Vriskakin - Tumblr Posts
Re8logging for the other Vriska accounts! ::::)

Attention all Serkets! The S.S. Vriscord has cast off, and now sails the 8 seas with one simple mission: 8ring together as many Serkets as Trollishly possi8le!!!!!!!!

If you are a Vriska, an Aranea, a Mindfang, a Vrissy, or any com8in8ion of the a8ove – you are officially invited to come a8oard the discord server ship, and 8ecome a mem8er of it’s growing crew. This fine vessel is meant to serve as a Serket-centric social space, where we can commiser8 and revel alike in the company of our – do forgive me the pun - kin! The Vriscord has just set sail, 8ut we are already looking forward to organized social events such as movie nights, perhaps TTRPG oneshots, things of that nature. Our crew is yet small, 8ut we’re already quite active and have the markings of a gr8 community.

Any Serket may join – no matter the reason they are a Serket, and no matter the terminology they identify with! Fictionkin, Fictionhearted, Vriskakin and Vriska kinnies, Fictives/Introjects in Plural systems, other terminology I haven’t heard of yet, no matter the origin, you are welcome here!!!!!!!! The only criteria you must meet to 8oard are 8eing over 18 and 8eing a Serket – and non-Serket quadrantm8s of Serkets on-8oard will 8e granted entry if a request is made to myself, the Captain of this no8le 8oat. Welcome a8oard!!!!!!!!