Vic Michaelis - Tumblr Posts
every time vic is on dropout i get more attracted to them

she was on a mission that day
Why does this clip last ten hours?
New vocal stim unlocked
Vic and Amanda kissed!!! Wtf
Augbert was an experience.
Thousandairs, what a show
Vic having the courage to say what I've been waiting to say my whole life.
Vegetables aren't real.
Their stepdaughter is their age. They don't throw things at PAs *anymore*. They've never hung out with anyone...from the show before. They're cursed.
Every single fact we learn about them makes me more obsessed with them. Truly incredible.
Fictional Vic Michaelis from VIP is unironically one of my favorite characters at the moment. They’re an asshole. Every night they’re visited by a merchant of death in their dreams. That’s the only form of therapy they seem to get. They have a complicated relationship to their ex-step grandmother. They wear the same suit to work every day. They’re not great with inflection. Interviewing is all they know how to do. They wish they were doing more important television. They share a two-bedroom apartment with their husband and their step daughter. An alien is living in their guest house. They cry frequently. They kissed a sentient puppet. They’ve fired so many employees. They’re trapped in a time loop (possibly). Truly the person of all time
Everyone always talks about Brennan Lee Mulligan going all in on a bit, but there is one person who I think reigns above them all, and that person is Vic Michaelis. No matter what show they are on, whether its make some noise, play it by ear, or their most recent appearance on game changer with tonight's "Sam Says 3" they take what ever they are given and they run with it, they run like hell, they run like they're trying to escape a tornado. They are funny as hell
If you can’t handle me at my Edward Fishhands you don’t deserve me at my Evelyn Tucci