Vmin Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
Taetae & Chimchim’s Bucket List [1]
[...] [Part 2]
A/N: This is a short series that I'm writing for the Bucket List Project hosted by @95linenet So check it out and participate if you feel like..:3
Summary: A short series for the love and friendship between the 95liners of Bangtan.
Part 1: Cuz We're Soulmates
Prompt: “Why do I have to do a tattoo with you? It's your bucket list!”
Pairing: Jimin X Taehyung
Genre: Fluff/Friendship
Rating: T
Words: 590

The first thing that Park Jimin notices when he wakes up is an arm loosely draped around his shoulder. He blinks his eyes a few times to rub-off the sleep and realises that it's just his bestfriend Kim Taehyung, sleeping next to him on a couch in a place that he doesn't know. Immediately he brushes off Taehyung’s arm and stands up from the couch, making his bestie groan in annoyance.
As he begins walking, he stumbles in his steps and looks down only to find a completely passed-out Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook somehow sleeping cozily on the floor. He shakes his head, not at all surprised by the sight, his dark, messy hair bouncing in face. He wonders where the other three members could be at since he can't seem to find any more familiar faces in the myriad of these unknown people. The party was not a good idea to begin with. Jimin just can't understand the point of Summers and Late Night Parties when everyone is going to end up wasted by the mornings.
He sighs, stretching his arms to relax his limbs a bit and a flash of shiny black crosses his vision. He combs a hand through his dark locks, pushing them back in a way that can only be described as ‘aesthetically pleasing’. And that is when his eyes catch sight of it— an ebony paw print, inch long and as wide as his wrist, etched onto the underside of his right forearm. He stares at it for a while, skimming his fingers over the tiny ‘95z’ scribbled right under the paw. Jimin has a pretty good drinking stamina but when he loses it, everything becomes incoherent for him. And he knows exactly who must've utilised this poor state of his to their own advantage in order to do something as outrageous yet childish like this.
He whips around and nudges his best friend's shoulder to jolt him out of his realm of dreams. “Yah! Kim Taehyung, explain this!” He says shoving his tattooed-arm in the 22-year old's face.
The said young man hums lazily and lifts his left arm before the shorter guy. There, inscribed on the underside of his forearm is a similar paw print except maybe half an inch longer than Jimin's, a ‘95z’ scribbled under it as well.
“Cat tattoos. They looked cool. So I got myself a tiger paw and got you this panther one. Plus we both are 95 liners so..you know...” Taehyung explains in cute, muffles as he stretches more comfily on the couch now that it is left all to himself.
A faint memory of Taetae talking about how getting a tattoo has always been on list of his achievements swims through Jimin's head and he shakes it wearily. He doesn't care if Taehyung gets a tattoo. The problem here is, why did his peach-haired buddy drag him along as well. He likes his skin as it is without stupid doodles covering it.
“Yah!” Jimin yells in slight annoyance when he notices Taehyung dozing back into the plush couch, “Why do I have to do a tattoo with you? It's your bucket list!”
Taehyung cranes his face to the side to look at his angry, little buddy and gives him one of his usual boxy smiles before turning his face back into the cushions.
“Cuz we're soulmates.” He mumbles from the softness of the cushions and resumes his slumber.
Jimin huffs at the bold statement but then just breaks into a small smile of disbelief.
A/N: I know its too short but I always wanted to write this. if anyone is confused about the paw prints idea, its just my personal thoughts. To me, Tae looks like a tiger and Jimin like a panther, so I just used that thought here..:3 Plus tigers are bigger than panthers so Tae’s tattoo is a half inch bigger than Chim’s. Hope this helps.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading ♥ Look forward to more such short and random Vmin fics :3
Taetae & Chimchim’s Bucket List [2]
[Part 1] [...]
A/N: Make sure you read the first part as well to understand this oneshot better..:3
Summary: A short series for the love and friendship between the 95liners of Bangtan.
Part 2: Together
Prompt: “No matter what it is, we’ll do it together.”
Pairing: Jimin X Taehyung
Genre: Fluff/Friendship
Rating: T
Words: 875

Park Jimin tries his best to focus on tying the laces of his sneakers but his eyes keep betraying him. They keep averting towards his best friend, who for some reason, has been sulking in one corner for a while now, staring at something displayed on his cellphone’s screen. They’re on a tour and today’s few hours are the only free time that they’ll have to themselves. Namjoon Hyung has already grasped the opportunity and left to do some shopping whereas Jin and Hobi Hyung are exploring the streets.Now it’s just the maknaes along with Yoongi Hyung, who is currently asleep on the plush couch. And Jimin is more than ready to enjoy the day like everyone else if only his light brown-haired bestfriend’s behavior stops bugging him. It’s impossible for him to watching his buddy in a gloomy state.Finally, as Jimin finishes knotting the shoelaces, his eyes fall on the dark, panther paw-shaped tattoo on his forearm. He stands up from his crouching position on the floor and subconsciously peeks at his friend’s forearm, only able to see the faint, dusky orange outline of his tiger paw. He still remembers how Tae had said that they’re soulmates after getting those stupid cat tattoos. The memory is etched in a special part of his heart. He sighs as he makes up his mind and almost jumps at his friend. Almost.
