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1 year ago

Why does everyone hate Afton? What's his deal?

Because Afton’s entire existence is hilarious and, if you read between the lines, it seems like he’s probably a douchebag.

In Volterra, there is a holy trinity of people nobody likes: Laurent, Eleazar, and Afton.

Laurent and Eleazar, Aro actually managed to subtly get rid of (Laurent within ten minutes and Eleazar thanks to the divine intervention that was Carmen showing up), Afton he’s stuck with.

Okay, so what’s up with Afton. We don’t actually know much about him, but we do know is pretty damning.

We know that he has some kind of invisibility power but... It’s useless. Basically, anyone with enough focus can see through his invisibility. He’s only invisible if you’re not looking for him, if even that. He’s The Invisible Boy from Mystery Men.

If someone stands directly behind they, maybe, might, become invisible too. Unless someone is looking for them or not looking at their cell phone.

Even if his power wasn’t laughably terrible, it’s one of those powers that might be nice to have around but Aro doesn’t actually need. More, unlike Bella’s gift, it’s not one Aro will ever be likely to need either. What would the Volturi gain from walking around being invisible?

However, Afton gets to stick around because he marries Chelsea. The way it’s stated no one, not Aro, not Caius, not Renata, not anyone in the entire guard, is happy with this. Except Chelsea.

Now, it’s one thing to have a gift that’s not particularly useful, but we see others with gifts that aren’t strictly necessary either. Heidi, while nice to have, is essentially covered by what Chelsea does. Same with Corin.

I’d say the ones that make the Volturi what they are are in terms of gifts are Jane, Alec, Demetri, Chelsea, Aro, Marcus, and Renata. These are the Volturi heavy hitters. Everyone else, well, they’re nice to have around.

So, having a gift that’s useless shouldn’t be a deal breaker and certainly shouldn’t require Chelsea going “keep him or I walk”. This implies that Afton is unbearable.

He must be the world’s greatest, insufferable, obnoxious, ass in the world.

You want proof that Chelsea’s not omnipotent? No one likes her husband. No one.

Chelsea cannot make people like Afton, she can make them tolerate him at best, and only tolerate him in the sense that if Chelsea were to dump him Aro would immediately throw him out of the building and into the sea.

I can’t even imagine what a conversation with Afton must be like except I imagine that ten minutes in you wish you’d never been born.

And there’s no getting rid of him.

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7 years ago

Interview to Felix Volturi

Interview To Felix Volturi

[Warning: this has some personal headcanons. Felix happens to be in a relationship with Demetri, for example. It’s not canon, I know. Be warned]

1.  What are three labels that you identify with?

Er, modern societies dig labels, don’t they? If I had to put three labels on myself they would probably be gym guy, guard and LGBTQI* community. Kinda. [laughs]

2.What is your happiest memory?

Probably getting into the guard and feeling that I had found a family. I love them all. 

3. Tell us the story of your first kiss.

Is Demetri around? I don’t want him to hear this one! [laughs] I gave my first kiss when I was about ten, possibly eleven, to a, uh, a girl [laughs] that lived next door. So embarrassing. 

4. Do you think aliens exist?

Alec and I actually hava had this argument going on for months! I personally think they don’t. 

5. What’s your favourite thing about yourself?

My muscle, of course! 

6. Do you have any superpower? 

Well, if you consider tearing arms and legs and heads off, a power...

7.  What is your favorite physical feature of Demetri?

Probably him being slim but very very in good shape. Oh, and his collarbone! I just love it. And his hair, too, amazingly soft. 

8.  What kind of arts do you like?

Well, in terms of movies I like war ones, mainly, Some sci-fi as well. I also love Quentin Tarantino. Jane recently made me watch some Tim Burton’s movie, I was unimpressed but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. 

I love music, a lot. I like every type of music, because there are different occasions for different music types. What I’m out partying with the others I like Tylor Swift and Katy Perry but when Demetri and I have a serious date night we go to the Opera theater and I’m happy all the same.

I tend to read only books about History, even if rarely I read some novels.

Recently also Heide got me a camera and I’m starting to understand how to use it. We’ll see. 

9.  Which three guests would you have dinner with, alive or dead?

Demetri and I have actually decided something of this kind. We would like to dine with Elagabalus,  Nietzsche and Amun.

Amun? Why Amun?

Just to have fun seeing him getting all agry, I guess. [laughs].

10. So I’ve asked your friends to say what they think about you and I’m gonna read you the answers. 

Heide said: “Felix is a great guy. A bit of a dickhead, but still he’s always down to help anyone with anything and also he has a big heart, even if he doesn’t show it much”.

 (Felix) She’s so cool.

