Vote Green - Tumblr Posts
How’d that work out for us? Hmm, let’s see… Covid declared over for political reasons, Wall still going up, and, oh yeah, there’s a genocide.
I’m starting to think maybe you can’t push people while also swearing your unconditional support to them and attacking anyone who won’t do the same.
btw repeating 'trump is worse' over and over no matter what only incentivises the explicit dem strategy of intentionally boosting far right candidates so they have the worst people on earth to run against. it contributes to a state of politics in which the people on your side go out of their way to bring in candidates who want you dead. you cannot vote your way out of a corrupt electoral system.
First off, context matters, and the context here is a post about now telling Biden you’ll vote for him no matter what encourages a fucking psychotic strategy Democrats use to stay in power to the detriment of everyone relying on them. Which you’re trying to soften with ‘but don’t forget to vote for him even no matter what!’ Instead of attaching it to one of the fuckillion ‘vote blue no matter who they kill’ posts.
Second, I’m intensely pessimistic about the idea that Biden is someone who can be pushed left. Namely because I’ve been trying for four years and getting politely-worded fuck you letters back. And because he’s explicitly stated he doesn’t believe anyone actually has a problem with what he’s doing, or that it’ll affect their voting come November. And because even before the genocide, he was one flight deck away from doing a George W. Bush impression while declaring mission accomplished on Covid.
Oh, and because I’ve been watching leftists falling into line for the past four years instead of doing anything to push him left. And noticing the push him left rhetoric only comes out when it looks like Republicans might have a shot. Then fades away the moment it requires actual effort. And because I’ve also been watching the solidarity leftists were building over the Trump years collapse like a deck of cards the moment Biden got in power.
btw repeating 'trump is worse' over and over no matter what only incentivises the explicit dem strategy of intentionally boosting far right candidates so they have the worst people on earth to run against. it contributes to a state of politics in which the people on your side go out of their way to bring in candidates who want you dead. you cannot vote your way out of a corrupt electoral system.
I take a step forward.
The democrat takes a step back. “You have to choose the lesser of two evils,” they remind me.
I take a step forward.
The democrat takes two steps back. “You have to choose the lesser of two evils,” they remind me.
I take two steps forward.
The democrat runs backwards. “You have to choose the lesser of two evils,” they call over their shoulder.
America's not so distant future:
Vote Blue 🔵 or We're All Screwed.
I’ve asked people over and over what their line is if genocide isn’t it. Pretty sure the answer is they don’t have one.
sexy US babes we are all voting blue this november right? we’re all gonna vote. we’re gonna, right?? right????? tell me we’re all gonna vote blue so that i can sleep at night. tell me you’re gonna vote blue so that we can all continue to sleep at night and continue like, idk, living life.
“No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” — Marsha P. Johnson
We need to keep this in mind when we are voting on the 4th. We vote for our futures, their futures, and to make this a enter country and world.
this place isn't one for any republican OR democrats.
I believe you're all bought under the same harmful exceptionalism just under different pretenses which become less and less different each passing occurrence.
And yes I'm voting third party this election season and I urge you to do the same,thank you and I'm not arguing over libertarian. Ciao.