I think fanfic should be in the library of congress.She/her| 20| Writer and fan. I write fanfic onHouse of the Dragon at the moment. AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/users/PrettyMuchTeddy/pseuds/PrettyMuchTeddy
454 posts
Prettymuchteddy - PrettyMuchTeddy - Tumblr Blog
Please save what's left of my family
Hello dear
I am from the Baalousha family from Gaza.. 🇵🇸🍉
I hope you are well .
I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them. My father and mother suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. Help me secure them
Please, can you reblog my campaign post on my account? Every contribution can make a difference in my family's life and any donation, even a small one, makes a difference.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide. 🇵🇸🇵🇸
The campaign was documented by @90-ghost 🍉🍉..
Of course!

Snippet of my new chapter: Changeling
“Any person can be pulled with strings, madness or not. You could have used it. You could have wielded it, but you let it slip through your fingers. You deluded yourself into believing that the Realm's Delight could never become the monster that currently rots that throne. You had a chance to move the pieces, but you passed over your turn, now you will die for it.”
Hello ! Thanks for bearing with me , I am a Palestinian educator from Gaza whose life is dire and gruesome. Nothing has left for my family except the hope you can support and help us. After 9 months of war we became exhausted, hopeless , desperate , and displaced. Houses and livelihood sources have been lost and gone with the wind. Things are driving us insane and made. The least level of life can't be attained. Healthy water and food have become a dream we need to realize. What worsens our life more is the constant bombings and killings. That is why I am asking in this post to help us survive this unbearable circumstances , moving from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive so friends you can support us either by directly donating whatever you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember your small contribution can make a big difference for the lives of many children whose heath gets worse and worse everyday. Let their life change and let them feel happy through your kind contribution.
Of course! Guys, they're really close to getting to their goal let's try to get them there💕💕💕

“My kiss is not worth nothing, if you wish, find me beneath the tides and in the depths.”
Rhaenicent Mermaid AU
A year ago, Princess Rhaenyra fell from her ship into the dark sea. She was the only survivor of a mermaid attack. All she remembered was drowning, her lungs filling with water. Then a kiss. The sensation of someone carrying her before her vision left her. Since that day, whenever she is beneath the water she finds herself able to breathe. She feels a connection pulling her toward the ocean. A song singing in the back of her mind. Her obsession with the man-eating creature that saved her has driven her to sail the seas in search of the elusive being. Rhaenyra feels herself falling into madness every moment they are parted or perhaps her sanity strains the closer she gets. She isn't sure anymore, but she is too far gone to care. All she knows is she must find her.

"Sweet words do not work on me, my lady. My husband tried it once and he was met with thorns rather than a rose. I rule in my son's stead which I take very seriously. I will not risk soldiers for a war that has nothing to do with us" - Lady Tyrell (Chapter 14)
During the Dance of the Dragons, Lady Tyrell as ruled as regent for her infant son, Lyonel. In the conflict, she never raised her banners for war, staying neutral in the matter. Some believed her cowardly while others believed her clever for evading the destruction that plunged the realm.

Literally, the process leading up to me publishing my first fic on AO3
I hope my message finds you well
I would really appreciate it if you could help me by donating to save me and my family from the dangers of war and death in Gaza and escape to a safe place
Please share, repost or donate to my family 🙏
Of course!

I feel like AO3 authors should start making the tag "more accurate than the show" for HOTD fanfics a thing
Y'all I've got to be so honest, I have a few anonymous fics running around AO3 👀
There was a very clear shift between the writing of Alicent in S2 that I don’t think anyone mentions. Alicent is obviously an antagonist in the writers’ eyes but they don’t write her for the audience to hate or even be mad at. To an extent, I can understand that. Instead, they write her to be mocked, literally, every action she takes is meant for her to be made fun of by the audience and even some characters. As a writer, I genuinely can’t imagine hating a character I’M WRITING so much that this is what I chose to do. It doesn't just weaken your character, it also reflects weirdly on you as a writer for having beef with YOUR characters.
Luke unintentionally getting the best deal by dying before the show went off the edge:

