukrainian person has and does not mean that they all deserve to die.

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1 year ago
*Sips An Imaginary Coffee*
*Sips An Imaginary Coffee*
*Sips An Imaginary Coffee*

*Sips an imaginary coffee*

Welp, here we go. Conflict escalates. I mean I expected it since I believed in Ukraine since the begining, but still. As much as I support Ukraina and hope to return back here, the idea of living in the situation of an open war conflict is scary as hell.

Wish me good luck

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