Vlad And Katharina - Tumblr Posts
The Villagers of the Brasov, thought that Katharina was the plague to all the villages of Brasov, The three women became jealousy at Katharina, saying to her that she seduced Vlad Dracula, voivode of Wallachia and Transylvania, becoming his lover, say that Vlad intoxicated by his sexual relations with her humiliated the Sultan’s messengers and declared war on Mehmed, and the men and women of Transylvania will drown in blood because of her. Their Greed, their envy and weakness will up as judges of innocence, They false claim her and her put her up by the pillar, and cut off her braids. That’s when Vlad came to rescue his beloved Katharina and killed those who try to kill or even harming her. Vlad kept Katharina’s braid’s ever seen, it is his love for her, that makes him so.
One of the commission I had done for, from Instagram, thank you ❤️
I translated into english from Wikipedia
(b. April 1438 - 1479) was a beautiful young woman of Saxon origin of humble origins. She is known to be the most important mistress of the prince of Wallachia: Vlad Tepes (1431-1476).
She was the daughter of an artisan, Thomas Siegel, who belonged to the weavers' guild, and lived with his family in the town of Brașov. In a fire, she and her family lost everything. Katharina was forced to work and, one morning carrying provisions on a sleigh, Vlad Tepes saw her and quickly ran to help her. At that time, she was 17 and Vlad 25. Vlad fell madly in love with her. The young woman was impressed by the gesture, and Vlad resorted to various strategies to continue conquering her, obsessing over her and forgetting the rest of her lovers.
Young with blue eyes and blond hair, she was one of the most courted in Brașov. She had 5 children with Vlad (Vladislav, Katharina, Christian, Hanna and Sigismund), although they never got married because the prince was already married to a noble of the court. It is said that on one occasion the families of some merchants whom Vlad had impaled attacked Katharina and cut her braids. Vlad threatened to burn down the entire city if anyone touched her again, and managed to recover the braids. He kept them in his castle under lock and key as if it were a treasure. Until that extreme the young Katharina Siegel was taking effect.
(b. 1438 – 1479 aprilie) a fost o tânără frumoasă de origine săsească de origine umilă. Este cunoscută ca fiind cea mai importantă stăpână a domnitorului țării românești: Vlad Țepeș (1431-1476).
A fost fiica unui artizan, Thomas Siegel, care a aparținut breslei țesătorilor, și a locuit cu familia sa în orașul Brașov. Într-un incendiu, ea și familia ei au pierdut totul. Katharina a fost forțată să muncească și, într-o dimineață, purtând provizii pe o sanie, Vlad Țepeș a văzut-o și a fugit repede să o ajute. La acea vreme, avea 17 ani, iar Vlad 25. Vlad s-a îndrăgostit nebunește de ea. Tânăra a fost impresionată de gest, iar Vlad a recurs la diverse strategii pentru a continua să o cucerească, obsedându-se de ea și uitând de restul iubiților ei.
Tânără cu ochi albaștri și păr blond, a fost una dintre cele mai curtate din Brașov. Ea a avut 5 copii cu Vlad (Vladislav, Katharina, Christian, Hanna și Sigismund), deși nu s-au căsătorit niciodată, deoarece prințul era deja căsătorit cu un nobil de la curte. Se spune că, odată, familiile unor negustori pe care Vlad i-a tras în țeapă au atacat-o pe Katharina și i-au tăiat împletiturile. Vlad a amenințat că va arde întregul oraș dacă cineva o va atinge din nou și a reușit să recupereze împletiturile. Le ținea în castelul său sub cheie și încuietoare, ca și cum ar fi fost o comoară. Până la acea extremă, tânăra Katharina Siegel a început să-și facă efectul.
(Б. Апрель 1438 - 1479) - красивая девушка саксонского происхождения скромного происхождения. Она известна как самая важная хозяйка принца Валахии: Влад Тепес (1431-1476).Она была дочерью ремесленника Томаса Сигела, который принадлежал к гильдии ткачей и жил с его семьей в городе Брашов. В пожаре она и её семья потеряли всё. Катарина была вынуждена работать, и однажды утром, держа еду на санях, Влад Цепеш увидел её и быстро побежал ей на помощь. В то время ей было 17, а Владу 25. Влад безумно влюбился в нее. Молодая женщина была впечатлена этим жестом, и Влад прибег к различным стратегиям, чтобы продолжить покорять её, одержимо ею и забывая остальных своих любовников.Молодая с голубыми глазами и светлыми волосами, она была одной из самых восторженных в Брашове. У неё было 5 детей от Влада (Владислав, Катарина, Кристиан, Ханна и Сигизмунд), хотя они так и не поженились, потому что принц уже был женат на дворянине. Говорят, что однажды семьи купцов, которых Влад заколол, напали на Катарину и порезали ей косы. Влад угрожал сжечь весь город, если кто-нибудь дотронется до неё, и ему удалось вернуть косички. Он держал их в своем замке под замком и ключом, как будто это было сокровище. До этого момента молодая Катарина Сигел действовала.
