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Hi! Sorry for bothering you but I wanted to ask you ,what are your thoughts on Jaehaerys and Alysanne children ?
Have a good day/night!
hi!!! sorry i took so long to respond, i remember starting this ages ago but i kind of just forgot about it in my drafts. so sorry for that again :/
well if we're being honest i’m not really a fan of jae or aly. they are downright dogshit parents to their kids even if they were good rulers of the realm. this is gonna be a bit of a long post so there's more under the cut. i might do this in birth order for the kids, just to make it a little easier to sort my thoughts. i'm going to ignore the kids that died within the first year of their lives and stillbirths because theres not much to really say about them other than jaehaerys is a cunt. stop forcing pregnancies on your sisterwife and disregarding her worries because your mother also died from birthing complications of a pregnancy forced on her at an advanced age. also stating this now: their daughters (especially daella, saera and viserra) are way more interesting than their sons to me so this will be very biased to them and they will have way longer segments
daenerys —> she died young so there’s not too much to get into really other than her addition as a parallel to dany. the revision to add her in is very important to the main series imo. this daenerys died of shivers, but will our dany do the same? also the beginning of jaehaerys being a misogynistic piece of shit. when aly wanted her eldest daughter as queen then for that asshole to say "they'll rule together once they marry" my guy they are babies. westerosi cps take the kids away nyeow!!
aemon —> i don’t think of him too often, other than how contrived his demise was from the start. oh he died?? wow i didn’t see that coming 🙄. to me at least it’s so painfully obvious george planned for baelon to succeed him that i genuinely struggle to find shit to say. oh he was actually a really great guy? no major flaws or anything of note (other than his daughter, the ever wonderful and interesting rhaenys)? ok he dies a page later. not that invested anyway. if anyone else likes him or finds him interesting you do you i guess. good on him for getting to marry an aunt and not a sister. still weird but not as bad as his parents.
baelon —> “the brave” he’s a good brother at least, a fun guy too from the sound. not really much to say. pretty cool that he hit balerion and he didn't die. though i don’t see why he didn’t try to enforce rhaenys’ place to inherit before him. or understand at all where viserra's plight was coming from, but also hes not doing too well post-alyssa's death so maybe he was just sort of catatonic in realization of "oh". boo for being viserys’ dad. a guy who got pegged by his wife, with unlikeable kids who also died of a burst appendix, baelon you were a real one. i diagnose him with normal guy syndrome. i would have liked to have him at a bbq.
alyssa —> i think she’s a really great premise - as in she’s gnc and doesn’t match the typical valyrian appearance, but also as a study to the incest shenanigans of house targarywn. her whole existence being the general "you are your brother's property. you are only existing to be your brother's wife" spiel is very... icky to say the least. how her freedom to break from period typical femininity is entirely dependable upon her position as an object to further the dynasty - she gets a dragon so long as she is her brother's wife, so long as she is the traditional mother to his children, etc. it makes me so sick to think about how alysanne projects onto her. (the name similarity really creeps me out. i think it’s only worse since i used to work with girls named with diminutives of their parents names. [laurie and erin and their daughters evie and lauren, if you must know. they were lovely and did not do incest (as far as i’m aware at least lol)] and the amount of restrictions and self-projection their mother put on them was genuinely insanee. that woman needs therapy istg. but yeah it reminds me of alysanne and her relationship with her daughters in a bad way) other than that she seemed fun.
maegelle —> good on her for getting out of the evil sibling marriage cycle. she and vaegon and aemon are all kind of in the same boat of easily forgettable and also irrelevant. i think it’s kind of sad how as a kid alyssa didn't like having her around but kids kind of just don’t like it when their annoying younger sibling always tags along. and that’s not me saying that they don’t love each other or occasionally like hanging out together, but that’s just how it is sometimes. tbh i just don’t like her that much. she’s more so a plot devise than an actual character. also the way she said the faith wouldnt want her disabled sister because she couldn’t read well or remember her prayers came across as really blunt and nasty. it must of sucked to be the mediator for her parents in both quarells, but also if i'm remembering this right she was agreeing with her dad for the most part or just saying boo get over it,, so ew. should have let her parents invent divorce. and maybe murder.