Kim Taehyung, who had been too busy mulling over something on his cellphone's screen is caught completely off-guard by Jimin’s sudden leap near him.
“Yaah, what’s wrong with you!?” Taehyung asks, a cute pout forming on his lips.
Jimin pouts back in return. If there’s something that is wrong, then it’s only with Tae, not him. He is so used to seeing Taehyung in a cheerful mood that even the thought of his bestie being unhappy scares him.“No Tae, what’s wrong with you?” He asks, trying to have a look at what’s on the cellphone but his friend uses his height to his advantage and lifts the cellphone high enough out of Jimin’s reach.
Jimin only shakes his head at the childish act and speaks much more softly this time, “Come on, Tae. You know you can tell me anything.”
Taehyung hesitates for a moment, looking around to make sure no one is listening to him. Well, it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to others about his problems. It’s just that he feels more at ease if he talks to Jimin first. The pout disappears from his face only to turn into a full blown sad expression as he speaks in his deep tone, “Everyone’s going out. Even you and Kookie are gonna record another one of his videos and then..there’s Yoongi-hyung..”
Not enlightened by his explanation in the slightest, Jimin cranes his head to the side to glance at the peacefully sleeping elder member. What exactly has Min Yoongi done to spur Taehyung of all people. “So?” Jimin asks.
“So-” Taehyung stops in his words to huff in irritation before continuing, “So why can’t he accompany me instead of sleeping.”
Jimin narrows his eyes at this and tilts his head up to stare directly at the taller guy. “We both know that Yoongi-hyung is extremely tired these days and needs to take as much rest as he can.”
Taehyung stares right back at the shorter guy in annoyance but then breaks down into a calmer state a moment later. He knows that he’s being petty for no damn reason but he doesn’t want to go out all by himself. At last, he lowers his arm and shows Jimin the picture he had been staring at on his phone. “There’s a museum in the vicinity and I want to go.. Just.. It’s just that I don’t want to go there all by myself.” He pouts yet again after confessing his actual problem.
Jimin licks his lips and presses them into a tight line. Taehyung is kind of whimsical when it comes to things like these. There are times when he enjoys doing stuff alone and there are also times when he likes to go out in groups.And if he wants company for today’s trip then so be it. “Alright, let’s go to the museum.”
“Really? You’ll go with me?” Taehyung’s eyes light up instantly, “It’s going to be so much fun. I’ll tell you about all the ancient artwork and sculptures and- Wait! What about Kookie?” He frowns again, now looking at the youngest, who is preoccupied with his camera.
Jimin turns to the maknae and calls him, “Jungkookie, Tae and me are going to visit a museum so-”
“Oh! It’s alright.” The youngest man smiles sweetly at his elder brothers, “I can record the scenic spots first and when you two return, we can record the rest.”
“Wait! Jimin-ah, are you sure?” Taehyung asks, still in shock at the quick turn of events in his favor.
“We’re soulmates Taehyungie, remember?” Jimin smiles, entwining his fingers with Taehyung’s and goes on, “No matter what it is, we’ll do it together.”
Taehyung simply stares at his bestie in awe, heart warming up at the sincerity in Jimin’s eyes. “Together..” he responds, his lips finally breaking into his usual boxy smile.
A/N: Another fluffy shot..:3 Again, this is a short series that I’m writing for the Bucket List Project hosted by @95linenet So check it out and participate if you feel like..:3
Hope you enjoyed reading..:3
Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Original Female Character(s), Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character(s), Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Min Yoongi | Suga/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Bangtan Boys | BTS Ensemble Additional Tags: Merman Kim Namjoon, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, University Student Kim Namjoon | RM, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Merman Kim Taehyung, taehyung is a prince, King Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook is Whipped, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Min Yoongi | Suga are Best Friends, Alpha Kim Seokjin | Jin, University Student Park Jimin (BTS), Cute Park Jimin (BTS), Fucking, Jungkook TOTALLY doesn't have a crush on his best friend, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Kim Namjoon | RM Has a Big Dick, Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Mentions of TXT, Smut, Mentioned Choi Soobin, Kim Namjoon | RM is Whipped, Prince Kim Namjoon | RM, Prince Kim Taehyung | V, King Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alternate Universe - Magic, Siren Kim Namjoon | RM, Black Character(s), Original Character(s) Series: Part 1 of RoomMates Universe Summary:
Liyana is 22 year old college student in Atlanta, Georgia. She spends most of her time outside of school chilling with her best friends Yoongi, Jungkook, and Rena. Everything is going just fine for her until one day a new student shows up. He's everything she's ever dreamed of. But with every great thing comes a price. He's hiding a dark secret from the world and from his new roommate. What will happen when she finds out?
