Valentinesgift - Tumblr Posts

hope i’m not too late

Vanilla bean marshmallows, dipped in dark chocolate. I made them to give away as Valentine’s day gifts to friends.
Another 14th February, another Valentine's day. I hope y'all enjoy this day with the ones you love. If not your s/o then your siblings or parents or cousins or friends, anyone you love. I'm celebrating this with you guys! I love y'all people sooo much with my whole heart. Again happy Valentine's day to y'all. <33
Now I'm going back to what I was doing.

Valentine's Day - Adam Stanheight / Reader
A/N, it's getting close to V-Day, everyone, and tbh I'm lonely irl, but I always have Adam, and now you do, too! ;)
Another year, another lost Valentine's Day. You of all people shouldn’t be the one sitting at home with no one by your side. Even the weather was trying to be supportive, with all it’s sunshine and clear skies. There would have been a time when you went diving straight into that blissfulness and lost yourself in a playful craze, but… your soul had broken apart after the first breakup. Just like an apple on the tree; it was happy and alive until it wasn’t needed anymore. Cast away by the mother, like a miserable excuse for a child, never to return again.
Still, your heart was beating, and that meant you hadn’t quit. It ached, sure, and your mind felt like it was rotting, but otherwise you hadn’t quit, no. You hadn’t given up. Not yet. The thing was, there was something that kept coming back to you, even stronger than that of the last time.
Why did Cupid treat you like this? Why did she insist on breaking your heart over and over again? Why wasn’t there anyone that was meant for you? If Cupid planned everyone’s love-lives, then why had she been avoiding yours? What was wrong with your love-life? WAS there anything wrong with it? Maybe it was just yourself?
In any case, the facts still remained. You were alone on Valentine’s Day, without a single piece of chocolate or a cheerful looking flower. You didn’t even have an ounce of energy to turn on the living room light that was only one scoot away from you on the couch.
Fuck. Everything hated you.
The spoon shifted deeper into the hard block of ice cream. (Favorite ice cream) was so delicious! It almost lifted your spirits up from the hole they were in but… eating ice cream alone wasn’t nearly as fun when you could share it with someone. All your friends had people! Cupid had given them someone to take care of on Valentine’s Day, and all you got was a handful of ice cream in the dark.
This was so unfair.
Amidst your sulking on the tattered cushions of your old sofa, came the slow rustle of footsteps from beyond the condo door. There was excited chittering and laughter from your neighbors, as they presumably let some of their girlfriends or boyfriends into their rooms, but it didn’t seem to be coming from those suspicious footsteps. It was quieter after some time, but the soft susurrus of steps seemed to persist ever onwards.
You contemplated what that sound was. Perhaps it was only the prehistoric pipes giving way to their confines after such a long endeavor of life? Or perhaps it was the swish-swoosh of your neighbor's broom sweeping over the dusty vents? Maybe one could tell, but you could not.
They dragged up and up and up, those footsteps. Not once did they falter, not once did they stumble, not once did they retreat; the footfalls simply repeated. Until at last, after the final serve of ice cream was finished up and swallowed, the sound stopped.
You didn’t know what to do with yourself. You’d have been asleep right now, if it wasn’t for the abrupt change in your surroundings. What was that, anyway? Was it not the poor pipes? Was it not your soulless neighbor?
And then there it was! A teeny-tiny knock rumbling on your front door.
How could this be so? You were supposed to be alone on Valentine’s Day!
In a very sluggish manner, you stood up from the couch. Your insides were cold from the previously eaten ice cream, and your heart was heavy from the previously stated facts. But somehow you managed to get yourself to your feet, and still hopelessly miserably, you did in fact, unlock the door.
Behind it was a young man that you recognized. His brown eyes were unmistakable. His clothes, tattered and loose, were memorable - or perhaps his appearance was memorable? He was quite handsome, of course.
You stepped back slowly, your mind reeling. This didn’t feel right. This didn’t feel accurate. As you placed one foot behind the other, everything slowed down. It was like moving in slow motion. You could feel your hair blow forwards, the edges of your clothes did as well. You were walking backwards in the wind. Sound stopped, so that it was all just a lackadaisical emptiness, like being underwater.
You kept walking, tediously, backwards. Your eyes were fixed on the newcomer - distraught and unblinking - while your mouth hung open slightly - astonished and bemused.
What the fuck was happening?
The man came walking in, just as fast as you, followed by the strange slithering sound. His movements were lazy, as he looked up from the floor and brought his hands up to his mouth. The click of his lighter resonated around the entire room, ringing for some minutes afterwards. He took a deep breath in, which too was enhanced by some magical hearing aid that had not been there before. You felt yourself grow weak and you reached your hands out backwards, looking for the couch.
He put his lighter back into his pocket, and now you could see the cigarette in his left hand. He blew out on it and smoke filled your vision completely. You stumbled, as the world came back to you once more.
You crashed down, painfully, onto the hard cushions of your couch, white noise filling your ears now as well as the traffic outside the window and the people talking outside your door. The man was approaching quickly by now, a look of alarm on his face. You realized that you knew this man!
“A-Adam Faulkner?” You choked out, feeling dizzy.