vaegon —> he’s fun. little kid was a bookworm turned certified nerd maester, which would be really funny if the stupid as shit maester conspiracy was true. alas. he was never too invested in the family drama or anything beyond books. i hc him as aroace + autistic but that's just me. good on him for escaping the abusive superhell that was his family and the capital. however he was an asshole to daella when he said no to marrying her publicly, which on its own is fair enough incest is bad and you're not into girls, but the way he said it wasn't. don't be cruel to your disabled sister. aside from my modern gripes with a historical fantasy's spin off history book, let’s all give him a round of applause for being one of the first (and few) targ men to not deserve life in jail.
daella —> my sweet girl. she reminds me of the helaena i fell in love with from my first read through of f&b in a way. george has this way of repeating character archetypes especially with his more minor characters. the way she's described as simple, shy, easily frightened, struggled to read, comprehend and remember things and thought to be younger than she was actually, etc, leads me to believe she was disabled. She seems so lovely on the surface and i do think some of the idiosyncrasies revealed in f&b were kind of entertaining - like in the sense that she was scared of gardens and bees but loved flowers. her relationship to her siblings could be interesting if there was any time spent to develop it, but from all we really have is her only close relationship is really to her mother and maegelle. there was the incident with vaegon which sent her crying and alyssa dumping wine on him in retaliation. from what i can gather is she was scared of all of her older, more typically targaryen siblings, there's saera playing pranks but other than that there's no overall indicators of their relationship existing, let alone being overall positive or negative, from what i could gather. daella's marriage is one of the more interesting things because it actually impacts the narrative. it gives us the general romance options: only wanted for her title, not that into her, into her but not the same religion and other gods are scary, and a good dose of deadbeat dads. suprise! jaehaerys being a cunt yet again - the fuck you mean "i dont care who she marries so long as shes not my problem or yours by the end of the year"?? aly divorse him now and check yourself into therapy. protect your daughter she's like 16! anyway back to daella, the final options and her picking the one most like her dad. so much to unpack there but i am just nottt going to do that here. so she marries the man who's eldest child is literally 3 years older than her and has all her communications monitored and literally written for her until one day she finds out she's pregnant. she's pregnant and alone and scared and so she writes to her mother as best she can and sends it. her mother arrives and looks after her but she gives birth all too soon, she's gone. its the first noticable crack in her parents' marriage.
saera —> saera's whole existance kind of lingers in an uncertain but very certainly upsetting way. she's just a little girl but the way f&b frames her (especially later on) as though she's unforgivably evil for no reason. as i said in the daella segment, she played pranks on her sister, put cats in her room and bees in the chamber pot. perhaps it was a thing to get any of their mother's attention. if we read between the lines she was much more her father's child (e.g: "saera quickly learned how to get anything she wanted from her father." from the wiki. sorry its easier than dragging my copy out rn). allegedly all her sisters kind of disliked her, as did their mother, but her brothers found her shenanigans amusing. so very much a daddy's girl, and it seeps into her later interactions with him. what i'm saying is if we look with any sort of modern lens she very much exhibits typical traits of csa victims. she’s such a poor girl with a violent controlling father and an apathetic mother and golden child siblings. saera is very vocal about the world she lives in, and if she was perhaps in alyssa's place it'd be fine for her, but she's not. she's not a dragonrider, she's not to wed one of her brothers, and as we know every targ daughter that cannot be given to their brothers like livestock are inherently lesser according to jaehaerys and most other targs. - i’m so glad she ran away. theres this obvious tie of frankly idiotic marriages/betrothals for dragonless daughters (ie: marrying an old man with multiple heirs already, such as daella and viserra) to then have their children wed back into the mainlines, which is pretty sucky. targaryen incest not abuse your daughters challenge: level impossible. she's the overlooked child. she wants to be firstborn for the attention of it. she'll no longer be the forgotten 9th born/ 6th living kid. she has a drinking problem at 11 for fucks sake. get cps in there now!! her family for the most part ignore her but her father likes her well enough. - until all of a sudden she's got agency to do stuff for herself. she's interested in boys and "unruly" and desperate for love and attention from anyone she can get. anyone who could potentially get her away from there. imo she was totally a victim of csa and raised in incest child abuse hell so of course she doesnt have a healthy approach to any sort of relationship. so her dad interrogates everyone around her, imprisons her boyfriends, thinks to himself perhaps he could forgive her so long as she returns to that complacent little girl who'll do what he wants, but she doesn't. she's fed up and tries to claim a dragon. any sort of power or escape from that nightmare, but it fails. later he forces her to watch as he kills her lover. she's sent to the faith, taught by maegelle, who doesn't seem to understand her plight or even to want to. she's put through hell for almost two years until she escapes. they think she'd go home, but was there ever really a home for her there in the first place? so she goes across the sea. to lys, where she can live her life how she wants to - free of her family's influence, she cuts all ties and flourishes. she's happier for it. it still sucks she had to go through all that though. saera my dear you deserve the world.