Alec said: “I like Felix because he’s the only one with whom I can talk nonsense. He’s a great listener and I think of him as a somehow philosopher.”

(Felix) This kid’s sweet but I’m no philosopher [laughs].

Jane said.: “I think Felix is one of the most friendly people I know. Like, he even watched The nightmare before Christmas with me and didn’t complain about it! Like, he’s often willing to do things for others. He’s good, but he needs to stop pulling pranks on me with the help of my brother or otherwise I’ll -”

(Felix) I love her! [laughs] Alec and I actually live for pranks and yeah, sometimes we choose the wrong target, let’s put it this way [laughs].

And finally Demetri said: “Felix is the love of my life. I mean, it’s obvious I adore him, right? I wouldn’t be able to tell why he’s so great, I mean I would never finish the list of his virtues. He’s just the most amazing person I know [wipes tear].”

(Felix) I love him so much. [smiles]

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4 years ago

I love this.

 Lost Boy
 Lost Boy

✴ Lost Boy ✴


Imagine: For the first time in a long time, Demetri lost track of who he was supposed to be hunting, and feels extreme guilt; Felix to the rescue...

• angst leading to fluff

▪request for @stepheny-stoker ▪


"God fucking dammit!" the string of profanities broke the quiet calm of the evening. Felix had been reading in his and Demetri's shared room when the door suddenly flew open, slamming against the wall. Demetri stood there, a very aggravated expression on his face. Felix looked up from his book, noticing how mad Dem looked. "Hey, what happened? Come here." he said softly, putting his book down.

Demetri shook his head no, and removed his cloak, carelessly tossing it aside. He was still super pissed, and had good reason to be. He had been sent on a mission by Aro to hunt down a rogue nomad who had been on a murder spree in Portland. He had almost caught up to her, but lost track of her scent halfway through to Seattle. All he could smell was the scent of those annoying wolves the entire Coven had come across last year.

Their stink overpowered the scent of the nomad, effectively ending Demetri's hunt. He hadn't failed a mission like that in a very, very long time. Not since about 50 years ago. He had felt the guilt then, too... just not as bad as he did this time. This time, there was sure to be no forgiveness from Caius.

He ran a hand through his hair, letting another expletive leave his mouth. Felix walked over to Dem, pulling him close. "Hey. You wanna tell me what happened? Why I see clouds and no sun?" he murmured. "I had her. I fucking had her! And then I just... lost her. Those stupid wolves made me lose focus. It's nearly impossible to track someone down with their stink all over the place! God, this is so fucking irritating, Felix!" Demetri growled.

Felix pulled Demetri closer, embracing him in a hug. "Hey. It's not the first time this has happened, though. We all make mistakes, Dem. We can't all be perfect." he reassured him. Demetri's face scrunched up in frustration again, and he let out an exasperated sigh. "See, but that right there is the problem. Caius, man... He expects all of us, including you, to be perfect fucking saints all the time, no mistakes." he muttered.

A low chuckle came from Felix, followed by a smile. "Trust me, Dem. We're not even close to being saints and you know it. You think I'm perfect all the time? I'm their goddamn executioner and even I slip up sometimes! I almost did with that Bree chick. But you know what? It's perfectly fine to screw up every now and then. It's how we learn from it." he said, smiling down at Demetri.

Demetri shrugged, a tiny ghost of a smile on his face. "It just sucks, I guess. Kind of makes me feel like maybe I'm not as good of a Tracker as I used to be." he whispers. Felix gently grabbed Dem's face in his hands, making him look Felix in the eyes. "Hey. Don't you dare talk like that. There's a reason you're still around. It's because you're good. Don't you ever fucking forget that. So a few dogs got in the way... So what? You'll get em' next time, Dem." he said.

The vibe in the room was now a lot less angry, bitter. More... calm, loving. Demetri looked up at Felix, a bit of a bigger smile appearing on his face, his eyes filled with love for the tall man. "Why are you so good to me, Felix?" he murmured, standing on his tiptoes to kiss him. Felix grinned, kissed him back, and pulled back to look at him. "Because you are more than worth it. You're my lost boy, I'm not gonna give that up, are you kidding me? I'm not that stupid." he teased.

Demetri let out a laugh and buried himself in Felix's embrace. "Smart man." was all he said, still grinning to himself. Maybe today wasn't a total loss for him, after all...


A/N: This one was really angsty and sweet for me to write. I kind of also secretly ship Felix/Demetri... Fun fact, this is actually my very first fanfic where the characters are in a gay relationship. Overall, I think I did pretty good, but I wanna hear what YOU guys think! 😊👌🏻 Enjoy, @stepheny-stoker ! 😁😁🏳️‍🌈


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