Adam’s light voice made your heart flutter. He knelt over you, his hands resting on your shoulders in an attempt to support you. “Woah. What’s wrong, Y/N? Have you eaten anything today?”
You tried to remember what REAL food you had eaten, but it felt like such a long time ago. “I had… ice cream…” you mumbled awkwardly.
“That’s it!?” Adam left you on the couch to go rummage through your fridge. He came back with a sandwich. You hated sandwiches.
“Why do I have to eat that?”
Adam shoved a piece into your mouth unexpectedly, and you gagged but started chewing anyway. “Because you’re faint as fuck, and I don’t want you passing out on me.”
You took the sandwich from him miserably, and ate it slowly. You grimaced every time you had to bite it. “What are you doing here?” You asked. “Don’t you have like… a girlfriend to see?”
Adam sat back into a chair across from you, and continued smoking. “What? Are you crazy? You think anyone would want to date me?”
Your heart pounded suddenly, and your cheeks flushed red. “Oh… Right… I’m sure no one… would…” You cleared your throat awkwardly, trying to end the stupid sentence that you had started.
“So, what got you eating ice cream in the darkness all by yourself on Valentine’s?” Adam questioned curiously. You stared at him blankly, as if your eyes alone could get the words across. “Oh come on. You didn’t really think no one was gonna come see you?”
You shoveled more sandwich into your mouth. At this point you would rather eat this than have to answer his question. Instead, you asked, “What got you to come all the way up to some single person’s house on Valentine’s?”
“ ‘Single’?” Adam wondered. “That works well for my plans, actually.”
You gazed at him in dismay, starting to get the idea he was implying. You finished your sandwich swiftly after that, wanting to look pretty for what MIGHT be coming up. “Let me get dressed! Oh my god, I can’t believe you had to see me like this.” Suddenly, you had newfound motivation…
Adam seemed a little off guard by your major mood change, but he rolled with it. “Sure. I mean, whatever you like. I think you look good in what you have on.”
“I’m still in my pajamas though.”
Adam shrugged. “I guess it makes undressing easier.”
At first you didn’t think much of the comment, until you were in the bathroom. And then you realized his implication. Adam was flirting with you… or trying to. You started smiling. Now that you thought about it, it was really cute. You dressed hastily, and then presented yourself to Adam cautiously. It had been awhile since you had done anything like this.
Adam smiled at you. “There you are. Looking beautiful, as usual.”
You giggled. “Oh, stop. I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” You were embarrassed by his sudden affection.
Faulkner raised an eyebrow. “Maybe it’s nothing?” He suggested. “Maybe I’m just enjoying Valentine’s Day?”
You were completely flabbergasted. “Enjoying Valentine’s Day with me?” You were almost unsure it could be possible.
Adam leaned in close and finally got to the point of his visit. “I want to change your social status from single to taken.”
You laughed out loud. “Cheesy!”
Adam laughed with you. “I had to say it as soon as I thought of it.”
“So, is THAT why you’re here? To give me a cheesy pickup line?”
“Hey,” Adam said defensively. “It was cheesy, but… I was being honest.”
You stared at him, your mind going blank. “W-What?”
“Come on, Y/N. You’re not that dim. Or do you need me to spell it out for you?”
You shifted your feet, unable to believe your ears. You didn’t realize Adam felt that way about you. Had this been an all-time-thing, or was he joking with you? You’d been in love with Adam ever since your first meeting, but… you never thought that the feelings could be mutual. Besides, if Adam had felt this way about you for so long, then why hadn’t he done anything about it? Why was THIS year the year that he opened up?
“I… don’t get it…” you stammered.
“What’s there to get? I really like you.”
“But… I never knew… If I knew, I wouldn’t have waited so long. I thought that… you were with someone else.”
“Who else?” Adam asked skeptically. “I haven’t dated since… since Jigsaw…” He shook his head vehemently. “But, that was a long time ago. I feel ready to try again. So… does this mean… you don’t want-”
“No!” You interrupted. “I do want this! I’m so sorry for complicating it, I was trying to understand everything. It didn't make sense.”
“It’s okay,” Adam said, and pulled you into a hug.
You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. It was so loud you could have sworn the whole condo could hear it. Your face and hands were hot, and you felt faint again, but not because of hunger; it was out of happiness.
You wrapped your arms around Adam’s waist and rested your head on his chest. It was odd to you how one’s outlook on life could change within a day, all depending on the set of circumstances a person was put into. That morning you had been despairing, but now - nearly twelve thirty - you were in perfect bliss. You were just so glad to have someone of your own this Valentine’s Day.
“Hmm…” you sighed. “Perhaps Cupid doesn’t leave everyone in the dark?”
“Huh?” Adam looked down at you, a look of utter bewilderment on his face.
You glanced back up at him. “Oh, sorry. It was nothing.”
Adam placed you on the couch. “What do you want to do now? I was gonna take you to lunch.”
You straightened your back, and dusted your clothes out. “O-Of course, Adam. I’d love to.”
Adam put out his cigarette and tossed it into the wastebasket. He leapt to his feet and went racing to the door. He looked back at you, and gestured you over with his hand. “Come on, Y/N. This is gonna be the best day of your life!”
You followed him out the door hesitantly, a small smile on your face. It was cold outside, but you couldn’t care less about the weather. The mere presence of Adam Stanheight was enough to keep you warm. “I’m excited,” you whispered bravely, closing the door behind you and staring out into the rain. “I haven’t done this in a very long time.”