dorotheataylor - Old habits Die Screaming
Old habits Die Screaming

18 | a simp for fictional characters | Delusional AF | I write fics to feed my delusions

93 posts



Another 14th February, another Valentine's day. I hope y'all enjoy this day with the ones you love. If not your s/o then your siblings or parents or cousins or friends, anyone you love. I'm celebrating this with you guys! I love y'all people sooo much with my whole heart. Again happy Valentine's day to y'all. <33

Now I'm going back to what I was doing.



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More Posts from Dorotheataylor

3 years ago

Oh my thank you sm🤧❤️

Who he really loves

Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!Reader

Summary - Harry asks you about who he should be with.

Warnings: Very much fluff, very very little angst in between and as always my poor English :)

Word count - 1.7k

A/N: I've had this idea for a while so decided why not post it. So here it is. Hope you all enjoy <3


Who He Really Loves

The cold prickly grass was nipping at your arms and legs through your clothes as you laid down near the Black Lake, and warmth radiating from your side where Harry Potter laid. The light from the stars and moon was the only source of light. The dim lanterns of Hogwarts seemed like fairy lights.

It wasn't uncommon for you and your best friend Harry to sneak out of the castle at late nights, or in this case very early in the morning. At this time, it was 1.45 am. For the most part it would be a comfortable silence, you both star gazing, deep in thoughts, or small talks about random things.

You had always loved space and everything about stars because everything about them fascinated you. So while you two lay in the grass, you often looked at the constellations or wondered about moon and it never tired you.

"Um, Y/N?" Harry called breaking the silence. You hummed in response not taking your eyes off the night sky.

"I need your opinion on something. Something important." His voice wavered a little, so this had to be important if he was so nervous about it.

"Oh okay, go on," you said and waited for him to continue.

"So, um, well, I-I think I'm in- in love with two different people," he said not looking at you but the moon and placing his one arm behind his head like a pillow, "and I don't know who should I go after."

"Well," you paused not really knowing what to say as no one ever has asked you such type of question.

"Well, tell me about the first girl. What do you think of her, how you feel for her." You said quietly finally getting a head start.

"Well, I've know her since our first year but didn't really start talking to her until our last. She is really pretty and I do like her, and I want to protect her but I think these feelings that I have kind of shrunk, when I realized I liked the second one. I know I still I like her but not just as much as I used to," he finished slightly glancing towards you. You were thinking.

"If you don't like her as much as you used to do, why are you still hanging on?" you asked glancing at him as well.

The moonlight made your skin glow and your eyes got a nice twinkle to them, and that one glance made Harry's heart flutter.

"Because I think she is the only one I really have a chance with and can have a two-sided relationship." He turned his gaze back to the sky.

You thought even more. There were so many girls out there who would date him in a heartbeat. And okay, you included. Because even though you've tried to deny it, you had fallen for him. And you'd fallen hard. Very hard.

You were best friends for years and it just happened. Maybe because it was the way he looked, the way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way his hair would always be messy, you just couldn't help it.

But this isn't about you, it's about Harry.

"Okay, now tell me about the second one." You said slowly coming out if your thoughts.

His face turned pink, "I realized it only a couple of months ago, but I thought it was just a crush but I don't know when this crush became more. I'm friends with her, and the more I am with her I only fall for her more. But I don't know if she feels the same." He said his voice getting smaller and smaller.

"So you knew you liked-loved the first one, correct? But then you fell for the second one?" you glanced at him.

"Yeah." He said simply.

"Well, who do you think you should go for?" you ask looking back at the sky.

"Um, I think I should go for the first one, as I loved her first right? And I have more chances with her." He said with the same quiet voice. "But who do you think I should go after?" he asked his hands getting sweaty as he waited for your answer.

You thought for some more time and finally came to a conclusion.

"I think you should go for the... second girl." You said. Harry's heart bounced hearing you.

"Why do you think that?" he asked a little more quietly looking at you with pink face.

"Because you said you still loved the first one when you realized your feeling for second, right? So if you truly loved the first one, then why would you fall for second one?"

The only sounds that could be heard now were of the crickets, some owls, rustling of winds in the trees and water from the lake.

Harry laid there quietly, taking in every word you said. It all made sense now.