(b. Abril 1438 - 1479) fue una hermosa joven de origen sajón de orígenes humildes. Es conocida por ser la amante más importante del príncipe de Valaquia: Vlad Tepes (1431-1476).
Era hija de un artesano, Thomas Siegel, que pertenecía al gremio de tejedores, y vivía con su familia en la ciudad de Braşov. En un incendio, ella y su familia perdieron todo. Katharina se vio obligada a trabajar y, una mañana llevando provisiones en un trineo, Vlad Tepes la vio y rápidamente corrió a ayudarla. En ese momento, tenía 17 años y Vlad 25. Vlad se enamoró locamente de ella. La joven quedó impresionada por el gesto, y Vlad recurrió a varias estrategias para seguir conquistándola, obsesionándose con ella y olvidando al resto de sus amantes.
Joven de ojos azules y pelo rubio, fue una de las más cortejadas de Braşov. Tuvo 5 hijos con Vlad (Vladislav, Catalina, Cristián, Hanna y Segismundo), aunque nunca se casaron porque el príncipe ya estaba casado con un noble de la corte. Se dice que en una ocasión las familias de algunos comerciantes que Vlad había empalado atacaron a Katharina y le cortaron las trenzas. Vlad amenazó con quemar toda la ciudad si alguien la tocaba de nuevo, y logró recuperar las trenzas. Los guardaba en su castillo bajo llave como si fuera un tesoro. Hasta ese momento la joven Katharina Siegel estaba haciendo efecto.
(ب) أبريل 1438 - 1479) كانت شابة جميلة من أصل سكسوني ذات أصول متواضعة. وهي معروفة بكونها أهم عشيقة لأمير والاشيا: فلاد تيبس (1431-1476). كانت ابنة الحرفي توماس سيجل، الذي ينتمي إلى نقابة النساجين، وعاشت مع عائلتها في مدينة براشوف. في حريق، فقدت هي وعائلتها كل شيء. أُجبرت كاتارينا على العمل، وذات صباح كانت تحمل مؤن على زلاجة ؛ رآها فلاد تيبس وركض بسرعة لمساعدتها. في ذلك الوقت، كانت تبلغ من العمر 17 عامًا وفلاد 25 عامًا. وقع فلاد في حبها بجنون. أعجبت الشابة بهذه الإيماءة، ولجأ فلاد إلى استراتيجيات مختلفة لمواصلة غزوها، واستحوذ عليها ونسيان بقية عشاقه. كانت شابة ذات عيون زرقاء وشعر أشقر، وكانت واحدة من أكثر الناس توددًا في براشوف. كان لديها خمسة أطفال من فلاد (فلاديسلاف وكاثرينا وكريستيان وحنا وسيغيسموند)، على الرغم من أنهما لم يتزوجا أبدًا لأن الأمير كان متزوجًا بالفعل من نبيلة في المحكمة. في إحدى المرات، هاجمت عائلات التجار الذين خوزقهم فلاد كاثرينا وقطعوا ضفائرها. هدد فلاد بإشعال النار في المدينة بأكملها إذا لمسها أي شخص مرة أخرى وتمكن من استعادة الضفائر. احتفظ بهم في قلعته تحت القفل والمفتاح كما لو كان كنزًا. إلى هذا الحد، كانت الشابة كاتارينا سيجل فعالة.