Come As You Are
[contortionist!jimin x reader; taehyung x reader] [2k+ smut, yandere, ‼️ strong language and dark themes]
Enter if you dare, but beware of the man who bends over backward to blur the line between his delusion and reality.
A/N: This will be a two-part fic. I was listening to FACE all day, and when Face-off played, this idea just popped up, and well, here we are. Happy reading!
You enter the carnival, giggling and vibrating with excitement beside Taehyung. Despite the faded and worn-out tents propped on the field, you're still welcomed with warm bright lights and cheery chatters. The dry summer air was masked with the aroma of savory butter popcorn and sweet cotton candies. You pull at your friend's arm toward the hypnotizing swirling pastels.
"You want one?"
You excitedly nod at him and he laughs. "Get me the Strawberry one, please." Your hands still clung to his arm, stealing all the warmth as the evening approached with its cooler air.
You glance around the area, and your heart swells. It's been a while since you've visited a carnival. All around, you see pastel-painted rides spin and hear fortune tellers yell with promises of glimpses into the future and barkers inviting everyone to enter their booth.
Looking around the merriment, you get pulled and transfixed to a tent decored with big, bold letters, the word "Come As You Are" spelled out in neon yellow lights. Unlike the other tents, there seemed to be fewer people in line. With an inexplicable curiosity, you feel drawn to the tent—your senses zone in on the dark entrance. Your right foot steps forward and your hands detach from your friend's arms.
"Here." A bright pink bear-shaped cotton candy is thrust in front of you, breaking you out of what seems to be a trance. Landing back to your senses, you grin at Taehyung, followed by a kiss on his cheek as thanks.
"Hey, we should check what's in there," your finger points to where the neon light glimmers.
Taehyung hums, neck craning to look at the shabby tent. "Doesn't look much fun," he pouts. "Let's get on all the rides first, then come back to it before heading home."
With your mouth busy with the soft treat, you only nod in reply. Oblivious to the eyes following you as you walk further away from him with another man.
You and Taehyung arrive at your floor, and with a harsh push, the exit door opens. A loud bang resonates in the dim hallway and you break out in laughter with the man carrying you. You will definitely get another warning from the front desk for being too noisy. But fuck it. You're happy.
With his broad hands spread on the back of your thighs, Taehyung still carries you on his back as he walks toward your door. A playful grin on his face and an even more playful banter spilled from his mouth.
"Okay, you can put me down here," you giggle and untangle your legs from his waist. You rummage through your bag for your keys, fingers anxiously fumbling through the mess of coins and tissues over time.
"Shit," you grunt in frustration, followed by another curse. "Did I drop my keys? Tae, could you check the stairs, please." You crouch and pour out the contents of your bag. Still, no keys were in sight.
"What would you do without me?" You look up at a nonchalant Taehyung leaning on your door, a copy of your key in his hand. Your mouth parts in shock.
"You couldn't have told me you kept a copy of my key before I made a mess here!" You playfully glare at the man above you as he opens your door. You aggressively pick up your stuff on the smelly carpeted floor with huffs and your fingers make contact with a textured paper with concentric circles. Thinking nothing of it, you shove the paper back inside your bag along with receipts.
Finally entering the comforts of your home, you remember how full your heart has been since tonight. You gaze at the man standing in the middle of your kitchen. If you weren't too smitten with him, you would have beaten his ass for eating all of your snacks, just like old times.
Oh, the old times.
"Why are you just standing there?" Taehyung asks, keeping you from reminiscing what once was.
You sneer at him before plopping to the couch. Your mind wanders to the carnival, suddenly remembering you missed stopping by the tent you saw earlier. A sliver of relief fought its way inside you, and you couldn't understand why. Puzzled by your sudden emotion, you decide not to ponder on it and rather focus on the playing scene on the screen. Leave it to your friend to choose a film to wrap up the night. Of course, he would play a horror film.