Why he would mostly be awkward with you, why he would mostly get nervous when you're around, why you were the only one who could make him smile even in his dark moments, why he would seek only your cuddles and sweet words whenever he would have a bad day.

Thoughts went through his head and then he realized. He was truly and unconditionally, deeply and undeniably, in love with you. He was in love with your smile, your laugh, your silly jokes, your personality. He was in love with everything about you.

He just thought he loved Ginny but it was you all along.

"Why did you asked me this, anyways?" you asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

"The first girl asked me out on a date and I wanted to know who I really wanted to be with before I said yes." He admitted. You felt something inside you by thinking of him being someone else.

"And have you made up your mind?" you asked looking at him.

He had a soft look in his eyes and even though the night was chilly on the December night, they still gave a warm look.

"Yeah, I'm going with girl two." He said casually.

"Really?" you asked with a teasing voice.

"Yeah, I'm gonna tell Ginny how I feel about her tomorrow." He said as he let out a deep breath.

Your heart sunk deep in your stomach when you heard him. Some tears came but you blinked them back. Was Ginny the girl he loved?

"You- your in l-love with G-Ginny?" you asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"No, she was girl one. She asked me out earlier today and I'll tell her tomorrow what I feel about her." He replied.

You were somewhat relieved hearing this but still worried who this second girl might be. He can love whoever he wants and it couldn't be possibly you right? You didn't stood a chance. But maybe you could help him get with her if you knew who she was. Then he would be happy. And that was all you wanted. Even if it wasn’t with you.

"So who's the second?" you asked your heart beating faster than ever.

Harry softly smiled to himself and looked at you. The smile never left his face. His green eyes glistening behind his round glasses from moonlight and his messy hair all over his forehead, you couldn't help but stare with pink cheeks.


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3 years ago

Steal my girl

Pairing: James Sirius Potter x Fem!Malfoy!Reader

Summary: When James gets jealous over your obsession with a certain boy band, he finds that very band the key to win your heart.

Warnings: None, just fluff, my poor English :)

Word count: 1.2k

A/N: You and James are in your 7th year. Plus I’m myself a directioner. (Song featured- Steal my girl by One direction.)


You were walking through the Hogwarts grounds to take a break from everyday routine. You put your headphones on your head and played songs of a muggle band called One Direction, which you came to love so much recently.

You reached your secret spot near Black lake about which only you and and your best friend James knew about. You sat down and stared at the lake as songs got played and bobbed your head with beats. You didn’t notice when James came up beside you until he took your headphones off.

“Geez Y/N, how much loudly do you listen? I’ve been calling you since past five minutes,” he said before putting them on his head, “Woah this loud! And again One Direction?”

“I didn’t want any outside noise and yes again,” you said teasingly. James rolled his eyes.

“Wanna go prank Albus and Scorpius?” he suggested. It was strange that your younger brothers were best friends knowing their parents’ history.

You shook your head. “Nah, I’d rather listen to One Direction.”

He groaned, “Ugh c’mon, you’ve been listening to them since I don’t remember how long. Hang out with me too.”

“And why should I do that?” you teased.

“Because I am the chosen one’s son,” he replied.

“Oh shove off,” you said pushing him slightly by his shoulders before placing your headphones back.

He rolled his eyes. He sat there for some more time and stared at you and wondered how he could get your attention. He couldn’t think of anything so he got up and left. You looked at him walking away towards the castle and couldn’t help but feel a little bad for not spending time with him.

On his way back he ran his hands through his soft hair. ‘I’ve been wanting her attention since a very long time and now she is obsessed with that stupid band’ he thought.

“What should I do?” he yelled in frustration to which Fred Weasley, who heard him, came up to him. 

“Why are you yelling?” he asked.

So he told him all his feelings towards you and how he was jealous of that band. Fred listened to everything he said carefully. He caressed his chin as if thinking very deeply. And after sometime he finally said-

“Do you know her favorite song of the band?”

“No,” James replied with a pout and feeling a little guilty about not knowing your favorite song.

“Hmm, I’ve an idea,” 

“What is it?”

He whispered something in James’ ears and as he went on, the smile on James’ face grew bigger and bigger.

“That’s a brilliant idea!” he exclaimed.

“I know.” Fred replied proudly.

“We do it tonight.” James said grinning.

Meanwhile you were still sitting near Black Lake listening songs until you felt hungry and saw the sky growing darker. You got up, brushed yourself and your dress a little and walked off towards The Great Hall.