Sleep well sweet prince, you escaped 😔
I bought a HOTD shirt in preparation for S2, the regret is creeping in pls sign me up
suddenly feel deeply embarrassed for associating myself w hotd and its fandom jesus h christ
If you are a fan fic writer and you're alright with people making fan art of your fic, reblog this 💚
While I think the Jace and Rhaenyra scene in episode 7 was great, I think it should have been a bit longer cause this is obviously something that has been building up in Jace for a while.
I think Jace and Rhaenyra should have gotten into a full-blown screaming match. Rhaenyra probably starts to cry and throws wine at Jace while he demands the truth from her, as a Spanish guitar plays in the background. Then out of nowhere Harwin Strong would burst into the room, revealing he wasn't the one who died that night it was his evil twin, Harlose. He declares himself Jace's father until surprise Criston Cole enters the room. He admits to his affair with Rhaenyra and that he is Jace's father. Harwin and Criston then begin to get into an argument over who is Jace's real father. The scene suddenly cuts to Alicent on a balcony in the Red Keep, revealing her to be Jace's real father. A flashback also reveals Rhaenyra got amnesia 16 years ago which is how she doesn't remember their love affair. The end.
HOTD Telenovela go brrr
Oscar Tully: Literally why did you think doing any of that was okay? Willem Blackwood: Cause Prince Daemon thought it was a good idea. Oscar Tully: ... Oscar Tully: You actual clown
Bonus scene after Daemon left that meeting
Oscar Tully to Simon Strong: Tell Alys to up the dose, I want that man so traumatized he can't even think about the Riverlands without breaking into a cold sweat at night
thank you for your brave stand beside people in bad need due to the gruesome war over Gaza. ❤️🖤💚🤍
Yes of course! Praying for your family💕
I was joking why did Rhaenyra really do the"Good luck, try not to die". She didn't tell them about when she claimed Syrax or give any tips/tricks. She threw them into the Hunger Games area fr😭
Okay, small thing but I was really surprised to see how involved the dragonkeepers were in the whole claiming part with Steffon by speaking High Valyrian to Seasmoke and keeping him from attacking. I imagined while reading the book (and while writing my fic) that the dragonkeepers just took them to where the dragons were and said "Try not die loser"
Jace canonically having insecurities about being a bastard and feeling inadequate next to the silver-haired Taragryens is so good I'm so glad this isn't just a headcanon I've being throwing into the ether and my fanfics

Hello ! Thanks for bearing with me , I am a Palestinian educator from Gaza whose life is dire and gruesome. Nothing has left for my family except the hope you can support and help us. After 9 months of war we became exhausted, hopeless , desperate , and displaced. Houses and livelihood sources have been lost and gone with the wind. Things are driving us insane and made. The least level of life can't be attained. Healthy water and food have become a dream we need to realize. What worsens our life more is the constant bombings and killings. That is why I am asking in this post to help us survive this unbearable circumstances , moving from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive so friends you can support us either by directly donating whatever you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember your small contribution can make a big difference for the lives of many children whose heath gets worse and worse everyday. Let their life change and let them feel happy through your kind contribution.
https://gofund.me/9b764ae7 ❤️💚🤍🖤
Yes of course!
Tumblr + GoFundMe

Why do I feel like tonight’s episode will make or break my feelings toward this show?
Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need .
Of course! I'll attach your links if others wish to donate as well.

I’d be more laid back if this was just a preference when it comes to Emma Darcy’s acting…then I saw OP’s comment where they said (Milly and Emma) lack beauty 🫠
Are there really people who think Emma Darcy could play canon Rhaenyra? They'd break out in hives if they had to play a woman who has nothing to do with their own internal conflicts and is as feminine as can be, don't make me laugh for god's sake, this is one of the worst casting decisions I've seen in a long time.
Luke and Jaehaerys watching both their families hesitating to fight each other even after their deaths:

Tell me I’m not the only one who's been thinking this