Taehyung sits beside you a minute later, and you bask in his presence—using each jump scare and booming sound as a reason to move closer to Taehyung's arms, allowing his arms to engulf you.
A graphic sex scene pops up on the screen, and you straighten up. You weren't a prude, but having Taehyung beside you as the scene gets more lewd each second—slapping skins and pornographic moans play on the speaker, the tension in the room thickens. Your bodies are now centimeters apart on the couch, the gap filled with unspoken desires that hang heavy in the air.
From your peripheral view, you see Taehyung move uncomfortably. Following his movements, you catch his hand move to his crotch and adjust himself.
Oh, god.
Did he just? Is he?
Your thoughts run wild, wandering to the forbidden locked ideas you keep buried in your mind. Suddenly, you feel hot, and the room feels hotter. Kicking off the draped blanket over your legs, you belatedly realize you were wearing a skimpy skirt.
Taehyung's eyes follow the movement and snort. Without letting a full minute pass, his hands land on your thigh, caressing upwards to cup your cunt. "Tae," you warn, and yet the word comes out in a sultry tone as if encouraging him to do more.
Because truth be told, you do want more.
He closes the space between you with a searing kiss, tongue pushing past your closed lips. The movie playing on the screen is long forgotten, as his finger on your cunt demands your full attention.
With every shared breath and tender peck at your lips is Taehyung's whispered confession; each dainty finger he gently pushes past your folds is his unspoken desire.
And all you can do is respond in the same language.
You pull at Taehyung's waistband to shove your other hand and grab his cock. Taking his grunt as a response, your hands go lower to fondle his balls. "Wanna taste you," you drool, and your mouth remains open, already ready and anticipating to swallow your friend's dick.
But Taehyung shakes his head, his thumb smudging the lipstick that remained on your lips. "Not today," he breathes. "Today, you give me your pussy." He pulls you by the waist and mounts you on his lap. You lift your skirt higher and unbutton your blouse, freeing your tits. "Fucking hello." His hands were quick to abandon your hips to cup your breasts.
Taking control, you stroke Taehyung to get him fully erect before eagerly sinking down on him. His hands pause from playing with your tits to throw his head back and thrust his cock, bottoming out.
You both let a minute pass—just feeling each other. Eyes glisten with unsaid words that will never leave your mouth. Instead, Taehyung thrusts upwards as you meet him halfway. The intense slamming of your thighs harmonizes with the pornographic noise you and Taehyung make.
While anyone would say you're both exaggerating or perhaps putting on a show for the other, that wasn't the case. You would gladly confess how Taehyung's cock splits your pussy open in the most toe-curling, gratifying, pleasurable way. And Taehyung would say the same about your tight cunt. Or perhaps, it's the longing and deep love you have that intensifies the sex.
Either way, you always managed to fulfill each other, bringing the other to a euphoric bliss and always sealing it with a sloppy kiss.
Your bodies remain tangled under the blankets; you soon feel the exhaustion catch up to you, and with Taehyung's comforting scent circling you, your eyes flutter. Your beauty sleep beckons you to give in.
Yet, in the hazy transition between staying awake and dreaming, the fine line where you are rendered susceptible, a sudden thought creeps into your consciousness, insisting to be acted upon.
"We should go back to the carnival tomorrow," you murmur. Your friend beside you remains tranquil. Even Taehyung himself isn't immune to the oncoming sleep. And so, he only hums in agreement, his chest vibrating through your cheek.
"He's waiting for me," you mumble.
No one but the night air hearing you.
As you both fall deeper into slumber and the movie credits roll, you remain unaware of the man loitering outside your building—waiting and hating every second that ticked by without you in his arms.
"I'll see you soon, love," he whispers back into the night.
Your weekdays pass in a blur. It was like you were puppeteered with how clueless you were on how your week went by. You only feel grounded and yourself again when you receive a text from Taehyung confirming tonight's plan to head to the carnival.
Giddy like a school girl seeing her crush, you rushed to leave your office as the clock hit five. The fair opened at 7pm, which meant you had, at most, an hour to freshen up. You briefly questioned yourself on the sudden need to doll up, not knowing where this feeling came from. Sure, you were attracted to Taehyung, but you never felt the need to do something other than be yourself.
Holding yourself back from overthinking. You ready for the night ahead. You wouldn't normally wear white on a night out to the fair, being that it was impractical with all the mess you could bump into, but your hands mindlessly pulled out a blouse as white as a wedding veil from your closet.
"We're going to the booth you wanted to go in first," Taehyung shows you the ticket in his hands as he leads you both toward the entrance. The bright "Come As You Are" flickers, and you shudder as you feel a chill run down your spine.