viserra —> there’s a lot of similarities to saera with the not being the golden child, though aly takes on a much more antagonistic role to her imo. like wym you’re out here saying your 15yo daughter is a manipulative power hungry bitch?? i think alysanne projects a lot of her resentment onto her daughters, especially the ones who don't fit into her mould. like those "happily married" women in a workplace who see a younger woman enjoying her life and hate them with a vitriol for no reason (projecting their own misery onto someone hopeful) - their overall plan for the girls not set to continue the main dynasty, unlike aemon/jocelyn or baelon/alyssa has been cruel and disconcerting at best or malicious at worst. i’ve also seen some people be nasty to viserra because she dared try and seduce baelon “wItH hEr tRuE vAlyRiAn BeAuTy” because in the version of f&b they’ve made up in their heads she was doing it to get back at alyssa for… some reason??? which kind of puzzled me because did alysanne tell them that?? source?? alysanne suggests viserra has always wanted to be queen but tbh i don't really see anything wrong with that. the little girl in the incest and abuse house wants to marry her older brother who'll be king one day to achieve the status, power and protections of queen consort?? totally insane. wild. not like theres a historic theme of feudalism and abuse of people - or them.. yk, wanting to escape that. but the way alysanne (and some of the fandom ffs) frames it like she's some evil malicious powerhungry bitchwhore for no reason... and its just like did literally everything with daella and saera fly right over all of their heads??? anyway i’m much more in favour of the (basically canon) reading where it’s her desperate last attempt to worm out of her unwanted marriage to geriatric lord manderly - drunk and naked in her widowed brother’s bed pleading for him to be attracted enough to save her from an arguably worse fate, yet it’s unsuccessful. the incest grooming tells her she should want him and that he would want her. he has to save her from this. from this cold waste and an unknown old stranger, he’s her brother! he should protect her! and yet it fails. so she’s escorted out. incomprehensible and upset. viserra then vows to at least try to enjoy a last night of freedom before being sent to the marriage bed, even if she can't escape like saera could, she can have this. a last night with her friends, drinking and partying and riding through the city and then her horse stumbles. perhaps it’s a mercy in a way. perhaps not. (is it obvious she’s my favourite??)
gael —> she's such a sweet little girl from the little we do know, much like daella, she was very likely disabled. the main comfort to her mother, it's so sad how the narrative of f&b frames her almost like a pet of her mother instead of her daughter. she died at 19 of an alleged suicide. i think its a nice touch to have the contrasting stories of her demise, jae and aly insisting fever but the revelation after their death that she experienced a stillbirth and suicided leads to a lot of space for speculation. this may sound a little conspiracy theory-y, so lets all put on our tinfoil hats for a second. but i do not believe for one second the alleged father of her stillbirth being a travelling bard at all. not when she's the incredibly sheltered youngest daughter who's never far from her mother's side to the point of sleeping in the same bed. it doesn't seem after all that happened with saera and viserra, and even daella that aly would let gael be unattended by either herself or a trusted person. all i'm saying in the house of generational sexual abuse and incest its not unlikely to point fingers at certain individuals. mystery aside i do think she is sort of just daella 2.0.
but yeah that's my opinion on the children of jaehaerys and alysanne. . sorry it took so long to respond to this ask. those kids needed an intervention from cps and an additional lifetime of therapy.

Almost forgot to post him here, but here’s Vaegon! Number one hater and certified asshole. I love him so much ♥️
I am frequently forced to realize that nobody else sees Vaegon as a trans woman and that this isn’t something that everybody simply knows.
vaegon by far funniest historical targ. jaehaerys voice what do you mean you aren’t attracted to your sisters. what are you fucking gay
close enough welcome back vaegon targaryen

random assorted targs
Sooo random but why was Vaegon referred to as “the dragonless” when not even half of his siblings had a dragon? That seems personal at that point. Historians had beef with him or something 💀