It has been a long time since I have redone Katharina Siegil in Hellsing Style, but I have to say, she looks so much better now as I thought, She is even more beautiful in the Hellsing style. In the Hellsing Series, Katharina was a German Saxon and a daughter of the Weaver named Thomas Siegil and her mother Susanna, née Fronius. She is one of Vlad's "Alucard" mistress, back in 500 years ago, The Jewelry was a gift from Vlad, when he first meant Katharina, when she was pulling the sledge during the snowy time of December on Christmas Eve pulling all the weapons and food for Vlad and the military men, and Vlad came to her to help her. This is how they meant. Katharina was 17 and Vlad was 25. Vlad did have mistresses and married, but he only truly loved Katharina, givien her so much silk clothes and jewelry. Vlad warned all the men in Brasov to stay away from Katharina, or he'll impale them at onces, because of her beauty. The wives of the merchants heard what's been going on, they attack the house where Katharina lived, they beat her and cut off her two braids and took her to the pillory on the town hall square. Made a false claim that she was a witch, bewitching Vlad and fear that the Turks would attack Brasov and the Saxon village. Vlad got very angry when he heard that his beloved had been beaten and humiliated on the town hall square. He threatened to set Brasov on fire. However, in the end, through negotiations, he managed to secure her release. He then spared the Saxon merchants whom he had actually wanted to have executed in Bartolomeu. After the news about Vlad's death, She couldn't live without Vlad, so she ended her life with a sword to spears into her heart.
I translated into english original facts
Vlad the Impaler's mistress Katharina Siegel is she a legend or did she really live? Part 2: The relationship between Katharina Siegel and Vlad Tepeş This is the story that is told about the relation between Vlad and Katharina. Katharina is said to have been born on April 29, 1438. Her father, Thomas Siegel, was master of the weavers' guild in Kronstadt (Brasov) and lived on Seilergasse (Ulita Funarilor), now Schloss-Strasse (Palace Street) - and her mother, Susanna, née Fronius, came from an established family in the city. When Katharina was a child, her father's house burned down. Her parents then sent her to the Franciscan monastery from 1450 to 1455. (At the time, there was only one Franciscan monastery in Transylvania: The Bazilica Sfânta Maria (German: Basikila Unserer Lieben Frau) in Șumuleu Ciuc (German: Schomlenberg, built 1442 - 1448) This was very likely the monastery Katharina was sent to. After she returned from the monastery, her parents took her to the house where they lived after the fire, the Tartler building on Ulita Alba (today's N° 14 Poarta-Schei Street). Vlad is said to have fallen in love with Katharina at first sight when he saw her pulling the heavy sleigh behind her. According to another version, this is said to have happened when he saw her through a window. According to reports, Vlad wooed Katharina with expensive fabrics from Venice and jewels. Vlad is described as very jealous, When Vlad went looking for Katharina one evening, he was convinced that the young woman was not at home and was waiting for her until she emerged from a night out accompanied by her cousins. He is said to have asked her why she was walking down the street so late and chased her down the street. Vlad caught her and gave her a kiss, whereupon a priest intervened, who came out to see who was making the noise. In the darkness, the priest did not see Vlad's face and jumped to save Katharina from the hands of the man attacking her. It seems that Vlad then wounded the priest with his sword. On April 2, 1459, Vlad Ţepeş (who had been voivode of Wallachia again since 1456) in anger at the high taxes levied by the Saxons in Brasov and at the intrigues of the city leaders, destroyed all grain crops in Burzenland. (The Burzenland [Romanian: Țara Bârsei] is a historical area in southeastern Transylvania, with Brașov [Kronstadt] as the most important city.) He ordered the arrest of hundreds of traders and merchants who came to the fortress with goods, storing them in near the city's slums, in what is now the Bartolomeu district. He intended to have them impaled. The wives of the merchants in the city attacked the house where Katharina lived, beat her, shaved off her hair and took her to the pillory on the town hall square. She was pregnant with Vlad's second child. Vlad got very angry when he heard that his beloved had been beaten and humiliated on the town hall square. He threatened to set Brasov on fire. However, in the end, through negotiations, he managed to secure her release. He then spared the Saxon merchants whom he had actually wanted to have executed in Bartolomeu. According to another anecdote, he kept Katharina's braids, which he is said to have found, until his death. He is said to have even hit his first wife Anastasia when she found the pigtails hidden in a wardrobe, Although Vlad loved Katharina very much, he did not marry her. In 1460 and after the suicide of his wife Anastasia in 1462, he is said to have repeatedly asked Pope Pius II for an abolition of his marriage, allegedly in order to be able to marry Katharina. However, the Pope refused. Vlad and Katharina are said to have had five children together: Vladislav (1456), Catherine (1459), Christian (1461), Hanna (1463) and Sigismund (1468). After Vlad's violent death, which is said to have happened on December 14, 1476, Katharina is said to have returned to the monastery she had spent five years in her youth. Some sources claim she died in 1479.
We don't know what she died.
Thank you all for your support ❤️
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano Artwork © Amikartest FanArt © Amikartest Do not steal or claim as your own
This is the original painting of Kathain Siegil
This is one is my old anime drawing of Katharina Siegil
This is one of Katharina's jewelry that Vlad has given to her.