"Are you cold?" Not waiting for a reply, Taehyung sheds his jacket and hangs it around your shoulders. You enter the tent, and the chill doubles, and yet there is a welcoming aura that seems to greet you. You properly wear Taehyung's jacket and zip it up and the owner of the clothing smugly smiles at you.
You're holding hands as you make your way to your chairs. And as soon as you're seated, the show immediately starts, as if it only waited for you to settle.
The curtains part to reveal a stage illuminated with a spotlight. You look around the audience and a sinister vibe washes over you. Everyone was still and hushed. Something felt off. Your nerves tingle in unease, and your gut tells you to leave. Moving closer to Taehyung to whisper in his ear, a fanfare booms in the speakers, startling you both.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our very own Mr Fantastic, Jimin!
The contortionist emerged, his lithe form moving nimbly across the platform, each movement an eerie dance of his contorted body. But you weren’t drawn to his impressive acrobatics like everyone was. Instead, your eyes were locked with his—dark and piercing. It was like you were both in a chilling embrace in your own way. His gaze dares you to look away, but he knows you can't.
Eyes on me, love.
As Jimin bends and twists his body into impossible shapes, his purple suit stretches beautifully around his limbs, and his gaze remains fixated on you. Unwavering and intense. You were hypnotized. It felt like Jimin was reaching out to you with his own language.
Focus on me.
Soon enough, the audience breaks into loud applause that echoes through the tent. You break free of his gaze and look at Taehyung. Your friend holds amusement and awe in his eyes, clapping earnestly along with the audience. Amidst the cheers, you hear a hushed voice,
“Come to me now.”
You flinch at the sound. It was so soft and so near, it felt like the person next to you whispered in your ear. You look around, and when you turn towards the stage, you see Jimin already staring at you. Smirking.
>> Page 2
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii 💜💜
I am here with a new BTS fic rec list ehehehe
These are my fav BTS fics ( except jikook and taekook coz they have separate lists) till date

1. Closer to home ( namkook, 15k) 4/5
2. Worth it all along( namkook, 44k) 4.25/5
3. A gilded world (yoonjin, 175k) 4.25/5
4. The ice can be so quiet (minjoon, 112k) 5/5
5. Mugunghwa( vmin, 35k) 4/5
6. How much to give and how much to take (namkook,66k words) 5/5
7. Just as long as you will be gone (namkook,35k words) 4/5
8. nevertheless (namkook, 55k words) 4.25/5
9. The distance between you and me (namkook, 52k words) 4.25/5
10. Years since you have been here (namkook,61k words) 4.25/5
11. innocent despite proven guilty (namkook,74k words) 4.5/5
12. With you i feel rich (vmin,52k words) 4.25/5
13. But i want it anyway (minjoon,55k words) 4.75/5
2023 fic thread!!!!!
I will keep adding to the list as I read more fics !!!
For everyone viewing this thread, I just wanted to let you know that I have a small business based in india for self designed kpop merch pls check it out and support us (@tiger.rlily on Instagram)

1. How to fall in love with park jimin [ jikook, ongoing] 5/5
2. side step right left (to my beat) [ 2seok,105k words] 4/5
3. collateral damage [jikook, 33k] 4.25/5
4. Threshold [jikook, 7k] 4.5/5
5. I liked us better as strangers [yoonmin, 28k words] 4.5/5
6. feels like summer [yoonkook, 23k words] 4/5
7. Boys of cold [taekook, 56k words] 4.75/5
8. everything is on the wire [ taekook, 82k words] 4.75/5
9. Push and pull [jikook, 9k words] 4/5
10. Floodlight [ jikook, 130k words] 4.5/5
11.nothing like us[ jikook, 28k words] 4.75/5
12. From sunset to sunrise [taejoon, 30k words] 4.75/5
13. All these long goodbyes [ jikook , 28k words] 4.75/5
14. The waiting game [jikook,6k words] 4.25/5
15. First star I see tonight[jikook,40k words]4.75/5
16.capital letters [jikook,7k words]4.5/5
17.Somewhere Only We Know [namjin, 21k words] 4.5/5
18.A Little Dream of Me [taejin, 37k words] 4.5/5
19.Pause, Rewind, Play [ jikook, 3k.words] 4.5/5
20. Shares intimacy[ taekook, 149k] 4/5
21. Windowsill ( taekook, 16k) 4.25/5
22. Smoke gets in your eyes (taekook, 29k) 4.75/5
23. gloaming(taekook,23k) 4.5/5
24. We'll Be All Alone Under the Mistletoe(taekook,)4.75/5
25. Secret Keeping, Stop the Bleeding(jikook,)4.5/5