When you reached there you saw James standing with a guitar and waving at you. You didn’t knew what he was doing so you just waved back awkwardly.

He winks at you making your cheeks turn pink before turning towards Fred. He whispered something in his ears and then he climbed on the Gryffindor table with his guitar.

“Everyone, can I have your attention?” he said loudly as everyone turned their heads towards him.

“Mr. Potter, what are you doing?” Mcgonagall asked.

“Relax Professor,” he said before continuing, “So I learned this one song for that beautiful lady standing over there” he said pointing at you, “Y/N Malfoy. Maybe then she’ll be obsessed with me.”

You walked up to him and whisper-yelled, “James get down.”

“Just wait and see,” he said before clearing his throat and started playing his guitar and sang- 

“She’s been my queen, since we were sixteen

“We want the same things we dream the same the dreams, alright.”

You immediately recognized the song when he sang the first line. And you couldn’t help but think of him as a younger version of Harry Styles.

He continued, “I got it all ‘cause she is the one, her mom calls me love, her dad calls me son, alright.”

And it wasn’t wrong. Your mom, Astoria, had always called him love or dear like names and your dad, Draco, has also called him son many times. And at his house, his mother, Ginny, also adored you and his dad, Harry, loved your visitings there.

“I know, I know, I know for sure-

Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away, couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one ‘cause she belongs to me.

And it was true. Ever since your fifth year, many people had asked you out for a date or a hogsmeade trip together or to hang out. You were beautiful, kind, smart and what not. You always felt a little bad for rejecting them. James never liked this. He had liked you since you third year and couldn’t help but get jealous whenever someone asked you out. ‘There were other girls in Hogwarts too. Why didn’t they ask them?’ he would always say to Fred.

Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away, couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one ‘cause she belongs to me!”

You couldn’t stop your tears coming down when he sang the ‘na na’ part of the song. He slung his guitar onto his back and said giving you his hand, “so Y/N Malfoy, will you belong to me?”

You grinned thinking he learned this whole song just for you. You took his hand climbed on the table. You interlocked his fingers with yours and kissed him. His face became red as he kissed you back passionately.

“Yes, I belong to you,” you smiled and whispered after you pulled away.

His face was now overwhelmed with joy. “Did you hear that?! She belongs to me!” he yelled excitedly.

“About time,” Albus said to Scorpius.

“Really. They both were totally whipped for each other since from first year and seriously it was getting annoyed seeing my sister swooning for him. My father will hear about this,” Scorpius replied.

“James Sirius Potter and Y/N Narcissa Malfoy, get down before I send owls at your houses,” Mcgonagall scolded but she too had a small smile on her face. And you both had to jump down because you didn’t want to receive howlers from your mothers.

“My parents are gonna love you,” James said.

“They already love me,” you said grinning.

“And how do you know?” he asked amused.

“Because I am the chosen one’s son’s ex-best friend and now girlfriend,” you teased and both of you laughed as you made your way to Gryffindor common room.

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3 years ago

So damn true <33

Little Things by ONE DIRECTION, is the best way to say "I love you"

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2 years ago

This film made me cry for hours😭❤️

Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.
Lifes Too Short To Waste A Second.

Life’s too short to waste a second.

Five Feet Apart (2019)

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3 years ago

Goodbye Umbitch

A/N: I made this just for fun. And all hate to Umbridge not her actor :)

(Y/N and Harry go to Umbridge to try a spell on her.)

Y/N: Hello Professor Umbridge!

UMBRIDGE: Hello, L/N, what do you want?

Y/N: I just wanted to try a new spell on someone so I thought why not try it on you.

HARRY: *whispers* What are you doing?

Y/N: *whispers* Just wait and watch.

UMBRIDGE: But why me? There are other students and professors here at Hogwarts.

Y/N: Umm, you see professor there is no other professor or student like you and I adore you so much.

Harry: *inside his mind* Adore you?! She's gone mad!

UMBRIDGE: Okay, well what does that spell do?

Y/N: Why don't you see it yourself?

UMBRIDGE: Okay do it.

(Y/N clears her throat while Harry is freaking out inside.)

Y/N: *points her wand at Umbridge* Avada kedavra!

Harry: ...

Y/N: ...

Harry: ...

Y/N: ...


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